Friday Photo Fun
Every now and then I look down from doggy heaven and see something entertaining. Then I ask you humans to come up with a caption for the image. Here’s an picture that just cries out for a caption. Your councilman Ahmad Zahra, beloved by my former mistress, Jan Flory, and others of her ilk. My canine instinct senses something is off-putting about this man, but, arf. I’m only a dog, and a dead one at that.

Please give it a whirl. I am informed the best effort will receive special FFFF recognition.
All dressed up and no place to go.
Can we buy him some clothes?
Yea his blue corduroy jacket he wears to every event needs to go like him!
Hey Macarena!
Elvis has Left the Building
For a man who is allegedly a “doctor” and thus earning a health “doctor’s income”, Ahmad dresses like a homeless man who recently did some pro bono shopping at Salvation Army and got everything in the wrong size.
Be nice. The City Council gig only pays 10 grand a year.
Oh, no!! You mean there’s ANOTHER gay, Muslim councilman??!!
He isn’t a real Muslim. He drinks alcohol.
Don’t challenge the brand!
I Could have had a V8!
Oh, crap…..
Here comes Kitty.
I hate having to pretend to like her.
Oh, shit! This is what the Trail to Nowhere really looks like? Who knew?
This guy spent over $100,000 for a $10,000 a year job. Otherwise I might donate to a clothes GoFundMe.
I saw this chap standing on the 91/Lemon offramp.
Look mom, no morals!
Stop victimizing Ahmad.
JFD, nothing wrong with your canine instincts. People are easy to fool. Doggies, not so much.
Oh shit! They figured me out…
I’m so pretty, so pretty…
Lice? Fleas? Ticks?
He put on Aruni’s pants before leaving the bath house?
Lamont you dummy!
Why’s he wearing house slippers? Or are those medical boots for aspiring filmmakers who once were doctors? So many questions.
Does his left big toe have a hard on?
And the winner is?