Harry Has A New Friend

The day after Harry Sidhu announced the formation of the “team” to run his carpetbagging, fake residency-based campaign for the OC 4th District Supervisor race, a seeming spate of commenters popped up in the local bloggery to promote Sidhu and attack Shawn Nelson’s career choice. Good lord! It was like watching bacteria multiply under a microscope.

Here at FFFF we had:
Mad Max
Amy Lynn
Grassroots Advocate
Interestingly, Max and Amy presented themselves as innocent, earnest students. Meanwhile, Orange Juice was honored by the presence of:
Mark Redman
When Red County’s Cynthia Ward’s passed along the Sidhu press release announcing Team Sidhu, that thread was favored by a visitation from:
The only problem with this sudden eruption of teeming pro-Sidhu blog-life was that it all came from the same source and showed up on different blogs at the same time!
Well Harry, at least one friend is better than none at all.
Thanks for sharing that; it confirms my suspicions.
Hah! It’s amateur hour over at the Sidhu campaign.
Funny, these characters got real quiet all of a sudden.
Nice job looser! What kind of minor leaguer would try to act like his candidate had support by sending phantom posts from supposedly new posters.
u guys are all full of shit, and attackin sidhu for carpetbagging is so immature and ignorant. He already serves more people in the district then Nelson, grow up people and talk about the real issues, u should be ashamed that a 23 year old is having to tell u this, and as far as the blogs go i wouldnt trust anything friends for fullerton(really should be friends for shawn nelson) says.
Ah see you’re back to the site. Using a defferent computer?
Hey genius the word is spelled “you.” BTW, you were 23 23 years ago,
Now go back to flipping burgers for Sidhu.
Harry doesn’t “serve” anyone but Harry. This is his third election in two years. What does that tell you?
After he gets his ass kicked in this one he’ll “move” back to the 3rd and try his luck at that one in a year. Just a sad and pathetic assclown.
You mean CURT PRINGLE “serves more people in the district then Nelson…” It’s Curt’s council, Harry just goes along for the ride before his next election. (Galloway)
Get your facts right!
At this rate, Harry should be involved in his 6TH election by 2012. Now that’s a career.
#5 By your logic Obama qualifies to run for governor of several Mexican states because he “already serves more people in the district” than the actual candidates.
Maybe Norby can run legislation for you so that the election laws will be rewritten to include anyone who lives in the district or already represent a bunch of people who do. Until then Harry is a fish out of water
Harry doesn’t live in the District!!!!
Harry doesn’t live in the District!!!!
I am amazed how many people are picking on this guy jesus christ. Does carpet bagging really disqualify some one who means to do good by the community? I am not a fan of Nelson because the lawyer thing. What about the Fahrer stoner guy he seems like someone I can support haha…
#12 Anon:
“Does carpet bagging really disqualify some one who means to do good by the community?”
Are you really asking this? Is this the same questions as: If I do not qualify to run in a district does that disqualify me?
I’ve heard enough. Admin, please get some signs made and e-mail me when its time to start signing. This week sounds good to me.
Did Harry hire Chris Jones? I thought the fake comment thing was from Daly’s campaign.
The fake comments are coming from both sides. They will all be exposed.
why cant anyone just calmy explain why harry doesnt have an understanding of the district because he used to live a few miles outside of it?
Thank you for trying to change the subject. Harry doesn’t live in the district, therefore, he does not qualify to run. Of course, Harry being Harry, rules be damned. If you want to have the legislature change the rules do so.
Why dont you just explain why he doesnt just run from the residence he lives at?
Harry doesn’t understand the district because he is running to represent it – while STILL living a few miles outside of it.
Is there any Harry Sidhu supporter out there can can tell the rest of us why Harry refuses to run for office where he lives?