Win an Original FFFF “TERM LIMITS” t-shirt

Dear Loyal Friends, considering the number of comments received on the prior post , the majority of you have agreed that WTF’s idea for a contest to see which is the ugliest and cheapest looking piece of cardboard crap to come from Redevelopment is a good one. So, email images of your ugliest and cheapest looking piece of cardboard crap to come from Redevelopment to: I’ll post them, and our loyal Friends will select the winner.

The winner will receive an original Friends For Fullerton’s Future “TERM LIMITS” t-shirt.
This one will be a tough choice. The mess made of the “Parker Building” is so bad – and so permanent that it can never be properly restored. The glue-on brick building is pretty bad, too. The Allen Hotel was an instant cheap eyesore.
The Pansy Law buildings set the standard (low)for cheap stucco and styrofoam construction.
As a long time downtown merchant I can honestly say your right about one thing. The trees do cover up some real ugly buildings but they also block my sign 🙁 Please help!
Can I just get a T-Shirt that says “RDA: Building Ugly Cheap Cardboard Crap for over thirty years”?
I like that idea.
the styrofaom and cardboard tarantula building is a monument that “honors” the intelligence ofour local government. the next time john and ken protest all levels of government taxing us to death, they need to hold it in front of this building to show how government wastes our hard earned money. A great blog would be an outline of frivolous city and county tax dollar supported agencies and programs. FFFF could sponsor a contest to see who could identify the most incidents of government intrusion and waste. FFFF could call it the nanny state contest.
van get it da artiste, we’re happy that you decided to stay in F-Town, your comments are always interesting and fun to read. Welcome back!