Transient Involved in Physical Altercation with FPD Cop

Jeez, I think I’ve seen this movie before. Lot of the same actors, too.

A homeless guy named Mark Charboneuax was suspected of burglary and got into “fight” with cop – who bumped his head and got a free ride to the hospital. Charboneaux got a free ride to St. Jude’s, too, supposedly with minor injuries, but we’ll see about that, later.  He’s wearing a neck brace and that may mean more work for Garo Mardirossian.

I note a few interesting things. Apart from Andrew Goodrich’s statements that we can now immediately discard as self-serving trash, another cop, this time a ranking officer is quick to point out the cop’s injury is minor and he’ll be fine.

The point of this post is that even random interaction between the FPD and the public are now scrutinized and the statements issued by Goodrich & Co. are rightly subjected to skepticism and cynicism.

127 Replies to “Transient Involved in Physical Altercation with FPD Cop”

  1. Charboneaux should thank his lucky stars FFFF and Kelly’s Army were around in the aftermath of the Kelly Thomas murder.

  2. It looks like Mark Charboneuax is having trouble breathing…perhaps the knee drops on the face and throat are standard operating procedure in Fullerton?

  3. I hope they (Andy and gang) labored long and hard about what information to release. I also hope this is the truth.

    And maybe I’m dreaming.

    1. We need witnesses to come forward, with photos/videos. If they don’t come forward, we may never know the truth. We got lucky in the Kelly Thomas case, which is rare.

  4. Why do the cops even respond to these calls? Everyone knows that the homeless are peace loving stable members of the community. He had a prior arrest for assault with a deadly weapon just like Kelly Thomas. The fought with the cops aswell. Tthe similarities are striking. Maybe Bruce can propose a policy that the police and fire not respond to calls involving the homeless?

    1. How about if the nazi’s just NOT LIE about anything and everything and make issues out of nothing, and actually leave the reporting of medical facts to a medical professional, when they answer a call, how about that for a policy?

    2. And, how about the officers NOT escalate a situation with someone who is mentally ill, but call in a CIT team BEFORE someone gets brutally beaten/murdered. Why do the officers always feel that they have to prove something? Don’t they know how to DE-ESCALATE a situation? Does every homeless/mentally ill situation have to end up in a “tragedy”?

      1. They don’t know how to spell de-escalate, let alone know how to do it. These are street punks with badges and guns-they have no medical/psychological background (other than their own mental issues) and should not be making statements or decisions regarding any medical anything.

  5. I just had to laugh, could goodlie goodrich be more vague….Syl tell him, Im not goin out there…with that write something andy….why is he our spokes hole again. C’ mon Hughes.

    1. You mean the COP (singular) in the photo? There were other officers involved (not shown in the photo). Probably a combined weight of at least 1500 lbs. piled on top of Mark. After all, that would seem to be the FPD standard procedure.

      1. With a neck brace and an oxygen mask on the guy, I would say that there were more than this overdramatic lying PR nazi involved. But he was the best for exaggeration and sympathy reasons, to put in front of the camera.

        1. From the Orange County Register story: The FPD spokeshole said that “more may have been involved later on…” Give me a break. MAY??? Doesn’t the FPD spokeshole even know what he is talking about??

          “Two officers were involved in the altercation and more may have been involved later on, Goodrich said.

          “It was a physical altercation. The suspect began fighting with officers,” Goodrich said.

          One policeman was injured during the altercation, but Goodrich did not identify the officers.

          “We do not give out officers’ names for those involved in incidents,” Goodrich said.

          Goodrich said there was no evidence of a burglary, and the man appeared to be just trespassing.
          Two officers were involved in the altercation and more may have been involved later on, Goodrich said.

          “It was a physical altercation. The suspect began fighting with officers,” Goodrich said.

          One policeman was injured during the altercation, but Goodrich did not identify the officers.

          “We do not give out officers’ names for those involved in incidents,” Goodrich said.

          Goodrich said there was no evidence of a burglary, and the man appeared to be just trespassing.
          Two officers were involved in the altercation and more may have been involved later on, Goodrich said.

          “It was a physical altercation. The suspect began fighting with officers,” Goodrich said.

          One policeman was injured during the altercation, but Goodrich did not identify the officers.

          “We do not give out officers’ names for those involved in incidents,” Goodrich said.

          Goodrich said there was no evidence of a burglary, and the man appeared to be just trespassing.

  6. FPD got into it with a homeless guy and no one got killed? Guess they are changing their ways. See, charge the bad apple cops with murder and manslaughter and the rest of them get the message. Now we just need those perjury and false report charges along with false arrest etc on a certain steroid induced cop.

  7. Psycopathy
    Lying and manipulation
    Psychopaths are said to readily lie, and to sometimes do so with such confidence that even experienced interrogators can be fooled. At the same time, when challenged or found out, they may show no signs of shame or embarrasment but simply try to rework the story, leading to contradictions and a confused listener -Wikipedia, Psychopathy

    Impulsivity, irresponsibility
    Hare describes psychopaths as unlikely to spend much time weighing up actions or their consequences. He sees this as often due to seeking immediate satisfaction of desires, resulting in such things as quitting jobs, leaving relationships, changing plans and committing crimes, all apparently on a whim.[59] Hare also attributes impulsivity in psychopaths to being very reactive to perceived insults, and responding aggressively. -Wikipedia, Psychopathy

    Egocentricity and grandiosity
    Psychopaths see themselves as superior beings, with an exaggerated sense of entitlement. In this respect, they resemble narcissists, and indeed the two disorders are sometimes hard to distinguish.They often appear arrogant, opinionated, domineering, and cocky. It is not uncommon for psychopaths who have conned people to describe them as weak, inferior beings who deserved to be taken advantage of. –Wikipedia, Psychopathy

  8. Redman :Why do the cops even respond to these calls? Everyone knows that the homeless are peace loving stable members of the community. He had a prior arrest for assault with a deadly weapon just like Kelly Thomas. The fought with the cops aswell. Tthe similarities are striking. Maybe Bruce can propose a policy that the police and fire not respond to calls involving the homeless?

    Bingo that one!!!
    A separate division within the PD may be needed to deal with the homeless and mentally ill.
    The other day I was talking with a homeless man in Stanton, who said two weeks ago he had a heartwarming experience with a Stanton Police/Peace Officer. He said that one evening sitting on a bus bench, this cop pulled up and asked him where he lived.
    The man started to give him his last address of residence (he has only been homeless for two months), when he told the officer he was homeless.
    The officer offered to give him ride to the nearest shelter, community center, etc. at which point the man asked for a ride to the hopital because of a foot injury.
    Cut to chase, the male officer took him to the hospital, waited in emergency with him for about 1/2 hour, gave the man a hug and $70.

    Police/Peace officers like that Stanton Officer need to be part of a homeless task division within thier PD and only those individuals can deal with the homeless/mentally ill.

  9. Reading the police logs on Fullerton Stories it appears that Fullerton police and fire respond to an average of 15 calls per day involving the homeless community in this city. So physical injuries resulting from police- homeless interaction is not that common. I would venture to say most of the homeless who cause problems are on probation or parole.

    1. “I would venture to say most of the homeless who cause problems are on probation or parole.”

      Just because they have a history with the legal system, it does NOT make them any less mentally ill. In fact, it makes it MORE likely that they are mentally ill. The prisons are a revolving door for the mentally ill. They don’t receive appropriate mental health care services. The prisons have become our new mental health institutions where the mentally ill rot away, and are abused, without treatment.

  10. IN addition to this “homeless/mentally ill’ division, they need to be non-uniformed, plain clothed officers when approaching the homeless.

    With certain mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bi-polar II, etc. the mere site of a police car or uniformed officer could cause paranoia and set things up for an extremely unpleasant, possibly dangerous (or even deadly) encounter.

    1. The mentally ill are very easily agitated if they feel threatened, yelled at, confused, ridiculed, or in danger. They often do not, and can not be expected, to respond to commands in the same way as someone who is not mentally ill. The mentally ill NEED treatment in order to be stabilized. They do NOT need to be beaten and murdered.

      1. Yeah, keep talking and don’t do a thing but whine about how bad the homeless have it. Get off your ass and take a few into your home since you’re so smart as to what they need. Pussy.

  11. Something really doesn’t add up here. The female paramedic in the foreground looks like she could’ve handled this guy single-handedly, yet this guy ends up putting an officer in the amblance with a head injury?

    1. The FPD definitely has not released all of the information. Just the bare sketchy minimum. The FPD is AFRAID to tell the truth.

    1. Snitches get stitches would be a great motto for FPD where the Culture of Corruption was let go all the “good” cops.

  12. “Suspect began fighting with officers” Just like that I’m supposed to believe that this scrawny homeless guy decides to take his chances against six officers and three squad cars?

    p.s. “snitches get stitches” is definitely an overt threat made by a blogger, however I fail to see the bearing that that has on the recall election?

  13. The fact that the cameras are rolling ALWAYS on the department and this Blog is constantly disseminating the information to the the public doesn’t leave much opportunity for any abuse of power. The playing field is becoming more and more level all the time. Thanks FFFF. Here’s to the new media.

  14. Good job by all involved. He fought, he paid. Part of life. Force is used everyday and always will be. He’s a chronic POS and gets beat by the cops monthly because he’s a prick.

    The point of this press release was to show FFFF morons that nothing has changed at the PD. Same responses, same force, same arrests, same spokesperson. Why else would they do a press release for an event like this that happens often? To shove it in your face.

    Eat that FFFF. You can’t run the Pd and never will.

    1. WRONG. This was released to show that they do not kill every homeless person they arrest/contact, even when they fight back. Kind of a “see, see we are different. we did not beat this guy to death.”

    2. and in your sadly disturbed “mind” (jury is out on that; have you been dipping in the drug locker evidence?) this is a valid reason to use force on anyone?

      “He’s a chronic POS and gets beat by the cops monthly because he’s a prick”

    3. “nothing has changed at the PD”

      Of course it hasn’t. When you have cancer you need radical surgery. June 5th. Surgery day.

    4. “He’s a chronic POS and gets beat by the cops monthly because he’s a prick.”

      Hmmm…..using this logic we can beat R.I. monthly…”because he’s a prick.” ? Nice.

  15. Many of the calls received on the homeless are baseless complaints on criminal activity to begin with.

    Someone just doesn’t want this person around because they are smelly and dirty, NOTHING more than that.

    So what do they do, call 911 and report a BOGUS crime or incident to get the cops to come out and HOPEFULLY get that person to move along. Either on their own accord, or via the back seat of a police cruiser.

    Yes like many who call 911 and report a “man with a gun”. They know if it’s reported that way the cops will bust their ass getting there.

    If not, the caller my have to wait for extended period before the cops show up and handle their problem, that they themselves wouldn’t have the courage to handle on a GOOD DAY!!

    Those who report ANYONE committing a perceived crime or has a gun when THEY haven’t or don’t, SHOULD be dealt with accordingly.

    Of course the caller must be interviewed to determine what they saw, and what justified their beliefs.

    It’s Penal Code section 148.5, reporting a false crime. Those repeat anonymous callers to 911 should be tracked if they too want to circumvent the system and put forth false crimes in order to have the cops do what they won’t do themselves.

    That too can be a glaring problem that needs to be addressed when circumstances are present. If FPD has not or does not address bogus 911 calls, they are asleep at the wheel.

    I don’t know if Fullerton has a homeless shelter or not, or even one in a neighboring city? The homeless problem is only going to get worse as time goes by.

    It is nice when your a street cop and know you can take a Kelly Thomas type somewhere he can be attented to, to get a meal or a place to take a shower and get some clean clothes.

    Maybe those assholes at MWD can drink a $10.00 bottle of wine instead of a $55 one, and donate the rest to a homeless shelter.

    I know many cannot put their arms around what I just said about bogus users of 911.

    But if it didn’t happen as reported or EVEN close to what was reported, the caller NEEDS to be confronted at somepoint.

    BS is BS folks and it all doesn’t rest upon the cops when things go bad.

    I am a firm believer in SHARED responsibility to those who abuse the public servants because they are cowards themselves, or just TOO ELITE to handle a peasant such as a homeless person.

    But yes it’s true, one with a mental condition can be toyed and played with, to get that person to go off in order to justifie a use of force down the road.

    I wish there was a solution to the problem, there is no easy one at this time.

    Have I confronted bogus 911 users? YOU BET, a few went to jail for their BS. Their poor judgement in calling in the “man with a gun” or crime in progress that had every cop in town racing to the scene that could have caused a serious accident did NOT go unchallenged.

    Just a flip side to the coin folks, don’t shoot the messanger.

  16. We demand to know who was the rat that called the pigs on Kelly Thomas. Like Erin said at the city council meeting “I hope that person has nightmares every night because she called the cops”

    1. Riiiiight, I’m sure she sleeps like a baby. Kelly was going to get his at some point. Even daddy said he knew “this day” was coming, he just didn’t think it would be involving the cops. What a dip-shit. To have a violent and crazy son and not expect him to have a bad encounter with the cops. He was sooooooo surprised. Dope.

  17. Corrupt :
    WRONG. This was released to show that they do not kill every homeless person they arrest/contact, even when they fight back. Kind of a “see, see we are different. we did not beat this guy to death.”

    That would be a good way to look at it.

  18. Things will change whether you like it or not. There is a proper way to conduct law enforcement in this country. Your view is rather myopic. If you get out much you will realize that it is becoming increasingly unpopular for law enforcement to crack heads. I don’t think the the hottest selling items on black Friday last year were Keebler Elf dolls for a reason. The FPD is not an autonomous entity that is beyond the reach of higher levels of law enforcement. The mindset is a rather delusional and sociopathic one that will result in its own demise. Water always seeks its own level.

    1. And the normal everyday citizens will not tolerate criminals and cops being injured. Stand up for the criminals and homeless all you want, but cops being injured will always prevail from a community perspective.

      1. OMH and your moniker says it all

        Nobody is “standing” up for a criminal or anyone.

        Most people with a heart and soul, wont tolerate lying no good weasals who are cruel and injust no matter what they are, especially those who think they are special and above the law, and dont like when they get away with their behaviors because of this.

        And further, Just because a person has a gun and badge doesnt automatically say to me that everything they say is true… and I a normal everyday citizen.

          1. The opinions on this blog are not those of just one guy. And, don’t you realize that the FPD POA has their own “buckets full of cash” ?? The FPD also has full time bloggers who troll and blog here 24/7 on the TAXPAYER’S dime! Are you one of them??

              1. I’m not paid by anyone. Do your “monitoring” on your own dime. NOT the taxpayer’s dime. You ooze pure sleeze.

          2. But you will believe anything a guy with a blog and buckets full of cash tells you?

            The source of this story is the OC Register and Andy Chazbitch not FFFF.

  19. truthseeker :
    Things will change whether you like it or not. There is a proper way to conduct law enforcement in this country. Your view is rather myopic. If you get out much you will realize that it is becoming increasingly unpopular for law enforcement to crack heads. I don’t think the the hottest selling items on black Friday last year were Keebler Elf dolls for a reason. The FPD is not an autonomous entity that is beyond the reach of higher levels of law enforcement. The mindset is a rather delusional and sociopathic one that will result in its own demise. Water always seeks its own level.

    Yes that too is correct, if the resolve and conviction in the objective can be sustained.

  20. Ouch my head :
    And the normal everyday citizens will not tolerate criminals and cops being injured. Stand up for the criminals and homeless all you want, but cops being injured will always prevail from a community perspective.

    Prevail when the facts and circumstances support it.

    NOT just because of a title one has, if that’s what your thinking?

  21. Ouch my head :
    And the normal everyday citizens will not tolerate criminals and cops being injured. Stand up for the criminals and homeless all you want, but cops being injured will always prevail from a community perspective.

    Let me make something perfectly clear. I am no friend of criminals and have little sympathy for those that make decisions that endanger themselves and others. However
    Law enforcement officers have their limited proper role in the administration and dispensing of justice. Their job is to apprehend suspects and bring them into custody ALIVE, with MINIMAL INJURIES, and in doing so being truthful regarding the circumstances that precipitated the event . Then the SUSPECTS are to be turned over to the system that will legally bring charges, prosecute and sentence. Notice there are four processes and only one of the four is to be handled by the officer. The pay and retirement is commensurate with the risk and responsibilities that their duty entails. I have no problem with that. However when the public trust is blatantly violated and the sworn personnel act as if they are part of some thug gang then the trust, support and sympathy of the public will hardly be bequeathed upon such individuals. I will call them when I need them but only after the situation is grave enough to warrant such. Every time you hear the sirens always remember that someone is going to one of three places after a call is made-the hospital, jail, or the cemetery. Until we get this department under control, which I believe is happening based on the vitriol spewing forth as we speak, go easy on being a ninny as you may create far more problems than you could ever imagine.

    1. “and have little sympathy for those that make decisions that endanger themselves and others.”

      I agree with everything you said, except for this sentence.

      Many of the mentally ill are like children in adult bodies. Often, they do not realize the consequences of their decisions/actions. They need to be protected from themselves and from the abuse of others. They very often do not think and do not have the ability to reason like you and me. They very often have short term memory problems, are confused, delusional, hallucinating, are not capable of understanding or following directions, cold, hungry, may also have other medical issues, and may be paranoid, etc. They need medical and psychiatric TREATMENT. They need medical help just as much as a diabetic or a cancer patient.

      Their illnesses may cause them to behave in socially unacceptable ways, but their illnesses and their behaviors do not make them any less deserving of our sympathy and our help. Mental illness is physiological. Mental illness is not a choice; it is an ILLNESS. One person out of every one hundred people suffers from schizophrenia!! That statistic does not include any of the other mental illnesses.

      I believe that everyone would have sympathy for a three year old that ran out into traffic and endangered himself and others. We also need to think of the mentally ill in this same way.

      In the process of protecting the public, the very LEAST amount of force should be used in order to ALSO protect the mentally ill. The mentally ill ARE ALSO the public and they are here to stay. They are also increasing in numbers. If we don’t begin to UNDERSTAND the problems and TREAT the real problems, and learn how to COMPASSIONATELY deal with these problems, we are going to see never ending brutality and death.

      Almost every day, I can read about an officer who tasered, or beat, or shot a mentally ill or homeless person to death. It is sickening. And, what’s more, it is NOT only limited to the mentally ill and the homeless. The officers seem to feel free to shoot anyone, including unarmed citizens, who might happen to be holding a garden hose nozzle, or someone who perhaps does not hear their command, etc. If I collected all of the horrendous stories over the years where innocent or mentally ill citizens have been murdered by officers, I would have several binders full of them by now. In fact, if I start collecting the stories right now, I’ll probably have a binder full within a month.

      1. Because you would rather see the cops get hurt or die over the mentally ill. Sorry, will never work out your way. Keep dreaming.

        1. Why does it have to be you against them? Can’t you do your job without murdering or abusing people? The mental hospitals do it ALL day long. The problem is that your egos and your “training” gets in the way of your humanity.

          1. You just showed your knowledge of the topic. Zilch. There is a major difference between a controlled environment, mental hospital, and a call from someone saying some Nutball is going crazy or acting like they are on drugs. Cops respond with an open mind and take a tactical approach to avoid injury or death to everyone. If the guy is a nut and does something to affect the injury/death goal, then yes use of force is utilized. Verbal, baton, pepper spray, taser, or deadly force. It’s easy to say none of those should be used but until you have been through it, you have no clue how to handle it. Mental hospitals use needles with drugs in them, cops use force to avoid injury to the public and themselves. Yes death does occur to both sides in conflicts with the mentally ill. Always will. Always has.

            1. The only person that you seem to be concerned about avoiding injury and death to is YOURSELF. You are PAID to be a professional and to take risk. Here is the word you seem to need to learn. DE-ESCALATION. You need some NAMI refresher classes for officers. In fact, you need more than that. You need some classes in being a human being. RI, you can call yourself any name you choose, however, you will always smell the same.

              1. And, no, they don’t use needles with drugs in them. They use physical restraints only as a last resort. They never taser, pepper spray, baton, or use deadly force. You are a namby pamby, Rl.

                1. They dont use needles? You are kidding right? You see the news special on our local government funded psych locations that was just on the other night? They highly medicate at all times. It’s their way of dealing with people that can no longer be on the streets. Study it little Tony and don’t forget to do your homework tonight.

                2. In extreme cases, yes. If you were not able to restrain a person in any other way, and you needed to use drugs, “needles,” that would definitely be preferable to murder. You use drugs to restrain wild animals such as lions, bears, or whatever, but not on humans. Nope, you’d rather just murder a human.

              2. Your detective abilities always indicate your intellect level. It’s
                Iike first grade with you Tony.

                Let’s go to the chalkboard and try this.

                So as you say “de-escalation” isn’t working and the threat is now within 10 feet of you. Little Tony, what would you do now?

                1. Thank you for thinking that I am Tony; I’m flattered. (Tony is my hero). However, to answer your question. STAY CALM, BACK OFF and call in the professionals, because OBVIOUSLY you are NOT a professional. CALL a CIT TEAM IMMEDIATELY. And, keep your toys in your pockets until the CIT team gets there.

                  If you can’t wait to restrain someone, hold down his arms and legs, WITHOUT suffocating him in the process, without crushing his thorax, without crushing his throat, without collapsing his lungs, without breaking in his facial bones and causing massive bleeding, etc. Geesh, you are such an ANIMAL. I’m beginning to think there is absolutely no hope for you. AGAIN, take some lessons from the pros at the mental institutions.

        2. No we don’t want to see anyone get hurt. With ONE BILLION DOLLARS going through the coffers every four years over on Commonwealth you would think there would be solutions instead of escalations. This “take no prisoner” approach must end.

      2. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You sound like an expert, wise guy. Now get off your ass and go out and take care of some of the crazy homeless. Try your smooth words on one of them and prepare to get your ass beat. Oh, and if you’re stupid enough to point a hose nozzle that even remotely looks like a gun at night at approaching armed officers, you NEED to die. People that stupid don’t deserve to live.

      3. Justice for All sounds like he has only “seen” the homeless as he drives by them. Maybe he tosses a few coins out as the bum stands next to his car at a red signal. That’s about as close as he gets. He’s got it all figured out and knows exactly how the cops should handle the homeless, even though he’s never had to “handle” the homeless himself. Keep reading your articles on how the cops murder people, and start a binder on how many homeless you pass each day without making contact with them. I’m sure your homeless binder will be filled within a month, too.

  22. You are making it very clear why you think how you do. 10 feet away and closing and you say call a CiT team. I understand now. Will never happen and your methods will never occur. Get used to it.

    Justice for All :
    Thank you for thinking that I am Tony; I’m flattered. (Tony is my hero). However, to answer your question. STAY CALM, BACK OFF and call in the professionals, because OBVIOUSLY you are NOT a professional. CALL a CIT TEAM IMMEDIATELY. And, keep your toys in your pockets until the CIT team gets there.
    If you can’t wait to restrain someone, hold down his arms and legs, WITHOUT suffocating him in the process, without crushing his thorax, without crushing his throat, without collapsing his lungs, without breaking in his facial bones and causing massive bleeding, etc. Geesh, you are such an ANIMAL. I’m beginning to think there is absolutely no hope for you. AGAIN, take some lessons from the pros at the mental institutions.

    1. It probably won’t ever happen, because you are a chicken. If someone gets within “10 feet”, you feel that you have the right to murder them.

    1. Whoever said Mark didn’t suffer from mental illness?? It’s wide open for speculation and going by FPD’s past history of the treatment of the mentally ill, no one would be at all surprised.

  23. Lim :Yes. Full time crew. FFFF needs monitoring. Just as you pay people to monitor your side. Fair is fair right?

    Hey Admin,

    Could you eLIMinate this guy?

      1. Thank god for the first amendment. The attempt to silence and eliminate opposing view points is the first sign of the dictatorship in the making. For this is truly Fullertons future.

    1. Yeah eleminate him Admin. He is not playing fair. I dont like him he doesnt agree with my bullshit and lies. Wahahah..

  24. The face of FUllerton, Andrew Goodrich! I love that! What a demeaning thing for all the Fullertonians! Wasn’t it amazing how quickly others higher up in the FPD corrected the Goodlie version of events with this new homeless person! Amazing, someone at FPD seems to finally get it! All people want is the truth!

  25. Admin :
    We try everyday. Appears the FPD has multiple ISPs within the corrupt walls. They work us good.

    Renewing your ip is easy, but the honest people here have no need to do so. F the haters.

    1. Like Kelly Thomas might have carried a hatchet sometime in his life so he deserved to get the shit beat out of him even though he wasn’t armed that night. I’m so tired of this culture of bullshit.

      It’s the same damn bullshit every time. “He was reaching for my weapon”, “He was non compliant”, “It looked like he reached for a weapon”, “He injured an officer”, “He was on drugs”, “He has a criminal history”.

      You street thugs wearing a uniform and badge have it good but one day people are going to see through your bullshit, they’re going to stop worshiping you because of the uniform you wear and they’re going to be mad as hell. It’s not going to be a pretty day.

      Mexico is a good example of what happens when people lose respect for cops who are corrupt and abusive.

  26. I stopped reading the O.C. register piece after the first paragraph. It the author states that the suspect “appeared to be under the influence of drugs and ignored commands to remain seated on a bench, police said Monday.” It’s so similar to the Kelly Thomas incident it makes my stomach turn.
    Are they [The FPD] trying to somehow manipulate the media in supporting Cicinelli and Ramos before the pre-trial if they somehow “prove” via the media that the “standard” homeless person is in fact intoxicated and dangerous to police officers?

  27. I read a little futher and found OC register printed his “run-ins” with the law, 2 of them including the FPD BS mantra “resisting” but there was nothing about this man having a history of drug abuse and I would think that would be the first thing they would put in a story titled “Homeless in Fight with Officer Showed Signs of Drug Use”

    Anyway here’s what is posted as his past run ins:
    assaulting or battering a peace officer or emergency personnel in 2011 and battery on a peace officer or resisting an officer in 2007.

    1. Merijoe,
      Isn’t this the same kind of thing that Gennaco advised the FPD to correct through new policy making?

    1. You think im on steroids? Wait til you see my new press release picture. I got my haircut and I put my new Lieutenant bars on my collar. I look hot.

      1. And dont forget that new size 50 uniform with the coat that won’t close all the way. I love the way those buttons strain. Good looking.

  28. A friend of mine runs a homeless ministry at her church in Fullerton. This ministry has been ongoing at the church for 20+ years and they have only had to call the police TWICE in that amount of time. TWICE.
    I was helping out once probably 5 or 6 years ago as they fed people and this chick came up to someone and started a fight. My friend’s mom walked up to the instigator and calmly said, “you are leaving-now,” as she calmly took her plate of food. The instigator yelled and cried and said this other chick deserved it-wahwahwah. My friend’s mom was calm and just said no, we don’t tolerate your behavior. Please leave. I thought for sure that my friend’s mom was going to get the crud beaten out of her, but she was calm and consistent and this person left. No problems.
    Now if the homeless person involved in yesterday’s incident/azz kicking was breaking into a house and ran away and the police fought with him, that’s another story. But seriously, how can this church not have serious problems with the homeless population but the PD seems to have a consistent issue?

    1. Because they get free food. Yeah the homless schizophrenics are all about themelves. They may be dumb, but they aint stupid.

      1. The food went bye bye. They took the food and said get out now. There was no fight. They didn’t reward the chick who instigated the fight. The church handled it calmly and all went on as planned.

  29. What it is with the stinky bums in this town? Why is it they don’t seem capable of behaving themselves? Are they now purposely trying to get their skulls thumped in the hopes of getting a tax-payer funded payday?

  30. Sorry, the homeless are running out of control in our neighborhood. We have one guy that sings sexual songs (makes them up), while riding his bike. Children are present. I heard this while walking my dogs. All I thought of, he needs to be shot, it was the children that I was concerned about. Yes, I agree we have homeless to deal with. But if I see this guy again, spewing crap out of his mouth again in front of kids. I will call the FPD. And I hope they beat his ass.

    1. Wow Cg..I thought you loved the homeless. Are you changing your view of what is happening or am I just mistaking you for someone else.

  31. “I heard this while walking my dogs. All I thought of, he needs to be shot, it was the children that I was concerned about.”

    Maybe you can get FPD to shoot him in front of the children and then all your fantasies will come true at once.

    In the meantime try not to be such an idiot.

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