FFFF Exclusive! A New Witness To The Kelly Thomas Beating Death

Here is an interview with a young man who was at the Transportation Center the night of July 5th, 2011. He was waiting for a bus.

His story has the ring of truth to it, and is interesting because it suggests several interesting facts. First, according to this account an “Hispanic” officer had Kelly seated on a curb and had his baton in his hands during some kind of discussion that lasted several minutes, at least; at which point Kelly got up and ran. He was quickly caught from behind, punched repeatedly and spent the rest of his “altercation” with FPD face down. There was no death-struggle between a superhuman drug-crazed freak and six officers grimly fighting for their lives.

There’s is no doubt from this account that the first two cops had difficulty subduing Thomas – most likely because they couldn’t get both hands cuffed behind his back. As the witness suggests, this could have been because the first officer was on top of Kelly from behind and Kelly’s arm was pinned beneath him. After that it was just a gang mugging.

1,437 Replies to “FFFF Exclusive! A New Witness To The Kelly Thomas Beating Death”

  1. FFFF, you guys rock!!! Keep up this publicity. After all, our law enforcement system won’t. They still think we all believe cops are always the ‘good guys’.

    1. Yeah FFFF you Rock!! You guys gave us the witness we were looking for..Yahooo!! Kelly ran, he resisted, he lost.

        1. john doe a is a piggy. Oink Oink! I really hope your not patrolling the street. Are you are on paid leave?

      1. It was an unlawful arrest. They found nothing in his bag and there is no reasonable evidence he was the one breaking into cars if that call was even real. So the cops still had every right to take the life of a suspect how? they shouldnt be held accoundable for anything why? they are trained to disarm someone using hand to hand combat and this person wasn’t armed in any way. we should hold a higher standard for the conduct of police and use of the training we pay for which wasnt used here and as a result an innocent man is dead. no matter how low on the chain of society you put mr. kelly the police should not be allowed to act like this. it should be an outrage that thier actions are being condoned

        1. He had nothing in his bag?..How do you know this? obviously you are making it up.They are trained to disarm someone by using hand to hand combat. How do you know that is going to work on a psychopath. You weren’t there you don’t know what the situation was. Its really easy to talk the BS. Unless you were in the officers shoes, shut your mouth until the investigation is complete.

          1. You talk nothing but BS, you idiot. You keep calling him a “psychopath” when he wasn’t. You keep talking about his “super-human strength,” when there is no evidence of this. You keep talking about Kelly being an addict without any evidence or toxicology reports. You are nothing but a crap-talker.

            By the way, if Kelly were wielding a deadly weapon or injured the officers in any way, I”m more than certain the FPC spokes-hole would have shared that with the media immediately.

    2. Finally there is something that contradicts what this blog and bloggers have been saying all along—

      the TRUTH will set you FREE.

      Wasn’t it one of you clairvoyants that said Offcr Cicinelli wa the first one there. I’m pretty sure he is NOT hispanic. Contradiction #1

      Another clairvoyant said Kelly was a gentle soul and did not resist officers. Contradiction #2

      Yet another clairvoyant said Kelly was handcuffed first then the officers beat him. Contradiction #3

      DO YOU WANT ME TO CONTINUE? I HAVE SAVED ALL BLOG ENTRIES TO A DISC SINCE THIS STARTED. I CAN COPY AND PASTE EVERYTHING THAT HAS BEEN POSTED…shall I continue? I will gladly accept a retraction in the paper from this blog and it’s authors or I WILL CONTINUE!

          1. and you expect me to care…because?

            So Ramos threw the first blow. Big fucking difference. Guy is still dead.

          2. I never said he was. But he may well have delivered the coup de grace.

            In any case please stop calling him “officer.” Now he’s just a fugitive.

        1. Oh Ana, that’s the best you got. I have at least 10 more contradicitons but you don’t care because you are part of that MOB mentality and you won’t listen to reason.

          By reading your posts, I am sure you are incapable of reason, just ideas that MAKE NO SENSE. Find another blog that will understand you!

          1. keep bashing your head against the keyboard you elmer fudd looking motherfucker, maybe a coherent argument will spill out.

          2. You need to find another blog. You don’t belong here. Run along and see if you could find a unicorn, since you’re so fond of fairy tales.

            We are all single minded and focused here. Kelly’s murder and justice.


        does that mean that it is allright to beat people untill their dead as a way to control them?

      2. Nothing you’ve said here clears the officers. The video holds the truth … and it’s being withheld from the public.




    1. I may be in the minority, but as much as I want to see justice done, I don’t think advocating the drawn-out torture of the officers responsible really helps a movement to stamp out police brutality and corruption.

      1. Truth. Especially since FPD & the DA have said they are “investigating”, but not “investigating” threats made here.

        1. You should be sorry that you can’t get the SHIFT key un-stuck and we have to keep reading your SHOUTING!

          (Do you think if you type in all capital letters it gives your opinion more weight or moral authority than all others?? Just curious.)

          1. A friend had vision issues and always typed in all caps; please don’t assume the shift key is stuck. Thank you

            P.S. While he did explain his use of all caps, not everyone thinks to do that.

      2. Nevertheless, however much you may disagree or find the position repugnant, Wrong Guy has as much right to express his opinion as Reality Is, or JaneBond do.

          1. Oh merijoe, I wish I could, but that is too far for me to drive in one night. One of these days though, I might show up. For now, will have to settle for watching the videos. By the way, I LOVE the videos. You all make me so proud! You be safe, okay?

      3. People get hyperbolic when they are outraged and on the net this effect is multiplied by a hundred. Look how brave guys like Reality Is and Wisten To Da Twoof are when hiding behind a keyboard – when in real life you know they never show up to a fight unless they have bludgeons, tasers, and 5 of their buddies.

    2. Really are you serious? Ron Thomas did nothing to help his son and while you are protesting he will be at the bank cashing his million dollar check and not look back.

      1. How do the motives of the victim’s father in any way affect the actions of the police on the day Kelly was beaten into a coma??

        1) I assume that you do not know the man (Ron Thomas), so you are actually just spewing vile assumptions out of your ass.

        2) Even if here were the worst parent on the planet, it would have absolutely NOTHING to do with whether the officers’ conduct on that night was appropriate/inappropriate, excessive, humane/violent, etc.

        It seems like you just want to change the subject because your only goal is to SAVE THE COPS (from the rightful scrutiny they are under)…

        1. Just like you don’t know the six officers. They are all good people caught in a bad situation that couldn’t be controlled. Assume this assume that. What does that all mean…nothing!!

          1. If you don’t know the 6 officers, how do you know they are all “good people.?” Some of them could actually be scumbags (I don’t know and neither do you).

            Moreover, what difference does it make (again, you are just changing the subject with a false comparison — Ron Thomas’ relationship w/his son actually does mean “nothing” when it comes to these events, but the cops actions mean EVERYTHING)? We are commenting on their actions the night they killed Kelly Thomas — not the contents of their souls or whether they were more or less “good people” or whether or not Ron Thomas was a “good father.” What’s relevant is THEIR ACTIONS that night (which you keep ignoring or excusing).

            “… that couldn’t be controlled…” If six, well-armed, well-armored trained police officers can’t “control” a 150-pound unarmed man, then I think it’s safe to say they are either completely unqualified for the job the were sworn to do or worse (i.e. — malevolent).

          2. you have a warped sense of the word Good.
            a) some murdered a defenseless man
            b) some watched a defenseless man being murdered

            Good people? and you probably think Kelly accidently slipped and and beat himself to death.

            Your too bright for me.

          3. The officers were caught in a bad situation that couldn’t be controlled? THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES IN CONTROL! Give me a break. So basically you are saying the officers could not control themselve, gotcha.

          4. good people don’t beat someone screaming for their life, to a non-responsive state that results in the death of an innocent person.
            good people don’t let their colleiges beat someone screaming for their life to a non-responsive state that results in the death of an innocent person.
            good people don’t hide on paid administrative leave from the reality of what they did.
            Good People do not hold such a double standard; if any regular person had done this we would be behind bars with an unpayable bail and the media making us look like the scum of the earth instead of trying to protect the perps of any public scrutiny
            They may not be hannibal lecter, but not one officer involved in this situation could be considered a good person – purely from the example set before us through their own actions from the night they took “justice” into their own hands through the way they have handled up to this point

          5. no one wants to assume anything. the police can release reports, the officers are free to make public statements of what happens, and the da can release the video. nothing needs to be assumed, the six officers at anytime can explain themselves and show the video to support their statements.

        2. I am not changeing the subject here, If Ron Thomas was doing his job as a parent his son would be alive. I dont see Ron Thomas trying to get justice for his son for free he is asking for MILLIONS. That money is going to come from Fullerton residents and tax payers.

          1. Shut your pie-hole you taint! Ron Thomas has been asked by the City of Fullerton to become chairman for a new Homeless/Mentally Ill support committee for the city. Why? Mainly to teach the police force and hopefully other ignorant bungholes like yourself, some of the behaviors of mentally ill people and how to effectively deal with them. This man cared for his son. He obtained conservatorship over his son. His son was spending the night at his house on a regular basis, but also chose to sleep elsewhere. He did many ‘tough love’ things with his son like placing him in psych wards when he was a little off, for ongoing evaluations and monitoring his meds. He had to physically restrain his son to do this on many occasions and did it very well without beating him or tasing him. GO AHEAD and tell us more about how Ron Thomas was not doing his job as a parent Mr. Killer Cop or Mr. Killer Cop’s wife!!!

          2. Correct the money that Ron Thomas’s father is rightfully going to get will be coming from the City Of Fullerton’s taxpayers but it would have never been a consideration if the PIGS of the Fullerton PD had not murdered his son. By the way that money rightfully should come from any future earnings by the murderers so that they spend the rest of their lives in abject poverty. What kind of father Ron Thomas had has absolutely no connection to the fact that Ron Thomas was brutally beaten to death. There is no linkage at all. So stop derailing the conversation with a point that is irrelevant to the conversation. The conversation is-Was Ron Thomas brutally beaten to death by Fullerton Police Officers? If so does this constitute the unlawful death ie murder of Ron Thomas? That is what we are talking about not about Mr Thomas’s father. OK? Please stay on point.

          3. so every person who has ended up homeless and/or problems that are not up to your social standards – thats their parent’s fault?
            is it ron’s fault that these officers were on such an adrenaline high they couldnt controll themselves and ended up beating someone within inches of their life ending in their death? he didnt ask for that money and that money wouldnt even be on the table if the police had better self controll.

          4. thats what happens when city employees brutally kill a member of the community they are paid to protect. the city pays for their mis-deeds.

      2. Props to Ron Thomas. FPD murdered his son. What Ron Thomas did or didn’t do doesn’t change that. You’re a moron.

        1. Hey Joe Blow, I’m glad you’re happy to be a part of Ron’s paycheck, IF you pay taxes, you have made a contribution.

      3. Also, have you seen any of the videos? Have you heard Kelly Thomas crying out for his father? The last words he’s screaming are “DAD! DAD!” How the hell is a father supposed to live with that? Even if they aren’t on the best of terms. Ron Thomas is fighting for justice & I’ll be right there with him.

        1. Hey Joe Blow, Ron can’t live with it because he knows he could have prevented Kelly from living on the streets in the first place…maybe if there is no restraining order against Kelly, he would’ve been home safe.

          1. Even if it wasn’t Kelly that was murdered, it probably would have happened to someone else soon or later. The fact is those cops would of murdered someone else eventually. Kelly unknowlingly sacrificied himself to save another human being and exposed those cops for the evil that they are.

          2. Listen to the truth….

            No his Dad couldn’t have prevented it. You clearly know nothing about mental illness or schizophrenia.
            You know who could have prevented it? THE 6 FPD A-HOLES WHO STOOD BY AND BEAT, PUMMELED HIS FACE TO THE GROUND, TAZED HIM AND DID NOTHING TO STOP IT. Now those are the SOB’s that could have prevented it.

            You can’t keep mentally ill people captive! They always want to go!!! Its part of their illness.

          3. not every homeless person has a family to turn to and not every homeless person turns to their family. so his death is justified because he shouldnt be living on the streets? is that what you are saying?

        2. Thats too bad Mr. Thomas GAVE UP conservatorship of his son, HE SAID it took too much of his time and money. Poor Kelly called out for his dad and he wasnt there I am sure it wasnt the first time.
          I feel bad he died but I dont think anyone should profit for his death. Everyone just wants to put blame on the FPD.

          1. @#23 >although kelly called for his dad there is no doubt in anybody’s mind that if Kelly’s dad would had intervened.He wound have been beaten down to death also.If Ron Thomas gets any monetary payment is is because it came from the corruptly handled FPD.Trying to avert attention on the police beating murder by trying to blame Ron Thomas is pretty much your mentality.If Kelly had no dad would you have treated any different think not.Murder is murder but murdering with a badge is down right bottom feeder disgusting no matter how you see it justice will prevail.

          2. Not to worry save the cops…. thee will be a new shelter and services to serve the homeless and mentally ill. I have no doubt Ron Thomas is 100% going to do this. He’s not here for the money.

            The blame is on the 6 officers who beat Kelly to death- not the entire FPD. But most people know this.

          3. Save the Fullerton Cops….

            The blame is on the FPD… duh. They murdered an innocent man and then tried to cover it up… and if not cover it up POORLY handle the reporting of their actions. You don’t let all 6 FPD look at a video to ensure they all have the same reports…bad practice. Police don’t do that with regular civilans to ensure they get the truth. In this case they wanted to ensure they all were the same farm animals.

            Lastly darling regardless of Mr. Thomas giving up his rights as conservator – there is a case worker that is then assigned to Kelly Thomas who then is in charge of taking care of his assest & well being. You might be guessing by now that its a very difficult task to care for a schizophenic.

            When you have experienced such a thing get back to us about how you did such a stellar job…..you will be sucked dry in every way you can imagine.

            If anything good comes from this I HOPE PEOPLE GET EDUCATED!!!!!!!!

          4. regardless of who he was or his social state, his death is the FPD’s fault. how in the world does how he got on the streets or why he lives on the street have anything to do with the fact that once there he was beaten to death after police assuming he did something he didnt do.
            the “if his dad had done more” is a what if it is not part of the facts. the facts are that once on the ground for whatever reasons the police beat kelly to death.

          5. do you feel the same way about Charles Manson? everyone wants to blame him for murders, but he wasnt at the scene nor did he kill anyone. those officers were at there, and someone died because of them.

      4. “SAVE the Fullerton Cops”

        lol Yeah, the Fullerton police are under dire threat of being beaten to death by organized gangs of heavily armed, and backed up, well-trained, weak, malnourished homeless people.

        Wadda maroon.

    3. I’m sure you mean well, and probably a lot of people agree. But, it’s comments like this that gives the cops and DA their much needed excuse to not release information because of “threats”…

      1. Thank you !!! Listen to the TRUTH…. The DA is not releasing the info on the officers. They dont need to someone already did on this site and some have already convicted them.

        1. Why won’t the cops cooperate with the DA in this investigation we’ve all been hearing so much about? If they are innocent they should be cooperating, right?

    4. HEY you are the WRONG guy #4. IP Addresses can be tracted. Better keep that in mind.

      Oh and is Cicinelli a Hispanic name? I think NOT.

    5. I might be in the smallest minority here but i’d personally want them spending the rest of there lives in different prisons being gang raped every day or week of the year. Personally, that would be justice, they deserve to be prison bitches.

        1. There are several levels of Federal detention from soft to pretty hard. Killers don’t go to the Mike Carona country club.

    6. Nothing will happen at the state level.

      When this goes to the federal level it will be a different story. Long prison sentences and the death penalty are possible under Title 18 of the US Code.

      And remember, Holders people ain’t just black folk.

    1. Yes, they will wait two years, maybe more. If any cops were ever charged it could be another 5 years before a verdict is rendered. Where will you be when the jury comes back hung (there’s always that one old person who wants to give a cop the benefit of doubt and not “judge” their actions)?

    2. Arnold, have a look at the number of people at the rallys, interest is going up with each day and each new story.

    3. Does anyone remember Arnold from the show “Green Acres”? In one episode, Arnold fell in love with Mr. Haney’s prized Basset Hound “Cynthia”, but in a scene full of pig grunts and dog barks, subtitles explained that they were realizing that their love could never be.
      Mr. Haney then threatened to sue Mr. Ziffel, claiming that Arnold had ruined Cynthia for show as she had begun to grunt like a pig too.

      From the comments I’ve read from the officer’s wives that I’ve read on this blog, I foresee this same scenario for any of you fathers whose daughters decide to marry policeman.

  3. WTF?!?!?! These cops, the first on scene, were completely incompetent! And those that arrived later treated the entire incident as business as usual. That is corruption. They are SO corrupt, they think it is ok to watch another cop murder someone and not step in to stop it.

    Why are they still cops? They train and they train and they train…I know because I saw the overtime bill to taxpayers thanks to FFFF. This should have been a relatively easy detention, even if an unlawful arrest.

    1. Incompetent cause they couldn’t cuff him right away? Or incompetent cause they didn’t beat him right away? And mad cause one cop was restraining him and the other just looking. You idiots don’t know what you want.

      1. You’re the only idiot here. But at least you know what you want — to excuse murderous cops no matter what (no matter that Kelly Thomas presented was absolutely unarmed and presented no threat to anyone face down on the concrete).

        Congratulations! You are one heck of a human being.

          1. Kelly Thomas did NOT use deadly force.

            Kelly was UNARMED.

            Kelly was THREATENED (a felony misdemeanor) by the officer, who INTENTIONALLY PROVOKED Kelly to run out of FEAR FOR HIS SAFETY.

            Kelly Thomas was running AWAY from the officers.

            Kelly was face down on the ground with only one arm free. Kelly was in a choke hold that was cutting off his oxygen supply. Kelly was helpless.

            Kelly was begging for help while he was lying face down, motionless on the ground, and while he was being sat on by several bullet proof vest, fully armed officers.

            Kelly was continually Tasered and bludgeoned to death AFTER he was already unconscious.

            No officer tried to intervene on Kelly’s behalf.

            Kelly’s attending physician at the hospital declared Kelly Thomas to be brain dead, due to lack of oxygen to the brain from blunt force trauma.

            BUT FOR the unlawful, brutal, horrific, merciless, beating imposed by FPD officers, Kelly Thomas would still be alive today.

            BUT FOR the blue code of silence, the brotherhood and complicit apologists, Kelly Thomas’ murderers would already be in prison.

            BUT FOR the evil sociopaths, and their supporters, there would be truth, justice, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

            Kelly Thomas could have been you, or me.

            Kelly will NOT be forgotten.

      2. what about the part where he is on the ground subdued while 6 incompetent police beat him. look at the picture of his face, that is not just any beating – they beat him enough He Died! an unarmed man! 6!
        if 6 men “trained” to disarm a violent person with hand to hand combat couldnt use that training against an Unarmed person and end up just beating him till he doesnt move anymore instead – there is not just Some incompetence there

  4. arnold :

    It’s only working for the weak knuckleheads like yourself Arnie.

    1. The interest is not fading away. I have been to several of the protests, each having more people than the last. This thread is sure full of a lot of people who don’t seem to mind that cops beat someone to death. It is both disheartening and pathetic to know there are people willing to protect these monsters. I’m not giving up on this. I will be there every Saturday that I can. Photographing, writing letters to city council and writing blogs about this incident and its aftermath. Silence is consent. I bet you wouldn’t feel this way if it was someone you knew.

      1. These guys think they can get away from it, the chief ran away and got out, Everyone is trying to stay on the down low.

        Those officers rank lower than that of Mike Corona and his dumbies.

        Mark these words, Those men are going to jail. Corona went , and so will they.

        Those boys are now stuck in a corner and if they haven’t figured that out by now , they will when the hammer comes down in court.

        Welcome to Orange County.

  5. Fullerton is SO damn corrupt that it’s the only place where you can run 10 miles in a straight line and still be at the scene of the crime!!

  6. This eyewitness account casts doubts both on the official version of the death, and on some of the proposed counter-narratives.

    1. The official version highlights the “significant struggle” that purportedly occurred. This version makes that struggle seem rather insignificant. Certainly, like Mr. Peabody says, it casts doubt on the version of events in which Kelly had the superhuman strength of a crazy man as he fought the 5 valiant officers off repeatedly.

    2. It also casts doubt upon the supposition that Jay Cicinelli was the main instigator of the beating and death. The eyewitness makes no mention of the “I’m gong to kick your ass” remark or putting on the gloves anecdote we’ve all heard. If the Hispanic officer (Ramos?) was the first one there and was talking with Kelly for 10 minutes before the beating commenced, that is also new information.

    3. It also casts some doubt on the “premeditated” version we’ve heard. If it was premeditated, wouldn’t the beating start immediately?

    4. It does raise questions though. What was said to Kelly to make him turn and run?

    I am not going to pretend I know exactly what transpired. The lack of transparency by FPD and the DA’s office is helping give rise to a lot of separate accounts and rumors. They are not helping themselves by dragging out the coroner’s report, refusing to release the tape, mischaracterizing the beating as a “significant struggle”, etc. At the same time we have to admit that we don’t have a complete picture of what specifically occured, yet, and which cops are most responsible. The immediate blame has been on Hampton – which seemed justified based on his absurd use of excessive force in the video of the Mam incident, but this eyewitness account doesn’t mention him specifically. Same thing with Cicinelli.

    Chris or Mr. P – has this witness talked to Fullerton PD Internal Affairs, the DA, or the FBI? If not, is he planning to?

    To my mind this eyewitness raises more questions than answers. I still think this is manslaughter or murder 2, but the details remain murky.

    Release the Tape!

    1. Regarding #2: In part of the video that didn’t make the final cut the witness said he couldn’t really hear what the cops were saying to Kelly.

      1. Could this be the REAL Travis Kiger? Aren’t we sooo lucky.

        How’s challenging the DA going?

    2. I don’t know the answers to your questions interesting, but I shared your reaction to the interview.

    1. FFFF is actually paving the way for blogging legislation and they will be outsed in the end.

      In Journalism, you are suppose to check your facts before printing. This is where the lies began…

      1. I don’t see blogging legislation out of this. That would totally be fought. There are slander and libel laws in place, and you can’t yell fire in a crowded theatre without a fire in there, as per Supreme Court decisions.

      2. if that was true Fox News wouldnt exist. they arent allowed to broadcast in Canada cause they are liars. there will be no laws in America limiting freedom of expression in any form. keep wishin

  7. I’ve noticed the usual hate filled smear-trolls have yet to show up in this thread. They are already undoubtedly aware of this video by now. I had expected to see them on here smearing this witness and the witness’ parents, friends, coworkers, and children already.

    Perhaps the law firm and/or social media influence firm they work for has called an emergency meeting to discuss their new smear strategy in light of this new witness. That meeting should be over soon and then they’ll be back out in force.

    1. I hate to do their job for them but this is what they’re going to say:

      1. This account proves Kelly Thomas was “resisting” (he ran away).

      2. He was also struggling and wouldn’t comply (wouldn’t put his arm behind his back) so force was used legitimately to make him comply.

      3. This account proves lack of premeditation. An office tried to arrest him peacefully, but he ran and struggled.

      4. His death was accidental – maybe cardiac failure due to tasing (probably combined with prior cardiac damage caused by stimulant use, they will allege).

      The truth (and police department reform) is what we are all after, but this eyewitness account is going to make this death sound more accidental than purposeful. And that is how they are going to spin it.

      I’m not one of them, but I’ve been reading their comments long enough to know how they think and which arguments they think will be best suited towards defending themselves from the most serious charges.

        1. not really you two fucking idiots! Kelly had a lawful right to resist an unlawful arrest or detention! Supreme Court says so! Go read Elk v US.

        1. NOT A THREAT. If for some miraculous reason they manage to get off and go free, karma can be the mother of all bitches. What if someone out there put a spell on the cops and those that have helped cover this up. Things happen in life that could never be proven in a court of law. Now that would be KARMA. People want the truth and justice. Oh yea, god is watching all the wrongdoers. Justice for Kelly

      1. Umm he did not die right there…. his heart was still beating when he was unplugged… his brain could not tell everything to keep working because he had been beaten on the head…. and was brain dead… nice try but you FAILED miserably.

        1. Corrupt – I hope I did FAIL. I’m on your side, not the PD’s. I’m just arguing that this is likely to be the defense.

          1. Gotcha sorry…. but the brain death thing can only be from the beating. Kelly was mobile and talking up to the point he was beaten… throws a monkey wrench in the “self induced death due to drugs” ploy… it wont work and they know it. They have to stick to the resisting, and in so doing they have to come up with good probable cause to have detained him…. thats what is taking so long, trying to make the detainment legal.

      2. Under the California Felony Murder Rule even an accidental death in the commission of a felony, 5-6 cops piled on top per this witness, the felony being mayhem, becomes felony murder or murder 1 or possibly murder 2, look it up.

      3. Yeah, case closed. Let’s review:

        Violent, drug-crazed Kelly strolls past bus travelers contemplating how he’ll spend the loot from the string of auto burglaries he had just committed. Terrified onlookers fall back in his wake because he’s using vile verbiage like “hello”, “How are you”, etc. Fortunately, through public surveillance and the cooperation of police and responsible citizenry, dangerous Kelly has been cornered with no avenue of escape.

        With reckless abandonment for the safety of others, Kelly complies with orders to sit on curb while officer’s rummage through his personal effects. Nothing unusual is found except useless trash. Kelly must have hidden the booty somewhere. The senior officer returns to squad car discussing the dilemma with observing watch commander while junior officer shows Kelly the nice stick he has.

        Upon careful consideration and discussion, it is determined that someone’s name on trash is sufficient cause for arrest. After all, the suspect has had other odious priors recently like public urination, illegal camping and jaywalking.

        Senor officer returns and informs Kelly that there is a good band playing in the club nearby so schizophrenic Kelly can just cool his heals in the infamous FPD suicide cell for the night. A sudden glare from the nightstick distracts officers, and Kelly seizes the moment to make his escape.

        He doesn’t get far because the officers have been highly trained. The senior officer quickly seizes Kelly in a headlock and proceeds to punch his ribs and kidneys in a take down maneuver he had learned from a rodeo clown. It is not very effective, but it sure teaches a good lesson.

        Finally, Kelly falls over face first. One arm is pinned under him, but the other is is flailing around behind his back breaking officer’s bones. The rest is unclear because the witness didn’t want to miss his bus. Case closed.

        1. SJ, I responded to you by responding to “wrong guy” response to you below.

          Either way, good writeup. Shines a light on how ridiculous the attempts to victim blame Kelly really are.

      4. Interesting-it does no such thing, perhaps you need to go back and re-read -this time slowly

        1-No one knows what the baton twirling fatass was saying to this Paranoid Schitzo to scare him to run, possibly for his life, the bastard gestatpo could have taken him down to the ground there instead of intimidating him while he was sitting on a bench being compliant

        2-He was not struggling, his arm was pinned under him -one of the tub of lard animals were on top of him so he couldnt get his arm behind him

        3-no one tried to arrest him peacefully -if they were swinging batons around then beating his head and not allowing his arm free so he could put it behind him to get handcuffed- what is fucking peaceful and non pre meditated about that?

        4-His death was murder plain and simple murder. if 6 giant loaves jumped on top of you and beat you into a coma then you died later -it would be considered MURDER, not justified death-the MRI said he died from asphyxiation from the head trauma he sustained, not a heart attack from being tased

        The eyewitness account puts another nail in thoses animal’s coffin especially since the witness can most like identify the nazi and probably isnt telling everything to the public-deal with it

        oh yeah, Spot On

          1. Why? Are you so afraid of the truth?? Maybe if you were not such a sociopath, you would tell the truth; then you’d be able to sleep at night without all the vodka and ambien.

        1. Well, I hope you’re right. My post above was a reaction to this interview and to what Reality Is and the other cops or cop sympathizers have been posting here for weeks. I tend to think Murder 2.

      5. @Interesting,

        Except there are witness accounts of Cicinelli:

        1. Striding over to Kelly who was prone, face down on concrete (being held down by other cops).

        2. Kneedropping Kelly on the nose and neck area.

        3. Repeatedly hammering him with the butt end of the taser

        While this is happening, none of the other cops intervene.

        How are they gonna defend that?

    2. Huh? This witness is the same as the 5 others that actually saw the incident up close. Kelly ran, he fought, and died as a result. It’s over.

      1. Actually, it’s not. Far from it. You clearly don’t know the law. Running away from the police does not give them a legal right to beat you into a coma. As usual, you are completely wrong.

    3. Oh we’re here and actually that witness had MOST of the story right but a few details were wrong…


  9. FFFF is the bomb that terrorizes and will destroy the bureaucratic status quo and its trough feeders waiting for their obsurd pensions to roll in or the out of town developers with their hands out to the Redevelopment Agency for playing the convoluted low-income housing game. Thank you Tony for once again protecting the good working people from the out of control system of public employees and their hand picked politicians who hold only their own welfare at interest. The average Joe can now help the cause and join the Recall of the 3 Blind Mice.

  10. ATTN EVERYONE: Just so you know, if you’re on bad terms w/ your family the police are allowed to murder you. Obviously if you can’t get along w/ family then you deserve to die. THANK YOU FPD FOR MAKING ME REALIZE THIS! :end sarcasm:

    (How do people actually post shit like this & live with themselves?)

    1. “(How do people actually post shit like this & live with themselves?)”

      They get paid. People have killed, lied, stolen, maimed, cheated, and done all kinds of evil things for money. I don’t know why I get surprised anymore.

      We have to stop treating them as if they are regular decent human beings. Moral arguments don’t work on them any more that a “don’t steal” sign on your car prevents auto theft. THEY. ARE. NOT. LIKE. US.

      1. Stud Lee on August 26, 2011
        “(How do people actually post shit like this & live with themselves?)”

        Because they are amoral psychopaths. Does it relieve you knowing the truth? Whether they are doing it to save themselves, save their buddies, or just for the money alters nothing. They are amoral psychopaths. See? Simple answer.

  11. I think there is a high probability that the trolls are really just one or two people. Admin, care to comment?

    ignore the trolls, stay the course. Excellent work Mr. Peabody.

      1. Actually, TONY, there is at least 5 to 6 I know of and NONE of us are cops. So get over it. We will not be ignored. It is TOO LATE for that.

        I’m predicting you’re going to wish you never got involved with this because a media storm will be hitting your blog soon.

        1. So who is the liar then, Reality IS, or you?

          “I’m predicting you’re going to” have a blood vessel hemorrhage in your brain without any warning within three years time. Let’s just wait and see which one of us turns out the most accurate fortune teller.

          good luck

      2. admin:

        Why should the onus be on us to have to “ignore them?” It is impossible to sort through and read only the intelligent posts. How do you know a post is just more repetitive garbage until you have read it, and once it is read it in your mind, you can’t just take it out and dispose of it. Why should our minds have to be cluttered with ad nauseam repeated garbage?

        Why can’t you simply limit each ISP to one or two posting IDs? It is not a Freespeech issue anyway. As a privately owned blog you have the right to limit who posts. That is your right by law. Still, if they have two IDs per ISP even if there are two people in the same house with diametrically opposing views they will both have access to express them. But, fools will not be able to toilet paper the walls of this place with their waste.

        1. You just want to hear your side. You might learn something from the other side so you don’t make fools of yourselves in public.

        2. I agree. Tony, one ISP one screen name, period. Travis can set up a log in to catch that, right? All views should be heard, but only from one voice per computer please.

          1. Hey Cynthia, why don’t you clear up company business on your cell and stop wasting blog space on this stuff. It is not going to deter us.

  12. Thank you admin for blocking out the trolls. No comments in the past 1/2 hour from any of them. I know, I got nothing better to do today (like many police officers) but view and comment on your blog.

    1. just laughing at you, how you think you got some great interview here and all you did was screw yourself. What more needs to be said than that? But I’m sure I’ll think of something.



      3. I ♥ COPS on August 26, 2011
        just laughing… I’m sure I’ll think of something.

        It would be novel if you ever actually thought of ANYTHING yourself, FPD parrot.

  13. This is why no charges have been filed and the case is not as clear as you would like. His movement with his left arm, which is basically an elbow to the face, is the cause of the fight. Then as the witness says even with shots to the ribs Kelly continues to fight and the officer can’t get his hands behind his back. Case closed. As I said from the start, this case is over. I thought charges on 2 cops before for PR purposes, now I’m leaning towards no charges on anyone. This witness will be found too and talked to as well. Keep it up Tony. You will make this case go away quicker than the DA will. 🙂

    1. Is there one eyewitness that has said kelly was fighting? Just because the officers where hitting him and saying get down doesn’t mean he was fighting back. If youve been around the police enouph you will know how good they are at staging things to appear what they aren’t. The case is not over. you where not even there to see what happened. How is it you are such an expert.


  14. Even though I think the video is very valuable for the cops and the city’s side, the video is all cut up and spliced. I’m not sure what was led or said on the cut parts, but I can imagine it was where transient #2 gave descriptions of how much Kelly fought and what else led to his death due to Kelly. I’ve said from day 1 this case is over. These are the kinds of things that you will start to see as the reason why. Good work DA.

  15. I’m just saying…
    Would have been a real good idea for the interviewer to begin by asking if this witness had been contacted by any of the investigating agencies or if he had contacted any of the these agencies to volunteer his statement. This is a bit of a big deal. I think you kind of blew it here. This guy can now be flayed alive by any one or all of these investigators as a grandstander or worse. What if this guy’s testimony was important, but is how tainted by FFFF interviewing him first?? FFFF may have shot itself in the foot on this one — but I truly hope I’m wrong.


    2. Are you forgetting the fact that all the cops viewed the videotape several times together so they could all get their stories straight? This video tainted? Really?????? OMG I’m sure this video is sooooo much more important than the one the cops won’t release because it shows the real truth? Why else would they not release it when there has been such a public outcry?

      1. Cindy Mc :
        Are you forgetting the fact that all the cops viewed the videotape several times together so they could all get their stories straight? This video tainted? Really?????? OMG I’m sure this video is sooooo much more important than the one the cops won’t release because it shows the real truth? Why else would they not release it when there has been such a public outcry?

        The guy here claiming to be a witness is questionable for various reasons which I listed in a post below.

        Here’s the beginning of my post and this is the most important part:

        “Tony and/or Chris, you can correct this if inaccurate but some information on the guy claiming to be a witness in the video at the top.

        He has not in the past and at present is refusing to testify as a witness to the incident to the D.A.

        Please correct the above information if you know it to be inaccurate.”

        I’m in favor for justice for Kelly but I don’t trust this witness for the reasons I listed below.

    1. There not for public viewing. and that’s the way it’s going to stay. Get used to it these cops will walk, the favors are being called in.

      1. Very telling that the cops even need to call in favors. Indicative of something to hide. Again, not all of us are bloodthirsty anti-law enforcement. But well-reasoned people expect some reasonable explanations. If you want to be known as anything other than a dirty pig, you ought to be appreciative of the damage all of this is doing to the reputation of ALL law enforcement. If you are a “good cop” you should be mad as hell at what the actions of a few has done to your profession. And you shouldn’t be celebrating the fact that dirty tactics might just get your fellow officers out of hot water they put themselves into. It is the very lack of transparency that is damaging the reputation of what I presume are “good cops” on the force. Every time someone calls in a favor, or falsifies reports to the media or fails to release the pertintent information it has — the rest of us (not just the rabble rousing so-called “activists”) tend to doubt the noble intentions of the police. You want the benefit of the doubt? Then stop hiding (if the tape is so exonerating, release it). Stop lying (still no forthright explanation for the reports to the media that 2 cops suffered broken bones — a statement since retracted). Stop with the stall tactics (Chief suddenly having very convenient health issues requiring his leave of absence — with added bonus of disability benefits). More importantly, stop with the arrogant attitude that because you are the law you are above the law. You are doing your fellow cops a disservice. And BTW, there are exceptions to the rule that the cops’ own recordings are not ordinarily discoverable. Expect that those exceptions will only increase with every instance where the cops hide behind them to cover up wrongdoing (or the perception thereof — which is essentially the same thing). Each time you act like a dirty pig you are erroding the public policy arguments for affording law enforcement certain protections. And rightly so. If you want special treatment because you have been tasked to uphold the law, you yourself need to act within the parameters of the law.

        1. I agree with you 100%. Only problem I have is most of what you referred to is assumption. Not much fact. Facts will show that most of your assumptions are wrong.

          1. Reality Is: If you really are a cop and if you actually have knowledge of the facts then perhaps there are a few things you should consider. Even if all 6 walk, serious damage has been done to the reputation of the police. Even if all 6 cops acted “by the book,” subsequent actions by the Department, the City and persons like yourself commenting here and elsewhere have hurt law enforcement tremendously. Perception is reality. The perception is that someone has something to hide and that they are unapologetic, if not downright arrogant about being above reproach just because they have the guns and badges. I understand the need to not jump to conclusions and to preserve evidence, etc. But when the facts are not in because you are withholding the facts (right or wrong), it is pretty easy to think somebody has something to hide. The public outrage is high. The PD is doing itself no favors by getting caught with its pants down with the broken bones thing, having the Chief suddenly fall ill, revealing cops reviewed the tapes before preparing their reports (admittedly not helpful in countering the perception that they wrote them with knowledge of what will eventually be shown to the ultimate finder of fact, and thus had the ability to present the facts not subjectively, but in a light most favorable to their case); the Mam clusterfuck, the allegations that it is an FPD free for all every night at the Slidebar, etc. In the totality of if all, even if the tape gets released tomorrow and shows Kelly slugging it out ’til the bitter end, people are still going to be left with a very bad taste in their mouths for how this was handled. The cops remained on duty until the story broke to the wider media. The issue still didn’t get addressed until a shitstorm errupted. The City Council, the only place your average citizen could make their voice heard, sat cluelessly by hoping for some transparency, some explanation — hell, even a mere acknowledgement that this required someone’s attention from the department. The story breaks further and is being tried in the court of public opinion because the people with the answers are not only not giving them — they seem arrogently smug about not even having to address it. So you get some anonymous caller to John and Ken. I despise talk radio and KFI is no exception. But suddenly me and the rest of the County are listening in, because the court of public opinion seems to be the only trial that is ever going to take place. The annonymous caller suddenly sounds like a pretty persuasive witness since the FPD is offering nothing to rebut what is being said. I can take that with a grain of salt. Your average person might not. Especially when they learn that the bit about the cops having broken bones was a lie. Then the Chief suddenly opens his golden parachute and is absolved of any sins on his watch. Then the DA comes crookedly slithering in. Admittedly, a problem the FPD inherited because he has his own baggage. But not helpful when the one person who seemingly has the ability to reassure the public that the matter will be justly investigated apparently has ties to people within the department. Not helpful that the guy tasked with investigating the matter is dependent on the accused and the Thin Blue Line for reelection. His unequivocal statement that the tape would not be released because it might taint the eventual trier of fact was met with predictable indignation because it reinforces the perception that something on that tape does not make the cops look good. Again, if it exonerates them, release it. That is the position of the vast majority of the general public. To obstinately refuse to do so — come hell or high water — makes one wonder. Sure the Feds are involved. But Joe Sixpack might be forgiven for thinking that the Thin Blue Line has its reach on that level, too. Hard for many to just sit patiently by and let the investigation run its course when so many things are casting a pall of doubt on the cops’ story. The Veth Mam case doesn’t help. The videos that are out there are pretty powerful “evidence” in the court of public opinion when nothing coming from the Department and the City mitigates against it. When a 60 year old lady makes an unsolicited statement that the cops are beating some guy to death, people tend to believe that. Sure, you don’t need to hire a PR firm (although hiring the consultant was essentiall an attempt to do the same thing), but how about a little tact in dealing with a suspicious and impatient public? Why no tox reports? Why no official cause of death? Why the cloud of obfuscation? And then, to top it off, you’ve got the holier-than-thou attitude of people purporting to represent law enforcement here. Granted, one can expect some troll-baiting morons from either side of the debate. But the arrogance of “get used to it” and “that’s the way it is and you will live with it” isn’t winning anyone over to your side. Because there has been no forum for an open and public discussion of this matter (other than the circus that is the City Council) and because wider media coverage was tepid until the shitstorm broke — this website has been the court of public opinion. I’m sure the City and the FPD wish this website never existed. Well, if someone would get off their asses and do some damage control and show some appreciation for how seriously the public is taking this matter, this website might not otherwise exist. And because they aren’t offering a full account of their side of the story, the only one getting aired is by trolls and rabble-rousers here, which is only reinforcing the notion that the FPD thinks it can act with impunity. Attempting to steer the debate away from the actions of the police by smearing the victim’s father is not only irrelevant, it is perceived as not wanting to address the issues. Everybody know that Thomas Kelly was a schizophrenic with probable substance abuse problems. The insinuation that he was a hopped up raging luntic giving the cops the business has all but been debunked in the court of public opinion. The rightful use of force will be questioned every time now because something about this whole incident smacks of overstepping, arrogance and cover up. Even if that doesn’t turn out to be the case, the perception is there. And perception is reality. I suspect that regardless of whether there are acquitals or someone takes the fall, some of the facts are going to remain obscured. And because of the foot dragging, the failure to address a lightning-rod issue in a timely fashion, the lies, omissions, revised accounts and obfuscation, people will always have doubts about what truly happened. And when every cop in Fullerton and the rest of the County is tainted by that same stench, it isn’t going to make your job any easier. The public trust is an essential part of law enforcement. You need people cooperating with the police, reporting suspected crimes, standing up for your unions when the higher ups want to slash budgets and payroll. It would be helpful if you stopped behaving like you are not accountable just because you’ve been entrusted with authority. It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Better yet, it is better that when you do speak, you appreciate the sensitivity the public has to this incident and that the public doesn’t appreciate feeling like it is not entitled to a thorough explanation of what happened. Sure, the investigation is going to take time. But we both know that the whole story will never be told. And because of the foot-dragging, falsifying and obfuscation so far, a great number of people are going to assume the worse. People that might ordinarily want to assist the police. Contribute to fund raising. Step forward as a witness. Support the unions. Report crime. Give the cops the benefit of the doubt. Show up at the funeral of a fallen officer. Assist an officer who is broken down, outnumbered, slips up or who finds himself the unfortunate victim of bad luck. Right now, I don’t see too many Fullertonians who are all that willing to do any of the above. And even if I’m a cop in another jurisdiction, I’d be worried about the blowback of this in my precinct. I’d be worried that the protections afforded me by the courts, the legal process, the legislature and the plain old goodwill of the people are being eroded as long as my fellow cops are either failing to exist within the parameters of the laws they have been sworn to uphold or are failing to keep the public trust. Yes, the public needs law enforcement. But law enforcement needs the public as well. Believe it or not, you are carrying out the mandate of the very people who are up in arms right now. Yes you have a lot of resources and a lot of powerful people watching your back. But every time something like this happens, fewer and fewer people are going to be willing to go to bat for you. You may think this will all blow over. And in time, everything does. But look at the Rampart scandal. 20 years on and the cops still can’t shake the stench of it. How is the cooperation of the public in that area of operation? How long do you suppose the acronym LAPD is going to conjure images of corruption, brutality and arrogance? I’m guessing cops can’t come into contact with a single citizen in the old Rampart Division without having to hear pissing and moaning about Rodney King and police violence. You want a witness coming forward? A call to a tip hotline? A fellow motorist helping a CHIPPY who gets into trouble on the freeway? You want the public to support police unions? You want the legislature to keep enacting measures for your lobby? You want judges giving law enforcement the benefit of the doubt when it’s your word against the accused? Guess what? They are part of the public, too.

        2. Thank you for taking the time to try to educate the people on here (that are trying to represent law enforcement). Your passion for the truth and justice is in the true spirit of what law enforcement is about. Unfortunately in today’s world it is sad that the “good cops” (which I used to believe that there were more of) don’t have the balls to band together and expose the actions of the 6 bad apples in their department. I find it sad that they choose to be puppets in the hands of the corrupt DA’s office, their chief that has bailed out on them and the majority of their city council. I bet that there are a lot of officers that work at the FPD that know the truth; why don’t they have the balls to do something? One of them was so disgusted by the 6 that “his friend” gave explicit details about the beating to a major radio station.
          By the way, UCI did not find any drugs in Kelly’s body. The problem was uneducated scared cops that do not have a clue on how to deal with mental illness. (This means that they were not performing their jobs well; when you’re a cop, you’re a social worker on the street). Most schizophrenics are very intelligent; their IQ’s are usually very high. Maybe if these cops would have taken their training on the homeless and mental illness more seriously, they would have handled Kelly a little more intelligently and the FPD and all the cowards involved would not have acted out of such FEAR and be in the mess that they are in for MURDERING Kelly.
          In the past if I were to see an officer get hurt or need assistance, I would not hesitate to stop and help but now, I would not get involved, you never know what you are going to walk into if the cops are involved. Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys? Is there even a difference anymore?

      2. arnold on August 26, 2011
        There not for public viewing. and that’s the way it’s going to stay. Get used to it these cops will walk, the favors are being called in.

        “Get used to it”

        Does anyone know how many times ‘Reality IS’ has said those exact words

        “Get used to it”

        “Get used to it”

        “Get used to it”

        “Get used to it”

        “Get used to it”

        I will never get used to all the brainless repetition, endure it, perhaps. Get used to it? Never. It makes me want to vomit each time.

          1. Listen and Reality…

            We’ll never “get used” to your lack of intelligence, reasoning or presence here……but we’ll tollerate you….sort of like a fly passing by.

  16. This is wrong beyond my ability to comprehend. It was Murder Two. Period. If you or I did this we’d be sitting behind bars denied bail. The COPS just fully expect and depend on the free ride they’ve had in the past but with Social Media and Cell Phone cameras those days are over. I’m so tired of the people who excuse the FPD saying they have a tough job and have to deal with the dregs of society. Do these bone heads think ANY cop went into the business thinking he was going to spend his days doing security detail at Junior League Teas? Give me a break. What they did is wrong & there will be consequences.

  17. We shouldn’t have to worry since there are many other eye witnesses, many of whom saw the entire event unfold. Which is why officers should not be allowed to view videos to aid them in writing their cover-ups, or i mean reports. I believe the higher ranking officers with FPD are in favor of them reviewing the videos (and actually help cook them up) since their know many of their officers are 2-digit IQ’d apes.

      1. It helps them see what “blind spots” there might be in the video and EXACTLY how much BS they can put in their report.

  18. Kelly was afraid for his life, for good reason. There is nothing that can justify his death. Nothing. He was murdered and this is what the surveillance video will show.

    Release the tape.

      1. Ok, will you “fight” me? Just lie face down while I (and several of my friends) repeatedly taze and beat you about the head. Then we get “off with nothing.” Cool. Enjoy it, creep.

      2. Andrew Goodrich
        Extension: 6838

        Jay Cicinelli
        Extension: REMOVED

        Kenton Hampton
        Extension: 8049

        Manny Ramos
        Extension: 8085

        Joe Wolfe
        Extension: REMOVED

        James Blatney
        Extension: REMOVED

        So the people in Fullerton can contact your friends without having to fool with your cumbersome phone system.

          1. Just shows how pathetic you are, you’re so besieged by the public you have to pull down your extensions and HIDE.

            Hide piggy hide.

  19. Anonymous :
    If you don’t know the 6 officers, how do you know they are all “good people.?” Some of them could actually be scumbags (I don’t know and neither do you).
    Moreover, what difference does it make (again, you are just changing the subject with a false comparison — Ron Thomas’ relationship w/his son actually does mean “nothing” when it comes to these events, but the cops actions mean EVERYTHING)? We are commenting on their actions the night they killed Kelly Thomas — not the contents of their souls or whether they were more or less “good people” or whether or not Ron Thomas was a “good father.” What’s relevant is THEIR ACTIONS that night (which you keep ignoring or excusing).
    “… that couldn’t be controlled…” If six, well-armed, well-armored trained police officers can’t “control” a 150-pound unarmed man, then I think it’s safe to say they are either completely unqualified for the job the were sworn to do or worse (i.e. — malevolent).

    Anonymous :
    If you don’t know the 6 officers, how do you know they are all “good people.?” Some of them could actually be scumbags (I don’t know and neither do you).
    Moreover, what difference does it make (again, you are just changing the subject with a false comparison — Ron Thomas’ relationship w/his son actually does mean “nothing” when it comes to these events, but the cops actions mean EVERYTHING)? We are commenting on their actions the night they killed Kelly Thomas — not the contents of their souls or whether they were more or less “good people” or whether or not Ron Thomas was a “good father.” What’s relevant is THEIR ACTIONS that night (which you keep ignoring or excusing).
    “… that couldn’t be controlled…” If six, well-armed, well-armored trained police officers can’t “control” a 150-pound unarmed man, then I think it’s safe to say they are either completely unqualified for the job the were sworn to do or worse (i.e. — malevolent).

    I do know all the officers..I have met them through our business. And no I am not a restaurant owner, just a downtown merchant.

    1. John Doe: “I am… just a downtown merchant”
      And a heartless fucking troll. Sorry Kelly Thomas got in the way of you making the almighty dollar. Good thing you downtown merchants had a merry band of thugs to call in to do your bidding. I sincerely hope that all merchants in downtown fullerton take a beating (monetary) to their business as a result. Especially if the rest of them share your shitty perspective that the cops did the right thing here. Boycott the Slidebar? DTF doesn’t deserve any of my business. I’m sure you greedy heartless money-grubbers were thinking “good riddance” when Thomas Kelly got beaten to a pulp. I hope your business fails and you end up homeless. But fear not, your dear city will take you in.

      1. No our business or no one else’s business is gonna suffer. This will blow over and it will be business as usual..Boy all that anger. Relax take a deep breath. See now doesn’t that feel better. I am not heartless and I wont be homeless.

        1. I drive and walk through downtown Fullerton almost every day, and without a doubt can honestly say that it’sbeginning to look like a ghost town with all the for sale and for lease signs and next to zero foot traffic.
          My guess is that others who have witnessed these videos of Kelly being murdered by those that are supposed to protect us would prefer not to traumitize their families with a similar experience. Do I think that this is the protester’s on Saturday’s fault? Let’s just say that the majority of the cars that I see honking on Saturday’s, are full of families and older folks with their jaws jutting out and their fists raised in solidarity with these protesters.

  20. HEARTBREAKING! I am sickened and outraged again by the latest witness account! Kelly yelling “SORRY, SORRY” to those callous, out of control, in-human thugs, abusing their authority under the law.

    The wrong or illegal treatment of the mentally ill results in DEATH. Another case, in 2009, there was another law enforcement agency that caused the death of a person with mental issues. In this case, Malibu’s law enforcement agency, that being, the Lost Hills substation of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department is RESPONSIBLE for the death of MITRICE RICHARDSON. Why aren’t those Sheriff Deputies being charged with INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER? They are trying to settle with Mitrice’s family for close to a million. What is the value of the wrongful death of a close loved one, that the authorities regard as castoffs and valueless misfits of society?

    Where are the mentally illness activists and advocates? NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness and other groups are silent. I haven’t heard them in the news protesting or demanding justice. Why? Is it the stigma of mental illness is so pervasive, even in these groups. is this considered politictly incorrect?

    God Bless all those who are couragously and bravely standing up for Kelly Thomas. How dare those who JUDGE Ron Thomas and his family. My family, like Ron’s, has mental illness. My oldest brother has SCHITZOPHRENIA and he too may be homeless soon. My family’s experience is similiar to the Thomas family. My family has been through the “REVOLVING DOOR” in the mental illness healthcare community and also including the Public Guardian. From time to time, our loved ones are pick up and held against their will in mental hospitals, stablized, released and placed, then the mentally ill person stops taking medicine and goes back to living on the street. This happens again and again…the “revolving door”.

    Be that as it may, the Fullerton Police ended the life of Kelly Thomas. THEY HAD NO RIGHT TO END HIS LIFE. THE FULLERTON 6, MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE! Yes, they hope time will be on their sides to drag this out, on and on…Hopefully an ethical jury with justice in their hearts and heads, will have the backbone to find the Fullerton 6 GUILTY.

    1. No. It was a combination of trying to open car doors, possession of stolen property, then when advised he was going to jail, he ran, fought, assaulted the cops, and refused to give up until knocked unconscious. His fault.

      1. He “refused to give up” even after he was face down, restrained, beaten, tazed repeatedly?? Does that seem plausible, even to your addled brain??

        So when you hear him calling out “sorry” and “Dad!!” on the video, that sounds like a combative person to you?? Wow, you such as much as a cop as you do as a “human.”

        By the way, can you please go get your officers handbook or get on the CA law website and give us a link to where “peace” officers have the right to beat a suspect to death, provided they have taken papers out of the trash or ran??? No?? Didn’t think so.

        1. You are lost. Completely lost. You didn’t use one fact just now. Yes he was screaming as he fought. That’s normal. Yes it’s called deadly force. Read it. It says we don’t have to die, they do.

          1. Yes he was screaming, fighting even though he was face-down and hogtied. Fighting hard. The brave officers had no choice but to drop a knee on his throat and bash his head in. He was fighting, fighting hard.

            Then as he was fighting he slipped into unconsciousness for some reason, I don’t know why he died. I’ve seen far worse. Hell Ive had my eye bloused and look how handsome I am now.

          2. Deadly force is pretty hard to justify when there are 6 cops and 1 unarmed guy, even if he is fighting back (which is yet to be established either way).

          3. Reality Is :
            You are lost. Completely lost. You didn’t use one fact just now. Yes he was screaming as he fought. That’s normal. Yes it’s called deadly force. Read it. It says we don’t have to die, they do.

            Reality Is on August 26, 2011
            You are lost… Yes he was screaming as he fought. That’s normal.

            This may be true. A long time ago, when a teenager I took martial arts and remember we were actually TRAINED to yell loudly when we fought. Let’s see if I can remember the scream we were taught to make us more fearsome fighters….

            “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Oh, God! Dad! Dad! DAD!”

            Yeah, that was it! Definitely. Kelly must have been a trained martial artist along with having super-human strength and an innate hatred of cops as we obviously all do here.

            Okay, everybody Reality IS right and we are all wrong. Let’s just disperse and go home now, quietly, so the FPD don’t think we are “resisting.”

            “Yes it’s called deadly force. Read it. It says we don’t have to die, they do.”

            Do you know why children are not supposed to play with matches? Because they aren’t mature enough to understand the devastating power they can unleash. Should Fullerton Police recruits be more carefully screened? Oh, I think so.

            No one HAS to die. With proper motivation, a healthy atmosphere created at work by the Chief and his officers, any one of the FPD 6 could intervened to de-escalate any potential situation. By proper motivation I mean lack of blood lust as that has no reasoning. Some people are just adrenalin junkies. Some of them are cops, like the FPD 6.

            It is understandable people would want to insure the police are more safe rather than less. Probably most if not every person here values the work good cops do every day. What does not make sense if your constantly supporting and promoting violence on innocent civilians by murderous rogue cops.

            Clearly you are very sick, but since you know my opinion of you already there is no point repeating it over and over as you constantly repeat your drivel. That goes for every one of your co-coconspiritors here.

          4. Oh really??? Your police training teaches you that “they” the suspect presumed innocent “has to die” because of your incompetence and brutality?? Could you please link a copy of that in pdf format… where police have the right to kill citizens who are unarmed and pose no deadly threat?? Please. I would really like to see that (since it doesn’t exist).

            You are the one lost, by the way, or actually just a liar. Does the crazed, superhuman, “psycho” killer you just described scream out “sorry” and beg for their “father” as they are posing a mortal threat?? No? Didn’t think so. Go away, sociopath.

        2. Uh, was he “HOGTIED”? Thought your witness said they couldn’t get the cuffs on him? So now he was hogtied? Which by the way would be hands cuffed and ankles cuffed? Maybe I missed something but I didn’t hear that his hands and ankles were both cuffed.

          1. I Love Cops 8/26/11
            I thought you would be obsessing on watching porn on the web and masterbating.Or maybe even beating the wife, kids, and dog. But here you are AGAIN enlightening the world with your astute observations, you police apologist halfwit. I believe that Clarence was using the term figuratively, anyone who has seen the video can see that KT wasn’t hogtied you primative twit. In one of your past blog/masterpieces you quoted the bible, that is just too surreal. Makes me want to be a buddhist.

          2. You guys are such easy targets. You get all riled up because you have nothing intelligent to reply with so you resort to vulgarity. That’s real mature and professional.

            Let me school you on something, when a DA files charges on someone, they need more than “figuratively”. So Clarence or anyone else who wants to make the situation seem worse than it is by speaking “figurativley” go right ahead but that will still not bring you the results you want. And, Anti Nazi, I’m glad to see you are paying attention to my blogs.

    1. Good article Corrupt.
      Wake up coppers you are being watched everywhere now. It makes you question how many legitimate excessive force complaints have been valid but then were disregarded because of no sufficient evidence like a video. How many cases have been swept under the rug because of false reports…I’m seeing a trend with excessive force and false reports. I love seeing police officers claim they are doing “God’s work” yet beat people to a pulp and then write a false report about it.

        1. Andrew Goodrich
          Extension: 6838

          Jay Cicinelli
          Extension: REMOVED

          Kenton Hampton
          Extension: 8049

          Manny Ramos
          Extension: 8085

          Joe Wolfe
          Extension: REMOVED

          James Blatney
          Extension: REMOVED

          Let ’em know whatcha think

          1. Yea again those numbers don’t work, idiots, only Goodrich?
            But, I’d love Tony and Travis number. Anyone have it?

      1. thats what i thought of after Abu Ghraib, the sargeant was a civilian correction officer with a dozen complaints that were never “substantiated

  21. Reminder -key here is they HAD NO REASON TO DETAIN HIM. It is still a murder and it is still being covered up. Excessive force put him into a coma and eventually he had to be removed from life support as a result of his injuries. Keep up the protests-keep on the blog-stay on the point-forget the par for the course media blackout-ignore those that seek to spin and deflect from the issue. The truth will come out and justice will be served.

      1. heres a fact. if you make an offer or even apologize it is an admission of liability. ask any insurance man if you should apologize in a car accident and why not. this would be the reason they first lied and said no offer was made.

    1. I’m not really sure but maybe Reality Is can answer this (legitimate question) Now, as an officer investigating a complaint, don’t the officers have the right and isn’t it common practice to “DETAIN” a suspect even though they are not under arrest? Now maybe they’ve been doing it wrong on COPS all these years but I always see the suspects in cuffs detained and they officers inform them, “You are not under arrest, you are just being DETAINED. I don’t know, but I believe the officers had EVERY RIGHT AND REASON to detain KT.

  22. Johnny Blue :
    The officers were caught in a bad situation that couldn’t be controlled? THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES IN CONTROL! Give me a break. So basically you are saying the officers could not control themselve, gotcha.

    Johnny Blue :
    The officers were caught in a bad situation that couldn’t be controlled? THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES IN CONTROL! Give me a break. So basically you are saying the officers could not control themselve, gotcha.

    Couldn’t control the skitzo…

      1. Reality….

        if you are a he/she or perhaps both I pray you give birth to a schizophrenic. Then get back to us on how wonderful of a job you are doing.

  23. The DA has moved on to other things. 🙂
    LA HABRA, Calif. (KABC) — La Habra police said an officer-involved shooting occurred as they investigated a 911 call regarding a restraining order violation.

    The call came at about 10:30 p.m. Thursday from a residence on the 1700 block of West Lambert Road.

    As La Habra police got to the scene, the 911 call was disconnected.

    The first officer on the scene said he encountered a suspect, and there was a shooting.

    The 47-year-old male suspect was taken to a hospital for treatment. The officer was not hurt.

    The Orange County District Attorney’s office, as it does in all officer-involved shootings, is investigating the incident.

    1. What I get from the last line is that they will investigate shootings but beating a guy to death gets a pass….. It is just so messy with all the dead smelly homeless guy blood all over every thing.

  24. Great Post Dianne. I too, married a woman with a family history of MI. Didn’t know it at first, but what impressed me about her to begin with is she was taking care of her grandma, who raised her and I thought that was very admirable of her. When she hit mid-30s she became ‘out of it’ and also malicious. Our now 17 year old son has been demonstrating some delusional behavior and it is really sad. He is currently at a Residential Placement School in Utah. When he was 4, a deputy in La Mirada threatened to shoot me in front of him during my first visitation. I captured this on an audio recorder and there was still no justice. You could see why this Kelly Thomas death beating hits home to me. We got cops all over that don’t have a clue how to deal with them, nor care about their well-being. They only care about how many citizens they can arrest or beat up. Many of them, not all.

    1. Now I understand why you are so mad on this blog..it hits home. Well I am truly sorry that its happening to you. But this is what happens to families that don’t take care of their MI children. So why is this the Police fault? They could not control an out of control man. Look at the whole picture. I don’t think the police arrived at the call with the idea that this was going to happen. Do you think they are all at home thinking they are glad it did? This is destroying them also. Even if you think they are bad people, they are really not. This is gonna affect the City of Fullerton and all 7 families.

  25. john doe :
    Just like you don’t know the six officers. They are all good people caught in a bad situation that couldn’t be controlled. Assume this assume that. What does that all mean…nothing!!

    LOL. Bullshit!

  26. Jay Cicinelli has been removed from the extension service / numeric directory. If you try to call his extension it leads to another person now.

          1. We’re also more intelligent, better looking, and most importantly we don’t beat innocent people to death.

  27. According to this testimony, he was detained for up to 20 minutes. That shows him complying right there. Many crazy out of control people would be arested immeadiatly when the police arrive. Running away after 20 minutes of interigation does not negate the actions that followed with the continued beating and pummeling of kelly.There must have been sompthing said that provoked him to jump up.

      1. Wrong again! You can’t keep someone against their will! Expecially when they had nothing to keep him for. If they were going to arrest him they had plently of time to read his meranda rights and take him in. I’m guessing the officers were bored and wanted to play and pick on someone weaker. That’s classy.

  28. I noticed the camera in that area is always pointed at the parking lot to the slide bar. Wouldn’t the video the police have also show him in moments before the incident show whether he was in fact hanging out in front of the slidebar and what direction he walked from there wether toward the cars or toward commonwealth?One of the witnesses said he walked to the bus depot from the intersection east of there.

  29. According to truthseeker and Anonymous there was no reason to detain him therefore it was murder.

    How come Chris or Tony has not interviewed them yet? Apparently they were also witnesses or have knowledge that would help the investigation against the cops, or are you just guessing again?

    Anonymous also states that Kelly had the right to resist because of an unlawful detention. Again why haven’t you been interviewed because it seems like you are withholding witness information pertinent to the investigation.

    Let me propose this. What if Kelly was running away from the cops and ran into a family or some innocent citizen and happened to hurt them. Who knows what he could have done based on his mental state. Who would be at fault then? You would blame the cops because they couldn’t control him.

    Have you ever been in a fight with a mentally ill person, regardless of their weight? From what I’ve been hearing he goes from 160 to 130. If you haven’t been there, it’s easy to SPECULATE.

    Obviously something went wrong. Contrary to popular belief on this website the cops intent was not for Kelly to die. It that was true than this wouldn’t be the first time hearing of this.

    If the cops are so heavy handed why are there so many officer involved shootings? There hasn’t been one for years.

    If you really believe that you should move to Idaho and stockpile guns and ammo because big brother is coming one day and this is just the beginning.

    Finally, thank you FFFF, or as I like to say, you F’ers, for posting the interview. Chris, was that you interviewing? Great job. You look like you really care. Way to do the DA’s and FBI’s job for them. Thanks for tainting any other witnesses that decide to come forward. All the defense has to do is point to this interview and say how the others were tainted by this one.

    You continue to tie the rope around your necks tighter and tighter. Soon you will be gone. Bye bye.

      1. Andrew Goodrich
        Extension: 6838

        Jay Cicinelli
        Extension: REMOVED

        Kenton Hampton
        Extension: 8049

        Manny Ramos
        Extension: 8085

        Joe Wolfe
        Extension: REMOVED

        James Blatney
        Extension: REMOVED

        Just for you, BP 🙂

    1. “Have you ever been in a fight with a mentally ill person, regardless of their weight? From what I’ve been hearing he goes from 160 to 130. If you haven’t been there, it’s easy to SPECULATE.”

      Hey chowderhead, we now have an eyewitness who says there was no fight. Zero. Just a guy caught from behind, taken to the pavement and beat to death. There never was a “fight.”

    2. I actually would really like to ask you what you mean here BP? If you think it is my agenda to see these six cops get busted regardless of the truth, you clearly have not read or heard many of my comments. While it’s difficult for me to see how at least one cop did not do something very wrong , I sincerely hope that the video evidence shows that no more than one did something wrong. That’s not my prediction, just my hope. If your implication about a noose tightening around my neck is related to some agenda falling apart, you’re on the wrong track. I am not aware of anything I have done or said that has put me in the remotest legal risk.

    3. A bunch of blah blah blah from an idiot that can’t even figure out how to spell ‘Tourett’s’ syndrome.

  30. “What if Kelly was running away from the cops and ran into a family or some innocent citizen and happened to hurt them.”

    What if a UFO flew out my azz…
    What a giant monkey learned to talk and killed everyone…
    What if what if what if…..


  31. “What if Kelly was running away from the cops and ran into a family or some innocent citizen and happened to hurt them. ”

    Ha. Hahahahaha!

    1. Hey Tony!

      Pretty sure his step-mom Kathy wasn’t laughing when “quiet gentle soul” Kelly Thomas had his hands around her throat last December. In case you forgot, the restraining order against Kelly is good until 2016.
      This is a family member who feared Kelly, doesn’t sound so “gentle” to me and where’s the free spirit in that?

      Tell that to your “close” buddies.

    1. Even if all 6 walk, irreparable damage has been done. Now every cop at the FPD is mistrusted and the general public will be less willing to give you the benefit of the doubt just because you are a cop. Hell, every cop in Orange County is damaged because of this. I have family in law enforcement in the Bay Area. They are pissed as hell at the Gestapo tactics by the BART cops. You know why? Because it makes it harder to do their job because everyone assumes they are a dirty murdering cop. They are a target because of the actions of a few knuckledragging dickheads. You meatheads can live it up jerking eachother off at your beach house in Newport Beach. But next time someone makes an allegation that a cop did wrong, instead of assuming the cops have a tough job and were probably doing the right thing, many people are going to remember this shameful incident and the less-than-forthcoming tactics the cops used to cover their asses. Every time a story like this runs in the media, people are going to feel less and less sorry when a cop gets shot in the line of duty. If I’m a cop who is doing the right thing, I would like the majority of the community behind me. Yeah, I have a gun for the fringe that will always have it out for law enforcement. But if I want the public to cooperate with investigations, to call in when they suspect there is a crime I need to know about or even come to my aid in the event that things really go sideways — I gotta’ have their respect. And you don’t get respect by falisifying reports to the media, engaging in cover up, stalling and giving off the impression that you think you are above reproach. You think John Q Public is going to come to the aid of a cop who gets outnumbered or gets their gun taken away in Fullerton? You think the community is going to mourn the way it once did for a fallen officer if an FPD cop loses his life? They’ll probably be wondering if it was one of the 6 officers involved in that Kelly Thomas incident back in 2011. Incidents like this are extremely damaging to your profession. They are changing the public perception of the police. Failure to act transparently and in a forthcoming manner erodes the public policy rationale for treating cops differently. Special procedural protections in court that afford law enforcement immunity from civil liability, prosecution criminally, bar the discoverability of certain evidence, prevent the public from going after pensions, etc. All of those are predicated on the notion that cops are held to a higher standard. The less that the general public and the courts and the legislature feel confident that they are actually living up to that higher standard, the less willing they are going to be to extend the benefit of the doubt. Yeah, police work isn’t always pretty. But you don’t have to make it uglier by acting like a self-righteous bunch of thugs.

      1. Concerned on August 26, 2011
        Even if all 6 walk, irreparable damage has been done. Now every cop at the FPD is mistrusted and the general public will be less willing to give you the benefit of the doubt just because you are a cop. Hell, every cop in Orange County is damaged because of this.

        Good post.

  32. “All the defense has to do is point to this interview and say how the others were tainted by this one.”

    Defense? You’re really interested in a prosecution? I doubt it. in any case the defense can just rewind the video and it will show what it shows. Isn’t that what you goobers keep saying?

    1. The point is that it taints any other witnesses that come forward. The reason they will not release the tape in the first place, jackass.

    2. Hey Tony!

      Is Goobers your favorite candy? Should I send some to your office on E. Walnut?

      Yea and WHEN the video is released that will be enough to get them all off!


  33. This proves that Kelly was doing nothing wrong, otherwise he would have run when first confronted. Why was the cop brandishing his nightstick when Kelly was already sitting on the ground? What did he say to Kelly to make him try to escape? Escape for his life as it turned out.

    This is a really important video. Thanks for bringing it to us FFFF! You guys are the real heroes in Fullerton!

        1. Did you write this post Travis? Maybe it was Tony? How do we know this is a true post? I bet it came from Tony while he’s eating those goobers.

      1. Well that may be but at least they probably know the difference between a ‘turret’ and tourettes. LOL dumbass

  34. Diane you are correct in seeing the similarities in the Mitrice Richardson case. Mitrice was not protected by the LA Sheriff’s Dept. The Capt. Tom Martin/Malibu-Lost Hills, (who was promoted, transferred, retired?) denied in the beginning there was any video of Mitrice while in custody or leaving the station. Some months later in a meeting with Leroy Baca, and some of Mitrice’s family, Tom Martin confessed he had a video in his desk drawer. When later viewed by some of the family it clearly showed Mitrice was in distress in the cell. It also showed a deputy leaving soon after Mitrice was supposedly let out a side exit. Took more time to finally get the family a copy of that video-and of course it was not as clear/altered? as the original. Gennaco was brought in and in the final analysis found no wrong doing on the LA Sheriff’s part. Until this Kelly Thomas incident, I was thinking if only Mitrice had stayed in Fullerton, (she was going back to further her education @ Cal State Fullerton), perhaps she would be alive today. Well…

    1. i had not heard about the deputy leaving but was my first thought. deputy dog gonna do a crazy girl no one would believe

  35. Reality Is :
    Huh? This witness is the same as the 5 others that actually saw the incident up close. Kelly ran, he fought, and died as a result. It’s over.

    So, cops have a right to murder anyone who runs from them? MURDER yes.that is what I said

    WAIT TIL EMT tells their side about this particular “TUSSLE”

    1. Andrew Goodrich
      Extension: 6838

      Jay Cicinelli
      Extension: REMOVED

      Kenton Hampton
      Extension: 8049

      Manny Ramos
      Extension: 8085

      Joe Wolfe
      Extension: REMOVED

      James Blatney
      Extension: REMOVED

      let em know how you feel

        1. Hahaha, then what’s with the screaming desk jockey telling me that they’re going to track me down? Pathetic.

          1. Oh desk. Keep calling. You will be thrilled to be charged when it’s over. Then you can yell at the judge and say it was cause they killed him. Judge will say guilty now get out of my courtroom. 🙂

        2. Here’s a simple paradigm you should embrace if you want to make it in this world:

          Internet > FPD.

          Class dismissed.

          1. Whatcha gonna do, get interpol after me because I hurt your widdle desk jockey’s feewings? Impotent dweebs.

    2. You are blind to reality. Even when the feds find no issues you will still think its murder. Tough to see reality at times for people like you.

      1. Tough to see reality ANY time for idiots like you. It’s okay, though, just keep repeating the same lies and vile comments and maybe more people than the 4 or 5 cops who post here will eventually believe them, too (who knows — it worked for Hitler’s propaganda machine)…

    3. Um, yeah but the 5 who saw it up close ain’t talkin’ to those crack DA investigators, and poor Kelly Thomas he ain’t a talkin, neither.

  36. Clarence :
    This proves that Kelly was doing nothing wrong, otherwise he would have run when first confronted. Why was the cop brandishing his nightstick when Kelly was already sitting on the ground? What did he say to Kelly to make him try to escape? Escape for his life as it turned out.
    This is a really important video. Thanks for bringing it to us FFFF! You guys are the real heroes in Fullerton!

    The guy in the video is very brave to go up against a murdering goon squad

    Any cop that was involved in resisting a man into a coma should not have been allowed to go to work the next day.. but since it was just a dirty bum nobody gave a fuck eh?

  37. Bushala’s Puppets :
    According to truthseeker and Anonymous there was no reason to detain him therefore it was murder.
    How come Chris or Tony has not interviewed them yet? Apparently they were also witnesses or have knowledge that would help the investigation against the cops, or are you just guessing again?
    Anonymous also states that Kelly had the right to resist because of an unlawful detention. Again why haven’t you been interviewed because it seems like you are withholding witness information pertinent to the investigation.
    Let me propose this. What if Kelly was running away from the cops and ran into a family or some innocent citizen and happened to hurt them. Who knows what he could have done based on his mental state. Who would be at fault then? You would blame the cops because they couldn’t control him.
    Have you ever been in a fight with a mentally ill person, regardless of their weight? From what I’ve been hearing he goes from 160 to 130. If you haven’t been there, it’s easy to SPECULATE.
    Obviously something went wrong. Contrary to popular belief on this website the cops intent was not for Kelly to die. It that was true than this wouldn’t be the first time hearing of this.
    If the cops are so heavy handed why are there so many officer involved shootings? There hasn’t been one for years.
    If you really believe that you should move to Idaho and stockpile guns and ammo because big brother is coming one day and this is just the beginning.
    Finally, thank you FFFF, or as I like to say, you F’ers, for posting the interview. Chris, was that you interviewing? Great job. You look like you really care. Way to do the DA’s and FBI’s job for them. Thanks for tainting any other witnesses that decide to come forward. All the defense has to do is point to this interview and say how the others were tainted by this one.
    You continue to tie the rope around your necks tighter and tighter. Soon you will be gone. Bye bye.

    I think we need to forward this threat against FFF and others to Mr Bushala since it is so worried about threats etc

          1. It’s where I knock “Bushala’s Puppets” other eye out with a slap from my member, leaving a mushroom shaped bruise on his face.

    1. Yes, I agree there are freeway cams as well that give the public access if you click on the live feed.
      LET US SEE IT ALL, we, (the public) pay for the cameras, we can monitor them for FREEEEEEE

      Transparency, EVERYWHERE!!! NOW!

  38. Bushala’s Puppets :
    Where’s the threat?

    “You continue to tie the rope around your necks tighter and tighter. Soon you will be gone. Bye bye. ”

    Where are they going and who is going to remove them?

  39. I used to live in Fullerton and have been keeping up on this story. However, I have seen nothing on the autopsy. Has anything been released on that yet?

    1. No cause found. Papa made sure to cremate the body quickly so no one could determine the actual cause. 🙂

  40. Corrupt :Osama Bin Ladens kids loved him too and thought he was a great man…. and we shot him in the head.

    Yea, let’s compare this to 911…idiot, this again shows ignorance and LACK or education.

    1. Your the idiot… they were saying these murderers were/are good guys… get the comparison MORON. You have no idea of my education level. You show a lack of reading comprehension though…. put that 5th grade education to work there MORON.

  41. Anonymous :Having problems are we?

    Nope, they’re good and will be even better when we get settlement money from all of this. Ill thank you in advance, Tony, their kids have ivy league aspirations for college.

    Be looking out for that book, legislation and oh of course, the book tour….

    1. I guess the point went Mach 1 over your head without you even noticing. Kind of like how you butchered the English language when you wrote about ivy league aspirations.

      Speaking of which; if the kids have the study habits of their parents…they’d better get very proficient at a sport because that is the only way they’ll ever go to an ivy league school.

  42. All of you arguing on this page need to shut the hell up. It doesn’t matter the parenting skills of the father. What matters is how unprofessional these bastard cops acted and busted the homeless man’s face to the point of death. Why the hell do people forget about this! It’s obvious that some anonymous 15 year old are doing nothing but starting crap to get cheap laughs (back the badge, listen to truth) this is just another witness from his perspective.

    Why wont they show the video and show that the cops didn’t do anything wrong. BECAUSE THEY MOST LIKELY DID SOMETHING WRONG! So stop arguing over pointless crap and continue following this story until the end.

      1. You mean like the killer cops on paid leave?? Aren’t those government checks for not working (while the system sweeps their crimes under the rug and tries to justify it)???

  43. Thank you Mr. Thompson, Bushala and Kiger for posting this. This truly is the beacon of truth and assistance for the defense our officers have been waiting for.

    Thank you.

    1. WTF? A harmless, innocent man goaded into flight by a goon waving a nightstick who is then smashed to pieces by the FPD Downtown Goon Squad.

      That’s what I call conviction.

    2. If you think this exonerates the murderous officers, you are beyond stupid. Did you miss the part where Kelly was face down on the ground (floor, as he put it)???

      Is it legal to beat a man to death about the head and neck when he is already restrained, face down, without weapon, and not a threat?? If you answer YES to that, then I have a job for you… in SYRIA. Please look for a Mr. Assad.

  44. You clowns best not destroy that evidence. Like the unedited version of the tape. Stand by for the search warrant for the seizure of the interview.

    1. What video? It was here somewhere. Over there? No? Well that damn housekeeper keeps moving stuff around.

  45. Great! Now all the Police Union Goons are back posting. Where did all you good un-Nazi folk go to? It’s OK, I’ll humiliate these low-lifes on my own for a while.

  46. You clowns best not destroy that evidence, like the unedited version of the tape. Stand by for the search warrant for the seizure of the interview.

  47. Stop with your bickering, name-calling, & speculating. Stick with the facts as we know them, & concerned citizens need to stay focused – someone is dead – murdered by the Fullerton Police. In order to get the cops tried & not covered up anymore by any of the agencies “in charge” we need to continue to lawfully push the right buttons by staying out in front of the situation.

  48. This case has been disturbing from the beginning. And I fully hope justice is served. Justice to those of us who can see what is so plainly the TRUTH. To argue with the BLIND is futile.

    The lack of respect shown toward KT and his family in the posts by the pro-police crowd on this forum are telling and just proves the lack of respect the police have for the very public they are sworn to defend.

    And to claim this is about money? Well, it seems to me NO MATTER if the police are found guilty or not guilty, a civil lawsuit will undoubtedly result in a large payout to the family. So to claim this is about money is bogus.

    That said, I do believe the last laugh will be on us, everyday citizens who are seeking justice here. This is an upside down world. Right is wrong, wrong is right. And the system is corrupt.

    They will twist what is so obviously the truth:
    For example, saying KT was fighting (actually being tased, causing reflexive movement)

    They will defend each others version of the story. Eyewitnesses will be made out as liars and bums. They will question the cause of death, which was so obviously caused by the beating.

    And in the end, the police involved will walk away with their overtime inflated pensions, claiming disability so they don’t pay taxes. And we, the taxpaying schmucks will be footing the bill not only to pay for their pensions, but also the investigation and civil lawsuit.

    This is bigger than just Fullerton. It’s bigger than Republican and Democrat. Until people wake up and see that the powers that be are completely corrupt, there can be no justice. But it doesn’t mean we give up. We will all be judged in the end, there is no escaping that. Until then, we need to stand up for what’s right, even when we know the cards are stacked against us.

    “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)

  49. LMAO….Thompson looked so sad when the witness would not repeat the details as told to him by Tony Bushala and Chris Thompson. You could see Thompson’s lips moving like…those are not the lines we practiced.

    1. I actually respect this comment from the standpoint that this interview absolutely caused a significant reaction in me. There was nothing set up and I could care less who believes me. But, in the interest of intellectual honesty, it represented my third witness interview as well as listening to the John and Ken interview of the “insider” witness. It was notable to me that there are many versions of the details out there. However, what remains the most compelling to me are:

      1. The consistency of the random/unintended witnesses on the bus tape and the other independent tape in which the majority of witnesses share the general reaction that the police went way beyond what is necessary.

      2. The undeniable results of an encounter between 1 to 6 policeman and an unarmed, 140lb man that went on for quite some time.

    2. Krusty, Word to the Wise, Reality is, you do realize that you’ve posted duplicate posts under different names right?

      Do they teach IT proficiency at the police academy or are you just winging it?

  50. 173 by Wooly Eyes on August 26, 2011

    Diane you are correct in seeing the similarities in the Mitrice Richardson case. Mitrice was not protected by the LA Sheriff’s Dept. The Capt. Tom Martin/Malibu-Lost Hills, (who was promoted, transferred, retired?) denied in the beginning there was any video of Mitrice while in custody or leaving the station. Some months later in a meeting with Leroy Baca, and some of Mitrice’s family, Tom Martin confessed he had a video in his desk drawer. When later viewed by some of the family it clearly showed Mitrice was in distress in the cell. It also showed a deputy leaving soon after Mitrice was supposedly let out a side exit. Took more time to finally get the family a copy of that video-and of course it was not as clear/altered? as the original. Gennaco was brought in and in the final analysis found no wrong doing on the LA Sheriff’s part. Until this Kelly Thomas incident, I was thinking if only Mitrice had stayed in Fullerton, (she was going back to further her education @ Cal State Fullerton), perhaps she would be alive today. Well…

    The family excepted the 900k pay off. That’s the going rate for write off cash cow kids. After all she was no rocket scientist….

  51. I cannot take the word of an unkempt young man in a beanie when he disparages our fine police men who are out there prowling the dark streets of Fullerton looking for criminal opportunities while you think you are safely sleeping.

    1. …our fine police men who are out there prowling the dark streets of Fullerton looking for criminal opportunities…

      Looks like you have finally hit the proverbial nail on the head. Unwittingly, but that’s you’re style.

      Would you care to rephrase?

  52. CM :
    Deadly force is pretty hard to justify when there are 6 cops and 1 unarmed guy, even if he is fighting back (which is yet to be established either way).

    There wasnt 6 cops fighting.

    1. Right. There was no fight. There was a take down and a brutal bludgeoning of an unarmed homeless dude who weighed 135 lbs. by six cops.

      The word “fight” suggests an there was an opponent.

  53. Maybe someday we will all sit down together and raise a toast to Kelly Thomas. I hope we can do this some day.

    God Bless him. God bless Kelly Thomas. He’s safe in the wings of angels now; Kelly’s poor sweet soul is safe and secure in the arms of angels, and it’s now up to us to ensure his name is forever remembered.

    I love you, Fullerton.

    Keep the faith. Keep your wings. Watch your butts.

    Keep it local. You will win this.

  54. No, there were five beating Kelly according to the witness and one rolled up later. But don’t let facts get in the way of your idiotic non-sequiturs or offensive comments.

    As you have told this board many times, you’re simply here to upset people, get pleasure at their expense and pain, laugh in people’s faces and defame a murder victim and his family (i.e. — a sociopath).

    1. I have said that? Making stuff up is your norm. Liar? I’m here to show facts. Which witness are you referring to?

      1. I have yet to see you present a single fact. You present offensive opinions about people whom you have never met. You offer conjecture and speculation which flies in the face of all the known fact and common sense? You also provide a lot of offensive, hurtful, and denigrating comments about the deceased and his family (less than 2 months after the killing), which is how I realized you were a sociopath.

  55. Tony, I know how you feel about censorship, but could you start screening these comments for relevance?

    Recently, it seems like these boards have been hijacked by FPD trolls, wannabe attorneys, CRAZY PEOPLE WHO TYPE IN ALL CAPS, and assorted off-topic rants.

    Screening some of these comments could help cut through the noise and focus on the real discussion. Of course, dissenting opinions should be allowed and encouraged, but there’s a big difference between a divergent point of view and crazy assholeism.

    Much appreciated.

  56. Tennessee v. Edward Garner, et al.
    Citations 471 U.S. 1 (more)
    105 S. Ct. 1694; 85 L. Ed. 2d 1; 1985 U.S. LEXIS 195; 53 U.S.L.W. 4410

    Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985)[1], was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that under the Fourth Amendment, when a law enforcement officer is pursuing a fleeing suspect, he or she may use deadly force only to prevent escape if the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.

    I’m sure the officers involved were in fear for their safety and the safety of others in the area from this possibly armed (if he was not searched), crazy, scary, smelly, wild man . If they knew him they surely knew of his violent history……

    I’m sure the cops lawyers would love to kiss FFFF right about now. Like it or not this is the standard for police use of force in this country. Tony and Chris you did the prosecution no favors this day.

    1. This is actually not a tremendous concern of mine. My mission is not to assist the prosecution. It is to seek truth and advocate for good government. Not that I consider myself a journalist, but American government was intended to be scrutinized by free people. Video cameras and blogs are simply tools which make our founders vision of free speech that much more valuable.

    2. He had no shirt on.. they put him on the curb (20 minutes) they had his back pack that held no weapons… why was he considered a threat his waist band was shown, his pockets obviously had no bulges that a Terry stop would warrant a search… you are a troll and know nothing of the law .. a citizen has the right to ask why they are being detained and if they are free to go.. the cop better damn well have a good reason for a detainment,, a questionable call and Kelly was seated on a bench is NOT probable cause, they could talk to kelly but he did noty have to answer back and to detain they had to have a damn good probable cause… kelly had no burglary tools, no drugs or paraphenalia (oh you bet we would have heard) and was not posing a public safetey hazard (oh hell yeah we would have heard) .. Ihave walked away from cops when they tried to spark up a conversation… “am I being Detained”? if they say no then walk away it is your right… if they say ‘yes” then keep asking over and over “why am I being detained, am I free to go” they cannot keep you there forever and have to let you go if no probable cause is found….. prove me wrong Vegas metro almost had a civil case against them but a Captain showed up and chewed out a Sgt. in front of me and 200 other people.. I let it go… shoulda went for the money.

    3. I agree to Tennessee v. Garner,,, that’s case Law 101…
      In law enforcement ,,, your aloud to use reasonable amount of force to affect an arrest.. REASONABLE is what these officer(s) have to articulate.
      If Kelly Thomas was a violent Felon these officer what have went straight to lethal force under (Tennessee v. Garner) and their intentions would have been obvious. Their intent was not to kill Kelly Thomas. I believe they where negligent in reference to affecting an arrest. By being negligent, will play a big role to civil & criminal prosecution.. Every body in Law Enfc will suffer & there will probably be case law because of this ..

  57. You failed. Miserably. Based on all the witness statements so far, Kelly Thomas was subdued and face down on the concrete. By what you have posted here, the officers had zero justification for using deadly force.

    Thank you for sharing this and supporting those outraged by police brutality and the callous loss of life.

  58. By the way, I’m not lawyer, but I would assume that after a suspect has been detained by LEOs, is face down, has been “dog piled on” (witnesses words), and tased at least four or five times, followed by several minutes of physical beating, it would be erroneous to refer to him/her as a “FLEEING suspect.”

    1. We will see. Your descriptions aren’t accurate. He wasn’t laying on his stomach doing nothing. Soon enough you will see how hardcore the fight really was.

      1. You keep saying “You’ll see! You’ll see!” like a spiteful child that just got his ass handed to him in a playground scuffle.

        Alright, show us the video then.

        Yeah, thought so.

  59. Yeah, he must have been super human. The “Face down Hardcore Fighter.” Was he shooting missiles out of his ass??

    Does this make any sense to anyone above the age of 6? How do you engage in a “hardcore fight” when you are face down, on concrete, with 2-4 overweight officers on top of you grabbing at your arms (and by the way, being tased repeatedly)??

    Could you please come up with some sort of artist’s rendering or animation and post the file here? Thanks, buddy.

  60. Sounds like the police used the usual failed restraint prone positioning that often results in increased use of force and always leads to death if continued long enough. See: Asphyxial Death During Prone Restraint Revisited: 21 Cases

  61. Let us remember that Tony and Chris broke the story. You both have alot of courage. Thank you for bringing this interview to the public. The truth will come out of this. Our city officials would have just continued to cover this up if it were not for the blog and its writers. We need to stay in this for the long haul. Nothing good ever came easy and in this world it never will. Mike #233 your comments represent the character of those of us who live for righteousness and we will stand together on that sidewalk until we have JUSTICE. See you all tommorow.

    1. Be clear, I deserve zero credit for finding these witnesses. That’s all Tony and Travis. Tony just asks me to do the interview…which I’m happy to do.

      1. Say Chris. I think you are doing fine with the interviews. No, your not a journalist…yet, but have you considered pursuing a career in that field? Might want to look into it?

        Keep up the good work, all of you. You make me proud to be an American.

  62. When the Gestapo/SS used to detain Jews back in the 30’s and 40’s they too liked to pull out their nightsticks in hopes that the Jews would run in fear for their lives. Running back then was considered “resisting”. It was perfectly legal and acceptable to bash the running Jew’s skull in. We’ve come so far since Nazi Germany!

  63. Orange County District Attorney, Judges, and Justice System never trust witnesses who testifying against cops.
    Friends of Fullerton conducted unbiased interview and do whateve it takes to find out the truths.
    Where are OC DA and Fullerton Cops? Are they suppose to conduct investigations?

  64. Boy the trolls hit hard on this site. Agitators hired by FPD & OC DA to divide and conquer. The news, the DA & FPD spokeshole are now trying to say death threats are coming their way. Ha! The spin machine in full cycle. They are waiting for one false violent move to crush the peoples action. Keep up the good work all citizens, keep the pressure on them to do their job (see they are not used to having to work this hard). Engage people! engage! Beacuse if you dont they will! See all of OC in Fullerton Sat. Aug. 27th 9am – 3pm even if it is 100 degrees.

  65. According to cheif Bratton shootings against lapd officers up 29% this year (and I suspect he is double checking his facts before he embarassess himself again) “Good” cops paying the price for the brutal actions of thugs like the “fpd6” or perhaps its just karma coming around. All borderline personalities see is the badge and retaliate against it, not so much the individual wearing it. It would behoove the so called “good cops” to get the bad ones out of thier ranks ASAP so we can all get home safely to our loved ones.

  66. Simple Justice :
    Yeah, case closed. Let’s review:
    Violent, drug-crazed Kelly strolls past bus travelers contemplating how he’ll spend the loot from the string of auto burglaries he had just committed. Terrified onlookers fall back in his wake because he’s using vile verbiage like “hello”, “How are you”, etc. Fortunately, through public surveillance and the cooperation of police and responsible citizenry, dangerous Kelly has been cornered with no avenue of escape.
    With reckless abandonment for the safety of others, Kelly complies with orders to sit on curb while officer’s rummage through his personal effects. Nothing unusual is found except useless trash. Kelly must have hidden the booty somewhere. The senior officer returns to squad car discussing the dilemma with observing watch commander while junior officer shows Kelly the nice stick he has.
    Upon careful consideration and discussion, it is determined that someone’s name on trash is sufficient cause for arrest. After all, the suspect has had other odious priors recently like public urination, illegal camping and jaywalking.
    Senor officer returns and informs Kelly that there is a good band playing in the club nearby so schizophrenic Kelly can just cool his heals in the infamous FPD suicide cell for the night. A sudden glare from the nightstick distracts officers, and Kelly seizes the moment to make his escape.
    He doesn’t get far because the officers have been highly trained. The senior officer quickly seizes Kelly in a headlock and proceeds to punch his ribs and kidneys in a take down maneuver he had learned from a rodeo clown. It is not very effective, but it sure teaches a good lesson.
    Finally, Kelly falls over face first. One arm is pinned under him, but the other is is flailing around behind his back breaking officer’s bones. The rest is unclear because the witness didn’t want to miss his bus. Case closed.

    THAT was spot on. Nice one simple!

    1. Good write up.

      That “didn’t want to miss his bus” comment was spot on. Exactly what I wondered when I heard that in the vid. Was this guy casually keeping tabs on the time while watching someone get pummeled face down on the concrete?

      Makes me wonder why it took him this long to show up as a witness. Maybe he’s a mole after all. Wouldn’t surprise me at all at this point.

  67. Here is the link: Asphyxial Death During Prone Restraint Revisited: 21 Cases http://bit.ly/p86G5F

    The DOJ has warned about prone restraint, restraint asphyxia, and positional asphyxia for years. They put out a statement in 1992, I believe. Many people have died due to this incompetent and violent form of restraint. In the last few years, 3 men in MA have been killed during restraint. See David Woodman and Kenneth Howe cases.

  68. A Paranoid Schizophrenic running from a man with a nightstick? Big surprise there. I mean running because your mental illness tells you that guy with the stick is going to hurt you, that should warrant a death penalty. Right?

    1. @ still love fullerton NAMI is a front for the drug companies. They present very one-sided information about psychiatric illness with an emphasis on the biological, conditions more likely to be treated with drugs. They support violent psychiatrists, have failed to improve care for the mentally ill and have not prevented these bad restraints. Multiple people, both mentally ill and not, have died in these types of restraint situations. There is no excuse for it.

  69. SAVE the Fullerton Cops :
    Thats too bad Mr. Thomas GAVE UP conservatorship of his son, HE SAID it took too much of his time and money. Poor Kelly called out for his dad and he wasnt there I am sure it wasnt the first time.
    I feel bad he died but I dont think anyone should profit for his death. Everyone just wants to put blame on the FPD.

    Poor, Poor FPD. Stop whining about your lower primate buddies! They killed Kelly Thomas and his dad turned away $900,000. of gag order money offered by their douchbutt attorney. Looking for a profit (lmao), you buttplug! Keep on spewin’.

      1. You’d better be kidding (or sarcastic) and if you were, that’s NOT funny! Real directoryservices don’t talk non-sense.

        1. Seems FDS was agreeing with you.

          If the FPD was innocent of wrongdoing, why did offer Thomas cash right out the gate? Before their “investigation” was completed (or maybe had even started).

  70. Good to see people are still on this story. Say it won’t be long now before the FPD has its wings clipped.

    1. The best part of this article from the Sacramento Bee is at the end in the comments section. That one sentence makes the rest of the article as unnecessary as Doc Hee Haw’s penis.

  71. Is a boycott really necessary? Are any of the businesses in the area friendly to the cause? Maybe we could send some money to them via paypal or something, throw a little business their way in exchange for feeding protestors.

  72. Harry Tuttle, HVAC Repairman :
    Good to see people are still on this story. Say it won’t be long now before the FPD has its wings clipped.

    Yes HVAC, did you scroll up and review any of the previous posts. They’re great, informative, funny (especially the jabs at the killer cop supporters) and most of all, we get the stuff here that the FPD Gestapo Unit and Daddy DA don’t want us to see. How cool is that?

  73. looks like it to me..

    the guy thats playing at the slidebar tonight,
    was asked, by reporter, if he knew about kelly..

    he did not, but asked about his name to research it..

    wonder if he cancelled??

  74. Really? That would be great if he did cancel. There was an NBC reporter talking with Ron and Cathy Thomas today at the memorial site today. Should be on 11:00pm news tonight.

  75. Keep it up FFFF these trolls are wetting the bed. The feds do not care about who you find, they are more concerned about the coverup and lack of leadership at FPD that let killers go free (wheres the chief)? When you look at Danziger Bridge, Chicago cops sending innocents to jail, NYPD corruption (100″s of dirty cops) the feds are sending them all to prison. Seattle is quacking in its boots and Denver has already thrown officers under the bus to try and quell the feds. Keep it up, every witness you dig up can only help. These local pieces of crap IA and DA inspectors will not mess with a guy with a feds business card in his hand. Buy a recorder and tape any encounter with FPD inspectors or the Ra -ca -ca DA’s.. and play them back for the feds. If FPD or OC DA contacts you immediately call the FBI field office for the So Cal area… do not let these clowns talk to you alone, if you have a lawyer (even one in the family) call them, you do NOT have to talk to the FPD or the OC DA… call the feds and get a lawyer…. 6 weeks and counting and the killer cops have not been questioned… you have the same rights.

  76. you can tell by their posts that this site is getting under their skin..

    hopefully we will hear something soon from the officials..

  77. I think the witness statement is very inconsistent then the picture of Kelly Thomas in the hospital. I think there is a Gap In what the witness didn’t see. Where in his story did the offficer(s) break their arm..Where in the story did it show an officer hitting Kelly Thomas in the head / Upper torso region with the butt of a taser ?? Where in his story ??
    Because based off on what he said was almost justified for the officers? Its very grey ,,, i don’t think hes a good witness? Its all going to come down to the video Before , Durring and after that Ped check with FPD and Kelly Thomas ?

    1. He saw a pile on….. under that was Kelly… and somehow he got beaten into a brain dead coma. He said he saw a bunch of cops on Kelly. He saw kelly get loaded on a gurney. Either the cops did it, the EMT’s did it or the emergency room staff did it… It, is a beating that left him brain dead….. You fill in the gaps of a guy watching cops surround and pile on a single guy that comes out brain dead and bleeding in the gutter.

      1. I agree.. it just doesn’t make sense to me.. if i had my are broken or dislocated i would be screaming in pain ?
        Remember this on record / new conference that officer got hurt. Where are the witnesses that show these cop(s) getting treated ( via Ambulance, Hospital ) .. very suspicious to me?? :/

        1. Oh you didn’t hear? The police spokesman retracted that bit about the cops getting “broken arms” 3 weeks later. No cop had any broken bones and no cop had any significant injury at all.

      1. So who beat Kelly to death? Who slurppied up his brain so it could not work his brain stem and keep him alive? If it had been a one punch murder we could probably see that… but this was not, it was a gang jump and a guy died. Where is the proof Kelly put the cops in immenent harm possibly death? If it existed we would know… you bet your ass we would know. They are sitting on the video because it is nasty, mean and ugly and it would create a stir… or they would release it. I may have been born at night, but it was not last night. Show the video and make us go away… please, we dare you….

        1. I think it was a PED Check that turned negligent. I don’t think their intent was to kill Kelly, i think they failed in reference to control. Remember in order to affect an arrest you have to use reasonable amount of force. I think they went way and above what a reasonable officer would do to affect an arrest.

        2. Subterfuge:

          deception by artifice or strategem in order to conceal, escape, or evade

          1. Flood FFFF with “pro FPD” commenters to victim blame Kelly and defend the FPD6. The “stay-cation” FPD6 or their families and friends?

          2. Get a “mole” witness to come forth and give a differing account of previous reports. Notice he didn’t mention the most egrgious actions that other witness have mentioned.

          “Well, I had to go ’cause my bus was leaving.”


          I hate to be cynical and maybe this witness is well meaning but since its obvious this incident would’ve been covered up initially, this may be their last gasp effort to sway public opinion before announcing “no charges will be filed, no city video will be released”.

          Let’s get out there tomorrow and keep the pressure on!

    2. 10-35guy on August 26, 2011
      I think the witness statement is very inconsistent…

      The job of the jury will be to hear all testimony and to sort the wheat from the chaff. No one witness can tell all the story, only the story from their vantage point, perception, and recollection. None of the videos so far, show all the story. If the one seen by the Watch Commander did, it likely no longer does. All available videos will need to be seen in court. The officers accounts will also be heard. The task will be up to a jury to sort it all out and reach a conclusion accordingly.

      Hampton’s taking a lady’s phone and destroying evidence should have already resulted in a felony charge of destroying evidence and a civil suit from her. What ever happened to the video shot by the real estate man? There is a lot t be answered for, and as I’ve said before: The FBI is slow, but they are inexorable. Unfortunately, justice will not happen overnight, but these trolls are only fooling themselves if they really believe the trash they post. The public MAY forget. The FBI won’t.

  78. Uhhh Chief, I beat a homeless guy to death the other night and got a bruise. Can I have this put in my record jacket so I can get more pension money? Sure, go ahead because since you beat a homeless guy who was unarmed to death i am claiming stress and will get a pension bump…. lets all profit from murder… Hey fellas homeless guys stink, go take a shower and go home….

  79. So I had some work to do late this afternoon, signed off and had dinner with the fam. I come back here to see what’s new and here’s this video along with 337 comments in just a few hours. LOL Yep, sure looks like this story is going away alright! LOL

    No wonder ‘Reality Is’ and his sock puppets are sounding so desperate.

  80. Nice one Currupt. I’ll get going in a minute. Oh yeah, “go take a shower and go home and beat up your wives.”

    1. Rumor has it.. Officer Manny Ramos also pointed his gun at his wife during a domestic argument. I’m sure it’s documented in FPD somewhere.

  81. It’s amazing how some people try to justify the beating death of Thomas simply because cops committed the crime instead of normal thugs. They should simply admit they believe police have the right to take a person’s life whenever they see fit instead of making egregious claims about how the officers were in danger, following protocol, forced to take down a “crazy” man with superhuman strength, etc. As much as I disagree with their twisted logic that blames the victim and denies any wrongdoing by the perpetrators of the murder, I have to remember they were raised to be close minded and ignore evidence that paints authority figures in a negative light. of duty. Perhaps if they had developed any critical thinking skills they would be able to accept not all cops are good, having a badge does not give you the right to use unrestained force once a subject is subdued, Kelly Thomas’ criminal history had no bearing on that night, you can’t force an adult with schizophrenia to stay off the streets, etc, etc. The good news is, there apathy toward treating all sentient beings with basic human regard is not shared by many. The huge majority of these posts support bringing justice for the Thomas family. Evidently most of the FPD supporters don’t pay taxes in Fullerton either or they would be a little more perturbed by the multiple lawsuits that are being brought against FPD and the millions of dollars it’s going to cost the good people of Fullerton.

    1. If this superhuman strength theory existed, cops would be snorting meth and tasering themselves into supermen. Hell if it worked tasers would be on the sidelines at NFL games along with crack pipes and meth rocks…. http://www.injustceeverywhere.com lots of steroid cops getting busted….

  82. A check of the City of Fullerton, CA in Wikipedia reveals 2010 census figures of 2.3% or 3138 African American’s residing in Fullerton, CA. When I drove by last Saturday’s protest in front of Fullerton PD, I saw 0% of Fullerton’s 2.3% African American residents

    Could it be that African American’s only find excessive force and murder by police officer’s a problem when it happens to African American’s? It appears Fullerton has a racism problem, and the racists are Black.

    God Bless all those citizen’s that showed up to the protest last Saturday, but I’ve seen more people standing outside of an AMC Theatre waiting for the first showing of a new Harry Potter movie. If those losers can come out in bigger numbers than the citizen’s of Fullerton can for Kelly Thomas, then it reveals how what happened to Kelly Thomas could occur in the first place.

    No statement is sexist, racist, biased, or prejudice if it’s true. Political Correctness can never be allowed precede the truth, and what I have said is the truth.

    1. Hmmm…I watched the videos of the protests and looked at the OCR pics. There was a great balance of diversity, including African Americans.

      I shake my head in strong disapproval of your incorrect and divisive comment.

    2. “what I have said is the truth”

      I don’t agree that the demographics of one protest tell us whether one racial or ethnic group is racist or not, but let’s assume you are right. Let’s assume that this protest was the decisive test. Your drive-by estimate of zero blacks at the August 20th protest is slightly off. Watch the video on YouTube posted by friendsforfullerton.

      -about 0:30: one black person holding a sign and another black person walking near him with a gray hat

      -about 1:55: a black woman with a checkered shirt holding a sign

      -about 1:58: a black woman in the center of the screen wearing a black top (who may have been next to the woman with the checkered shirt)

      -about 2:49: a black woman wearing a red top

      That’s at least five black people at the August 20th protest. I don’t know how many people were at the protest total. Suppose it was two hundred. It was 2.5% black then. Maybe the actual number was lower. Maybe it was higher. Either way, it looks like the demographics were about right. Fullerton has a small black population and so did the protest.

      “No statement is sexist, racist, biased, or prejudice if it’s true.”

      But your statement wasn’t true.

    3. For starters your math is flawed( 2.3% are black and 98.7% are white = 101%) as well as your reasoning.
      Just because someone is black doesn’t mean that you can automatically deduce that everyone else is white can you? One of my primary reasons that we moved our family here many years ago was BECAUSE of Fullerton’s racial diversity.
      Here’s the numbers that I found from the 2000 census:
      48.74 % white
      30.17 % Hispanic
      15.98 % Asian
      4 % Two or more
      2.12 % African-American
      0.32 % Native American
      0.20 % Native Hawaiian
      0.19 % Other

      My guess is that if anything those numbers in 2010 would reflect an even greater diversity of our population.

      You do however bring up at least one good point in a sort of roundabout way. Since the 2000 census, Fullerton’s Korean population has increased steadily when the new Amerige Heights sub-division was built, yet I have yet to see hardly any people of Korean descent protesting on Saturdays?

      1. I will say this, I was surprised at the high percentage of whites at the protest I attended. It reminded me of the time that Walter Cronkite issued his first truly critical report on the Vietnam War, and President Johnson famously told aides, “if we’ve lost Walter Cronkite, we’ve lost the country.”

        When you lose the white people’s support…

        FPD should be very worried.

      2. Thank you to the growing numbers of americans of Korean descent that I saw today at the protest. I am greatly encouraged to know that all members of our community are ready to stand together to fight for justice for those whose voices have been silenced. Take care and God bless you.

  83. I have not seen Sharpton or Jackson on this…. If Kelly was called Tookie Thomas we might get some love. Sharpton and jackson are racebaiters, I try to stay above them. Dirty cops are dirty cops, no matter who they beat… I was all for Oscar Grant getting justice, Meserhle did not get enough prison time but at least he was convicted, I do not believe he meant to kill Grant but he killed him never the less and should have gotten 10-15 for first degree manslaughter. He was a POST trained officer and used a gun in the process of a felony, grant was proned out and his hands were visible… Meserlhe wanted to tase Grant and teach him a lesson but he killed him… Sorry Johannes you murdered Grant the same way FPD murdered Kelly. Difference is no one could stop Meserhle but they had ample time not to murder Kelly.

    1. I’m really surprised that Sharpton or Jackson or some other big name activist didn’t jump all over this case. I thought this would be the perfect chance for them to grab a white case and then they could say they support all races. I think they lost a good shot. Problem is that if they got on it, it would have grown to a huge deal with tons of out of towers, and most likely riots. Give and take I guess. The reason this case hasn’t grown is because a big name didn’t take it on to spread the word and keep the word alive.

  84. That’s right and he’s been there every Saturday. I saw a couple of hot looking black chicks last Saturday. Both had a nice pair of lungs.

  85. Reality Check :
    Good write up.
    That “didn’t want to miss his bus” comment was spot on. Exactly what I wondered when I heard that in the vid. Was this guy casually keeping tabs on the time while watching someone get pummeled face down on the concrete?
    Makes me wonder why it took him this long to show up as a witness. Maybe he’s a mole after all. Wouldn’t surprise me at all at this point.

    you miserable punks

    people have lives .. one was taken by your cunt police force and the cunts that run your city STEALING RETIREMENT AND PENSION FUNDS..

    Setting up those pension schemes should be enough to send them to prison alone

    Maybe he had a wife or a child to get home to? or a job to get to etc


    show us the tape and you can all have your jobs back .. FAST.. SUPER FUCKING FFASTOLA.,..


    1. Plus he had just seen a guy beaten to death by the police… who was he supposed to call? Home is a safe place to get to where the police who just beat a guy into a coma in front of you cannot harm you. Please trolls tell us who the witness was going to call when he witnessed the 911 Comandos kill a guy in front of him? Inquiring minds want to know?

    2. Anon, I think you might be getting me confused with Reality “IS”.

      I’m not saying the witness is lying. I’m saying I thought it was an odd thing for someone coming forward to say. He didn’t mention the parts of the beating that did the most damage to Kelly as the other witnesses did.

      See my post called “subterfuge” above.

      I’m in support of justice for Kelly. I’m also not putting it past the FPD6 to plant a mole among the witnesses.

      1. More than one mole. The moles are mixed in with the paid off witnesses. Figuring out who is who will be a task in itself. Release the video and the whole world wail be a witness. 🙂

        1. Reality Is :
          More than one mole. The moles are mixed in with the paid off witnesses. Figuring out who is who will be a task in itself. Release the video and the whole world wail be a witness.

          So you admit to being a mole or just confirming their existence?

          We agree on one thing though.

          Release the city video, unedited, untampered with.

          1. Check Reality on August 26, 2011

            I’ve been wondering for a while whether you were here first, or he was. If you were here first then he stole your moniker to discredit you. These trolls will do anything to discredit people here who are making good sense. They fear truth and logic. They accuse us of being emotional instead of rational ‘like they are’ (lol). Then they do everything they can, say anything, the more outrageous the better to make us react emotionally so they can sit back smugly and pretend they made their point. The word disingenuous doesn’t begin to describe these trash talkers.

      1. Doubt that’s all she has. But, hey, she had to pay for her meth addiction somehow. Explains a lot about your posts.

      1. I ♥ COPS on August 26, 2011
        What’s with all the hostility?

        Some one is cracking…..

        Possibly, or it could be the profanity of your using a heart in your handle?

  86. Did you know? :
    A check of the City of Fullerton, CA in Wikipedia reveals 2010 census figures of 2.3% or 3138 African American’s residing in Fullerton, CA. When I drove by last Saturday’s protest in front of Fullerton PD, I saw 0% of Fullerton’s 2.3% African American residents
    Could it be that African American’s only find excessive force and murder by police officer’s a problem when it happens to African American’s? It appears Fullerton has a racism problem, and the racists are Black.
    God Bless all those citizen’s that showed up to the protest last Saturday, but I’ve seen more people standing outside of an AMC Theatre waiting for the first showing of a new Harry Potter movie. If those losers can come out in bigger numbers than the citizen’s of Fullerton can for Kelly Thomas, then it reveals how what happened to Kelly Thomas could occur in the first place.
    No statement is sexist, racist, biased, or prejudice if it’s true. Political Correctness can never be allowed precede the truth, and what I have said is the truth.

    Could it be they are afraid to show up since their are so few of them .. Maybe for all you know since 98.7% of Fullofshiterton, CA is white.. maybe they are not quite comfortable around yall…

    Nothing like police brutality on some good ol minorities now is there

    1. If your Black living in the OC your Minority any ways. That Evan goes for COPS . if your black COP in the OC your a Minority like it or not .. The problem is ,,, one of the FPD officers is black and he is a corrupt SOB. Maybe just maybe the black community feels embarrassed because one of their own took part of killing Kelly.. ?

    2. Do not be fooled by did you know. If they would have stopped to show support for Kelly Thomas
      they would have seen Black supporters in the crowd. They could not wait any longer to see the latest Harry Potter movie instead, priorities you know. Fact of the matter is there are Black supporters at council meetings, protests, and memorials. Mr. Thomas has Black friends who I have also met. The only Black/White issue is those on wheels with some apparently corrupt cops driving them.

      1. Concerned : And then, to top it off, you’ve got the holier-than-thou attitude of people purporting to represent law enforcement here. Granted, one can expect some troll-baiting morons from either side of the debate. But the arrogance of “get used to it” and “that’s the way it is and you will live with it” isn’t winning anyone over to your side. Because there has been no forum for an open and public discussion of this matter (other than the circus that is the City Council) and because wider media coverage was tepid until the shitstorm broke — this website has been the court of public opinion. I’m sure the City and the FPD wish this website never existed. Well, if someone would get off their asses and do some damage control and show some appreciation for how seriously the public is taking this matter, this website might not otherwise exist. And because they aren’t offering a full account of their side of the story, the only one getting aired is by trolls and rabble-rousers here, which is only reinforcing the notion that the FPD thinks it can act with impunity. Attempting to steer the debate away from the actions of the police by smearing the victim’s father is not only irrelevant, it is perceived as not wanting to address the issues. Everybody know that Thomas Kelly was a schizophrenic with probable substance abuse problems. The insinuation that he was a hopped up raging luntic giving the cops the business has all but been debunked in the court of public opinion. The rightful use of force will be questioned every time now because something about this whole incident smacks of overstepping, arrogance and cover up. Even if that doesn’t turn out to be the case, the perception is there. And perception is reality. I suspect that regardless of whether there are acquitals or someone takes the fall, some of the facts are going to remain obscured. And because of the foot dragging, the failure to address a lightning-rod issue in a timely fashion, the lies, omissions, revised accounts and obfuscation, people will always have doubts about what truly happened. And when every cop in Fullerton and the rest of the County is tainted by that same stench, it isn’t going to make your job any easier. The public trust is an essential part of law enforcement. You need people cooperating with the police, reporting suspected crimes, standing up for your unions when the higher ups want to slash budgets and payroll. It would be helpful if you stopped behaving like you are not accountable just because you’ve been entrusted with authority. P>

  87. corrupt :
    Plus he had just seen a guy beaten to death by the police… who was he supposed to call? Home is a safe place to get to where the police who just beat a guy into a coma in front of you cannot harm you. Please trolls tell us who the witness was going to call when he witnessed the 911 Comandos kill a guy in front of him? Inquiring minds want to know?

    I truly feel any commanding officer of policemen who just restrainted a citizen into a COMA that resulted in a citizens death and did not put them on immediate administrative leave needs to be fired immediately.

    How can he/she let them beat a citizen into a coma/braindead on site .. AND not have their own psych test done to make sure the public is safe and that the mental state of the cops that murdered the citizen are stable…

  88. still love fullerton :
    article about how monies generated from prop 63 are being misused, instead of
    funding for the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) and specifically earmarked it to fund services for “severe” mental illness, which it was meant for
    how do these things happen??

    High School Debate team.. I remember it.. made me puke that human beings use their brains in this way

    You don’t have to right.. only befuddle the other person enough that you look right or sound right..

    Any HUMAN that chose to be a politician after seeing that.. should never ever ever be trusted.. they are 99% thieves

  89. Ana :you have a warped sense of the word Good.a) some murdered a defenseless manb) some watched a defenseless man being murdered
    Good people? and you probably think Kelly accidently slipped and and beat himself to death.
    Your too bright for me.

    Yea you’re right we are too bright for you. You cannot even form a decent idea or sentence. Your posts give me a headache. Please stop the insanity!

    1. “Yea you’re right we are too bright for you. You cannot even form a decent idea or sentence.”

      Despite his/her sentence structure issues, Ana is still smarter, more correct, and a better person than you. Which isn’t saying much because nearly all of humanity can lay claim to that.

      “Your posts give me a headache.”

      NO, it is comments without sadistic-evil-bastard-logic that gives you your headache you sick f*ck.

      You’re just doing this for money, and it’s most likely not much money at that.

      Out of all of your online aliases that you or your coworkers have created, this particular one is by far the stupidest. Hopefully you get passed over this year for the promotion to “senior smearer of deceased victims’ family, loved ones, and supporters, Orange County division”. You don’t deserve the $1.15/HR raise.

    2. I have great ideas and this an informal blog not a study in sentence structure. Hitting a nerve, eh.

      I am so very glad my posts give you a headache. Why don’t you go away and stay away, nobody wants to read your tired B.S. You sound like a broken record. And who is this we business, you and you and you and you, lol.

  90. Good point Anon. Any 730 Forensic Psychiatric Evaluator could detect a ‘hot-headed’ immoral law enforcement officer.

  91. Ana :Even if it wasn’t Kelly that was murdered, it probably would have happened to someone else soon or later. The fact is those cops would of murdered someone else eventually. Kelly unknowlingly sacrificied himself to save another human being and exposed those cops for the evil that they are.

    Yea again ANNA…NO SENSE! You must be a high school student or younger because it’s obvious your ideas have no maturity and that there is no thougt process there. Keep it up.

    1. ok man, or b*tch, its obvious you and the rest of the cop supporters here are on the clock to talk smack here. I came home early and noticed your retarded comments along with the rest of murder supporters since the early afternoon and now look what time it is. Are you being payed to sit and type crap, or are you in payed leave to sit and talk crap.

      for the rest of Kelly supporters, just ignore these dumb asses. They are here only to built unrealistic doubt and not make us think straight.

      1. “ok man, or b*tch, its obvious you and the rest of the cop supporters here are on the clock to talk smack here. I came home early and noticed your retarded comments along with the rest of murder supporters since the early afternoon and now look what time it is”

        I was thinking the same damn thing.

        “Are you being payed to sit and type crap”


        1. some of the same ones are even trolling in the Phoenix New Times news site. i guess they could be using a script too

    2. Yeah Ana is whack… but Kelly was murdered by these cops. Maybe, what if, but for, is all crap, the fact is 6 cops encounterd a living breathing Kelly and after that encounter he was brain dead. Stay with the facts Ana, thats what the trolls want. the evil was there all along but their partners/wives/buddies/ supervisors/ THE CHIEF… over looked it. If my spouse beat someone to death I would not let my kid within 100 miles of them.

      1. I am not taking those/this people/person seriously. I think they’re humorous. Really. They got no life. We’re here supporting a good cause and they’re here because their life stinks. How pathetic is that for them.

    3. “Keep it up”

      I see that you are directly threating me. What are you going to do, beat me to death like your ilk did to Kelly?

      Soon than later your true colors come out. You can’t help it because you are like a wild dog.

  92. Wrong Guy :
    Good point Anon. Any 730 Forensic Psychiatric Evaluator could detect a ‘hot-headed’ immoral law enforcement officer.

    that is the part that has me most upset.. and i feel it shows some high disrespect towards the individual they murdered and makes the whole dept look guilty

    21 days they kept their badges before ever being questioned ..

    city council members are scared to death of the cops in your city and don’t do shit to reign in the captain etc.. because they are all Pension Fund Criminals/Accomplices

    Clean up that CA retirement system and you will get rid a lot of the criminals..

    They need to go to prison for exploiting their personal loophole that they created to STEAL monies from your childrens schools and meals and education etc. to fund their illegal pension schemes..

  93. What’s the matter TruthPolicestyle, you couldn’t understand Ana’s point? You are another one of those 2-digit IQ’d apes the FPD hires, aren’t you? Kelly unknowingly sacrificed himself to save another human being and exposed those cops for the evil that they are. The REAL Truth, not your truthpolicestyle. It’s plain fugin English you twat!

  94. Anonymous :

    corrupt :
    Plus he had just seen a guy beaten to death by the police… who was he supposed to call? Home is a safe place to get to where the police who just beat a guy into a coma in front of you cannot harm you. Please trolls tell us who the witness was going to call when he witnessed the 911 Comandos kill a guy in front of him? Inquiring minds want to know?

    I truly feel any commanding officer of policemen who just restrainted a citizen into a COMA that resulted in a citizens death and did not put them on immediate administrative leave needs to be fired immediately.
    How can he/she let them beat a citizen into a coma/braindead on site .. AND not have their own psych test done to make sure the public is safe and that the mental state of the cops that murdered the citizen are stable…

    That’s why sellers got out quick when he saw this wasn’t gonna die down quietly. In a way he couldn’t be terminated (medical leave).

    They kept the officers on duty, had them review the video while writing the reports. It was a coverup from the beginning and now they’re trying to diffuse and confuse.

    Why do you think so many pro-FPD commenters are on here?

    Who wouldn’t be outraged at what happened to Kelly unless they have something to lo$e?

    1. If the cops did wrong, then punish them. Just because someone dies it doesn’t mean someone did something wrong. Cops kill people everyday. The DA makes that decision and they all take time. You are all just impatient. Enjoy the sun tomorrow. I’ll be at the slidebar.

  95. So you don’t confuse me with Reality “IS” anymore, I’m switching my username to Check Reality from here on out.

      1. “At least you know what Reality Is. :)”

        Reality Is: (n): An evil sadistic bastard who basks in the sweet, sweet glory of other people’s sorrow, suffering, and grief.

        Everyone knows exactly what you are. Der Fuhrer is proud of your efforts. If only he had men like YOU, the third Reich would last a thousand years! Stalin is jealous of how evil you are. Were he alive today, he would have many children executed in your honor. Judas shakes his head in disdain at your betrayal of all that is good.

        The More You Know: Posting a smiley face after you type some sick sh*t is like stamping a smiley face on a death certificate.

  96. 10-35guy :
    Not all of them. One of them was on admin leave the following day.. And it wasn’t Cenneli …

    Hispanic guy referenced in this video? that would be decent news to the soul

    1. I think I read that Ramos was put on the beach right away because he was already on administrative ‘probation’… perhaps for the incident mentioned previously above with regard to a domestic dispute?

  97. At the protest tomorrow, I’d love to see a convoy of tanks scooting down Commonwealth Avenue and come in and clean out the entire FPD, and secure the entire department, FBI comes in as interim police department until the investigation drags on and justice is served as mentioned previously. While they are at it, they may as well send a couple of NG officers in the city hall building and drag out McKinley by his bald-headed candy-ass and ship him off to CLUB FED for life for hiring unqualified thugs.

  98. When Sissynelli shows up in the hands of CDCR I will try to get them to refer to him a ‘Sissynelli” yeah I know some CO’s with rank. Have a buddy drop a dime on him about being a dirty cop while he is in protective custody, guys in protective custody can still have a bad life… especially dirty cops. (they protect dirty cops in prison, all that shiving stuff looks bad). The bangers could get to him but not likely… when he is convicted of course… when.

    1. @corrupt #509
      I agree that they can still have it bad in the pen. If you know someone who has been incarcerated, ask them what a torpedo is. It is an inmate that under false pretenses approaches the CO’s and wants to debrief. This is done so the inmate can be placed into PC. In reality, he is on a mission to go after someone ( usually rats) who is already in PC, hence the name torpedo.

  99. I’ve seen some comments along this line but would like to show the disparity.

    Henry Louis Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct. He was not hurt (except his feelings I guess). But he is a black man.

    President Obama called those cops stupid:


    Kelly Thomas is beaten to a pulp and dies as a result of the injuries and not a peep from Governor Brown or President Obama.

    You know for a fact had Kelly Thomas been a black man, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be camped out down here and Obama would’ve been drawn into a “race relations” issue.

  100. You wouldn’t even need your buddy to drop a dime on that over-stuffed, visually challenged pile of shi…trash. He will stand out like a wart and he’ll be gang-banged and finished off by a Brutus where ever he’s housed.

    1. Yea I will add you to the threat list as well. You can join your buddy, Corrupt in a jail cell. Travis? could that be you, oh two with one stone…perfect! I couldn’t ask for a better ending.

      1. Come get me. I have never threatened anyone. I just say what is going to happen when they are convicted. 6 cops beat a guy to death that makes them murderers. They will go to prison (hopefully all) and they will have a bad life…. come and get me… I’ll be watching T.V. or in the garage working on a motorcycle. I’ll have a cold beer waiting for you.

  101. corrupt :When Sissynelli shows up in the hands of CDCR I will try to get them to refer to him a ‘Sissynelli” yeah I know some CO’s with rank. Have a buddy drop a dime on him about being a dirty cop while he is in protective custody, guys in protective custody can still have a bad life… especially dirty cops. (they protect dirty cops in prison, all that shiving stuff looks bad). The bangers could get to him but not likely… when he is convicted of course… when.

    Thanks for helping in the FBI and DAs investigation into threats…thinking you are the one who will be in prison instead. I will be forwarding this to them immediately.

    Oh that would be sad if this was Tony because it may be hard to keep up this blog from prison and thinking if these threats continue, a judge may feel necessary to court order a shutdown of this blog—what a great ending to my book!

    1. Hey Policetruthguy, get your head out of McKinley’s ass; you’re still not making any sense, you bunghole!

    2. Listen to the TRUTH :

      Thanks for helping in the FBI and DAs investigation into threats…thinking you are the one who will be in prison instead. I will be forwarding this to them immediately.
      Oh that would be sad if this was Tony because it may be hard to keep up this blog from prison and thinking if these threats continue, a judge may feel necessary to court order a shutdown of this blog—what a great ending to my book!

      You are one sick perv, but even pervs can dream, eh?

      You can’t even write a complete report. If you could write a book pigs could fly. First you’d have to learn how to write anyway, and that already sets the bar too high. Might as well join your buds down at Slidebar. At least it’s a bar at your level.

    3. Tell them about the dead guy beaten to death by the police… real stuff is much better than a ficticious scenario. I got that cold beer right here for you.

  102. I have faith in our legal system. So should all of you. It is still the best in the world and our scrutiny can only help keep it intact for our children’s children. History never remembers the thugs, only the heroes. Today we stand a better chance of Justice being served because of the transparency in reporting. Things cannot be hidden like they were even a mere 6 months ago due to the amazing advances in technology. The light is getting brighter everyday and the Truth is standing taller than ever. Stay the course people.

      1. And OJ and tons of others. Reality. Our peers looked at the evidence and said not guilty. Nothing else we can do.

  103. Ana :
    you have a warped sense of the word Good.
    a) some murdered a defenseless man
    b) some watched a defenseless man being murdered
    Good people? and you probably think Kelly accidently slipped and and beat himself to death.
    Your too bright for me.

    Future so bright..have to wear my shades!!

  104. if these FPD officers are convicted and the department is consider corrupt on paper ,, probably be some case law out of it … i think attorney general will come down hard on them ,as a result we will see a Decent Decree from the state …

    if that happens … in order for an officer to affect an arrest they have to have a supervisors approval. basically every thing will have to be approve by big brother.
    Ask Riverside PD ( tayesha Miller case) , LAPD
    ( Rodney King ).. i see this happening next year guaranteed

    1. you got that right….lol… you have to be a pussy to put a bully beat down under the color of authority on a man who could have been controlled by one officer. that’s coming from experience my friend.
      fuck those guys they ruined it for everybody in the law enforcement community

      1. Hope the six find you and beat you up..You are a disgrace to the law enforcement community. Where are you a cop, Mayberry??

        1. are you kidding me.. You better ask a cop what a one man band is BOY… Ill help you out DEPUTY…
          I personally know two of them…
          It all comes down to control ,,, who gives a shit what the FPD officer did prior to making contact.. Law Enfc your taught to affect the law with reasonable amount of force.. REASONABLE … Facts they lost control as a result a man died , now law enfc will be held accountable.
          Mayberry,,,lol,,,, More like Maywood …

      2. Now you gave it all away. You don’t know anything if you think someone can be controlled by one officer without knowing anything else. Especially saying that about a nutball shchizo. Kelly got what he had coming.

        1. I clearly recall a video posted on this site, not long ago, of a skinny, bearded nutball homeless dude being professionally taken down and controlled by a single little cop inside a fast food joint.

        2. There you go again, sociopath. “Kelly got what he had coming” — Really?? Are you sure? What did he do, exactly, that was so awful that he “had coming” a brutal beating that left him in a coma and eventual death??

          Can you answer that, sociopath?? It must be pretty bad to warrant that kind of death penalty on the cold concrete (I mean even the lethal injection in prison that actual murderers receive is far less cruel than this ending — you must really have some intense hatred for Kelly or know something we all don’t).

          I mean, come on, at least the smarter sociopaths and psychopaths can at least MIMIC human emotion and empathy. You haven’t even made it that far to pretend like you even care about human life. What a waste…

          1. @Reality Is,
            Until then, your posts are a waste of space and time. You are apologizing for murder.

            Badge wearing, duly sworn peace officers, who are also murderers of unarmed citizens, will get no sympathy from non-sociopaths.

        3. Your a MORON… totality of the circumstances … it takes one to three deps at the most… you dont punch a person in the fucking face to control or subdue a suspect or subject…? Its over kill and redundant with two more officers with tasers.. Where the fuck is REASONABLE Force play a part.. Pardon my french ,,,, ” fuck you ” you don’t know shit . Kelly’s natural human instincts took a big role reference to alllllll the officer(S) training and experience.. Kelly covered up / was blocking the punches from his Face … HELLO that’s natural… The officers where misconstrued and took it as resistance ( PC 148) … Stop punching him in the fucking face ,,, he would have complied … Guaranteed …

          1. You are gonna look so stupid when the truth comes out and the your name on this blog will suite you perfectly.

          2. Wow. I guess we don’t think alike. I know how this went down. You will be surprised. You have never punched in the face or ear or head in a fight for your life? I have several times. This was no small struggle. Oh well. You will see. Just surprised if you have 25 years experience you are so quick to judge without knowing the facts.

      3. Yikes. That’s hardcore Monday morning QB’ing for someone of such experience. I think most LE have issues with it all on first glance, but then hold back most judgment until the investigation is over. There’s been many times on first glance I thought something looked bad and then after seeing a video or audio, or talking with witnesses or the suspect himself, it was within policy. To each his own.

  105. Listen to the TRUTH :
    Yea I will add you to the threat list as well. You can join your buddy, Corrupt in a jail cell. Travis? could that be you, oh two with one stone…perfect! I couldn’t ask for a better ending.

    When I said ‘finished off’ I meant a cum shot in his good eye, dumbfu@*!!!

  106. so kelly resisted, i guess he really was dangerous especially since dad & mom thomas had to get a restraining order…..the defense will love this witness…..

  107. If Ron Thomas had half a heart for his son NONE OF THIS WOULD BE HAPPENING!!!

    Ron Thomas was heartless when it came to his son. I get so angry everytime I think about the way KT was treated by his own flesh and blood, now trying to cry the blues and saying that noboby knows… blah blah blah. Ron Thomas is a money grubber and using his own son to do it!!!!

    1. even if that is true… you still have to be justify your actions as a cop especially if you go hands on to affect an arrest…you have to be “reasonable”… if you show negligence under color of authority you SOL…!

      if it wasn’t Kelly,,, it could be the next victim(s)…
      who about their personal life. if we go there … a couple of the COPS have some Domestic Violence issues…

      the point is ,,,, is was bound to happen ,, and it just happen to Kelly.. unfortunately

      1. If it really did happen, which I don’t think it did, then you are right. It has happened before and it would have happened again. Time will tell. So far we know he ran, resisted, fought, and lost. I’ll wait for the DA on the rest.

    2. “If Ron Thomas had half a heart for his son…”

      I wonder how much these guys earn for posting this not just half-heartless, but %100 heart-less comment over and over again? Whatever it is I can’t imagine that it will, in the end, be worth the negative karma that will surely come their way. Ooops, did I just make the ‘threat list?’ lol

  108. Ana :
    Even if it wasn’t Kelly that was murdered, it probably would have happened to someone else soon or later. The fact is those cops would of murdered someone else eventually. Kelly unknowlingly sacrificied himself to save another human being and exposed those cops for the evil that they are.

    Wow.. You can predict the future.

    1. Critical thinkers making educated guesses with a high probability of being accurate aren’t clairvoyant. They’re just smarter than you.

  109. Hey Reality Is, if your still here, could you site any cases whereby a police officer was tried and convicted for police brutality, in So. Cal.?

    1. i can Inglewood PD jermery morris .. riverside pd tayesha miller.. go to behindthebluewall.com,,, i think thats right. there so much police brutality that doesn’t make the media …

      1. Jeremy Morris had two trials that ended up in hung juries and then they didn’t retry him. He didn’t go to prison. The cops who shot dead Tyisha Miller were fired, but were never prosecuted.

  110. Bounder :
    If Ron Thomas had half a heart for his son NONE OF THIS WOULD BE HAPPENING!!!
    Ron Thomas was heartless when it came to his son. I get so angry everytime I think about the way KT was treated by his own flesh and blood, now trying to cry the blues and saying that noboby knows… blah blah blah. Ron Thomas is a money grubber and using his own son to do it!!!!

    Flounder, did you have to come back and go there again? I’m so glad we all could tase you out of your ‘guilty conscience’ that you have been able to come back and join us with your usual stupidity. Where have you been, Nazi-bitch?

  111. Hey, you guys got all your signs ready? You got a big day tomorrow, lots of work to do marching and chanting…Don’t forget your “OPT OUT” signs. “NO ROGER NO RERUN NO RENT” NO ROGER NO RERUN NO RENT”

        1. No upgrade needed..Smelly repairman. I will be enjoying a tall one while you are sweating your balls in front of the PD.

      1. Your fat ass will be at home crying into a bucket of Ben & Jerry’s who the fuck do you think you’re kidding?

          1. I heard they had a live band playing on the outside patio yesterday while the protest was going. Great, that’s breaking the law, again.

  112. Yeah, I did have to come back and go there and the truth hurts. A restraining order against him so that he could not even go see his own mother, not that she wanted to see him. Thomas family did not want to be bothered with K. and what alternative did he have. He had to fend for himself on the streets the best way that he could. So don’t even try to make excuses for the Thomas family. They are just trying to cover their tracks so they won’t look so bad when they take twenty million dollars of Kelly money!!!

    1. Gommer Pyle,,,, who gives a shit about HIS personal life… a MAN died for no REASON …
      Pay attention to the cops personal life and believe me you will eat your words… Those COPS are not angels them selves … yet the are all alive sitting at home with their dis-functional family… But their alive …


    2. Regardless of the motives of the elder Thomas, fact remains that the cops murdered a man.

    3. Only way that will happen is corruption is proven. I don’t think that will happen. At the most focus will be put on two cases and everyone will move on. Time will tell. Type of thing happens often. Difference is in other cities people focus on the incident, not on blaming everyone in the entire city.

      1. Yeah well, the times they are a changin’, that damned rascally internet came just messed up everything didn’t it?

        world’s smallest violin
        saddest song
        playing for you.

        Care for a glass of Chianti, motherfucker?

    4. I don’t think you know much about what it takes and the documentation necessary to get a mentally ill person the help they need when the sick person isn’t willing, if you did you’d understand why the Thomas family had to get that restraining order.

      1. Lets not forget Ron Thomas also gave up conservatorship years ago because it took to much of his time and money words from his own mouth. He failed and now wants to profit….

        Yeah, I am going to keep saying it.

        1. @SAVE the Fullerton Cops,

          Save your breath. You don’t know what you are talking about.

          I spent $50,000 JUST IN THE LAST YEAR ALONE on my son’s medical and legal expenses. My son is 28 and he also suffers from paranoid schizophrenia.

          Tell me, how long do YOU think that YOU could keep that up?? Forever??? Unless you know the family, or unless you have personal experience with caring for a loved one who has a severe mental illness, you have NO IDEA what is involved. Please take a NAMI class and get educated about mental health issues.

          Just because Ron Thomas assigned conservatorship of his son over to a Public Guardian, does NOT mean that he did not love his son.

          It also does NOT mean that Ron Thomas did not care VERY DEEPLY about the welfare of his son.

          It also does NOT mean that Ron Thomas and family do not have the right to seek JUSTICE and PUNITIVE DAMAGES for the murder of Kelly Thomas, in order to ultimately BENEFIT US ALL, so that the FPD will be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their criminal actions.

          In order to file a lawsuit, a party must have LEGAL STANDING. That means that NOT just anyone can file a lawsuit.

          The concept of standing relates to the right of a party to make a legal claim or seek judicial enforcement of a duty or right.

          Black’s Law Dictionary says that, to have standing in a federal court, a plaintiff must show:

          • that the plaintiff has been injured by the actions of the party being sued. The injury must be directly traced to the conduct being challenged, and the injury must be immediate and threatening, not just possible or hypothetical.

          •that the plaintiff has a sufficient connection to the case to make the plaintiff a party in a legal action, being sufficiently affected by the matter to have a significant stake in the outcome.

          So, now that you have read the above definition, consider this: If Kelly’s family doesn’t seek justice and punitive damages for the death of their son, WHO IS GOING TO DO IT?? No one else has the proper STANDING to do it.

          It is extremely difficult for Ron Thomas to have to subject himself to your ignorant speculation and your ignorant comments, especially at this time of deep mourning.

          I’m sure that Ron Thomas would MUCH RATHER just be left alone and not have to talk to anyone and just be able to grieve for his son in private.

          Instead, Ron Thomas has the COURAGE and the DETERMINATION and the LOVE for his son, to STAND UP for his son, and to seek JUSTICE for his son, no matter what all of you IGNORAMUSES say.

          Ron Thomas has EVERY RIGHT to seek a guilty verdict against those who murdered his son.

          Why don’t you ask Ron’s other children how they feel about it? Do you think that Kelly’s brother and sister believe that their parents just deserted Kelly??

          Do you think that Kelly deserved to die?

          Do you think that the guilty should not be punished??

          I hope Kelly’s family gets such a HUGE judgment against the FPD and against the city of Fullerton, that it completely bankrupts Fullerton.

          By having to pay out such a large judgment, perhaps, just perhaps, it will force Fullerton and the FPD to reconsider its policies regarding arrest and control procedures, etc.,

          I hope that any judgment will be large enough to force Fullerton to REMEMBER KELLY THOMAS for a VERY, VERY LONG TIME.

          IF you were half the person that Ron Thomas is, you would stop defending murderers, and you would speak up for the weak and the defenseless that are targeted and brutalized by law enforcement.

          Until then, until you see the light of truth, be GLAD that there is a Ron Thomas who WILL stand up for his son’s Civil Rights, as well as for the Civil Rights of others, including those of your own pathetic, unappreciative self.

          Below is a link to ANOTHER incident of a mentally ill man who was murdered by a S.W.A.T. team. When is enough ENOUGH???? WHEN???


          1. I realize that Ron and his family are the only ones that can file the lawsuit. If there was wrongdoing then someone will pay. The point is that Ron hasn’t had contact for many years and wanted nothing go do with him at all. So to now get $10 million seems backwards. He has said he will use it to help the mentally ill and homeless, which if he does, that’s great.

            I think Ron might have realized that it was all getting out of hand. He has been quiet and hasn’t been releasing information as much. I think he might have seen the fight was going the wrong direction and wanted to get it refocused again. Maybe not.

            I’ll read your swat article now.

          2. Reality Is :
            I realize that Ron and his family are the only ones that can file the lawsuit. If there was wrongdoing then someone will pay. The point is that Ron hasn’t had contact for many years and wanted nothing go do with him at all. So to now get $10 million seems backwards. He has said he will use it to help the mentally ill and homeless, which if he does, that’s great.
            I think Ron might have realized that it was all getting out of hand. He has been quiet and hasn’t been releasing information as much. I think he might have seen the fight was going the wrong direction and wanted to get it refocused again. Maybe not.
            I’ll read your swat article now.

            Ron Thomas is the one person who is standing up to demand redress for violation of his son’s civil rights.

            You don’t know the family, their situation, or anything about what it is like to deal with mental illness. You have absolutely no clue.

            YOU, who minimize Kelly’s horrific death; YOU, who minimizes Kelly as a person; YOU who stand in solidarity with EVIL; YOU who stands ever ready to excuse murder and police brutality; YOU are certainly NOT the person whom I would choose to decide how to spend Kelly’s blood money.

            YOU who relax by the pool on paid vacation and brag about it without a single care in the world for anyone else, (except for your brothers in blue of course); YOU who have no empathy AT ALL for Kelly or his family; YOU, a heartless sociopath; YOU CERTAINLY DO NOT deserve the money, nor do you deserve to decide HOW to spend it.

            Kelly’s family would know FAR BETTER than you what is needed to help families and individuals who struggle with severe mental illness. And, THEY would know how best to help their own devastated family, who has suffered at the hands of the FPD.

            Don’t you DARE judge Ron Thomas, his family, nor their motives. You are pure EVIL and you don’t deserve to have the time of day given to you by Ron Thomas.

            You can say it’s “backwards” all you want.

            But, the ONLY thing “backwards” is the fact that the FPD, and other law enforcement agencies around the country, seemingly have a free license to murder and abuse with impunity those whom they have sworn to “protect and serve.”

            The only thing “backwards” is that we have men in blue who have NO morals and NO honor, NO honesty, NO integrity, and NO empathy, (except for themselves!) who are working as our paid public servants, who INSTEAD of serving us, they abuse and murder us, while WE PAY FOR THEM TO DO IT!!!

            If you care about the people you serve, you will do your best to ensure that justice is served. And, I don’t mean your version of cop justice, where everything is justified in the name of “color of authority.” The “color of authority” excuse only goes so far with us humans. (And, I do realize that Trolls and FPD are NOT humans.)

          3. OK justice for all.

            First I do work for a law firm and not a small one by any means.

            That is good that you have spent that kind of money on your son, that is your obligation and duty you brought him into this world and I bet a million dollars Ron Thomas can not say that. Does your son live on the street being a menace to other people? I only hope you provide a warm and safe place for your son to sleep, Can not say the same for Mr and Mrs Thomas.

            Do I think Kelly deserve to die? of course NOT.

            Why does justice for Kelly mean that the tax payers should pay his parents who didnt protect and care for him millions? Do you really think a judgement will hurt FPD? I think not they will still get all the funding they need. It is the people who will pay.

            Ron Thomas and his family should mourn in peace. They should stop blaming the Fullerton, the Mayor, counsel members and even the Slide Bar, did I miss any.

            “Instead, Ron Thomas has the COURAGE and the DETERMINATION and the LOVE for his son, to STAND UP for his son, and to seek JUSTICE for his son, no matter what all of you IGNORAMUSES say.”

            Too bad he didnt have all that when he was alive or that determination to take care of him and be sure he was safe. Boooo Hoooo Oh yeah where were his siblings? did they help him? dont think so.

            I hope after all this Fullerton the City and the FPD LEARN to get RID of the homeless people, let someone else babysit them.

            Do I think Ron Thomas will get millions Yes I do, do I think he will sign a release and go away? YES I DO

    5. @ Bounder, your ignorance is showing, as usual.

      In order for parents to get their adult child hospitalized for longer than 72 hours, they have to sign an affidavit or a restraining order stating that the child/adult is not able to live at their home. This is in order to show that the mentally ill person is “gravely disabled” and that he has nowhere to live, and that he cannot provide food, clothing or shelter for himself.

      If the parents don’t do this, then the doctor and the court appointed advocate will often say that the person is NOT “gravely disabled” since they have family who will/can take care of them, and they will then release them back out onto the street, after just three days, which is long before they have had adequate treatment. Three days is not nearly long enough to get someone stabilized on meds or to change their meds, or to get them eating properly again, obtain cognitive behavior therapy, or anything else. “Gravely Disabled” status is also very often a necessary step in the process of obtaining a conservatorship for a mentally ill loved one. It is a very difficult process, and often times seemingly impossible. Signing such a statement, and not allowing your child to come home, is one of the most heart and gut wrenching things that a parent must do, but if you talk to a mental health attorney, you will learn that they will advise you that it MUST be done in order to get involuntary, inpatient treatment and confinement. PLEASE take a NAMI course so you can understand this more clearly.

    6. You Go, so true. And all these losers who hate the cops dont want to hear it. TRUTH HURTS all the was to the bank.

  113. 10-35guy :
    i can Inglewood PD jermery morris .. riverside pd tayesha miller.. go to behindthebluewall.com,,, i think thats right. there so much police brutality that doesn’t make the media …

    Thanks 10-35, I’ll check that out.

    1. That’s because those are the big cases. How many big cases were the cops found guilty or charged? I know, big conspiracy but still. Wasn’t Jeremy Morris the slamming on the back of the car? That punk deserved that too if it was.

  114. Bounder :
    Yeah, I did have to come back and go there and the truth hurts. A restraining order against him so that he could not even go see his own mother, not that she wanted to see him. Thomas family did not want to be bothered with K. and what alternative did he have. He had to fend for himself on the streets the best way that he could. So don’t even try to make excuses for the Thomas family. They are just trying to cover their tracks so they won’t look so bad when they take twenty million dollars of Kelly money!!!

    Again, Policetruth=Bullshit.

  115. Yeah, your right, he did die for a reason! He was breaking into cars, he was resisting arrest, he was running from the police, he was not obeying commands, on and on… maybe K didn’t have the mental capacity to know the difference but an officer does not have time to make that determination in a split second when someone is resisting.

    1. @Bounder, your complete ignorance is CONSTANTLY on public display. You should be embarrassed for yourself.

      The only reason why Kelly died such a violent and horrific death is that:

      Kelly was unabatedly and violently assaulted while he was screaming for mercy, while he screamed for God and for his dad to HELP, HELP, HELP!, while he was lying flat on the ground, while he was being sat on by three officers who Tased him repeatedly, while he was kicked, beaten with nightsticks, and at least twice knee dropped on his face and throat, while he was surrounded and beaten by 6 armed, bullet proof vest wearing officers, who were most likely amped up by Roid rage.

      The beating continued even AFTER Kelly was motionless and unconscious.

      STOP blaming the victim. The officers did NOT follow proper arrest and control techniques. It is NOT a proper arrest and control technique to beat and restrain someone’s head.

      Your pathetic attempts to justify the horrific murder of Kelly Thomas just go on and on and on, ad infinitum.

      Only the guilty parties to this grievous crime give any credence AT ALL to your pathetic defense of the indefensible. .

    2. Yet another idiot apologist for police brutality. You make so many idiotic comments, that I don’t know where to start.

      1) His name was Kelly, not “K” — this is such an obvious attempt to diminish his life, but at least you don’t insist on calling him “homeless dude” like some other douche here, so I’ll give you credit for at least giving him a single letter (I guess that means he’s like 1/4 or 1/5 of a human to you).

      2) It wasn’t a split second decision, like in the case of whether to pull the trigger or not. By all witness accounts, this beating went on and on and on, for several minutes (if not 10-20). There was enough time for officers to follow protocol and make thousands of decisions — this isn’t like a wild animal charging their way and they have to decide whether or not to fire their weapons. They had time to tase him repeatedly, beat him about the head with their fists and/or tasers, stomp him in the throat, etc.

      3) Neither running, resisting, nor not obeying the commands of an officer justify a death sentence.

      Basically, you are wrong on every level, “B.”

  116. So they finish him off in cold blood, in front of credible witnesses with video capabilities on their cell phones and a city camera, viewed live by some deer-in-headlights upper-ranked, do-nothing officers. Happens everyday doesn’t it you Blundering Baffoon.

    1. Of which everything you just said nothing is true. No credible witnesses yet, no cell phone videos, and a city camera with a tree blocking most of it. Kelly brought it on himself. Cops are going to be innocent.

      1. Ba-doom-tish

        Oh sorry, I thought you were telling a joke and needed a rimshot to signal the punchline.

  117. how do you know that??? that’s not even fact….? you obviously do not have a clue about law enforcement… Fact is a person died .. we live in a country that uses due process. Part of due process is the right(s) for the people,,, and the people have the right to know.. who cares about what he did fact is he died. now the police have to justify if they are in the right.. A police officer has to use REASONABLE amount of force to affect the law.. there was no justification to kill him he was not a fleeing felon nor did he have a weapon….the police have to prove they uses REASONABLE amount of force,,, if they are in violation ,,, then they will be negligent under color of authority based off the totality of the circumstances ..

    1. So you know they killed him..case closed. Where have you been for the last 45 or so days. Who needs the DA when we have you. You are a moron!!

  118. Get a catscan and real life yourself Doeboy!!! Your “Bad Boys” are going down…OOPS! Please don’t tell your Daddy DA this is a threat.

  119. john doe :
    So you know they killed him..case closed. Where have you been for the last 45 or so days. Who needs the DA when we have you. You are a moron!!

    DA BUSHALA IS A EUNUCH .. he/she/it knows it..
    Fifteen years and not one case of police misconduct?

  120. Rackauckas

    damn you Tequila.. damn you.. ^^ that guy is the DA.. who never found a reason to charge a police officer in fullofshiterton with any single infraction.

  121. No Roger No Rerun No Rent No Roger No Rerun No Rent…. come on guys practice for tomorrow, No Roger No Rerun No Rent

  122. All the civil minded people who value the right to live without fear of being beat to death by the people charged with upholding justice, let us keep those who spew out hatred and intolerance in our hearts. They were not born close-minded and apathetic. They were taught to fear that which is different from them and blindly follow authority. Many of them are the very same “compassionate conservatives” who teach their children to hate gay people, and hurl obscenities at young women as they walk into abortion clinics. Let us not disguise self-righteous judgementalness as compassion. Let us show them the love and empathy they refuse to grant for all sentient beings. Let us also remember it was not just these six officers who were responsible for Kelly Thomas’ death, but a legal system that gives cops too much power with too little accountability, Let us not stoop to the level of those who devalue the life of Kelly Thomas by attacking his character. Let us find love for all people.

  123. Evidence supporting police and city misconduct in Kelly Thomas case

    1) Numerous videotapes and eye witnesses supporting there was no fight, altercation or battle, just a vicious, one-sided, fatal beating

    2) Witness alleging having cell phone confiscated because she was filming the savage beating. Sounds a lot like what we saw in the Mam case. If only Hampton had made sure to steal the cell-phone instead of roughing up innocent bystanders.

    3) Chief Sellers tries to sweep the incident under the rug and leaves 5 of the 6 officers on their usual assignments. Hmmm, perhaps that’s why the city tried to sweep it under the rug again for almost a million bucks after they found out there was lots of evidence of the murder.

    4) Department claims tapes can not be released because they could tamper potential witnesses. You’d think the department would want to release these tapes to exonerate the officers unless perhaps there’s something incriminating on them; oh that’s right, that whole beating and electrocuting a man to death thing is on there.

    5) Police Chief who mishandled the case conveniently goes on vacation so he will not have to perjure any of his own officers.

    Evidence supporting fatal use of force

    1) Well um, he was bugging customers, and uh, he had some suspicious papers in his backpack, and umm, I think he may have been using drugs awhile back, oh and he’s a mentally ill homeless person.


  124. so happy to see the strength here tonight !!
    stay strong everyone !!
    alot of people are rooting for you !!
    God Bless Kelly Thomas !!

  125. Come down to the protests outside Fullerton City Hall on Saturday, Aug. 27th, 9:00-3:00! And we’ll see you at the Candlelight Vigil, Saturday 8:00-10:00 p.m.


      1. That sounds suspiciously like a threat. Wonder if someone has already sent it to the FBI cyber-crimes unit?

        arnold, you are dirty, smelly, and you [try to] scare people. We would all be fortunate if they DID take you off the street. Please get down to the protest right away! Oh, and remember to wear black clothes and a ski mask so they can’t video tape your face. Better safe, you know. Since it is such a hot day take a glass bottle of cold water too. Some say water stays cold longer in glass, especially if you stuff a rag in the top to insulate it. Have fun arnold. Be sure to write us about your adventures.

        1. It’s hot out there. Pepper wouldn’t feel good right now. Hope those people you guys hired get wild. 🙂

    1. Voice he never had because his family and father abandoned and gave up on him. you should all go pick up a homeless guy and take him home. Practice what you preach. LOL 🙂

  126. Now all you cop lovers go to the protest and take pictures of all those people calling for the arrest of killer cops and send them to the FBI… send the FBI this guys website http://www.policecrimes.com this guy is hard core. Heck he offers rewards and openly calls for the killing of cops who commit a crime and he has been doing it for years and years…. Guess the FBI missed him and all those white supremist sites…. The FBI is sure gonna be all over this blog cause people are mad that a guy was beaten to death by cops on video….. oops now I did it, I am gonna get reported to the FBI for this.


      1. arnold, you are such a dreamer. “Those guys” are going to have to go to school finally to get training for a different career. Their days in LE are effectively over. Years in criminal court, bankrupted families from civil suits, and very likely Federal prison time. If you are one of them be extra nice to bubba and maybe he won’t beat you more than once a night.

        1. Come on Xer. I know you are smarter than that. You know “those guys” arent getting anything close to that. At least be realistic.

          1. I’ve no idea how smart I am. Probably not as smart as I think. Still learning.

            Just hope “those guys” get what they deserve, and it’s doubtful it will be a rose petal strewn path. More likely a green mile.

      2. i hope they do … because half these bloggers are COPS 🙂 Plzzzz i dare them to come knocking at my door ..

  127. Report this site too http://www.injusticeeverywhere.com … this guy has the audacity to post the names and crimes that police commit and GASP sometimes he put pictures of the cops up…. guess he needs the FBI looking at him too…. Thats it.. the FBI should spend all their time checking out websites against dirty cops and not really catching dirty cops…. yeah thats the ticket.

    1. Right. You wouldn’t dare show your face in public.

      On the other hand, you just might be there- in a back room- to discuss your strategy and coverups, and to coordinate more of your lies with Jeremy and other co-conspirators.

      No informed citizen would ever step one foot in that place if they even THOUGHT you might be there.

      It is beyond revolting to even reside in the same town or state that you live in, let alone be in the same building.

      1. My face has been in public everyday. You really think people are scared of you guys? Come on.
        Yes the made up accusations. Laughable.
        Love you too. 🙂

          1. Yeah he’s that pimple-faced kid working as a drive through bank teller at Bank of A. You know, the one you can never remember his name? the one no one ever shows any respect? Yep. That’s him, pimple boy.

  128. March on over to Long Beach when you are done. 🙂

    LONG BEACH, Calif. (KABC) — A man was shot and killed by a Long Beach police officer responding to reports of an attack.

    Shortly after 8 p.m. Friday, officers responded to a call for help from a person who was either shot or stabbed in that area.

    When officers arrived at the scene, they said the suspect ran off. Officers then chased him on foot.

    During the pursuit, the suspect was shot. There was no word on his condition.

    No officers were hurt.

    The alleged victim who called for help was hospitalized. That person’s condition has not been released.

    The incident was under investigation.

    1. “responding to reports of an attack”. I would think you activists would be all over that with a conspiracy theory. 🙂

      1. Trying to deflect attention away from the FPD guilty 6, conspirators and apologists?? Good luck with that.

      2. Who likes you, baby?

        WHO likes YOU?

        Shame even your own parents hated you. If it weren’t for YOU they never would have gotten a divorce. It was ALL your fault.

        Lots of people liked Kelly! Local businesses would even give him free food and coffee.

        ‘Course Slidebar gives you free food and drinks too. Better be careful you don’t get beat to death by six brave cops when you leave there.

        1. You really think local businesses and citizens “liked” Kelly? Come on. If you really think local businesses and citizens in any city like the homeless, that shows how out of touch with reality you really are. Now if you say some local homeless activists liked the homeless, I might agree. Homeless are terrible for any city. That’s why activists always want to do something to help them.

          1. Reality Is states: “You really think local businesses and citizens “liked” Kelly?”

            From your comments, it’s CLEARLY obvious that YOU didn’t like Kelly. And, You say businesses and citizens didn’t like Kelly? Hmmm..sounds like you are admitting to a MOTIVE.

  129. Reality Is :
    March on over to Long Beach when you are done.
    LONG BEACH, Calif. (KABC) — A man was shot and killed by a Long Beach police officer responding to reports of an attack.
    Shortly after 8 p.m. Friday, officers responded to a call for help from a person who was either shot or stabbed in that area.
    When officers arrived at the scene, they said the suspect ran off. Officers then chased him on foot.
    During the pursuit, the suspect was shot. There was no word on his condition.
    No officers were hurt.
    The alleged victim who called for help was hospitalized. That person’s condition has not been released.
    The incident was under investigation.

    That person is probably dead and I’d bet you’re proud of your L.B. Thugs in Blue, aren’t you CopRealityguy.

    1. Have to wait for the facts. Just like this case. If he tried to attack or kill someone and then did the same to the cops, yes glad he is dead. Much rather it be him than you or the cops.

  130. BY the way trolls and justice naysayers (like RealityIs), the protest is smoken today. Just came home for lunch and check on the dogs and I’m back at it. I’ll be standing by the Fullerton Dummy Cop hangin’ on the noose. TO THE GALLOWS POLE with these gutless apes.

      1. You’re a horses ass.

        Your reality doesn’t make sense buddy. Grow up and act like a man

        These jackass FPD cops are gonna hang. And if they don’t go to prison for years, then they will at least have felony records and won’t be able to vote or own firearms. So tell your cop buds, the heat is going to be turned up bigtime by the Fed’s civil rights division shortly. Smart cops know about DOJ’s CRD but apparently FPD youngsters weren’t schooled about LAPD and the King incident back in ’91; Seems most of the FPD were still crapping in their drawers during that time. Party is over for FPD and your ilk.

  131. One fact remains- those cops KNEW Kelly- they knew he was sick,they knew he was a drifter and the KNEW he was a gentle soul…they KNEW him- their actions are beyond reprehensible, morally despicable and just plain wrong…for gods sake, those cops ARE responsible for his death-they KNEW what they were doing…and if it wasnt Kelly Thomas, it would surely have been someone else…roid raging one eyed THUGS…..I hope their next stop is prison because thats exactly what they deserve.

    1. Wrong wrong wrong. We all know and knew Kelly. No one knew his issues. Most homeless are drug addicts. Some are mental. No cop knows the exact issue. Maybe you should help us with that. Write laws that homeless mental people have to wear vests with their mental problem. Then we would know on contact.

      1. Are you kidding me …? Who cares about their issues .. i don’t care if your homeless, drug addict, or dealing with any type of mental person or dealing with normal people,,,Were not Doctors our job is not to diagnose… we are here to serve and protect.If your in law enforcement then you should know what REASONABLE amount of force is. “Excuses are like assholes ,, everybody got one and everybody stinks”… Look at facts,,,, a man died because we failed to control him. These COPS may have had good intentions ,, they became negligent when they lost control… YOU know that … ? because of that law enforcement is held accountable.

        1. We will see. I don’t like to monday morning quarterback anything without knowing all of the facts. I know the facts. You think you know the facts. You will see that even you would have handled this fight the same.

          1. we will see . who cares about the facts… it comes down to media + public scrutiny equals politics …..

            Out come will be be decent decree .. & case law … game over we alllll lose !

          2. You think you know the facts. You will see that even you would have handled this fight the same.

            No, I do not believe 10-35guy would have continued beating Kelly in the head with the butt of a taser when he [Kelly] was face down on the ground. Don’t believe he would have hit him in the head at all! Don’t believe he would have found it necessary to have tased Kelly more than once, if even once. Unlike your trash mouth, it sounds like 10-35guy actually knows how to subdue and restrain a person in REALITY. Your trash talk is all pubescent adrenalin fantasy. This guy sounds like a professional. You sound like a bad joke, not that you have ever had any credibility here at all.

            Really do appreciate 10-35guys contributions here. From the cops I’ve known in life, and the cops and cops families I’ve talked to about Kelly Thomas murder, If 10-35guy is not an honest to goodness cop, his ‘act’ far surpasses your drivel for realism. Personally, however, I suspect he is a for real cop, whereas you are only a for real internet troll. If you ever were a cop (if you’re even 18 yrs old), you must have been one corrupt sob. It seems like 10-35guy is trying to float a little damage control out there for all the destruction you have done to the reputations of good honest cops everywhere.

            Why don’t you (pretend reality) just get lost like a good little punk? Go tell your mom she wants you or something.

      2. Pussy. You were afraid of a 135 pound unarmed, dude.homeless. And your even more afraid of him now when he’s dead!

      3. “Write laws that homeless mental people have to wear vests with their mental problem. Then we would know on contact.”

        Or, alternatively, write laws that make cops wear big patches on their uniforms with their IQs on them. That we way when the really low ones – under 80 come around we can just avoid them.

      4. ..yeah, and while we’re at it we’ll stitch the Star of David on their “vests.” If they won’t continue their medical regimen, and they try to escape institutionalization, won’t stay long with family, how long do you think they will wear the vest before it gets lost, brainless? They have MENTAL ILLNESS. THat means they CAN’T think right. They don’t CHOSE to not think right. They CAN’T. This begs the question: Did your father and mother often hit you in the head when you were young?

  132. Reality Is :
    I’m at the SlideBar. let’s party.

    A coward like you, hiding behind your heavy-badge would never let any of us know where you are hanging out. NOW, I’m back to the rally!

    1. I dont know you for nothing…. But when you make comments about not being scared of anything .. it shows me your a liability.. when I’m on the streets I’m scared ,,, because it shows that i have respect about what if’s … you talk like your some boot rookie .. Believe me BOY,,, you better be scared of something,,, if not just quit your job ,,,, because your a danger to your self and others…
      think about what you say and do… because its your ass.

      1. Interesting. I’ve been doing it for 25 years. I’m not scared of the shit talkers on here was my reference. On the streets? Not scared but a realist as to what I could be facing.

        1. Scared of an unarmed 135 lbs. homeless dude.

          The funniest thing is that you are even more afraid of Kelly Thomas now that he is murdered.

        2. Come on man,,, a bunch of us 1035guys are laughing at you right now ,,,lol,,,,,,,,realist… i know a lot guys like you from the military & on the Beat…. Realist find them selves in trouble all the time … A realist turns into a liability …

        3. I have to think that you are more than likely “looking over your shoulder” a lot more often these days, and rightly so.

        4. Is that why your afraid to go out and simply talk with the protester’s themselves on Saturday instead of engaging in inflammatory rhetoric? The protests are right in front of the police station so it’s not like you have to fear for your personal safety?

      2. Wow..he called you BOY. He sounds like one of those shit kicking cops from the south that wants respect, if they have to kick your ass the get it. Go back to Mayberry!!

  133. Orange County District Attorney, Judges, cops, unions, politicans, city officials along with its cronies would Never believe a single testimony from witnesses. This case completely shut before it is even open.
    We treat strayed animals better than human in Orange County.

      1. i agree with you 100%… that’s probably the smartest thing you said all day..
        we live in a society of politics,,,

    1. Sadly you are on target. The favors are called in and the investigation will find nothing. I pity the innocent witnesses who want to do the right thing. They will have to uproot their lifes and go into hiding.

  134. Regardless of what this latecomer ‘witness’ says, THERE IS NO LEGAL JUSTIFICATION for such a beating in a civilized country. The videotape will tell the jury all they need to know about the excessive force used by the youngsters at FPD. This was a minor altercation and two officers should easily have been able to handle (150 lb) Thomas. He could have easily been handcuffed while on the ground and stuffed into the back of the car. Had he been armed, well that is a different set of rules, but he was not. Bottom line, the FPD youngsters were having a good time with this fellow, clearly used excessive force with their toys and fists and now its time to face the music in court. The party is over, Fullerton PD.

  135. Well said Dodge but the 2 or 3 anti-Kelly dimwits that are here like to keep hitting their head against the wall. They can’t even tell when they’re being made fun of.

    Is it for a penny a post?

  136. Sorry.. I was out for a bit. J. Edgar Hoovers ghost showed up at the door wanting to know what I was up to. I gave him a pair of my girlfriends underwear and he went away….

  137. im in Blue ,,, i wont cover for nobody… I hate corrupt ass cops… like in the military,,, ” grab your nutzz and own up to it ” …

    1. I’m embarrassed for ( Reality is ) he claims he’s a realist i work with jack ass cops like that, just because your realist doesn’t make it right. Those officer are in the wrong,,, Fuck being justified… you become negligent when you lose control. Who cares about what they did prior to making contact with Kelly,,, who cares … they lost control … and that suspect ( Kelly ) becomes a victim…. Law Enforcement will be held accountable …

      1. Again, Thank You. It is a breath of fresh air to hear your voice of truth on this blog.

        The pure evil, lies and arrogance embodied by the sociopath Reality Is, and those like him, absolutely knocks the wind out of sane and honest people.

        To think that there are sociopaths in L.E., like Reality Is, out on our streets, brings great fear to all of us.

  138. @reality is..
    Wrong wrong wrong. We all know and knew Kelly. No one knew his issues. Most homeless are drug addicts. Some are mental. No cop knows the exact issue.

    btw, you don’t know him anymore, remember??

    really showing your IQ here.. any normal person would be able to identify someone on drugs or alcohol, as opposed to mental illness..

  139. 10-35 is a poser… why did this guy take so long to come forward and he calls Tony and not the DA’s office!? He gives his statement to Thompson …what a fucking joke!!! Did he talk to the DA’s office? You people bitch about it taking so long (the investigation) yet this guy NOW comes forward.

    1. Well, anonymous-buttwipe, no one knows what city 10-35 is from, that person may have just heard about it and may have nothing to do with fullerton-but the DA has known about this for 54 days and keeps crying “wait until the investigation is over before we realease anything” bullshit, that investigation has been over probably the first week…and we all know it. Its only a “poser” when it doesnt cry foul for the gestapo, right?

      1. Just heard about it..my grandma in Australia heard about a few weeks after it happened. He just wants to make all you haters feel good. He is a poser!!

  140. Reality Is :
    Interesting. I’ve been doing it for 25 years. I’m not scared of the shit talkers on here was my reference. On the streets? Not scared but a realist as to what I could be facing.

    Nice going 10-35guy! Thanks for taking over my chop busting on RealityKnowItAll. I just got back from the protest and it was a splash. Great turn out once again; even in this heat.

    1. Welcome back Wrong Guy,
      The PURE EVIL exuded by Reality Is, has me shaking in my shoes. I feel like I need to call an Exorcist to get his evil spirit out of here.

  141. I just got home from the protest – I saw yet another fat load FPD putting out the “road closed” barrier- this one had to be 260 with a gut-the only running he does is to the fridge-no wonder they are quick to pull out the taser, and a woman FPD about 5 foot even.
    Honestly, this is not an occupation that should allow this-even if they passed the damn fitness test 8 years ago- the fat butterbeans obviously cant run or climb stairs without doubling over, and obviously women are never put on patrol but if they happen to run into a bad guy, are not expected to do anything other then call for a male backup for their midget asses.

    These folk should think about joining up with Barnum and Baily

  142. I saw those same sad excuses for Law Enforcement Officers myself. It made me think that those over-stuffed badged apes that killed Kelly Thomas did it because Kelly made them break a sweat running a whole 15 yards. Did you see the FP Cop Dummy on the Noose as well? That was the best!

    1. yeah and they stuffed a skinny FDP uniform-no skinnyn ones there but good analysis-the DA will probably see that as “death threat” haha-idiot DA holes

  143. Reality Is :
    Enjoy yourself. No one is around to hear you except yourselves.

    Sorry RealityIs, you were wrong again. Lot’s of people heard me earlier and shoved it back inyoface once again!

  144. WANTED: To answer for the Murder of Kelly Thomas:

    Jay Cecinnelli
    Kenton Hampton
    Manny Ramos
    James Blatney
    Joe Wolfe

    Stop resisting, stop resisting, the TRUTH!

  145. Justice for ALL :
    Welcome back Wrong Guy,
    The PURE EVIL exuded by Reality Is, has me shaking in my shoes. I feel like I need to call an Exorcist to get his evil spirit out of here.

    Thank you JUstice…Yeah, he’s a real piece of work. Brave man in uniform (or on paid vacation), sittin’ on his ‘Fat Ass’ once again, trying to rile up the mass of good folk here on this blog. My guess is that their (the trolls) goal is to initiate a statement from one of us that they could bring to their Do-Nothing DA’s attention so they can start crying “THREAT” once again. Another excuse for deviating from their cover-up/investigation.

    1. That horned demon is a cop like my cat is a cop-hes just a dirty ass troll with friends or faamily who are Nazi’s or is just trying to make a fool out of everyone here who wants justice for Kelly and doesnt believe his death was “accidental”

      I dont believe that throbbing wiener and refuse to give “it” the time of day

      Feel bad for Kelly’s family having to be subject to BS like that-I will be protesting every saturday until further notice

  146. Poser ..lol
    To anonymous:
    To Jon Doe & Reality Is ….
    Your a MORON… totality of the circumstances … it takes one to three deps at the most… you dont punch a person in the fucking face to control or subdue a suspect or subject…? Its over kill and redundant with two more officers with tasers.. Where the fuck is REASONABLE Force play a part.. Pardon my french ,,,, ” fuck you ” you don’t know shit . Kelly’s natural human instincts took a big role reference to alllllll the officer(S) training and experience.. Kelly covered up / was blocking the punches from his Face … HELLO that’s natural… The officers where misconstrued and took it as resistance ( PC 148) … Stop punching him in the fucking face ,,, he would have complied … Guaranteed …

    1. @10-35GUY,
      EXACTLY CORRECT! The facts in plain view speak for themselves. Why does the D.A. need a toxicology report before he will file charges against Kelly Thomas’ murderers? ANYONE else, but the men in blue, would have been put in jail immediately. The double standard needs to be changed. How do you spell corruption?? D.A.

      1. I guarantee you in the officers report MR Kelly Thomas was possibly 1150 H&S Under the influence Controlled substance . Got to remember the DA is taking a proactive role in reference to protecting the officers investigation. Got to remember ,,, DA is on the Officers side until he is proven as an integrity violator; so there taking every step to prove the officer is in the right until proven wrong ..

        The DA has no choice but to believe that the officers were in the right until proven wrong.. If the officers are in the wrong they will open up a new investigation ..

  147. 440 Dodge :
    Regardless of what this latecomer ‘witness’ says, THERE IS NO LEGAL JUSTIFICATION for such a beating in a civilized country. The videotape will tell the jury all they need to know about the excessive force used by the youngsters at FPD. This was a minor altercation and two officers should easily have been able to handle (150 lb) Thomas. He could have easily been handcuffed while on the ground and stuffed into the back of the car. Had he been armed, well that is a different set of rules, but he was not. Bottom line, the FPD youngsters were having a good time with this fellow, clearly used excessive force with their toys and fists and now its time to face the music in court. The party is over, Fullerton PD.


  148. All these fucking guys ,,, reality is , anonymous,
    Jon Doe..
    its really directed to reality is …
    He claims he was on the force for 25 years ,,, ?
    Who gives a shit ive been in military for ten years and im going on 12 in law enforcement.
    All that tells me is ,,, A guy like that flew under the radar to keep his job. What makes me upset is,,, everybody has this perception that officers cover up for each other… Maybe back in the day,,, Realistically everybody covers up for them selves and the shit rolls down hill .. Smaller departments is easier to manage and weed out the pie holes; Bigger departments it becomes a challenge. That the truth… i guarantee you these FPD officers are not talking to each other ,,, there afraid of the unknown and the what ifs… Keep up the good work with the rallying ,,,, believe me everyone is listening in the law enforcement community … You may not know it ,,, a lot of us do not agree with FPD and the officers…

    1. Thank you, officer, for posting here. Like Justice for ALL said, your posts are a breath of fresh air after all the troll garbage we’ve been assaulted with. It’s hard to believe these guys don’t realize, this time they are going down, and hard. The corrupt DA can’t cover up the entire public opinion.

  149. This is totally giving me flashbacks of Vietnam. You expect for these guys to go out and fight your war for you and when they do what they have to do, you crucify them. YES – THIS IS THE SAME THING. These officers go out everyday and put their life on the line for YOU. What if KT had freaked out on you or your family? These officers were in a combative situation and they did what they had to do. Period.
    “It wasn’t my war, you asked me I didn’t ask you and I did what I had to do to win but somebody wouldn’t let us win, then I come back to FULLERTON all those maggots at City Hall, protesting, spitting, calling me a homeless killer and all kinds of vile crap. Who are they to portest me huh? Who are they ? Unless they been me and been there and know what the hell they’re yelling about.”

    You don’t know what you’re yelling about but keep yelling and protesting until you learn the truth and then do it some more. Cause you are NOTHING. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    1. I see what your saying.. i agree to disagree… Ive been there Ive done that ,,, there still rules to engagement. Unfortunately law enforcement society is in a scrutinize position.

      Everybody still loses … Law enforcement , society…

    2. Exactly the same… don’t they know that Kelly was Viet Cong and ready to ambush the village with the hidden cache of weapons smuggled over by the Chinese. They HAD to beat him to death… what if he had gone crazy and set up mines to kill U.S. servicemen.. uhmmm, I mean, the good citizens of Fullerton.

      I-Fellate-Cops, you make about as much sense as a syphilitic rat on meth. You are not only a complete and utter moron, but a total douche bag whose time could better be spent knitting sweaters for old nuns than being here showing off your ignorance and lack of humanity.

    3. “What if Kelly had ‘freaked out’ on you or your family” —

      You mean what if my family of 4 – 6 members had pinned him face down on the concrete, used our tasers repeatedly on him, beaten him and stomped on him, while he called out “Sorry” and “Dad.. Dad.” I don’t know, but I”m pretty sure we WOULDN’T continue beating him into a coma and then death.

      But that’s just me. If I had PTSD from ‘Nam and an addled brain to begin with, who could say??

  150. I’ve been reading many of these blog posts as well as the commentary. This is my first time posting, so please excuse any awkwardness.

    I’ve read a lot of what seems to me to be credible innuendo of police corruption and cover-ups. Apart from public demands, are there other ways to leverage the FPD into releasing the video of the beating?

    Does the FPD have to prove that these new alleged incoming threats were legitimate or can they just make those calls themselves and claim that they’re receiving threats?

  151. @Concerned Texan…. they have proof and internet information. Who better to investigate than the FBI. They have the resources and it is their jurisdiction.

  152. So far they have been coming up with the lamest BS excuses to divert media and citizen’s attention from their cover up, I mean Investigation of their finest murdering Kelly Thomas. I believe they will continue to do so. Early next week we will see that ‘weebly’ Sergeant Goodpitch state that they are receiving ‘threats’ from this blog, as they and the county DA have done before.

    1. You are a disgusting “human” with no concern for life. I only hope no sociopath crosses your path when your adult child is beaten to death without provocation (assuming anyone would be crazy enough to procreate with such a vile piece of crap as you).

      Go back under the slimy rock from which you crawled.

  153. This gives me total flasbacks of my car beibg broken into-damn right, when they mooch off my tax money for salary and pension-yes, they need to have their fat asses on the line-thats what they signed up for-not in Fullerton though, they are too fat to move or too short to be useful- they write tickets all day, keeping us safe from those with broken tail lights. period

    The animals were busy coving their fat asses and the only thing they could come up with was kill the harmless guy like hes a spider. period

    and I know exactly what Im protesting/yelling about -no quotations needed as Im saying this (who did you steal that quote from?)

    troll-read a book or watch some tv

  154. Firstly, if you’re old enough to have flashbacks of Vietnam would please retire already? I have a long list of family members who have fought and or died in service to our country. Your words are incredibly disrespectful to them.

    Secondly, two wrongs don’t make a right. If you’re upset at the language that the protestors are using to communicate their point to you, then stop referring to them as maggots. It’s inflammatory and discourages actual debate.

    1. We’ll see who figures it out. Having so much fun with you guys and your sensitive souls. Cool off yet?

      1. The fact that you these serious discussions about police conduct and the violent death of Kelly Thomas “fun” just proves what a worthless sack of crap you are.

        You are sub-human without any redeeming qualities whatsoever (except maybe the capability of having “fun” at others’ expense and poking fun by making rude, insensitive comments to the family of a murder victim). Boy, what a prize you are!

  155. and the FBI will not care about the politics that seem to permiate our police dept and DA.

    its in their hands now, and some of the trolls on here, are trying to get the good citizens to threaten the pd, to shut down this freedom of speech site

    if you follow this site you will see for yourself the discusting remarks trying to blame kellys family for his death

    1. There has been no threats or foul language used regarding Ron Thomas and his family. There is nothing wrong with what has been said. The only thing disgusting is how he treated his son.

      1. The only disgusting thing is you and the other couple of sociopaths who have said hideous things, blaming a father for his son who was killed at the hands of incompetent or downright brutal cops.

        If only you were in his shoes, you would realize what a complete turd you have been. That’s the problem, though — you are a sociopath and unable to put yourselves in anyone else’s “shoes.” You can’t think or feel beyond your own tiny, pin-headed brain.

        1. REALLY….. There are plenty of people who are in Rons shoes. They take care of their family, sacrafice and do Whatever is needed to protect them and dont throw them out into the streets and get restraining orders.

          We keep saying it because it is true. Kelly would be alive today is RON was there when he called for him…..

          1. And, you would know the struggles that the Thomas family endured? And HOW would you know that exactly?

            I sure hope your daddy is there to save you from a brutal death when the FPD decide it’s YOUR turn. You’d better stay very close to your daddy, and never leave the house.

          2. By the way, if you had actually read any of my previous posts, (can you read?), you would know by now that getting a restraining order IS what parents have to do in order to get help for their child so that they can be INVOLUNTARILY kept in a hospital for treatment. Ask your mental health attorney.

          3. Okay, so everybody, just take your adult children and lock them in your house. That way they won’t be out on the streets and the police won’t have the chance to bludgeon them to death.

            Thanks for explaining that, fool. What a complete and total red herring — the parent/child relationship in this case has absolutely NOTHING to do with the police conduct in July. Most homeless adults don’t even have any familial contact, sadly, so you got “lucky” in having a victim here whose grieving parents’ you can insult and defame.

            I hope that makes you feel like a real hero, a-hole.

  156. @ 10-35 guy:

    You seem fairly knowledgeable and approachable. Does internal police corruption ever affect the ability of good cops to come forward? If it does, how so?

    1. all the time … the good old boy theory still exists. Everybody is afraid of losing their jobs .. it all come down to politics … like it or not type of attitude. and the cops that want to leave don’t want to be on the black ball list and that goes for promotions ..

  157. IT does! The good cops are afraid to break the ‘Code of Silence” and be labeled a ‘snitch’, even by the higher ranking scum.

  158. Why would the FBI release the video to the public? I could see them using it for their own investigation. I wasn’t asking about an investigation, I was asking about legal means to leverage the DA into releasing the video to the public.

  159. The Thomas family is doing every thing they can to deflect the spotlight from their misdeeds and lack of care and concern for KT. They can protest forever and it will not change the situation. KT is dead and they are responsible! Now they just want to stick their fingers in the pot of gold and take all they can for their own greed. $$$$$ that’s what it’s all about. And if you think therwise, you are the fools.

    1. Bounder is doing everything he can to deflect from the real issue of police misconduct and brutality. Kelly Thomas died and they (the FPD) are 100% responsible. Now, Bounder, just wants to stick his disgusting attitude into the middle of this and show what a complete jerk he is without humanity or empathy for other human beings. If you think otherwise, you are a fool.

    2. @Bounder,
      Bounder stated, “KT is dead and they are responsible!”

      Bounder, you are SO wrong. And, what’s more you KNOW you are WRONG.

      Are you the one who THREATENED Kelly Thomas with great bodily harm, and caused him to run for his life for fear of his safety?

      Are you the one who smashed Kelly’s skull into the cement curb?

      Are you the one who Tasered, kicked, beat and choked Kelly Thomas while he was pinned down, face down, on the ground with one arm under him?

      Are you the one who CONTINUED to Taser, kick and beat Kelly Thomas while he was motionless on the ground, only SCREAMING “Sorry, HELP, HELP, DAD, DAD!

      Are you the one who did two full body weight knee drops on Kelly’s head and neck AFTER KELLY WAS ALREADY UNCONSCIOUS?

      Are you the one who bashed in Kelly Thomas’ head with the butt end of a Taser, UNTIL BLOOD WAS SPRAYING EVERYWHERE, AFTER HE WAS ALREADY UNCONSCIOUS??

      Because it sure WASN’T his family that did that.

      MORE LIKELY it was YOU THAT MURDERED KELLY THOMAS, or someone that you are covering for.

      1. To Justice for All,
        Gee you must have been a witness. You talk as if you know first hand, blow by blow. You should have stopped them or called Ron Thomas. Oh I forgot he told the PD to stop calling him he wasnt interested in helping his son anymore he has washed his hands of him…. Sorry my mistake

  160. Anonymous :
    You are a disgusting “human” with no concern for life. I only hope no sociopath crosses your path when your adult child is beaten to death without provocation (assuming anyone would be crazy enough to procreate with such a vile piece of crap as you).
    Go back under the slimy rock from which you crawled.

    That’s right Anon!!! This rutabagas is real pond scum.

  161. i disagree bounder, the trolls on here are trying to blame the family for kellys death, when in fact,
    kelly died in the hand of the fpd

    in calif you cannot force an adult into treatment for schizophrenia!!

    so stop trying to push the blame off on the grieving family!!

    shame on you all!! a human being is dead!!!

      1. I come from a good home environment. My daddy loves me and even at 81 years old he would protect me and I could still live in his home if I needed.

        1. Let’s see,
          If you took everything out of the refrigerator during the night, and then left everything out on the counter all night, and left the fridge door open all night, so that everything was spoiled in the morning, ice cream melted, chicken thawed or spoiled, milk and juice spoiled, etc. would your dad get a little bit frustrated with that after a few years?

          How about if you went for a walk in the middle of the night and left all the outside doors wide open all night…while the heat or air conditioning was on?

          How about if you were up pacing around the house, had all the lights on, and were looking in every drawer all night long?

          And, what if you smoked in your room and left burning cigarettes on the top of your dresser, and the cigarettes rolled off onto the carpet causing fires?

          Or, lets see, How about if you turned on the gas stove top or the oven full blast, just to warm up your hands, and then you left it burning on high, all day, or all night?

          Let’s see, how about if you forgot to turn the bath water off and you flooded the house? Would your dad get maybe just a little bit frustrated about any of those things after a few years?

          I won’t bore you with more scenarios since i know you really don’t care about what kind of struggles or challenges the mentally ill or their families face.

          No matter how good the home environment, mental illness is extremely difficult to manage without a LOT of support.

  162. Anon: Disgusting is what Ron Thomas is. Anyone who tries to make $$$ off of his child’s death is truly disgusting and that is exactly what he is trying to do. And you know it!!!!!!!!

    1. Disgusting is a sociopath who comes on a website concerned about the death of an unarmed man and police brutality and hurls vile insults at the family of the deceased.

      You are without redemption or any human value. Please go back to raping your step-daughter, strangling puppies, or whatever else you get off on.

  163. I think the time will come on this blog when we all might be surprised what shows up. The FBI is said to have some good stuff on all this. Hope so.

  164. Does in stand to reason then in the case of the FPD that there are far more corrupt cops than good ones? Do even the “good” cops have some sort of action that could be used by the corrupt ones to blackmail them? For example if one officer slightly fudged a police report in order to cover for another cop, does that deter them from coming forward in a completely separate incident for fear they will be reprimanded for their previous report?

    1. Texan-from the many articles Ive read and the videos I’ve seen about “bad cops” (in different American cities) these cops were interviewed and all say the same thing- that the supervisors seem to put enormous pressure on them daily to appear “active” which means writing up people for boogus charges that they have no intention of filing but the writing up of the report gives them credit for an arrest. Im not sure if thats the case most of the time but these articles were not written that long ago- 1996-2005

  165. I will not be baited, thank you very much, so I will just repost and keep those names in the public eye:

    WANTED: To answer for the Murder of Kelly Thomas:

    Jay Cecinnelli
    Kenton Hampton
    Manny Ramos
    James Blatney
    Joe Wolfe

    Stop resisting, stop resisting, the TRUTH!

  166. Not with FPD. Even their Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains and even Chief Sellers has helped their field officers ‘cook’ their reports. IE. The ‘Mam’ suit against FPD is against 4 or 5 officers that were present and Chief Sellers.

  167. hmmm: If Ron Thomas cared so much why did he get a restraining order against KT? I am very confused. The last thing I would do is cut off all contact with a child, no matter what age and condition he was in. Especially if he was mentally incapacitated and needed help.

    1. Yeah, you’re one heck of a guy. And you would spend every waking second walking along with your adult son or daughter on a leash protecting them from enraged, murderous cop. That was Ron’s big sin — he wasn’t there that night to absorb half of the blows, half of the taser blasts, half of the kicks and stomps, as I’m sure he would have.

      Good boy, Officer Bounder!

      1. Thats right if Ron was out there with his son or careing for him HE WOULD BE ALIVE.

        These cops did not wake up that day and say lets go take out the fucked up guy at the station. I am sure they didnt get on the radio and say lets go guys.

    2. who gives a flying fuck about their personal life…:/ whats that going to prove ,,, that he has “daddy issues”… fuck ,,,you probably have daddy issues… ? BOTTOM LINE,,, IT DOES NOT JUSTIFY HIS DEATH G**DAMMIT !!

    3. @Bounder,
      Let me see if I can help you out a little bit and try to remedy some of your obvious lack of education about mental health issues.

      In order for parents to get their adult child hospitalized for longer than 72 hours, they have to sign an affidavit or a restraining order stating that the child/adult is not able to live at their home. This is in order to show that the mentally ill person is “gravely disabled” and that he has nowhere to live, and that he cannot provide food, clothing or shelter for himself.

      If the parents don’t do this, then the doctor and the court appointed patient advocate will often say that the person is NOT “gravely disabled” since they have family who will/can take care of them, and they will then release them back out onto the street, after just three days, which is long before they have had adequate treatment. Three days is not nearly long enough to get someone stabilized on meds or to change their meds, or to get them eating properly again, obtain cognitive behavior therapy, or anything else. “Gravely Disabled” status is also very often a necessary step in the process of obtaining a conservatorship for a mentally ill loved one. It is a very difficult process, and often times seemingly impossible. Signing such a statement, and not allowing your child to come home, is one of the most heart and gut wrenching things that a parent must do, but if you talk to a mental health attorney, you will learn that they will advise you that it MUST be done in order to get involuntary, inpatient treatment and confinement. PLEASE take a NAMI course so you can understand this more clearly.

          1. Right on, JFA! He doesn’t want to be bothered or inconvenienced by KNOWLEDGE. He’s quite satisfied with the miniscule amount he has accumulated thus far in life.

            Moreover, reading about those with physical or mental disabilities or conditions may force him to feel empathy (which is very foreign and uncomfortable for most sociopaths).

    4. @Bounder, and everyone else who is questioning the relationship between Kelly Thomas and his family.

      I wrote this post awhile back and posted it on another blog. I am reposting here. If you are truly interested in the family dynamics, this may help you to understand. Otherwise, just skip over this post.

      I expect that most of the sociopaths who are posting on this blog WILL skip over it.

      Here goes:

      It is very common for people suffering from schizophrenia to NOT have a good relationship with their parents/families, but it is usually not because of a lack of concern or effort on the parents’ part. In fact, the opposite is true.

      The parents are usually always the ones who are constantly trying to get their child to go to a doctor’s appointment, to get them to take their medications and vitamins, to eat something healthy, to change their clothes, etc. And, remember, people suffering from schizophrenia are very paranoid. They often think people are trying to poison them with the medications. And they very often do not trust us anymore because they realize that we are the ones who called the police and had them taken to a hospital for evaluation and treatment-against their will.

      A note about paranoia: People suffering from schizophrenia are often already very paranoid and already may have the very strong delusion that everyone is out to “get them,” therefore, if people that they come in contact with yell at them, or even speak too loudly, criticize them, or are disrespectful towards them- it only serves to further greatly reinforce the powerful delusion that they already have. And, it then becomes even more difficult to rid them of their delusion.

      The meds DO have a lot of side effects such as extreme fatigue, headaches, akathisia- which makes them very restless and unable to sit still. As a result, they may often constantly pace around the house, halls, yard, or go on walks. Even when they are exhausted it can be difficult for them to sleep well.

      More medication side effects: After they have taken meds for a period of time, they may have tremors or make strange facial movements or have an uncontrollable need to wring their hands, or make other continual repetitive movements such as rubbing their legs, arms or head. The meds can make them very sensitive to heat and cold; my son will wear layers and layers of clothing to keep warm, even in the summer. The meds can lower their white blood cell count and make them more susceptible to infections or illness. Meds often increase their blood sugar-making them more susceptible to diabetes, some meds cause a lot of weight gain. Some meds are hard on their hearts; therefore, they should avoid excessive exertion-especially in the heat! There are sexual side effects causing a loss of libido. And the meds are hard on their livers-especially if they take a lot of these powerful drugs for many years.

      If you look up the side effects of some of the common meds used to treat severe mental illness on WebMD, you will see that the list goes on and on. It’s absolutely no wonder that they don’t want to take their meds-especially when they have no insight into their illness- which means that they don’t believe that there is anything wrong with them to begin with!! My son would literally throw his medication across the street and refuse to take it because he said the medicine was poisoning him and destroying his brain.

      Parents are the ones who constantly remind and encourage them to do things that they don’t want to do: such as bathe, flush the toilet, drain their bath water, shave, cut hair, change clothes, put things away, etc. (However, we do try to keep this to a bare minimum, since we know it is stressful for them to always be told what to do.)

      As a result of their paranoia and lack of insight into their disease, and because the parents are usually the primary caretakers who are constantly trying to get them medical interventions, (that they don’t want, and often deeply resent us for), a large focus of their paranoia and fear is usually placed on the parents. Also, the memory of a negative or stressful event will get stuck in their minds and they may dwell and focus on that event CONSTANTLY, (such as a prior hospitalization).

      They often don’t trust us, or they become angry with us and don’t want anything to do with us-BECAUSE of our efforts to help them! This is a very large part of the reason why family members are typically the ones who are the recipients of any anger or violence by the person who has schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia have a very low incidence of exhibiting violence; however, when there is violence-it is statistically most often directed towards their family members, who love them the very most. Even so, this fact does not stop us from trying to help our child.

      This is all extremely difficult for a parent to handle; I can speak for my husband and for myself to the fact that we love our son with all our hearts and we only want the very best for him. We try everything in our power to help him to be well; therefore, when he rejects us, or is angry or paranoid towards us, or doesn’t want to see us- it is extremely painful for us. As a mom, I spend a lot of time in tears.

      They also may not trust eating food that people give them, they may have the delusion that people are trying to poison them-so they may only eat food from a certain source or food that they get themselves. My son thought he was being poisoned and so he refused to eat and lost 40 lbs. He would only eat pizza from one certain pizza place- because he told me that he had eaten pizza there lots of times before-and nothing bad had happened to him when he ate at that particular place. That was the only food he would eat for a very long time.

      Schizophrenia is an extremely devastating disease. Sometimes I truly believe that it is harder on the parents than it is on the child who has the disease. And, I truly believe that it is much, much easier to deal with a physical disability of some kind that leaves the brain intact- than it is to cope with a severe mental illness where there is an altered reality.

      It is difficult for us, as parents, to come to terms with the fact that our loved one is forever changed, and to realize that- we also, must accept a new reality- that of forever loving a child who may never love us back.

      1. I get you… I understand that this very devastating disease. I commend you for what you have done.

        This is not meant to minimize Mental Illness, but I dont have this issue, it is not my problem and it is unfair to place that problem on me or the PD or the state tax payers and then to have Ron and Cathy Thomas wash ther hands of Kelly and then with to profit.

        1. Just because YOU don’t have this issue, or AIDS, or a severe learning disability, or other birth defect or disease, etc., it doesn’t mean that it excuses you from turning a blind eye to the need that exists.

          Kelly’s parents did the best that they knew how to do, given our current health care and legal system.

          It is everyone’s responsibility to care for those who are less fortunate, or who are ill.

          The only responsibility placed onto the FPD is that of treating ALL men with respect and affording all men with their God given right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. We don’t live in a perfect world. People, even parents, don’t know what they they don’t know. Think about that for a minute. Again; People don’t know WHAT they don’t know.

          Schizophrenia is devastating to individuals and to their entire families. Families need support and they are very often NOT getting it. Families often don’t know any more about mental illness than you do-until it hit them. And, then some families STILL OFTEN still don’t understand it themselves, and don’t know what to do. You should not judge the families for doing the very best that they knew how to do.

          When my son was hospitalized, the psychiatrist wouldn’t take more than 5 minutes to speak to us, because they didn’t have the time. They had SO MANY patients they had to see.

          Mental Illness is a HUGE problem. 300,000 new cases of schizophrenia ALONE are diagnosed each year. That doesn’t even count the cases of Bi-polar disorder, severe depression, personality disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, hoarding, cutting, etc. Mental illness is a HUGE issue, and it will not go away any time soon. It will affect you, or someone you love.

          Everyone needs to be educated and empathetic, and not dehumanize and marginalize and stigmatize these HUMAN BEINGS who happen to suffer from a brain disorder.

          Kelly’s family members are the ONLY ones who have what is known in the legal world as proper “STANDING” to file a complaint and to seek justice for the death of their beloved son. They must do this if the FPD is to be held accountable for depriving Kelly Thomas of his Civil Rights. They are standing up for their son’s civil rights, and in so doing, they are also standing up for the Civil Rights of all citizens.

          The brutal murder of Kelly Thomas could JUST AS EASILY have happened to you, or to me.

          Kelly Thomas’ family are in an excellent positon to know exactly how best to help other families and individuals who have suffered from mental illness. They have been dealing with this issue for many years now; they understand the gaps in the mental health system. They all too well understand and recognize the many unmet needs of the mentally ill and the great difficulty in obtaining care for them. Even the Public Guardian, who was assigned to care for Kelly’s well being, did not, or was not able to get Kelly into a situation where he would receive appropriate care.

          Can you not see how difficult it is to get help through our current system for soneone who is an adult and does not consent to treatment?.

          You are mixing up two issues here. One issue is the police violation of a man’s civil rights.

          The other issue is how to get involuntary psychiatric hospitalization and treatment for the mentally ill, on a parity with other medical treatment.

          1. Copy.

            So if Kelly or any other mental patient attempts or assaults a citizen or a cop you have no problem with the use of force? You just want the force reasonable? Deadly force will never be reasonable for an unarmed mental subject right?

  168. Proof Positive :
    I think the time will come on this blog when we all might be surprised what shows up. The FBI is said to have some good stuff on all this. Hope so.

    I heard the same thing about the FBI from Ron Thomas today. Sounding good.

    1. Does any actual human being with normal intellect and empathy really doubt that these smoke screens, besides being vile and offensive, have actually nothing to do with whether or not the “officers” involved had the right to beat an unarmed man to death??

      1. Then why is he asking for sooo much? It came from Ron Thomas’s own mouth are you not watching the news. HE FAILED HIS SON

  169. You are CONFUSED. What does Ron Thomas’ relationship with his son have to do with Kelly’s murder? ANSWER: absolutely nothing (it just allows Officer Bounder, the piece of crap, from absolving the cops from all responsibility).

    What if Kelly were like most homeless adults with no family support whatsoever? Whom would you blame then (if he was tackled, tased, beaten about the head repeatedly, and eventually put into a coma and death)??? Huh, genius??

    No, you won’t answer. You will keep pointing the finger at the parents of the murder victim. How gosh darn honorable of you, officer. Protect your own, vile scum.

  170. Just like a cop in denial. This is what I was talking about earlier ‘Concerned Texan’. That ‘Wondering’, who is probably aka ‘Blounder’ on these earlier posts cannot admit police actually murdered someone innocent. Although he knows they did it, and he probably would have participated in the beatings himself, or would be too panzy to stop it like the others. “Code of Silence” is valuable to these folk who are supposed to ‘protect and serve’ us.

  171. Just wondering about all that money. His son is already gone, why does he need it all now? Oh Yeah… to help the homeless… forget for a second.

    1. Jeez… talk about totally missing the point. Ninety percent of the people here are outraged by the police conduct, lack of accountability from the city and its leaders, etc.

      Then we have some brain surgeons who are most concerned about a lawsuit and how much money the family will receive and whether it’s right or wrong. Who cares!!!!????

      Save your stupid sarcasm (which should be “forgot for a second,” by the way, if you are using English). If you have studied this case and the most egregious thing you got out of it is whether this goes to a civil trial and how badly the city or FPD will be punished economically, then you clearly don’t get it.

      Please come back after your loved one is killed or raped by “city servants” and tell us whether you will file a punitive suit in a court of law or not. Until then, perhaps you can shut your pie hole.

      1. We are not missing the POINT.
        The Thomas family will Profit from this
        The PD is innocent until proven guilty

      1. Exactly right, Merijoe.

        By the way, if this were really about $$$, then why isn’t Officer Bounder or Officer Wondering (probably the same a-hole) crying about what it’s costing to pay for Chief Sellers’ medical leave or keeping the six cops on paid leave until they can be fired and/or prosecuted???

    2. AND, to PENALIZE the GUILTY so that they think twice before doing it again to someone else. And, YES, the family DOES want to be able to help other homeless people by donating money to shelters, etc. What’s so difficult for you to understand about that?

      It is FAR EASIER to comprehend the motives of the grieving family members who are seeking justice for their brother and son, Kelly Thomas, than it is to comprehend the evil minds of those who murdered and those who covered up the murder of a helpless man.

      Kelly was pinned to the ground with one arm under him, and several officers were dogpiled on top of him, while he was being mercilessly beaten to death by FPD officers. And, yes, I include all those who aided and abetted in the murder of Kelly Thomas.

  172. From what I’ve read of these comments I gather that most of the people here doubt that the Thomas Family is out for anything but accountability, justice, and social change.

    1. it will come to an end when there’s justice for keely thomas and the FPD/DA stop the cowardly coverup

      we already know the truth-unfortunately we have to wait for the covering a-hole fakers with political power to release shit- when they do release shit- sure enough-it will ne tampered with in their favor, so this may not end for a while

      I know the protesting wont be ending anytime soon

  173. @ Wrong Guy, The Kelly incident is relevant to all American citizens because the “Code of Silence” happens in police departments all over the US. How do we start to legally address the problem of police brutality and abuse from an average citizen’s level?

  174. most of us are here to stand up for justice, for a man that was brutily beaten, and died.

    the officials are dragging their feet with any info to calm the storm that was created.
    the longer they wait, hoping it will just go away, the worse its getting sadly.

  175. I don’t know if anyone could answer that correctly. I can tell you, don’t go to the police station or any sheriff’s department to make a complaint. Nothing happens to it. As far as I know, you can go to IA (INternal Affairs) for a sheriff dept. complaint and possibly something similar with a city police department like Fullerton.

  176. Unfortunately, it had to come down to something so gruesome and egregious as this Kelly Thomas murder by police in public, with many witnesses, cell phone video and the mystery video from the city camera that they do not want to reveal. Gee, wonder why? The father, Ron Thomas seems pretty confident that the FBI, although it is a civil rights investigation, will bring this to light and justice.

  177. When you go to the local department, yes, nothing is done. They will send you a ‘dear john’ letter in about 30 days saying they found no wrong doing by our officer or officers.

  178. Back to the topic of tampering, if members of the FPD are posting inflammatory comments on this blog, sending threats to themselves while claiming they come from protestors, and sending out “fake” witnesses to skew the reporting of actual events the night of the Kelly Thomas beating, can we prove it? Do most people here feel that this new witness is a credible one?

  179. Are you saying that a compliant = beating a person to death after he is begging for mercy and for his daddy?

  180. By the way Concerned Texan, welcome to this blog. You will get more updated information on the Kelly Thomas case here than you will from local and national media. The media only reports what the officials (liars) say, for the most part.

  181. For all those who keep bringing up the relationship between father and son………
    Who gives a FUCK !!!

    Everybody in here has daddy issues !! Shit ,,,i know some of those cops have daddy issues … !

    Bottom line is,,, A man Died reference to Police negligence …

    1. True. But moat people have an issue with the abandonment and the $10-$20 million dollars he may get. I see them as two separate issues. Justice in the Kelly case if there was wrongdoing and $0 for papa because he deserves nothing.

      1. “Deserves nothing???” WTF does this have to do with “deserves??” You are so ignorant. Did he “deserve” to have his son brutally beaten to death?? Does he “deserve” to be defamed by socio-pathic officers and their sycophants here, like yourself???

        It’s not about deserve. It’s about justice. If your ugly daughter was raped or murdered by public officials I’m more than certain that you would want civil as well as criminal remedies, for the punitive effect if nothing else. You are just too arrogant and hateful to admit it.

  182. Concerned Texan :
    Back to the topic of tampering, if members of the FPD are posting inflammatory comments on this blog, sending threats to themselves while claiming they come from protestors, and sending out “fake” witnesses to skew the reporting of actual events the night of the Kelly Thomas beating, can we prove it? Do most people here feel that this new witness is a credible one?

    Great question Texan, especially the part about the FPD trolls posting the threats. I never thought about that. I’m hoping the FBI is chiming in to this blog. They should have their IT guy checking ISPs and so on. However Texan, the threats these dumbass Police Spokeshole’s and D.A.s claim are utterly stupid. One blogger, such as you or I stated on here that ‘someone should make public those cops addresses and personal information’. That, they considered a threat. What a bunch of tainted blowhards!!!
    Watch, they will look up my ISP, come to my house, break the door down and arrest my for calling them ‘tainted blowhards’. That’s how devious they are.

    1. That’s how devious WHO is Wrong Guy???
      And FYI, THE FBI will be able to figure out who is making threats and who’s house to go to without queston. They will be able to figure out WHO you are WRONG GUY after posting certain things you have posted and also who some others are who have posted threatening remarks towards the officers and mainly Officer Cicinelli. So keep it up. Great Job!!!

  183. Thank you Wrong Guy. I’ve actually been watching videos, reading articles, and following these blogs for about 3 weeks or more. I hope that doesn’t make me a troll. I am often frustrated at the way in which my various search engines filter my results. It’s the main reason I keep returning to this blog. I compare and contrast as much information as I can and seem to come up with only more questions. My sympathies go to the Family of Kelly Thomas as well as the community of Fullerton for being burdened with such a horrendous situation, however your community seems to be a good model for government change via community action. You have my support.

  184. When I read a couple articles about the D.A., the FPD and the “threats,” made to voice mail, one of my first thoughts was, “Well, they could have made those calls themselves in order to circumvent the legal system.” Even in the articles, those threats don’t seem credible at all. They don’t appear to be specific or imply immediate danger or harm to specific persons. Did I miss something?

    1. @Concerned Texan
      Welcome to this blog. In regards to the cops or someone on their behalf having made those calls themselves. This info. would have to be produced to support their claims of threats against LEO’s. It could also be subpoenaed to show what time, extension, and where the call originated from.

  185. Thank you for your support Concerned Texan. Every other Tuesday there is a city council meeting where we all show up, by the hundreds and many of us get up to the podium telling the ‘three blind mice’ ( the mayor, and two other ex-cop council members) and tell them to get the fu*@ out of town. They haven’t shown any concern for this case because they got their hands in each others pockets (also FPDs) and their heads up each others asses. We also have a protest every Saturday from 9am to 3pm. The world knows.

  186. Concerned Texan :
    When I read a couple articles about the D.A., the FPD and the “threats,” made to voice mail, one of my first thoughts was, “Well, they could have made those calls themselves in order to circumvent the legal system.” Even in the articles, those threats don’t seem credible at all. They don’t appear to be specific or imply immediate danger or harm to specific persons. Did I miss something?

    No, like I’ve been saying, “They’re full of shit!”

    1. that is possible.. who to say it was a cop,, it could be a family member of the cops… Right now their running around scrambling for excuses, leadership, etc …

  187. I agree, people from all over this country and the world are paying attention now. I actually followed some of those city council meetings as much as I could. I started asking questions tonight about legal action that can leverage these corrupt officials into doing what is right, because so far, they seem to be using it only to their advantage against the will of the Fullerton community. The recall is an excellent start, but how else can you non-violently and legally fight this type of corruption?

  188. concerned texan, Thank YOU for your support

    if you’d like to watch the council meeting on line
    here is a link w/live vid


    there are also vids of the past meetings..
    it will give you an idea of the representation the city of fullerton has..

    bafoons!! hoping this will just “go away”

    welcome to the site also.. you are a great addition to help with our cause

  189. The witness in the video on this post seems to have brought out the trolls, so I wonder; is he a credible witness? Does his account seem accurate or conveinient to those of you whom are closer to this situation than me?

    1. In my opinion – he may not have a suit and tie on but that doesnt mean hes not credible-I believe him, why would he lie? He had his back to the camera which showed me he had a concern with his idenity getting out to a blue monster
      His story connected right

      I dont think many witnessess are going to be found that were on they’re way to the opera-so yeah, I think hes credible

    2. I trolled it because it kept stopping and going as if it was stopped or cut, rehearsed, or not a continuous conversation. Didn’t know why that was. My guess was it was an answer or something Chris didn’t like.

  190. And, I would like to say I was personally disgusted with your Mayor when I watched the video of him comparing Kelly Thomas’ injuries to those he had seen in Vietnam.

  191. We all need to make sure we carry our cell phones with video capabilities and as soon as any cops (2 or more) approach us anywhere, break it out and start videoing. Hopefully you or I will be where other citizens are present and they do the same because you know more than likely one of the cops is going to have to flex his muscle in front of everyone and try to snatch the cell phone from you. If everyone there has there is videoing, not much they could do to defend themselves. Sorry Texan, that’s the best I could do to answer your question.

  192. get familiar with your video feature on your cell phone or buy one of those spy ones ( I have one of these) cant tell its a video-having a vid makes you feel more secure

  193. i beleive the trolls are pretty consistant..
    more so when new evidence comes out tho

    they have the need to keep trying to discredit everything

    just my opinion tho

  194. In my experience, all of my life in So. Cal. whenever I have been approached by one officer, say for a speeding ticket, they have always been cordial, professional, maybe a bit condescending on one occasion but it’s been non-confrontational. When you get two or more, watch out. If you know what you are talking about, you can back em down, but usually one of them usually wants to press your buttons and get you to argue back so they could arrest you for something to justify stopping you in the first place.

  195. It seems in this particular case though, the trolls seem to imply that this new witness account actually vindicates the officers. I don’t know if this means anything or not. I will say, his statement seems to be very different from every other video of the incident that I’ve been able to find. Does anyone know how or why he came forward? Did he already give his statement to other authorities before volunteering to give it for this blog?

    1. Texan- Im not sure about the when- I can say that the Blue beasts intimidated and scared witnesses shitless during the beating and right after so many, especially the weaker living on the street crowd, didnt say anything at that time -they are probably more out there, but are still afraid to say anything because they have to interact with these animal daily and would be afraid of retribution- just look at how they werent allowing people to video tape that night and people were afraid to stop these nazis for fear they’d be next. and just a year ago one of these baboons slapped the camera out of a bystanders hands as he tried to film his friend being arrested.
      My guess, this guy was too afraid to step forward until recently

  196. hmmm, I noticed that too. I was about to mention all quiet on the Western troll front, but you beat me to it.

  197. Concerned Texan :
    It seems in this particular case though, the trolls seem to imply that this new witness account actually vindicates the officers. I don’t know if this means anything or not. I will say, his statement seems to be very different from every other video of the incident that I’ve been able to find. Does anyone know how or why he came forward? Did he already give his statement to other authorities before volunteering to give it for this blog?

    That hasn’t been mentioned yet. How about it Admin? You should know. Did this ‘out of the blue’ witness speak with the D.A and FBI yet?

  198. @ merijoe, I was wondering about his credibility because his statement seemed to get a lot of troll response. I have a tendency to question everything, and not usually based on apperances. I question things based on timing, consistency, potential conflicts of interest and things like that.

    1. yeah, i think what he said is right on anfd makes sense. but those Nazi Gestapo use that “his word against mine” since all the liars are butt buddies they will discredit him as unbelievable-but He doest do anything for the animals- Kelly was sitting on a curb with officer baton twirler for 20 damn minutes-inimidating this paranoid schitziphrenic with a stick and who knows what he said to him, whatever it was made Kelly scared enough that his self preserviing mechinism kicked in (even schitzophrenics have these) and he started to run, there is no way Im going to believe after 20 minutes of sitting there calmly that he just “decided” to run, and any attorney will bring this up-I think the monsters were just looking for an excuse to beat the shit out of him and use this phony aliby in their report

  199. i thought of the difference too, but remember that the beating took place july 5.. could that be the possible reason.. witnesses already forgetting??

  200. And Merijoe, if we really are in the realm of widespread political and police corruption, I could come up with many plausable scenarios as to why this person might lie. I’m trying not to go too far into the realm of conspiracy theory. I just wanted to get a feel if there was any group consensus about the statement coming from this new witness, no offense intended.

  201. I ♥ COPS :
    That’s how devious WHO is Wrong Guy???
    And FYI, THE FBI will be able to figure out who is making threats and who’s house to go to without queston. They will be able to figure out WHO you are WRONG GUY after posting certain things you have posted and also who some others are who have posted threatening remarks towards the officers and mainly Officer Cicinelli. So keep it up. Great Job!!!


    1. this, too, I wish I could give a big thumbs up for. To hope a cop gets a taste of karma by being sexually tortured in jail is not a threat. It is so dangerous to be a cop in jail that this is nothing more than an observation of what will probably happen if the cop goes to jail.

  202. From what I’ve seen of the witnesses reactions in the videos, the people who were there seem to be pretty traumatized by it. I even feel the gravity of the situation from just watching and listening to the video. If I were there, I don’t think I would have forgotten. But, if I had been there and thought my testimony would have been relevant in the future, I would have gone home and written an immediate account of everything that I could remember, just in case.

    1. Not every citizen in America has it together as well as you or have your foresight. In response to your question a few minutes ago, here is a repost feomfrom earlier today:

      Xer :
      10-35guy on August 26, 2011
      I think the witness statement is very inconsistent…
      The job of the jury will be to hear all testimony and to sort the wheat from the chaff. No one witness can tell all the story, only the story from their vantage point, perception, and recollection. None of the videos so far, show all the story. If the one seen by the Watch Commander did, it likely no longer does. All available videos will need to be seen in court. The officers accounts will also be heard. The task will be up to a jury to sort it all out and reach a conclusion accordingly.
      Hampton’s taking a lady’s phone and destroying evidence should have already resulted in a felony charge of destroying evidence and a civil suit from her. What ever happened to the video shot by the real estate man? There is a lot t be answered for, and as I’ve said before: The FBI is slow, but they are inexorable. Unfortunately, justice will not happen overnight, but these trolls are only fooling themselves if they really believe the trash they post. The public MAY forget. The FBI won’t.

  203. Tony and/or Chris, you can correct this if inaccurate but some information on the guy claiming to be a witness in the video at the top.

    He has not in the past and at present is refusing to testify as a witness to the incident to the D.A.

    Please correct the above information if you know it to be inaccurate.

    Some of what he says is disjointed and inconsistent, see below.

    From 3:40 to 3:50 he said “after that it was just a circus”. Instead of explaining that comment or being specific, he immediately changes the subject by saying “I had to run to catch my bus, so I start walking to the cafe”.

    Then at 3:53 he begins to say that ambulances are arriving and “more cops arrive” He then says that he can see at least 5 cops on Kelly.

    Notice he makes a point here to say “not beating him”. He then able to surmise that maybe kelly was suffocated by having all 5 cops on him.

    So if this is after they’ve “finished” beating Kelly and ambulances are on site, of course the cops would at that point be “not beating him”.

    Also, in the beginning 0:45 to 0:55 he says he saw the cops talking to Kelly for “20 minutes, going back and forth to the car, like ‘EASILY’ 20 minutes”.

    He’s very specific at certain points and makes sure to insert certain statements but when it came time to describe what they put Kelly on to take him away, he’s at a loss.

    “The last thing I saw was when we left is when they took him, they put him on the, … on the … what is that? … they put him in the ambulance.”

    Then at 4:30 he chuckles as he recounts texting “LOL” his gf .

    My opinion but I don’t buy his “cops talked to Kelly for EASILY 20 minutes” comment. This guy either has a bad memory, has a problem with accuracy or is being deceitful at certain points.

    He’s specific about the time but to describe the actual beating all he says is “it was just a circus” and “I had to leave”. Then chuckles about it later.

  204. @10-35 GUY

    I am not asking this in an attacking manner, but what do think actually happened that night. I know a lot has been said in regards to peoples beliefs of what took place. I want to know what you think took place.

    Thank you

    1. My take is this… Officer responded to a call of a possible 459 suspect ( Burglary) unknown on the description. Officer made a safety check in the area, as a result they came in contact with a White male adult. Upon making contact subject was i identified as Kelly Thompson. I think officer ran him and he came back with priors
      I believe the Officer called out a PED Check on a WMA at the bus stop ( via Hand Held Radio ) . I believe dispatch called for another unit to the contact Officers Location. I believe the second officer showed up as the cover officer while the contact officer conducted his investigation. I believe the contact officer had enough PC for 647H Prowling or loitering ). I believe the Contact officer attempted to detain him as the cover officer was his back up. I think the primary & cover officer attempted to go hands on to put cuffs on for further investigation. I believe at that point Kelly Thomas Went PC 148 ( Resisting & delaying / Fleeing ) as a result the officer was in a short foot pursuit. I believe the one of the officer called for more back up ( via Hand Held Radio) while they were in a short pursuit. I think once the Primary officer made physical contact the fight was on. I believe the two officer attempted to get control of Kelly thomas, and called for more back up to render assistance ( code 3 ) I believe the back up officers # 3, #4 deployed taser while officer #1,and #2 where applying control moves I believe the 5th officer was another officer applying a control move .
      My take is Officer 1,2,3,4 applied unreasonable amount of force while affecting an arrest. i believe 1,2 officer(s) used the punch method to his upper torso to gain control. I believe #2 officer used his butt of his taser as a striking tool to gain control. I believe 3& 4 deployed the taser too many times. I also believe 3,4,5 officer used the punch technique to his upper torso.

      i firmly believe the totality of the circumstances played a big role..… it takes one to three Officers at the most… the punch method does not work reference to control or subdue a suspect …? Its over kill and redundant with two more officers with tasers.. REASONABLE amount Force will play a big part..

      Kelly’s natural human instincts took a big role reference to all the officer(S) training and experience.. as the officer punched Kelly in the face , Kelly was blocking the punches being thrown or kicked at his Face … ( its a natural instinct to block something coming at you ) The officers mistakenly took it as resistance ( PC 148) …if the officers Stop punching him in the face ,,, he would have complied … Guaranteed …

      1. you sound like an officer (and I have amde it a point to not call you a cop) your perspective of the situation is interesting; its rational, and does not overlook the importance of what is and isnot ‘reasonable’. kudos

  205. He seems credible to me. He isn’t outlandish with his account. He isn’t seeking the limelight, obvious with his back to the camera. I don’t know if he has already spoken with the DA or other LE community members, but it may be on his mind alot and bothering his conscious, since some people have a conscious, so he wanted to make sure people knew about it.

    1. He’s not outlandish but he’s chuckling about seeing a guy get a beating that ended up killing him.

      What’s funny about what he saw that he’s laughing about it and texting LOL to his gf about seeing this beating.

      1. People don’t always act or respond appropriately in a unusual situation. In other words, reactions don’t always correspond to the circumstance. Some people laught because they are uncomfortable, some people cry when they are happy. I seem to recall that he did say upon learning what happened he felt guilty about the “lol” text.

  206. From I love to blow cops

    “calling me a homeless killer and all kinds of vile crap. Who are they to portest me huh? Who are they ? Unless they been me and been there and know what the hell they’re yelling about.”

    Verbarim from “First Blood” with Stallone…. go to sleep you 12 year old idiot…

  207. I respect those of you who think that this witness is credible and really want a well rounded opinion of his account. However, thank you Check Reality for articulating some of the things that made me “feel” that there might be something off about his statement.

  208. I’m on my way to the candlelight vigil for Kelly. If any of you trolls or Justice for Kelly Thomas naysayers want to fu#* with the ‘Wrong Guy’, come on down. I’ll be the one with the Fullerton’s Titan cap on. I’ll be solo. To all the other good folk, have a great evening.

  209. In regards to the part about him having to catch his bus,… wasn’t one of the bus drivers appalled at the incident and encouraged people to come forward? I also read that as some point bus traffic had stopped or was diverted because of the beating. Is this true?

  210. That’s how devious WHO is Wrong Guy???
    from “I BLOW COPS”

    And FYI, THE FBI will be able to figure out who is making threats and who’s house to go to without queston. They will be able to figure out WHO you are WRONG GUY after posting certain things you have posted and also who some others are who have posted threatening remarks towards the officers and mainly Officer Cicinelli. So keep

    The FBI showed up today.. we had a beer and laughed about pimply faces kids using the internet to troll for cop lovers… they said they were on to you for trying to entice the good cops into sex acts with a very ugly little pizza face… they looked at all my military memorabilia, check out my Harleys, we remenesced about all the good we have done in the world and that trolls should be shot in the head…. and hung on a light post like the effagy of the FPD that was at the protest… they said a pimply faced guy who kept pointing his butt at them wanted the effagy guys arrested… but it is legal… sorry “I BLOW COPS”

  211. I might have it “I HEART COPS” keeps sticking up for Sissynelli and since me and a couple others go after him alot “I HEART COPS” is upset… come on kid, your dad is about my age, I have kids too and I understand that you want to think dad is a good guy. My daughter worships me and I love her to death… I have sold off alot to put her in medical school. I am a former Marine and went a different path than your dad. he chose law enforcement, he was hurt… he is a hero in your eyes, I get it. Then he changed… he was an active part in beating a man to death… ask him about it… he works alot right? he stayed out late, he had beers with his buds… mom was not so sure all of that was working… yeah daddy put you in this situation. Some of your comebacks sounded like what my kid comes up with and her friends…. sorry but daddy is not the hero you thought. He WAS but he let you down…. I think of my kid everytime I go to work and get mad, she needs me and a job is hard to come by, I put my kids future ahead of mine… your daddy did not do that. if i am wrong so be it… but I do not think so.

    1. Nice to see I have a youthfulness about me. Ahh to be young again. My comebacks are hilarious and you know it. In fact, when you don’t see me on here, you even miss me.

    1. “IS” is trying to show that a criminal got killed in the act and a jury found in his families’ favor.

      It’s not relevant.

      1. Whatever Kelly was doing or not doing had nothing to do with what happened to him.

      2. The cops went overboard in “arresting” him and killed him.

      It was the cops actions that are in question here, not Kelly’s.

      Kelly didn’t get his day in court, he got immediate punishment (and death) because the Slidebar don’t like homeless hangin’ around.

      Will the FPD6 ever see the inside of a courtroom, or a jail cell?

      “IS”, you’re not succeeding in this “blame the victim” strategy so its time to find a different one.

  212. My take is this… Officer responded to a call of a possible 459 suspect ( Burglary) unknown on the description. Officer made a safety check in the area, as a result they came in contact with a White male adult. Upon making contact subject was i identified as Kelly Thompson. I think officer ran him and he came back with priors
    I believe the Officer called out a PED Check on a WMA at the bus stop ( via Hand Held Radio ) . I believe dispatch called for another unit to the contact Officers Location. I believe the second officer showed up as the cover officer while the contact officer conducted his investigation. I believe the contact officer had enough PC for 647H Prowling or loitering ). I believe the Contact officer attempted to detain him as the cover officer was his back up. I think the primary & cover officer attempted to go hands on to put cuffs on for further investigation. I believe at that point Kelly Thomas Went PC 148 ( Resisting & delaying / Fleeing ) as a result the officer was in a short foot pursuit. I believe the one of the officer called for more back up ( via Hand Held Radio) while they were in a short pursuit. I think once the Primary officer made physical contact the fight was on. I believe the two officer attempted to get control of Kelly thomas, and called for more back up to render assistance ( code 3 ) I believe the back up officers # 3, #4 deployed taser while officer #1,and #2 where applying control moves I believe the 5th officer was another officer applying a control move .
    My take is Officer 1,2,3,4 applied unreasonable amount of force while affecting an arrest. i believe 1,2 officer(s) used the punch method to his upper torso to gain control. I believe #2 officer used his butt of his taser as a striking tool to gain control. I believe 3& 4 deployed the taser too many times. I also believe 3,4,5 officer used the punch technique to his upper torso.

    i firmly believe the totality of the circumstances played a big role..… it takes one to three Officers at the most… the punch method does not work reference to control or subdue a suspect …? Its over kill and redundant with two more officers with tasers.. REASONABLE amount Force will play a big part..

    Kelly’s natural human instincts took a big role reference to all the officer(S) training and experience.. as the officer punched Kelly in the face , Kelly was blocking the punches being thrown or kicked at his Face … ( its a natural instinct to block something coming at you ) The officers mistakenly took it as resistance ( PC 148) …if the officers Stop punching him in the face ,,, he would have complied … Guaranteed …

    1. @10-35

      Plausible summation, I have a followup question.

      Where is the need for a kneedrop to the neck area after suspect is held down.

      There are reports there were one, maybe two kneedrops from one officer who strode over to Kelly who was being held down in a prone position.

      Same officer also hitting him in head repeatedly with a buttend of a taser.

      If you haven’t seen this yet, watch OCDA Chief of Staff Susan Kang Schroeder’s body language as she describes to CNN what’s on the city video:


      1. in the mist of that scrummage that took place that night any think could have happen in that dog Pyle. i can guarantee you there where cheap shots mad by the PD.
        LOL they said one of the officers dislocated his arm… I kNOW for a FACT that’s not true..

    2. First, thank you for your response. A lot of what your saying is pretty right on to the first half of your statement, but I will say that when you see the video, you will be pretty surprised as to what really happened and what really did not happen. I will say this, it was never more than 2-3 ofcrs during the actual struggle.

      1. @REASON

        Thanks for commenting on what you know or saw. I hope the video is released unaltered and in its entirety.

        The truth is what we want.

      2. your exactly right .. but the 4th the 5th and 6th being the SGT were there.. That’s a fact .. even if the officers struggled there still going to have to articulate reasonable amount…
        i know for a fact their intentions were not to kill him; but he died as a result. Because of the officer(s) intentions were not to kill him , now they will look into liability, and the possibility of negligence

        the out come of this wont be pretty ,,, there probably be some case law out of it ,, Possible decent decree by the attorney general….

        1. 10-35guy
          I don’t think the Atty. Gen. will get involved. She had union support when she was elected. It would make no sense for her to bite the hand that feeds her. It sure would be nice though to have some kind of statement from her or Gov. Jerry Brown. Thank you for perspective on this issue. You seem to be a righteous person.

          1. its just a guess based on the history of California law enforcement. I think the state will look into their use of force polices, because FBI is looking now. Based off their findings FBI will take a big part into a decent decree reference civil rights violations … Riverside PD, LAPD it happen to them

        2. It will be interesting to see what they say about their use of force and other policies since they are all Lexipol and Lexipol is used by so many agencies now. I just really wonder if they will determine it’s an isolated unfortunate incident and everything policy wise is in place. Isn’t called a consent decree? 🙂

      3. I keep saying that also but no one believes me. That’s why the DA hasn’t done anything. It’s a tough case.

        1. I believe you. the trial will be ugly for the cops … Defense attorney is going to challenge them on their morals, policy and procedure etc… basically when they step in the court room it will be a catch 22 …

          these cops will spend 3 to 5 years in court ,, from civil criminal ,, etc … guarantee .. @ that point they will be a social / media liability … they will retire out either medical or psychological … their days on the street are over …

          1. I agree. I think it will be two cops who will retire medically before trial even hits. As I said many time they will be charged with a medium level offense for PR purposes and they will beat the charge.

          2. I agree. I think it will be 2 cops and they will retire medically before a trial. Then not guilty. We will see. I’ve seen many cops go thru this before. Some are happy to get out of police work and some miss it. Whatever is supposed to happen will happen.

      4. so what were the other 1 or 2 animals doing? standing around and watching this man get the life beat out of him? or intimating witnesses? They all deserve prison terms and a big bubba waiting for them to drop the soap in the shower

        1. Remember the main fight was 2 cops. 2 got there as it was ending. 2 more when it was over. There is really only 2 cops involved.

    3. That made me cry again. it was difficult to see the hospital photos but to hear your account as a professional paints a visual in my head-not sure how this could not be as horrible as hearing about the Night Stalker murdering his victims then going into their fridge and eating a sandwich and just as heartless-and none of those 6 listened to anyone of the witnesses yelling at them to stop , as a matter of fact they were scared they’d be next if they dared interfer with the gestapo
      Those animals didnt/shouldnt have taken blocking a punch to the face as resisting, what would anyone do? just sit there and allow someone to punch them in the face? “mistakenly” my ass, they didnt know this? their answer-“whoops my bad? ”
      Surely you know this, working in the field?

      resisting-, yeah, murderers-taking out their frustrations on Kelly Thomas, the punching bag, was more like it

  213. Xer:
    Hampton’s taking a lady’s phone and destroying evidence should have already resulted in a felony charge of destroying evidence and a civil suit from her. What ever happened to the video shot by the real estate man?..??

  214. Yo Check Reality… the troll is losing the fight. I believe several of the cops who killed Kelly might have kids at high school/college age…. daddy killed a man and is lying to them about it. I cannot condemn the kids but daddy needs to man up…. you and I did not beat a man to death to protect our drinking spot… but the FPD probably did. The wives are crying and the kids (born in this information age) are lashing out… the kids need to ask mom about dad… and to Hamptons family, did you ever find syringes that daddy said were evidence? Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. I saw your above profile on “I HEART COPS” and think you’re onto something.

      Even if its not, it’s gotta be rough for those kids to be caught up in this. The cops involved ought to as you said “man up” and own their responsibility in what happened.

      I guess that’s too much to ask for though.

    2. I know you don’t really think they are in that situation. I can tell you not much has changed in family or life.

    3. Don’t you remember when you were a kid and your daddy talked about bad people going to jail? Same story for these kids. Someone tried to hurt daddy so daddy fought for his life and the bad guy lost. Simple terms for a kid.

  215. Copz iz Gud. Thay ar alz gud. I ben never met a bad cop. I be a freeze thinkin Amerikan and I no whut I am talkin bout. Come to da cheepiest hotels in newsport and get some crack…. I luvs cops….

    (sorry admin I had to)

  216. all is not lost..
    in reading some pd blog comments, i am seeing good officers starting to question the actions of the thugs.. 🙂

    the pressure is on
    keep up the good work

  217. I just watched the video that was posted of the OCDA Cheif of Staff, and I am absolutely amazed at how horribly bad she is. Can you guys get her out of her position at the DA’s office?

  218. Wrong Guy: Seems there is some jealousy. May be the Officer with one eye is better than most with two eyes. God Bless him for his fortitude and perserverence to want to be an officer of he law.

  219. Many of you are saying that the FPD murdered Kelly Thomas. Why would they want to do that? They just answered a radio call and in a few seconds of time plotted with six people to murder somebody? You can’t be serious. I am baffeled by your accusations of murder. Could it be possible it was just a horrible accident?

    1. By the way, if you are really searching for the truth, the first step might be to get your head out of you @#!$@#!$.

    2. Searcher- uh , WTF? a horrible accident? they beat his face brutally, hitting his head in the cement, tased him 5 time and as he begged for mercy, crying out he was sorry and for his daddy someone kneedropped him twice in the throat and cracked his skull open with the end of their weapons-how is that not murder? you heartless devil? if a mobster did that to anyone it would be called murder not an accident-

      suggestion, go look at Kelly’s hospital photos and then decide if it was a horrible accident or murder

    3. Its not murder…. i agree…
      it is unjustifiable homicide reference to color of authority…

      Its unjustifiable because their INTENT plays a big role … Because of his death negligence will play a big role guaranteed …

      Come on people, in order to commit murder,,,, the key element is malice or forethought . Now if the officer said during briefing I’m gonna find Kelly Thomas and kill him and he actually caries out the crime then it becomes Premeditated… P.C 187

      1. The four states of mind recognized as constituting “malice” are:

        Intent to kill,
        Intent to inflict grievous bodily harm short of death,
        Reckless indifference to an unjustifiably high risk to human life (sometimes described as an “abandoned and malignant heart”), or
        Intent to commit a dangerous felony (the “felony-murder” doctrine).

        It is NOT necessary for the officers involved to have gotten together and cooked up some plan to kill Kelly.

        The intent to inflict “grievous bodily harm” would seem to apply here if the witness statements are true and they beat him about the head with the butt of their tasers, for example, or stomped on his throat.

        Also, malice aforethought can be created very quickly.

        1. Your exactly right … The officer(s) wont get charged for murder. I think it will be unjustifiable homicide reference to color of authority. Because they affected an arrest and as a result Kelly Thomas died, because of it will be negligence of color of authority..
          That’s just hunch.. i could be wrong ? ,,,” the only thing that’s consistent in law enforcement is change… “

      2. whether you “intend” or not doesnt mean it wasnt murder-look at DUI’s and they kill someone-its still murder

        I would think the man’s Begging for mercy didnt stop them nor did the witnesses yelling out to these animals to stop would account for murder intent right there

        1. DUI can only be murder with priors and classes explaining how dangerous DUI can be. Watson murder. Otherwise is the DUI caused the crash, it can be manslaughter.

          1. Well, I believe that you “professionally trained” officers know full well exactly how deadly full body knee drops and bludgeoning on the head with the butt end of a Taser can be. Or do you need extra classes in that?? Maybe you’re not so professional after all? Maybe you are really just overpaid street hoodlums?

        2. i agree .. but but ,,, there’s a crime for everything… it would be vehicular manslaughter… and that’s still different from murder.. and it all comes down to intent … i can guarantee you the DA will not charge the officers for murder based off the intent , and the totality of circumstances ,,, if anything the DA will charge unjustifiable homicide reference to color of authority..

    4. murder does not have to be plotted. there is a difference between murder and premeditated murder both holding different penalties.
      Are you trying to impy that this is not murder because they did not plan on it? that they couldn’t realize the gravity of what they were doing when kelly started begging for his own life?

  220. How do you “accidentally” beat someone to death??

    I understand hunting accidents, car accidents, but how in the @%#$%#$% was this accidental????

    By the way, this didn’t take place in “a few seconds” like a shooting (the officer up north, for example who killed the civilian in the train station when he “accidentally” grabbed his service revolver instead of his taser and shot him to death).

    This was a prolonged beating that, according to witness statements, involved many fists, kicks, taser blasts, and blunt force trauma — it wasn’t a snap decision or “mistake.”

    1. in the law enforcement world accident equals negligence.
      it was arrest that went wrong and as a result Kelly thomas died ..

  221. It was a horrible accident. However, Dad Thomas wants to get something out of it. He does not deserve anything, nothing at all. He is the one who neglected his son and caused him to be on the streets. Why was KT breaking into cars? Looking for a place to sleep? Looking for money? Food? A jacket to keep warm? Thought maybe his family was there somewhere to see him. Follow the money!!!!

    1. @ Bounder..

      Do you have daddy issues ? why do you keep bringing that up ? Who cares … I dont care what he does with his settlement .. Your obviously your not a father…Out of all people The father probably feels the most guilty …

      who cares…

    2. You don’t even have any proof that Kelly Thomas was breaking into cars, nor doing anything else illegal AT ALL. You are EVIL.

      1. 1st I am not a cop just saying.

        Someone here said that the cops knew
        Kelly ?? Maybe becase he was a menece and was called out, the cops didnt go out to the station or other areas to visit him, say hello get him a bite to eat. They knew him because they had many issues with him.
        They also know Ron Thomas becaused he called the cops on his own son. FACTS

        1. Ron Thomas called the officers for help back in the days when he believed that the officers were there to “protect and serve.’ Now Ron Thomas’ eyes have been opened wide to the injustices that occur on a daily basis.

    3. it has never even been proven that there really was a call about someone breaking into cars. they will not release the call. they also did not find kelly in the parking lot but near and there was nothing stollen in his bag. regardless of wether he was breaking into cars is not relevant neither is the money and his dad. Nothing more needs to be looked at except for the actions thta took place during the interraction of mr. thomas and those 6 pigs
      this is about holding police accountable for their actions as we are as civilians.

    1. Officer Bounder, stop pretending to be a human being. Go back and grow a soul, some empathy, and decency for human beings, and then come back, please.

    2. In the meantime, please turn in your badge and gun. Someone with your total lack of empathy and concern for other people has no business carrying dangerous weapons.

    3. Officer Bounder claiming to know with absolute certainty how the father of the victim felt towards his dead son (without ever meeting either men) = acceptable.

      Anyone repeating the facts of the case as reported and shown in numerous reports, videos, etc. (re: taser use, trauma to the head and neck, Kelly calling out for his Dad, etc.) = making things up

      Just pathetic…

  222. Follow the money??? How much did the killer cops get paid?? I don’t understand the money has to do with it, officer.

    But since you are a sadist and a sociopath, keep attacking the victim’s father. It’s just as honorable and tasteful now as it was the first 15 times you did it.

    By the way, what did KELLY deserve, you piece of garbage???

  223. Hey ‘Searcher’, go and check out the most recent blog post from a professional psychologist that describes your sad sadistic ahole to a ‘T’.

  224. 10-35guy :
    your exactly right .. but the 4th the 5th and 6th being the SGT were there.. That’s a fact .. even if the officers struggled there still going to have to articulate reasonable amount…
    i know for a fact their intentions were not to kill him; but he died as a result. Because of the officer(s) intentions were not to kill him , now they will look into liability, and the possibility of negligence
    the out come of this wont be pretty ,,, there probably be some case law out of it ,, Possible decent decree by the attorney general….


    How do you know for a fact the intent of each officer involved?

    Please explain how a kneedrop to the neck of a prone person being held down by other people is not intended to kill?

    Repeated blows to the head with the butt end of a taser? What is the intent of that?

    If they have him down, why not just cuff him and pick him up?

    1. It all comes down to the fight. A fight between 2 cops and a 5150 can be dangerous and a fight for your life. 2 more cops show up and see what? Still a fight? They take out a taser? Tasers used and still no control? Knee drops? Taser strikes? This is all part of the investigation. Step by step.

      The final investigation will lay out each second of the whole incident. From the prior calls, where they rolled from, arrived and saw what, each witness saw what and from where, each officer saw what and from where, the videos, the audios, etc. It will read like a movie. It will be clear how and why and when. It will show that knee drop or strike was excessive, or unreasonable.

      Problem is no one will wait and everyone knows how it all happened and that it’s murder. We will see soon enough.

      Nothing less than murder will satisfy this group. That’s fine. The cops are off work and waiting for the results. They are preparing for their hearings.The city is moving on. This will happen in another city soon. It sucks but it’s part of policing. Any force or deadly force or unreasonable force is unfortunate. It will always happen. Everyone will never be happy or satisfied.

      Good luck to you all on your side. It will be a long tough fight.

      1. Pig-we dont have a choice but to “wait” so WTF are you talking about ?- everything said is OPINION and no we wont be satisfied with anything but murder, because thats what it was-Im sure the “evidence” when it comes out, will be tampered with

    2. First off ,,,, im not disagreeing with you.
      all these cops are criminally negligent ..
      idk what your experience is in the legal world …

      There is a difference between Murder and Homicide?

      Murder (elements malice or forethought )
      Homicide is a definition?
      These Cops have to prove their justification …?
      We all know its a Homicide … society /our Gut feeling says its unjustifiable … it takes articulation by the DA to prove or disprove..
      You ask me about the knee drop …. i agree its unjust … The Bottom line is,,, it will never be MURDER… based off the totality of the circumstances the officer biggest crime will be IF convicted …. would be Unjustifiable Homicide reference to color of authority ..Thats a fact… Because he put his knee down on his neck in reference to affecting an arrest does not make him a murder ; it makes him Negligent under color of authority…Really there is so much more you have to look at / in depth…

      1. 10-35guy :
        First off ,,,, im not disagreeing with you.
        all these cops are criminally negligent ..
        idk what your experience is in the legal world …
        There is a difference between Murder and Homicide?
        Murder (elements malice or forethought )
        Homicide is a definition?
        These Cops have to prove their justification …?
        We all know its a Homicide … society /our Gut feeling says its unjustifiable … it takes articulation by the DA to prove or disprove..
        You ask me about the knee drop …. i agree its unjust … The Bottom line is,,, it will never be MURDER… based off the totality of the circumstances the officer biggest crime will be IF convicted …. would be Unjustifiable Homicide reference to color of authority ..Thats a fact… Because he put his knee down on his neck in reference to affecting an arrest does not make him a murder ; it makes him Negligent under color of authority…Really there is so much more you have to look at / in depth…

        What makes you say you know each officer’s intent that night?

        You can guess at it but its impossible for you to know each person’s intent at that scene.

        It IS possible one or more of these cops “intended” to get rid of Kelly.

        Which they did.

        1. I disagree to agree .. i think their in the wrong .. their intent was not to kill him ..
          it was an arrest that went bad,,, i think their training and experience plays a big role in their negligence..
          i don’t think they were there to kill him, they may have wanted to teach him a lesson ,, that what makes them criminally negligent
          we will never know what their thinking..

  225. What’s pathetic is that Dad Thomas is tryin’ to “cash” in on his son’s death. He won’t be happy until he has a fist full of green so he can help the homeless… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  226. 10-35guy :
    I guarantee you in the officers report MR Kelly Thomas was possibly 1150 H&S Under the influence Controlled substance . Got to remember the DA is taking a proactive role in reference to protecting the officers investigation. Got to remember ,,, DA is on the Officers side until he is proven as an integrity violator; so there taking every step to prove the officer is in the right until proven wrong ..
    The DA has no choice but to believe that the officers were in the right until proven wrong.. If the officers are in the wrong they will open up a new investigation ..

    The Sarge and the officers probably called the DA while reviewing the snuff film of Kelly Thomas’ murder

  227. Bounder :
    It was a horrible accident. However, Dad Thomas wants to get something out of it. He does not deserve anything, nothing at all. He is the one who neglected his son and caused him to be on the streets. Why was KT breaking into cars? Looking for a place to sleep? Looking for money? Food? A jacket to keep warm? Thought maybe his family was there somewhere to see him. Follow the money!!!!

    Follow the CORPSE

  228. No, pathetic is a “man” who insults a father of a murder victim.

    Pathetic is a “man” who thinks it’s funny and a game and laughs like a little girl who just told a joke (this is how I know beyond a shadow of a doubt what a complete sociopath you are).

    You’re right about one thing only — Ron Thomas won’t be happy truly, since no judgment in civil or criminal court against the killers will bring his son back, who was taken unlawfully from this world.

    1. depends on the totality of the circumstances … its not illegal… Law enfc records all the time and review footage ..

    2. Nothing against it. Usually not many to review outside of dash cams. Dash cams are reviewed all the time. Not usually an opportunity to review a video like in this case but nothing against it.

  229. Sounds like you are pretty butthurt Mr. Fullerton Rottenbacon since things don’t look good for your Nazi Badgeheavy Prick buddies. It’s not a bad thing. It’s a great thing!

    1. Nope. No one is hurt. Just waiting out the process. Things actually look very very good. That much is clear. I agree. A great thing.

    1. I’m not sure, Officer Bounder, but what did YOU say when OJ was found not guilty in state court??? Hopefully, we won’t have to find out in this one.

  230. March next time with your guns drawn. That would show your power and your rights. Soon your guns will be confiscated.

    You would ALL be Kelly Thomas if it weren’t for your right (going to soon disappear) to bear arms..

    1. Actually, the right to bear cellphone cameras and legal redress might be a tad more powerful and practical.

      I’m not sure pulling guns on the police is exactly the way to go (but then again, I’m a SANE person and not a crackpot, so go figure)…

  231. When there are charges brought against those guilty, Officer Bounder, and a judgment in civil court, I will probably say that justice has been done and we can only hope this doesn’t happen again.

  232. Reality Check :
    deception by artifice or strategem in order to conceal, escape, or evade
    1. Flood FFFF with “pro FPD” commenters to victim blame Kelly and defend the FPD6. The “stay-cation” FPD6 or their families and friends?
    2. Get a “mole” witness to come forth and give a differing account of previous reports. Notice he didn’t mention the most egregious actions that other witness have mentioned.
    “Well, I had to go ’cause my bus was leaving.”

    This may be an appropirate place to repost this. Seems FFFF is being inundated with FPD moles.

  233. Bounder :
    Anon.: What you gonna say when there s no judgment against police?

    Not fit to be printed

    I do have to ask you.. IF the tape shows a beatdown.. unjustified .. and henceforth led to the murder of a citizen of fullofshiterton..

    What will you do if the murderer goes free and you watched it happen on video right in front of you… It could have been you or your Son etc..

    Ever hear of bratty kids putting lsd in the teachers drink etc.. what if they did it to you and then acted scared of the cop waving a night stick at you while questioning you and then you ran and they pummeled you and beat you so bad you were dead on the scene.. EMT Personnel will tell that to be the truth.. he was dead on the scene.. braindead from brutal beatings and shocks

    Anyhow.. keep supporting corruption in government

  234. Reality Check :

    I truly feel any commanding officer of policemen who just restrainted a citizen into a COMA that resulted in a citizens death and did not put them on immediate administrative leave needs to be fired immediately.
    How can he/she let them beat a citizen into a coma/braindead on site .. AND not have their own psych test done to make sure the public is safe and that the mental state of the cops that murdered the citizen are stable…

    That’s why sellers got out quick when he saw this wasn’t gonna die down quietly. In a way he couldn’t be terminated (medical leave).
    They kept the officers on duty, had them review the video while writing the reports. It was a coverup from the beginning and now they’re trying to diffuse and confuse.

    Why do you think so many pro-FPD commenters are on here?

    This one too, very appropriate considering the current discussions.

  235. merijoe :
    Wrong Guy-how was the candlelight Vigil tonight?

    Nice as usual. We wrote messages on balloons to Kelly and set them free to the heavens so Kelly could see them. It was beautiful. I can’t help but well up when I see the family; especially Ron and Cathy.

  236. The first paragraph of my last post quote (starts as “I truly feel…” was written by Anonymous. I inadvertedly edited out the name.

    My comment started at “That’s why sellers…”

  237. Wrong Guy :

    merijoe :
    Wrong Guy-how was the candlelight Vigil tonight?

    Nice as usual. We wrote messages on balloons to Kelly and set them free to the heavens so Kelly could see them. It was beautiful. I can’t help but well up when I see the family; especially Ron and Cathy.

    That’s real nice- I feel so awful for the Thomas’s especially when BS comments go around on the comments from ignorant people who don’t read -or rather- dont know how to-so im glad they get a big show of support

    1. I feel bad for the family. I just don’t think they deserve any money. If cops are charged and wrong doing proved, then make the city donate money to the homeless or mental centers. I don’t want to see that family get a dollar. They had nothing to do with Kelly and don’t deserve to profit from him.

      1. @927 Fullerton pig >The fact that he has brought this Fullerton FPD corruption to the light is well worth any monetary Mr.Thomas Will acquire there is no price on a human life i hope he gets the mother load and my be the city of Fullerton will learn a good lesson that the police must be monitored like bully’s and children. Ron Thomas is a stand up guy i feel he will spend a significant amount of money to help the homeless.it really only matters that the murderous cops get there just due they are real evil people less than human bottom feeders.

  238. 10-35guy :
    First off ,,,, im not disagreeing with you.
    all these cops are criminally negligent ..
    idk what your experience is in the legal world …
    There is a difference between Murder and Homicide?
    Murder (elements malice or forethought )
    Homicide is a definition?
    These Cops have to prove their justification …?
    We all know its a Homicide … society /our Gut feeling says its unjustifiable … it takes articulation by the DA to prove or disprove..
    You ask me about the knee drop …. i agree its unjust … The Bottom line is,,, it will never be MURDER… based off the totality of the circumstances the officer biggest crime will be IF convicted …. would be Unjustifiable Homicide reference to color of authority ..Thats a fact… Because he put his knee down on his neck in reference to affecting an arrest does not make him a murder ; it makes him Negligent under color of authority…Really there is so much more you have to look at / in depth…

    What makes you say you know each officer’s intent that night?

    You can guess at it but its impossible for you to know each person’s intent at that scene.

    It IS possible one or more of these cops “intended” to get rid of Kelly.

    Which they did.

    1. Your questioning the impossible..

      Intended to do what,, any thing is possible. I know their actions were not to kill him..


      im gonna keep saying this until the end ..
      training & experience will be a big role reference to their intent equaling to their negligence ultimately under color of authority…

  239. Anon: Speaking of corspe… why didn’t Dad Thomas have an independent autopsy done if he didn’t like the one presented to him? I thought that would be the first thing he would do. Since nothing was found in the autopsy to support Dad Thomas and his rantings why didn’t he do it?

    1. @Bounder, has it occurred to you the reason “the plug was pulled” was because the doctors advised the family Kelly was already dead and would never even recover enough to be a vegetable? He was dead! Do you believe the doctors did not know exactly what Kelly died of before advising the family there was NO hope of any recovery? They could examine his still breathing body. The coroner could only look at a cadaver. Do you think the independent doctors’ reports were not at least as thorough as the autopsy? The autopsy was well after Kelly was dead. The medical reports had to be complete enough to determine “pulling the plug” was justified. Can you wrap your head around this? The autopsy was just a formality by an office with questionable intent due to politics. All that could be learned was already known before the cadaver got to the morgue. The doctors had no political agenda. Their primary job was keep Kelly alive. Their secondary job was advise the family. Get over your narcissistic self and face the Truth.

    2. That is because HE would have had to pay for it.

      When protesting dont block the streets I have places to go and things to do. Cold one at Slide Bar.

  240. I would be extremely hesitant to hurl judgments about the Thomas’ family dynamic or the extent of love, care, effort, etc. unless you are actually a relative or close friend of the family.

    Unless you, too, have an adult child with a severe mental illness (like schizophrenia) and fully understand the condition and what CAN and CAN’T be done against their will, I think I would hold on to your stones (no pun intended) within your own glass house.

    Also, considering Kelly’s violent death, I don’t think any family member would consider any monetary judgment a “profit” or “gain.”

  241. I don’t think there is a jury anywhere who will buy murder. There is no way a murder could be planned in a few seconds of time by six people… and again I say

  242. “Planning” is not necessary to substantiate a murder charge. There simply needs to be “malice aforethought,” which can be reached in various ways:

    The four states of mind recognized as constituting “malice” are:

    1) Intent to kill,
    2) Intent to inflict grievous bodily harm short of death,
    3) Reckless indifference to an unjustifiably high risk to human life (sometimes described as an “abandoned and malignant heart”), or
    4) Intent to commit a dangerous felony (the “felony-murder” doctrine).

    Therefore, if it can be proved that they behaved with reckless indifference and that their beating, stomping, and tasing posed a risk to human life, there could be such a charge. (The intention to inflict grievous bodily harm may also apply here, even if there was no intent to kill).

    1. CORRECT. Criminal Law 101. However, I doubt that any of the officers have actually take a criminal law class before, or else they slept through class.

  243. I guess we’ll leave you 3 hangin by yourselves for the rest of the evening. Have fun with each other Sadists!

  244. Stop teasing me 🙂

    merijoe :
    yep-thats right. and if its not murder just means the butt buddies have oiled each other up

  245. Bounder :
    Anon: Speaking of corspe… why didn’t Dad Thomas have an independent autopsy done if he didn’t like the one presented to him? I thought that would be the first thing he would do. Since nothing was found in the autopsy to support Dad Thomas and his rantings why didn’t he do it?

    Does he have all kinds of CASH to just direct doctors and hospitals do whatever the hell he tells them to?

    FIVE full days IN A COMA.. you suck dude

    Was he in a coma before the cops beat on him?

  246. Bounder :
    Anon.: Then why is he asking for so much?

    not sure if talking to me… but.. Anon is just a lazy person that doesnt feel like typing email etc


    Kellys Dad was A COP.. and I will bet he knows the dangers he is putting himself in by going after them.. Maybe he is seeking money first and then may seek their jobs

    Myself.. if a cop or two murdered my son and THEN the whole police force and city council tried to cover it up for 3 weeks.. nah.. that is not civil or humane.. I would be sure to do everything possible to have as many of them as possible removed from their positions without retirement.. IDC about monies paid to me .. The dispatcher that night and sgt both need booted along with all of the 6… for not saving the mans life but instead murdering him and helping it to be covered up

    Thankfully someone strong enough to take on FPD stepped up to the plate..

  247. Soooo… did any one show up for the march today or did they all stay home to keep cool? Jus want to know.

    1. I was there, so were lots of others.

      Despite the attempts here to diffuse and confuse the reports to favor the FPD6, this isn’t going away anytime soon.

      These cops killed a man who was not a threat to them. They need to be prosecuted.

  248. How far will they go? They take our money, they take or children. Divide and conquer is getting old Orange County.

  249. eric Kent :
    Correct the money that Ron Thomas’s father is rightfully going to get will be coming from the City Of Fullerton’s taxpayers but it would have never been a consideration if the PIGS of the Fullerton PD had not murdered his son. By the way that money rightfully should come from any future earnings by the murderers so that they spend the rest of their lives in abject poverty. What kind of father Ron Thomas had has absolutely no connection to the fact that Ron Thomas was brutally beaten to death. There is no linkage at all. So stop derailing the conversation with a point that is irrelevant to the conversation. The conversation is-Was Ron Thomas brutally beaten to death by Fullerton Police Officers? If so does this constitute the unlawful death ie murder of Ron Thomas? That is what we are talking about not about Mr Thomas’s father. OK? Please stay on point.

    Good points Eric but I’ll add that they shouldn’t have ANY future income in law enforcement.

    Some of these cops should end up in jail with zero income. The others barred from all law enforcement jobs.

    They aren’t fit to carry weapons or have any authority.

    I wouldn’t even want any of these guys working as security guards. They pose a danger to the public.

      1. But once the others sees how bad cops are treated, they’ll think twice before repeating something like this again.

    1. If the two main players went overboard, they will be prosecuted and fired. Determining the other 4’s involvement is a timeline thing. If the next two arrive and the struggle is over and they did nothing but assist with cuffs, etc then they are clear too. That’s the timeline the DA will have second by second. Everyone did reports and reported force, so as long as they didn’t lie or contribute to the wrongdoing portion, they will be on the streets for many years.

      Even if someone is fired, they will get their vested pensions til they die. Nothing anyone can do about that.

  250. Anonymous :

    Cindy Mc :
    Are you forgetting the fact that all the cops viewed the videotape several times together so they could all get their stories straight? This video tainted? Really?????? OMG I’m sure this video is sooooo much more important than the one the cops won’t release because it shows the real truth? Why else would they not release it when there has been such a public outcry?

    The guy here claiming to be a witness is questionable for various reasons which I listed in a post below.
    Here’s the beginning of my post and this is the most important part:
    “Tony and/or Chris, you can correct this if inaccurate but some information on the guy claiming to be a witness in the video at the top.
    He has not in the past and at present is refusing to testify as a witness to the incident to the D.A.
    Please correct the above information if you know it to be inaccurate.”
    I’m in favor for justice for Kelly but I don’t trust this witness for the reasons I listed below.

    Sorry, I forgot to type my name in. I’m “Check Reality”, formerly known as “Reality Check”.

    Not to be confused with Reality “IS”.

  251. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns and and close yourself off, the eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one. ~Bill Hicks

    “Historically, the most terrible things — war, genocide, and slavery — have resulted not from disobedience, but from obedience.” – Howard Zinn

    “Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience.” – Howard Zinn

    “The greatest menace to freedom is an inert people.” – Louis D. Brandeis

    “Respect for the fragility and importance of an individual life is still the mark of an educated man.”
    – Norman Cousins

    “The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other. It is not, as poverty was before, the result of natural scarcity, but of a set of priorities imposed upon the rest of the world by the rich. Consequently, the modern poor are not pitied… but written off as trash. The twentieth-century consumer economy has produced the first culture for which a beggar is a reminder of nothing.” – John Berger

  252. “Once a government is committed to silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all it’s citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” – Harry S. Truman

    1. @We Are All One
      You are absolutely correct. The biggest murderers of humans are governments. Research history and u will see that those in power will go as far as to commit genocide against their own people to maintain that power. I think this happened with the Ottoman Empire. Also, look at what’s happened in the middle east the last few decades and there are more examples.

  253. Anonymous :
    I would be extremely hesitant to hurl judgments about the Thomas’ family dynamic or the extent of love, care, effort, etc. unless you are actually a relative or close friend of the family.
    Unless you, too, have an adult child with a severe mental illness (like schizophrenia) and fully understand the condition and what CAN and CAN’T be done against their will, I think I would hold on to your stones (no pun intended) within your own glass house.
    Also, considering Kelly’s violent death, I don’t think any family member would consider any monetary judgment a “profit” or “gain.”

    Well said.

  254. There is an easy solution to police abuse. Every law-abiding LEGAL CITIZEN should be armed. This way, the officers jobs may be a little more difficult, and the approach to a citizen contact would take more care, but it would absolutely keep the “HEAVIES” from using any force they want when the situation clearly calls for ONLY a verbal interaction.

  255. If problems with law enforcement abuses were handled like the FAA handles airline crashes, there would be no Kelly Thomas stories. When a plane crashes, the FAA and NTSB investigate to find out what went wrong, so future incidents like that can be avoided. These deficiencies are FOUND and FIXED. This policy has saved countless lives, and made air travel very safe.
    Now on to law enforcement. When a use of force complaint/excessive force lawsuit is filed, many dept’s already know who the “PROBLEM CHILD/CHILDREN” are. Those individuals slip through the psych tests, and then, after the academy, are turned loose on society to fulfill whatever grievances they have had in their lives growing up. It is as if they are “getting even” for the times that they were turned down by girls for dates to the prom, or when they came out of the shower and found THEY had the smallest dick!!
    When an airline has an accident/incident, it comes directly out of their insurance/pockets. When law enforcement has any judgements against them from (name your flavor), money comes directly out of the city/county/state budgets, so dept’s never really feel the economic backlash from the actions of one of their officers. These heavy officers have a mile long paper trail, and the brass knows about it, and yet, these THUGS are protected as if they are the very VIRGINITY of one’s own daughter. AHH, praytell, there is ONE way to make a small dent in their budgets. Next time, when purchasing a vehicle, go OUTSIDE the COUNTY for those purchases, (if the purchase is being made at a dealership). Some of the money from the taxes from the sale of said vehicle, are then given to the police departments. If many people in that city/county also do the same, these clowns will then get the message. Like the number of protesters in front of the station, where the MORE reflect RESOLVE of the people, many vehicle purchases outside of the county will start to send a message that the citizens are fed up with those in uniform that ENABLE these”OUTLAWS” to exist and flourish.
    I do not paint law enforcement with a broad brush, however, as I was once a PROUD Deputy. I CHERISHED the badge and the TRUST that was given to me that enabled me to do my job to the best of my abilities. I used my maturity and years in life in dealing with situations. Did I get into fights..yes, however, only with those individuals who made their own beds, (the ones who will fight no matter what you do).
    What is important now, is to increase the pressure of this city council to remove the clowns that allow those thugs to keep on the employed rolls of this dept. WE need to make a stand, showing not only this dept., but the WORLD, that this kind of behavior WILL NOT be tolerated!! Remember, THE WORLD IS watching this case. Although I am not a resident of Fullerton, I will gladly add my efforts and stand side by side with the citizens of this fine community. Hmmm….I was just thinking, maybe we should put ALL police dept’s. under the auspices of the FAA/NTSB. THEY would definitely make the changes need.
    In case any are trying to guess who I am, I was the one with the United States Marine Corp hat and shirt at this last Saturday’s event with my g/f Fed Up With Morons. (do we make a good couple or what!)
    Respectfully Submitted

    1. Great points.

      It would be nice if the FBI investigated every police complaint. It won’t ever happen due to money and state play. Even if it did, the first time someone was proven not guilty in a death investigation it would then be a conspiracy again. So it’s lose lose.

      Always ideas out there but most are expensive or biased.

    2. Wow, I guess you are not a proud deputy now? bitter.
      Stay in your own city / hole where ever you came from.

      1. SAVE the Fullerton Cops,
        Wow, I guess you are not a proud deputy now? bitter.
        Stay in your own city / hole where ever you came from.

        I am STILL a VERY PROUD retired deputy. I only rail against those who would tarnish the badge, and destroy the trust the citizenry has in them.
        Oh, I will be there again this Saturday, so if you feel the need to force me to leave, then please don’t be shy.

  256. There is a saying:

    Blood is thicker than water, however, decency is thicker than blood.

    I do hope that GOOD cops see the wrong that was perpetrated on an innocent man at the hands of criminals.

        1. Never heard anyone bragging. The night after the fight he wasn’t dead so entirely possible some of the cops were happy they didn’t get hurt and were bragging about going home safe? Never know. All hearsay at this point.

  257. We Are All One :
    The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns and and close yourself off, the eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one. ~Bill Hicks
    “Historically, the most terrible things — war, genocide, and slavery — have resulted not from disobedience, but from obedience.” – Howard Zinn
    “Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience.” – Howard Zinn
    “The greatest menace to freedom is an inert people.” – Louis D. Brandeis
    “Respect for the fragility and importance of an individual life is still the mark of an educated man.”
    – Norman Cousins

    “The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other. It is not, as poverty was before, the result of natural scarcity, but of a set of priorities imposed upon the rest of the world by the rich. Consequently, the modern poor are not pitied… but written off as trash. The twentieth-century consumer economy has produced the first culture for which a beggar is a reminder of nothing.” – John Berger


    Thanks for the quotes, Especially the last one by John Berger. I see it everywhere I go.

    Its refreshing to see some good people on here and at the protests willing to speak out against injustice and the cover up corruption in this case.

  258. The decent thing would be to plier the nails from the handss of every Fullerton cop. Please hear me out because this makes a lot of sense. Cops like the Musketeer mentality… one for all and all for one. So, when six cops get caught messing up, it’s only fair that other fellow cops should pay. It also keeps the original six from loosing face. When the innocent cops look down at their bleeding stumps, it will make their homoerotic feelings for fellow Fullerton cops even greater. It’s all about bonding and liking your job.

      1. Oh Dearest,
        Las Vegas cops will cold-blooded murder one civilian every 60 days. How can that be? Well, let’s start at cop school. The ones that rise to the top, the ones that are actively selected are the most aggressive. Cops will tell you they are heroes, that they risk their lives every day… it’s bullshit. The public are the ones risking their lives. Cops are adrenaline junkies, looking for some action every day they go to work. The simple reason they murder is because it makes their day of work more interesting, period. There is nothing any deeper about their motivation..

        So, why isn’t there the occasional good cop? The short answer is retirement. Let’s say a Fullerton cop earns $65K, not bad, not great. However, if a cop can make it 20 years, he’ll get $60K retirement, for the rest of his life. That little fact turns a mediocre job into a fantastic job. Anybody who bucks the trend gets run out early and never sees a nickle retirement. That’s why there are no good cops and that’s why they should all have their nails pulled from their fingers. Fuck ’em all. I hate cops.

        1. LOL and here’s an example of someone that you will never convince any other way no matter what you say or do.

          I can tell you for 100% fact that no cop goes to work and is at work to murder. Yes, some cops are very pro active and take more guns and dope and gangsters off the street that ever. Some cops just do reports and extra patrol areas. Some write tickets and tow cars. There are all different kinds. The ones that are chasing gangsters and ending up in shootings and fights, obviously have a higher chance of getting into a shooting or using force. But no cop wants to murder.

          Retirement. Close but not exact. A cop is vested after 5 years. If they quit they will collect some small money after they turn 55. The rest get retirement based in years of service and no one gets anything until after 50. If you do 25-35 years you will get something around 80-95% after you turn 55. It’s decent but I can tell you I never got into the job for the pay or retirement. When you start none of that matters. 20 years into it, you learn about it as you plan for retirement.

          No good cops. Good luck as you get older. We love you though. 🙂

          1. You need to improve on your comprehension skills. I never said murder was always their intention. Cops are adrenaline junkies. They do whatever it takes to make something happen that will excite them. This means they escalate the most mundane calls. In this case, running away was all the excuse they needed. They are look for any excuse that will allow them to act violently. I doubt they intended to murder Thomas… but they had to know it was a possibility.

            “Good luck as you get older”. I AM older. This is years of experience talking. Every time I’ve been sympathetic towards cops, it turned out to be a major mistake.

  259. The interviewer “leads” the wit by saying “so he didn’t comply?” We need to see if this wit is a snitch looking for a favor from FPD for offer to water down the atrocity committed by officers. Let’s all recall the demeanor of the Asian DA commenting on her viewing of the cities cam…video not yet released for the public. The DA was horrified by the brutality.

    This “snitch” is watering down what really went down and I’m sure we’ll discover, after a bit of background check, that this supposed “wit” has a rap sheet 10 miles long with at least a few stretches in the state pen.

    The interviewer is a putz. Fuk both of them… and screw the drama queen facial expressions!

  260. Johnny Blue :
    The officers were caught in a bad situation that couldn’t be controlled? THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES IN CONTROL! Give me a break. So basically you are saying the officers could not control themselve, gotcha.

    No they couldn’t control the crazy guy.

  261. This person seems like an alibi for the defence attorney. Not credible. Doesn’t seem to go with the video.

  262. We will just agree to disagree.

    I don’t think you know the family or their history either. So really, neither of us can judge or know who deserves what based on their history and relationships.

    You feel the cops murdered him. I don’t feel they murdered him. You don’t want to hear any facts because your mind is made up. I want to hear the facts so I can make up my mind what justice is deserved. Different people, different thoughts and beliefs. Neither one is better than the other.

    You think a majority of cops are bad. I don’t. I think a majority are good. All of them know they are being watched. Maybe with time all bad cops will be weeded out and we will have a perfect system. We can only hope.

    You are on my version of justice. I have opportunities every day to abuse my color of authority and I choose not too.

    Justice for ALL :

    Reality Is :
    I realize that Ron and his family are the only ones that can file the lawsuit. If there was wrongdoing then someone will pay. The point is that Ron hasn’t had contact for many years and wanted nothing go do with him at all. So to now get $10 million seems backwards. He has said he will use it to help the mentally ill and homeless, which if he does, that’s great.
    I think Ron might have realized that it was all getting out of hand. He has been quiet and hasn’t been releasing information as much. I think he might have seen the fight was going the wrong direction and wanted to get it refocused again. Maybe not.
    I’ll read your swat article now.

    Ron Thomas is the one person who is standing up to demand redress for violation of his son’s civil rights.
    You don’t know the family, their situation, or anything about what it is like to deal with mental illness. You have absolutely no clue.
    YOU, who minimize Kelly’s horrific death; YOU, who minimizes Kelly as a person; YOU who stand in solidarity with EVIL; YOU who stands ever ready to excuse murder and police brutality; YOU are certainly NOT the person whom I would choose to decide how to spend Kelly’s blood money.
    YOU who relax by the pool on paid vacation and brag about it without a single care in the world for anyone else, (except for your brothers in blue of course); YOU who have no empathy AT ALL for Kelly or his family; YOU, a heartless sociopath; YOU CERTAINLY DO NOT deserve the money, nor do you deserve to decide HOW to spend it.
    Kelly’s family would know FAR BETTER than you what is needed to help families and individuals who struggle with severe mental illness. And, THEY would know how best to help their own devastated family, who has suffered at the hands of the FPD.
    Don’t you DARE judge Ron Thomas, his family, nor their motives. You are pure EVIL and you don’t deserve to have the time of day given to you by Ron Thomas.
    You can say it’s “backwards” all you want.
    But, the ONLY thing “backwards” is the fact that the FPD, and other law enforcement agencies around the country, seemingly have a free license to murder and abuse with impunity those whom they have sworn to “protect and serve.”
    The only thing “backwards” is that we have men in blue who have NO morals and NO honor, NO honesty, NO integrity, and NO empathy, (except for themselves!) who are working as our paid public servants, who INSTEAD of serving us, they abuse and murder us, while WE PAY FOR THEM TO DO IT!!!
    If you care about the people you serve, you will do your best to ensure that justice is served. And, I don’t mean your version of cop justice, where everything is justified in the name of “color of authority.” The “color of authority” excuse only goes so far with us humans. (And, I do realize that Trolls and FPD are NOT humans.)

    1. Ron Thomas is the FATHER of a mentally ill son. I have spoken with him. I am also the mother of a mentally ill son.

      Whereas, I don’t believe you even so much as paid attention during your 8 hours of NAMI training. Did your training teach you how to murder the mentally ill and homeless??

      And, from the derogatory comments that you have made on this blog, I CERTAINLY DO NOT have any reason to believe that YOU have any concern at all for the welfare of the mentally ill, NOR FOR ANYONE ELSE for that matter.

      I know full well that Ron Thomas deserves EVERY PENNY of any judgment, and THEN SOME. Ron Thomas deserves to claim the judgment to obtain justice in Kelly’s name. Ron Thomas NEEDS NO OTHER REASON.

      Whereas, YOU don’t deserve JACK for your inhumane treatment of MANY, MANY human beings during the time of your sorry excuse for a career, and for your condoning of brutality and murder “under the color of authority.”

      Murder is murder. Your euphemisms don’t cut it. And, God will not judge you less harshly just because you wear a badge when you knee drop and bludgeon someone to death, AFTER they are already unconscious. Especially not when they are defenseless, unarmed, and disabled, and when it is such an unfair “fight” of several men against one much smaller man. As if Kelly EVER had a chance. Some fight. Please.

      You “heroes” and “protectors” FIRST intentionally threatened Kelly, thereby INTENTIONALLY causing him to run in fear for his own safety, THEN, you “heroes” smashed Kelly’s brains into the curb, leaving a huge pool of Kelly’s blood on the ground and leaving Kelly in great pain and disoriented. NEXT, you “protectors of the public” put Kelly into a suffocating and murderous choke hold and began the non-stop beating, kicking, punching, Tasering and bludgeoning and full body knee drops on Kelly’s face and neck, until he was DEAD. Kelly had one arm pinned under him.

      Kelly’s body was not able to respond to commands due to the Tasering and due to his disorientation from the head trauma he had already received.

      Kelly couldn’t have gotten up and run away even if he had wanted to at that point. Kelly needed an ambulance by that time!! Kelly was never a threat to all of those officers, ESPECIALLY not after they had bashed his head into the curb and put him into a choke hold. HE WAS SCREAMING for HELP and for MERCY. He couldn’t have complied with the officers’ unreasonable demands to put both of his hands behind his back even if he wanted to. And, he most likely did want to. You never even stopped to ask him what he wanted to do.

      The officers were sitting on top of Kelly and they had his arm PINNED UNDERNEATH of him. Kelly’s body was barely alive and you were expecting him to comply with unreasonable commands IMMEDIATELY. You didn’t even give Kelly a chance to reply, or a chance to comply. The beating was non-stop and relentless, until HE DIED.

      Nope, you mercilessly administered the coup de grace; you bludgeoned him on his head until blood was spraying everywhere and until he was in a COMA. You FILTHY THUGS MURDERED KELLY THOMAS. That was no accident.

      But, you tell yourself it was, because you have a very deep seated need to convince yourself that you are a “HERO” and you need to be able to tell your children something– so that they don’t run away, screaming in fear from you.

      You say I don’t want to know the facts? Oh yes I do. But, I want the UN-EDITED version of the surveillance tape. I want access to it NOW, just like all of the FPD 6 had access to it.

      What makes you so far above the law that you are allowed to twist and turn the wording of your reports to fit what you are seeing on the video? You don’t see any injustice in that? No? Well, If that’s so, you are the ONLY one who doesn’t. I KNOW the D.A. has it. That doesn’t change my opinion of what is right.

      And, tell me, whatever happened to the “missing” video recordings the realtor took? You know, the one that the FPD confiscated?? Oh, you don’t know anything about that? Of course you don’t.

      Yes, I want to see the facts. All OF THEM!! AND NOW! So, you can just stop lying to everyone all day long and stop trying to cover up for a MURDER. I know, it’s the way it’s always done. But, for most of us, (excluding the FPD, of course) the status quo just isn’t good enough anymore.

      And the issue that YOU and your fellow THUGS use, in an effort to try to distract everyone, is that YOU are concerned about whether or not Kelly’s Father and Mother deserve to fight for justice for their murdered son.

      You’re worried that the money might go to someone who is related to Kelly, who is actually ALIVE?? Maybe if you hadn’t murdered Kelly, you wouldn’t need to worry about where ANY money was going!!! You slime bucket. Here’s an idea for you. Maybe you can go and threaten Ron Thomas, and make him run for HIS life, and then you’ll have an excuse to MURDER him too!!! Problem solved. Gee, I’m really surprised that you didn’t think of that sooner!!!

      You are one EVIL, PATHETIC SOCIOPATH. I hope you choke on your donuts tonight. Did I say that out loud? Gee, I guess I did. Nope, no regrets.

      I know YOU don’t think it was murder. Why would you? After all, that would mean that you would have to acknowledge GUILT. YOU would never do that in a million years.

      1. Love it. The events of this case means nothing to you. Your mind is made up. Good luck.

        I’ll leave your other rants alone. You seem to know the details second by second.

        No clue on the missing video. I just figured it was another Bs lie or rumor to get people going. I’m sure if it happened that person has contacted the DA and it will be in his report.

        Viewing the video. Viewing it minimizes the ability to twist and turn in my eyes. Makes it more specific and factual. Viewing videos is normal by police in most jurisdictions. So no I don’t see a problem.

        You can’t have access and I agree with the reasons. Best decision ever made. If it was released, there would be 500 more witnesses from both sides. Good decision. I know you pay for it with your taxes but like everything else that doesn’t mean you dictate how things are done. You can sure try though. Go knock on the door and ask.

        Yes you said it out loud. Donuts are hard to choke on though.

        It’s not murder and never will be. Could be other things but won’t be murder. You see the Bart cop that shot the kid in the back? That wasnt even murder. If guilty, then they need to be punished. If not, then they walk free.

        Good luck. You are adamant about your cause. Use that energy wisely.

        1. @RealityIs,

          The events of this case mean EVERYTHING to me. I am talking about the unlawful murder of a HUMAN BEING. It might not mean anything at all to you. But, it definitely does to ME.

          My mind is as made up as it can be without seeing the video. My opinions are formed, so far, from witness statements and insider info detailing the facts of the case, the bus video, other video, photos, etc., etc.

          The only thing that means anything to YOU is JUSTIFYING your excuses for Code Blue murder. Whether or not it will actually be charged as a murder is another matter.

          Like I said, it is murder in this case. I don’t see any way around it. The video tape, or bystanders who are also witnesses, will have to convince me that it was not murder and that excessive force was not used.

          I’m not nearly so likely to believe a “peace officer,” or his “peers” who all believe in and kowtow to the blue code of silence, and who just murdered someone, (an unarmed victim named Kelly Thomas who is now very, very dead), and then conspired and compared notes with each other and came up with a good story while watching the video.

          You can call it anything you want. You can call it sunshine and lollipops if you want to, but It doesn’t change the fact that it was intentional and it doesn’t change that fact that a man is dead at the hands of the FPD.

          Maybe you haven’t heard the witness statements that everyone else has heard. So maybe you don’t have the same advantage of having that witness information. Or, maybe your “tree” on the video is now blocking too much of the incriminating evidence. Maybe you didn’t get to see the evidence BEFORE it was erased from the video, as opposed to others who DID see it. It’s just too bad that you so conveniently don’t have that lost evidence anymore. Isn’t it?? I’m only saying what everyone else is thinking. So, if the video exonerates the officers, why don’t YOU speak up, and ask the D.A. for it to be released, Mr. Righteous officer?? The Rodney King beating was ALL OVER the T.V. and you know it. No excuses.

          Don’t minimize my “rants.” They are much better thought out than any of your dehumanizing comments ever were.

          I might not get to dictate how things are done, but you don’t get to dictate what my opinions will be.

          And, remember, might does NOT make right. And, public opinion and laws CAN be changed.

          Your problem is that you NEVER see a problem with ANYTHING that might make YOU or your partners look bad. You don’t have any problem at all with Code Blue Murder. I do. And America does. So, GOOD LUCK TO YOU. Because YOU are in the MINORITY.

          1. You just made up a bunch of BS that I said but that’s ok.

            I haven’t justified anything. It wasn’t intentional. I’ve heard everything and seen everything.

            I see problems daily and I handle them. I have a problem with murder of any kind.

            I wish you luck. I’ve seen and dealt with people many times through numerous major death events. They talk a great game and make wonderful threats. But we always end up in the same place in just another city. I dont think I’m the minority, I think you are. Good luck with your work in changing public opinion and laws. It’s a tough battle. Not many people have succeeded.

          2. That is too bad you are wasteing your time.

            As soon as Ron Thomas gets his million (s) dollar check in his hand and signs a release this will be all over. Ron and his family will go away quietly and rich.

            Fot those of you who dont like Fullerton? MOVE

  263. NICELY SPOKEN Justice!!! Best verbal ass-whoopin’ in a while, given to no one better deserving. By the way, the “color of authority” is “Code Blue”. BUNCH OF CORRUPT ASSWADS!!!

  264. @Reality Is,

    Public opinion and laws are changed constantly. Obviously, I don’t abandon justice to the status quo quite as easily as you do.

    And, just because YOU SAY a bunch of ‘BS,” don’t blame ME for making it up. You have to take responsibility, at the very least for what you say, for heaven’s sake.

    You just LOVE shifting blame for your own actions onto other people for EVERYTHING. I know, it’s your modus operandi. Just like you blame Kelly Thomas for his own murder. You do it so often that you don’t even realize you are doing it.

    You stated, “I’ve seen and dealt with people many times through numerous major death events”

    I don’t doubt that for a moment. I believe that may very well be a function of your training, or should I say the lack thereof.

    You stated, “I don’t think I’m the minority, I think you are.”

    If this blog is any indication of public opinion; you would be wrong.

    If the MANY, MANY people that I have spoken with over the years, who also agree that police brutality and Code Blue murder is way out of control, are any indication; you would be VERY wrong in assuming that public opinion is on your side.

    It’s only a matter of time before the laws catch up with public opinion. But, how many more Code Blue murders will it take before the laws are changed? I don’t know.

    You stated, “I wish you luck.”

    “Please, whatever you do, PLEASE don’t wish me luck. The only kind of luck you “peace officers” seem to bring around is BAD LUCK.

    You could have asked Kelly Thomas for his opinion on these issues, when he was still alive. You could have asked Kelly about all the “luck” the officers brought to him in the last 45 minutes, or so, of his life.

    Well, nevermind, I guess that’s one less opinion you need to worry about now. Yup, I guess if you kill enough people, you’ll WIN the public opinion poll eventually, since the only people left standing will all be wearing blue uniforms. Hooraay, you WIN!!!

    1. Just differing opinions that’s all. I think the general public feels that if someone assaults or attempts to assault the police, that person deserves the lumps he gets when the police overcome the assault and take him into custody. I think the general public also feels that the police don’t get paid to be disrespected and verbally assaulted either. Allowing that just leads to out of control situations. So the police have laws provided to them to handle those types of situations also.

      I take responsibility for everything I have said here. You just like to add flavor to things to make them seem a little extra spicy for your clan.

      I don’t shift any blame onto anyone. I take blame for anything that I do. Try again. I realize everything I do. I blame Kelly Thomas for running from the police and fighting with them. What happens after that is up to the DA to decide. We all have our opinions and we are entitled to those.

      Yes I’ve seen everything numerous times, but I was referring to the big events across the US in our lifetimes involving police killing people. They blow up big time on assumptions most of the time. Riots, fights, looting, court charges, trials, demands for change, and moving on. So I was saying I have seen all of this before and I’ve seen the cycle each time. I know where this will end up. Small changes in Fullerton, and in 5 years everything will be pretty much the same.

      This blog is not the majority I hate to say it. This blog is a very small amount of people that are anti police and anti government, and want to demand change and demand things be done their way. Of course some are on this blog for Kelly’s justice as well. But this blog goes back many years focused on city politics and demands for change in Fullerton politics behind someone’s personal agenda. That base is still here.

      Of course your group feels police brutality and code Blue is out of control. I would expect nothing less. I disagree.

      How many code blue murders have happened? What changes have been made since the first one 100 years ago? Not many.

      I have plenty of luck in my life. I can afford to give some out to people in need.

      I’ve asked plenty of homeless transients their opinions on things, their lives, their plans, how they got to where they are today, and countless other things. I also have never ever had a transient run from me or fight with me. He made that choice not matter how much you want to ignore that part, he fought with the cops, no matter how much you want to ignore that part also. The rest is out of our hands. You can demand all you want, demand change all you want, demand justice all you want, but in the end it’s not up to you. It’s up to the people that you elected or were appointed by the people you elected. To make large significant changes in this world, it takes a ton of money, a ton of time, and knowing some people that have some power.

      Killing people is part of life. It happens daily by husbands, wives, gangsters, lawyers, doctors, pilots, judges, mayors, council people, and police. Police are granted the power to use that force and have it be lawful. They also have specific laws written to protect them as well. Deciding if that force is justified is something that will never satisfy you. You probably want me to shoot someone in the leg when they have their gun pointed at me. When I shoot them in the head, you will blame me because I didn’t shoot him in the hand to knock the gun out of his hand. It’s a lose lose. It’s reality. I realize reality when it comes to anti police people and activists. I also realize reality when it comes to public relations issues like Kelly Thomas. Was it justified force? Everyone on here says no way possible no matter what anyone tells them. I say it could be justified because I’ve been in fights like that many times and fought for me life many times. Only the cops and Kelly know what actually went on under that mess. No one else. Determining that is up to our system, and you don’t like that either. Good luck with all your changes. No matter how much you say it, there are good cops out there and a lot of them. There are a few bad ones around also as we have seen over the years. They eventually get weeded out and replaced by a young buck that has tons of energy and desire to be a cop. Is that good or bad? Only time will tell as they mature and figure out the direction they want to take as a cop. I just don’t think policing will change much in the next 10-20 years even though you want it to change 100%. It hasn’t changed much in the last 25 years. Cops got fired for making mistakes 25 years ago and they still do today. It’s reality. Just like people get fired in every other job we do as humans.

      So that’s that. I’m sure we will hear from the DA real soon. No one wins in this fight. No one.

      1. “I’ve asked plenty of homeless transients their opinions on things, their lives, their plans, how they got to where they are today, and countless other things.”

        What were the answers they gave you?

        Reality Is: Who are you really? And, why are you so insensitive to others’ suffering? The fact that you talk to the transients means nothing to me. Anyone can talk to anyone, but to do you have compassion and empathy for their plights? From what you have written, I don’t think so

        There is another Jane commenting here, so I have added an H to distinguish myself from the other.

        1. Its kill or be killed that is the reality..like it or not. You get to make seconds decisions and its either them or me. No one wants that..but it is reality.

          1. I might tolerate your idiocy and trite action movie sayings if Kelly Thomas were armed with a deadly weapon and aiming it a the “officers.” However, since he was face down and being manhandled by multiple officers (and kicked, stomped, tased, and bludgeoned), I’m having trouble with the “them or me,” stance (since the chance of Kelly murdering the six officers with his bare hands was about as likely as you developing a cogent thought or spelling “split-second decisions” properly).

            It just makes you look stupid in addition to amoral.

      2. “I blame Kelly Thomas for running from the police and fighting with them.”

        How do you know what happened? Were you there? Did you see the video? I call RUSH TO JUDGMENT! There is an ongoing investigation by impartial professional DA investigators. WAIT before you pronounce your “conclusions.” Just stick to the facts that you know (none).


      3. @ Reality IS,

        You stated, “I say it could be justified because I’ve been in fights like that many times and fought for me life many times.”

        Here’s one MAJOR point of disagreement.

        I do NOT agree that murdering an UNARMED man, who was running AWAY, because he was THREATENED by an officer with PHYSICAL HARM TO HIS PERSONAL SAFETY could in ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM be “justified.” The officer INTENTIONALLY ESCALATED the situation.

        You state: “Only the cops and Kelly know what actually went on under that mess. No one else.”

        How convenient for officers that according to you the only other person who could “know what actually went on under that mess,” Kelly Thomas, just happens to be DEAD!! Of course, if Kelly were alive, you would also do your very best to continue discrediting and dehumanizing him. After all, according to you, Kelly Thomas was just a “schizo bum.” Most of the time on this blog, you and your sympathizers don’t even recognize that Kelly Thomas was actually a PERSON and that he had a name.

        We WOULD ALL know what happened if they RELEASED THE VIDEO, just like they do in every 7-11 holdup, bank hold up, etc. Gee, isn’t it too bad that, according to you, the confiscated videos are also likely just a figment of our imaginations, non-existent or missing. And the surveillance video is at best grainy; doesn’t show enough, trees and poles in the way, and/or “not reliable.” Some of that may be true, but according to the insider info, the video showed PLENTY. (Or at least, it used to.)

        Citizens are not willing to rely solely on the biased and self-protecting opinions of the officers, including you, who were involved, or other blue line conspirators and apologists. So, yes, we will wait for the trial, if there is one that is. Meanwhile, we will continue to voice our displeasure and disgust.

        You are SO RIGHT when you stated, “Determining that is up to our system, and you don’t like that either.”

        I absolutely, most emphatically “don’t like” a CORRUPT system, and unethical, immoral people who insist on covering for the murder of an unarmed man, who was BRUTALLY MURDERED, BY OFFICERS UNDER COLOR OF AUTHORITY.

        Our justice system IS the best in the world. That does not mean that there isn’t a LOT of room for improvement. Nor does it mean that corruption within our law enforcement and court system doesn’t exist.

        We must always remain vigilant in order to protect our rights from abuse! People and courts make mistakes. Courts often “get it wrong.” Courts are NOT infallible.

        I am NOT Anti Police. In fact, my family members are involved in MAJOR fund raising for the Highway Patrol EVERY year. I won’t go into details; however, you might be surprised at just how PRO LAW ENFORCEMENT my family and I really are.

        What I ALSO AM; however, is this: I AM ANTI EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE and ANTI MURDER of an unarmed man who WAS COMPLYING in the best way that he could, considering the fact that he had just had his brains bashed in and he was being dog piled on by several officers, and he was also being simultaneously beaten TO DEATH.

        And, Kelly Thomas was knee dropped on with full body weight twice, AFTER he was already unconscious. I don’t know what else to tell you.

        If you don’t, or can’t, understand why citizens are upset by the murder of Kelly Thomas, you probably NEVER WILL. Perhaps, you are NOT CAPABLE of understanding.

        I guess I just have to keep trying to remember that you are a SOCIOPATH, and you are NOT CAPABLE of understanding why honest people would be upset and feel terrorized by the BRUTAL and MERCILESS murder of an unarmed man.

        After all, according to your statement, ” Killing people is part of life.”

        I don’t find that statement of yours to be comforting, at All. Your attitude towards life and death is just far too cavalier for me. I can see that it is VERY easy for you to justify killing, and that you have a very low respect for the sanctity of life. It’s also VERY easy for you to just continue doing your daily, albeit highly ineffective, PR job for the FPD.

        It is true that killings DO occur far too often in our society; however, We The People, whom you “serve,” expect our “public servants,” whom we pay, to “protect and serve” and to actually VALUE LIFE, and SAFEGUARD LIFE, and to PREVENT the loss of life, and NOT to use the slightest, tiniest little excuse to go target shooting and bludgeoning to death any human who gives the slightest resistance, or the tiniest provocation, due to drunkenness, mental illness, or confusion, or because he was holding a stick, or because he was holding a garden hose nozzle, or because he couldn’t put both of his arms behind his back, or because he had one arm waving around, even though the rest of his body was already pinned down on the ground, his head had already been bashed in several times, he had been put into a deadly, oxygen depriving choke hold, and he had been Tasered repeatedly, kicked, etc.

        And, all because a mentally ill, unarmed, man was PROVOKED, by “peace officers,” into running for his life out of FEAR for his own SAFETY.

        I hope you are right. I hope the guilty WILL be punished. But, no, I won’t be satisfied with the usual punishment that is meted out, which typically just amounts to taking away the officers’ donuts for a few months.

        Each new case of CODE BLUE murder, or abuse, gets MORE and MORE ridiculous when we learn of the innocuous situations that the “trained peace officers” label as “threatening.” And, all too predictably, no matter what, the officers are very nearly ALWAYS exonerated of any wrongdoing. IT IS NO WONDER that citizens are crying FOUL and MURDER!! WE HAVE HAD IT UP TO OUR EYEBALLS WITH YOUR EXCUSEs OF “UNDER THE COLOR OF AUTHORITY.” “I FELT THREATENED,” ETC., ETC.

        I DO NOT write for the benefit of anyone else on this blog. I never even knew about this blog until the murder of Kelly Thomas. I write the truth to be a voice for myself, for my son, and for MANY MILLIONS OF CITIZENS and their families who also SUFFER due to the misunderstanding, the ignorance and the stigma that is attached to severe mental illness.

        My opinions are are informed by many years of experience and observation. And, by years of frustration and the resultant anger, due to the excused injustices that are imposed on hundreds, if not thousands, of victims each year, enabled by the “system” attitude that “almost everything and anything that is done under the color of authority is justifiable.”

        ALMOST EVERY DAY, there is another story of police brutality and Code Blue Murder. It just NEVER stops. And, I don’t think that it will stop, until citizens demand it. You are right, Change takes time. Changing laws takes time. But, by speaking up, that is at least a first step to bringing awareness, focus, and eventually changes, to the problems we are facing.

        Hopefully, you are not so entrenched in the “system,” (although, the Reality Is, you are), that you cannot see and recognize a grave injustice when you see it.

        Hopefully, you will recognize and stand up for the civil rights of ALL men, and not just worry about your own vulnerability to garden hose nozzles and sticks that are pointed in your direction. Or, perhaps to a dumb bell that is thrown in your direction, or to a butter knife that is thrown down on the ground, or even worse.

        We expect officers to De-escalate situations, not to make them worse in the name of “public safety.” The “public safety” meme is worn out, overused, and abused. It is used as an all too very convenient excuse by law enforcement.

        I don’t expect officers to die as heroes, but I do expect ALL officers of the law to NOT abuse authority, NOT to take another life because you are trigger happy, or afraid of your own shadow, or just because you don’t want to “take any chances.” I KNOW officers claim the inviolable right of “going home” each night.” I ask law enforcement to use RESTRAINT, and to also recognize that citizens have the same civil rights that you claim for yourselves.

        You MUST be willing to give citizens the benefit of the doubt WHENEVER POSSIBLE, in order to spare the lives of citizens and in order to NOT deprive them of their right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I don’t take beatings and murder lightly, and neither should our public servants. It’s not a joke. It’s not a hilarious, back slapping, comedy theatre matter when someone is brutalized and murdered.

        The murder of a man should be abhorrent, even to officers. It should be scrutinized under a microscope, analyzed for what could, and should, have been done differently to PREVENT such a horror from occurring.

        Instead, what do we hear from you and your officers on this blog? We hear you and others as you rationalize, trivialize, minimize, justify, and absolve yourselves of any and all culpability. And, then ultimately, the death of Kelly Thomas will be dismissed from all of your minds. Kelly Thomas’ death will be dismissed, and rationalized, as easily as though he were a mere annoying mosquito.

        Officers did NOT give Kelly Thomas, an unarmed man, any small, or even tiny, benefit of the doubt at all. The officers were absolutely resolute in their belief, that despite all of their professional training, that Kelly Thomas would be able to overcome them all, and take them all down, and that he was apparently a threat to their lives and a threat to their “authority” and that he deserved to be bludgeoned to death, without a trial, jury, or judge.

        Heaven only knows, even one wiggling finger, or one moving arm, or one cry, or one breath, might be a “threat” to the officers’ lives.

        You don’t have permission to arbitrarily decide who lives and who dies, based on nebulous, sacrosanct, catch-all phrases that officers yell out routinely in every situation, and that they repeat loudly, and continuously, into their voice recorders to CYA, “I felt threatened,” “stop resisting,” etc. I know some officers THINK they have the right to decide who lives and who dies, even in the case of an unarmed man, such as Kelly Thomas, who was lying prone, helpless, motionless and unconscious.

        They decided it was ok to murder Kelly, and they knew they would get away with it. Code Blue. Enough said. No worries. Just a nice paid vacation for a few weeks, then everything will be back to normal, and then they can go and find their next “public threat” and they can start their hero routine all over again.

        I know, from past precedents, that the D.A. will more than likely make a decision in favor of the officers. I know the unions will stick up for them. I know you try to justify it in your own mind that it’s somehow morally O.K. to do it. You can say Kelly’s death is “justifiable” and “not murder” all you want. That doesn’t make it right.

        Yes, there are SOME times where deadly force IS necessary. But, I believe those instances are FAR fewer than you or your fellow officers would ever admit in public. And, far fewer than you would even admit amongst yourselves.

        Don’t tell me how hard your job is. You guys INTENTIONALLY make it harder for yourselves by PICKING FIGHTS and by UNNECESSARILY HARRASSING and ESCALATING SITUATIONS. But, OF COURSE, you have usually won those fights in the past. And, no one really questions you. And, everyone in blue just automatically backs you up. You all just slap each other on the back and put another chalk mark up on the wall. Because, after all, as YOU so ELOQUENTLY stated,

        “Killing people is part of life.”


        1. The above comment was written by me, Justice for All. I did not intend to post as Anonymous; rather, my name had cleared out accidentally and I didn’t notice it.

          1. Wow!

            Magnificently expressed. I salute you.

            There was more Reality in that one post than all his posts combined.

            If only he had a conscience to hear the truth… when pigs can fly?

        2. You should write a book.

          Sometimes reality is blind. We each think we are blind to the other sides view. So be it.

          Innocent people and cops have rights too.

          Good luck. 🙂

          1. Agreed. And suspects should have the right not to be bludgeoned to death, but since police work is so difficult, we just probably just give them every benefit of the doubt (and in the meantime, defame the victim, his family, and anyone else speaking out for justice).

          2. My Goodness!! That is a STUNNING admission from you!!

            You stated, “Sometimes reality is blind. We each think we are blind to the other sides view. So be it.”

            You couldn’t be more correct in your self assessment. “REALITY IS BLIND.”

            And, despite your cute little smiley face, I must also hold you accountalbe for your last statement. “Innocent people and cops have rights too.” Now, if you will just try to remember that ALL people have rights and ALL people are INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW.

          3. “Innocent people and cops have rights too.”

            …and Kelly wasn’t innocent people because he pulled away and ran when threatened with violence? Because he simply tried to continue living and breathing? If you were accosted on the street, threatened and feared for your safety, you would not try and escape? If not, then you are truly the crazy one.

            I’m sorry. Oh God. Dad, Dad, DAD!

            If you had a conscience that would haunt you at night as it does me. Sorry, I forgot your psychopathic condition.

            Rhetorical question: How on earth do you manage to shave in the mornings without slitting your own throat? Come to think of it, that might be a fun challenge for a psychopath. You could time how long it takes you to bleed out and see if you could make it to an ER. Just a rhetorical question, of course.

        3. I also think if the San Francisco Bayview shooting happened yesterday and you knew about it, you would be typing the exact same thing you are typing now. You would make your assumptions based on what you see and know and run with it. You would be yelling unarmed man running from the police shot and killed over a $2 bus fare. If you say you wouldn’t you are a liar. For weeks, people like you were in the streets protesting, yelling, screaming, throwing shit. It’s your inability to see reality or the possibility that a cop might have done the community a favor and saved lives that makes your message mute at times. You know so many details about this case you should just be a witness and call the DA. Yes, pro active cops get into incidents. Will always happen. Use of force is a reality you don’t accept. You say you are only against police abuse but I think you are against any police force at all.

          Don’t get so angry. I can hear you yellin as you type. You have your opinion on the left and I have mine on the right. I have first hand experience on my side and you have first hand opinions on yours. Nothing will ever change on that until we all die. Yes we all die. When everyone on this blog dies, people will still be arguing about police use of force in this world.

          Good luck. 🙂

          1. So did the FPD do the community “a favor” by ridding it of Kelly Thomas?? I found that to be an interesting choice of words above (but not surprising from you).

            Also, please stop it with your false dichotomies. Why can your brain not handle the fact that anti-excessive force does not mean anti-all police or all force (I guess if you shift the goal posts, then you can ignore what happened to Kelly).

            Also, this is not a left-right issue (I believe there are people upset about this on all sides of the political spectrum — liberal/conservative/libertarian/etc.). Again, by reducing this to abstract comments and over-simplifying this to “some people like vanilla ice cream, others chocolate,” you can completely turn off your emotions and show no empathy or compassion for the actual human side here or admit that something awful happened and it was far from accidental or excusable.

            And yes, police abuse and corruption will be around forever, like STDs and natural disasters, but it sure doesn’t mean we have to embrace them.

            (By the way, you are a complete hypocrite. You tell others “don’t get angry” when you have posted some vile, obnoxious comments, including those against the deceased and his family. Also, you claim to be an open-minded individual and beg people to see all sides, yet you claim those who disagree with YOU can’t see reality. What a fraud.)

          2. @ Reality Is,
            You stated, “You say you are only against police abuse but I think you are against any police force at all.”

            You have nothing AT ALL to base that unfounded and completely false premise on. You are making straw man arguments.

            Don’t be so vile. I can hear your vile mouth spewing more garbage as you type.

  265. Another young man in the law enforcement community was killed last week kid in the explorer program was gunned down out of the Norwalk sheriff station I think. The ‘fpd6’ are not doing thier law enforcement bretheren any favors, but what do they care? have another beer, enjoy the beach. The fullerton tax payers will pick up the tab, your law enforcement brother and sisters continue to pay the price.

  266. You can hear truth in his voice, There is an adrenaline that rattles the vocal chords and causes eyes to water when you witness a shameful murder.

  267. Johnny Blue :
    The officers were caught in a bad situation that couldn’t be controlled? THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES IN CONTROL! Give me a break. So basically you are saying the officers could not control themselve, gotcha.

    No couldn’t control the psychopath with super human strength who is an addict. That is why he was burglarizing cars to buy his drugs…

    1. If you don’t know the difference between a “psychopath” and someone suffering from schizophrenia, you have already lost all credibility. Please go outside and play now and ask your mom for your computer privileges back later.

      By the way, could you please cite any evidence that Kelly possessed “super human strength,” was “bruglarizing any cars” (if so, what was taken?) or was an “addict?”

  268. Reality Is :I realize that Ron and his family are the only ones that can file the lawsuit. If there was wrongdoing then someone will pay. The point is that Ron hasn’t had contact for many years and wanted nothing go do with him at all. So to now get $10 million seems backwards. He has said he will use it to help the mentally ill and homeless, which if he does, that’s great.
    I think Ron might have realized that it was all getting out of hand. He has been quiet and hasn’t been releasing information as much. I think he might have seen the fight was going the wrong direction and wanted to get it refocused again. Maybe not.
    I’ll read your swat article now.

    Damn, Justice for all is pissed off at you “Reality Is” She needs to get off her high horse and not only take care of her son but help us out with the others. How many bedrooms does she have in her home.

      1. How about you move to a city where police brutality and ineffective government is acceptable (if you can find such a place).

        You sound about as intelligent as the “love it or leave it” crowd from many years ago. By the way, are you a parent by any chance?? When a child behaves inappropriately, do you try to CORRECT the behavior or immediately “leave,” put him/her up for adoption, etc.??? Sorry if this analogy is causing you to think too hard (feel free to just type MOVE in all caps again, Einstein).

  269. Reading through the comments, some imply they are cops. The basic assumption on such a forum is that participants are disinterested.

    disinterested: free from selfish motive or interest : unbiased

    Nobody wants to see the debating skills you picked up in High School. If your not disinterested, don’t post… or at least declare you are a Fullerton cop so we can rightfully discount your comments.

  270. In the time that I have been following the events of July 5 I have become a little more familiar or at least as much as I care to be, with the fpd6 cast of characters: Kenton Hampton, purgered himself in court, falsified police report, brutalized a bystander in another case just for filming his actions. After being employed by lapd for a short period of time, a drunk got the drop on Jay Cecinelli and shot him in the face and torso several times, he was subsequently “let go” by lapd and eventually hired on at fpd. Has he ever undergone extensive psychological counciling to determine if he is fit to carry a firearm or does he suffer from anger mngmt issues? The lapd felt he was not fit to work for them, does fpd have lower hiring standards? Anyone know of allegations of missconduct against against Joe Wolfe, Manny Ramos, and James Blatney?

  271. Let’s assume that everything stayed the same, excepting, in place of 6 Fullerton cops we had 6 Fullerton attorneys, 6 Fullerton MD’s, 6 Fullerton roofers or 6 Fullerton carpet layers. Is there any doubt that, without the cops, there would be 6 Fullerton indictments for murder?

    This is not just a Fullerton problem. There is always a lower standard of justice applied to cops. In the rare cases where a cop is charged with 1st degree murder, he might end up with manslaughter. Why is it acceptable to have a much more forgiving, lenient standard for cops?

    1. Cause cops deal with a higher level of idiots out here. A higher level of killers, a higher level of criminals and higher level of psychopaths. So they have a higher level of protection. Why, do you want to do their job? I don’t.

      1. So you’re saying it’s okay to let cops act like criminals? Would you still feel that way if you had a police stop go bad? It’s okay to live in a dog eat dog world if you’re lucky enough to never have been bitten.

        “So how lucky are ya, punk?”-Dirty Harry

  272. @ Reality is

    One more time:

    “I’ve asked plenty of homeless transients their opinions on things, their lives, their plans, how they got to where they are today, and countless other things.”

    What were the answers they gave you?

    I really am interested in your conversations with “transients”.

    Then you should go away.

  273. 🙂

    Justice for ALL :
    My Goodness!! That is a STUNNING admission from you!!
    You stated, “Sometimes reality is blind. We each think we are blind to the other sides view. So be it.”
    You couldn’t be more correct in your self assessment. “REALITY IS BLIND.”
    And, despite your cute little smiley face, I must also hold you accountalbe for your last statement. “Innocent people and cops have rights too.” Now, if you will just try to remember that ALL people have rights and ALL people are INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW.

  274. I would never dismiss you. I love you and your wild thoughts.

    Justice for ALL :
    You WISH I was on the “left” so that you could try to dismiss me so easily. Sorry. Wrong.

  275. Copy my dicktome.

    Anonymous :
    So did the FPD do the community “a favor” by ridding it of Kelly Thomas?? I found that to be an interesting choice of words above (but not surprising from you).
    Also, please stop it with your false dichotomies. Why can your brain not handle the fact that anti-excessive force does not mean anti-all police or all force (I guess if you shift the goal posts, then you can ignore what happened to Kelly).
    Also, this is not a left-right issue (I believe there are people upset about this on all sides of the political spectrum — liberal/conservative/libertarian/etc.). Again, by reducing this to abstract comments and over-simplifying this to “some people like vanilla ice cream, others chocolate,” you can completely turn off your emotions and show no empathy or compassion for the actual human side here or admit that something awful happened and it was far from accidental or excusable.
    And yes, police abuse and corruption will be around forever, like STDs and natural disasters, but it sure doesn’t mean we have to embrace them.
    (By the way, you are a complete hypocrite. You tell others “don’t get angry” when you have posted some vile, obnoxious comments, including those against the deceased and his family. Also, you claim to be an open-minded individual and beg people to see all sides, yet you claim those who disagree with YOU can’t see reality. What a fraud.)

  276. That’s the funny part. I say one thing you say no. You say one thing I say no. My dik is bigger than your dik. U say prove it.

    Justice for ALL :
    @ Reality Is,
    You stated, “You say you are only against police abuse but I think you are against any police force at all.”
    You have nothing AT ALL to base that unfounded and completely false premise on. You are making straw man arguments.
    Don’t be so vile. I can hear your vile mouth spewing more garbage as you type.

    1. Sorry, I don’t have one. You are the only one with a dik. Show me yours first. Naww.. no thanks.

      1. I get ya. Believe me I get ya. I’ve dealt with people identical to you many times. Passionate or sure.

        1. And I “get you.” Believe me I’ve dealt with people identical to you many times. IGNORANT SOCIOPATHS, for sure.

  277. @Reality is

    “I’ve asked plenty of homeless transients their opinions on things, their lives, their plans, how they got to where they are today, and countless other things.”

    What were the answers they gave you?

      1. “Good conversations. Some nice people that hit some hard times in life.”

        So, you see them as people. Good.

        Kelly was a person too, you know. I think his life was hard for a long time. Very sad.

  278. SAVE the Fullerton Cops :
    OK justice for all.
    First I do work for a law firm and not a small one by any means.
    That is good that you have spent that kind of money on your son, that is your obligation and duty you brought him into this world and I bet a million dollars Ron Thomas can not say that. Does your son live on the street being a menace to other people? I only hope you provide a warm and safe place for your son to sleep, Can not say the same for Mr and Mrs Thomas.
    Do I think Kelly deserve to die? of course NOT.
    Why does justice for Kelly mean that the tax payers should pay his parents who didnt protect and care for him millions? Do you really think a judgement will hurt FPD? I think not they will still get all the funding they need. It is the people who will pay.
    Ron Thomas and his family should mourn in peace. They should stop blaming the Fullerton, the Mayor, counsel members and even the Slide Bar, did I miss any.
    “Instead, Ron Thomas has the COURAGE and the DETERMINATION and the LOVE for his son, to STAND UP for his son, and to seek JUSTICE for his son, no matter what all of you IGNORAMUSES say.”
    Too bad he didnt have all that when he was alive or that determination to take care of him and be sure he was safe. Boooo Hoooo Oh yeah where were his siblings? did they help him? dont think so.
    I hope after all this Fullerton the City and the FPD LEARN to get RID of the homeless people, let someone else babysit them.
    Do I think Ron Thomas will get millions Yes I do, do I think he will sign a release and go away? YES I DO

    Being a janitor at a law firm doesn’t count. Read some of my past posts and get educated.

    1. Are you ever wrong? Is anyone else ever right? People like you are great. The best ever and no one else is close. Supreme citizen. Nutball.

      1. Yes, I have been wrong many, many times in my life. In fact, I used to think that most officers had the citizens’ best interest at heart. I found out differently. My bad.

    2. Sorry not a janitor. I dont want to be educated by you, get it.

      Take the fucken memorial down its an eyesore when I go to the Slide Bar.

      1. I know you are probably quite young and just using your mom or dad’s computer. However, sometimes in life you have to face painful or difficult realities. You can either face them honestly, or go in to a crappy bar and suppress the feelings with over-priced alcohol. You have a choice, skippy, remember that.

  279. Reality Is, You wrote:

    “I think the general public feels that if someone assaults or attempts to assault the police, that person deserves the lumps he gets when the police overcome the assault and take him into custody.”

    I am a member of the general public, and I feel that no human being should EVER look the way Kelly Thomas did after being “arrested” by any police department in the United States of America.
    I also believe that the general public is disgusted on a national level because they DON’T agree that any person deserves those lumps as you call them.

  280. Reality Is :
    So if Kelly or any other mental patient attempts or assaults a citizen or a cop you have no problem with the use of force? You just want the force reasonable? Deadly force will never be reasonable for an unarmed mental subject right?

    You are kidding me, right? Is this Reality Is’ 12 year old daughter posting on here?

      1. Seriously, if all you got was K-12 that’s a shame. You really should get an education. you still might make something worthwhile of your life. Stranger things have been known to happen.

          1. Actually thought it was more a BS. In any case, you seem to have slept through the Ethics class. Guess ethics aren’t required to join FPD anyway… that probably would have hurt a non-psychopath.

  281. @ Justice for ALL,

    Is it just me or is “Reality Is” going through some personality changes right now…

    1. Same ol’ me. JFA is funny. He’s never wrong no matter what the topic or question so just watching the comedy show.

      1. Until now, I have believed ‘Reality IS’ one person, but only a few posts above Justice for ALL informed ‘him’ she is a SHE. Yet, you just called her a ‘he.’

        Could the Texan be correct after all?

        If I’ve missed something could someone point it out please?

  282. @Concerned Texan,
    I fear for his mental health. I believe he is suffering from what is known as “Dissociative Identity Disorder.” More commonly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. Poor dear. I certainly hope the FPD don’t find him.

  283. @ Justice for ALL,

    Obsessive and inappropriate use of “the smiley face” on a public blog no less… that says it all.

    1. I agree. Smiley is actually me smiling every time you see it. Just like right now reading these posts. 🙂

      1. Actually, I think your obsessive love of the smiley faces, like a tween girl posting about Justin Bieber, is really your f…. you to everyone on the post who gives a damn.

        I think every little giggling smiley is just your way of demeaning Kelly, his memory, his family, and everyone who takes these issues of life or death seriously.

        To you, though, I think it’s just a “fun” debate — some mental masturbation, like a high school debating club. I look at the hospital pictures of Kelly and your dismissive attitude and “smileys,” and it makes me really sad (I guess I should use the “frowny face.”

  284. Johnny Blue :
    The officers were caught in a bad situation that couldn’t be controlled? THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES IN CONTROL! Give me a break. So basically you are saying the officers could not control themselve, gotcha.

    No couldn’t control the psychopath.

    1. Kelly was not a psychopath, he was schizophrenic. If you aren’t bright enough or focused enough to discuss facts, than please just go away and share your made-up delusions with some other dim-witted jerkoff. Your ignorance is nauseating.

  285. Not to mention restraining orders for assault with a deadly weapon against grandma along with the convictions for harassing and bothering customers numerous times. But the family and businesses loved him. Disclaimer: his criminal record and restraining order list in no way says he deserved to die. Hi JFA.

    Justice for ALL :
    By the way, if you had actually read any of my previous posts, (can you read?), you would know by now that getting a restraining order IS what parents have to do in order to get help for their child so that they can be INVOLUNTARILY kept in a hospital for treatment. Ask your mental health attorney.

    1. Oh, and remind me again, exactly, in WHAT year did the assault with a deadly weapon occur??

      And, tell me, was Kelly Thomas acutely ill, suffering from an acute psychotic episode, at that time??

      And, were you able to safely transport Kelly to a hospital on a 5150 for a 72 hold and evaluation at that time?? And, did your mental health training come in handy at that time?

      Oh, and if the businessmen and women in Fullerton, and officers thought that Kelly was harassing and bothering customers so much, and thought he was so dangerous,
      why didn’t you take him to the hospital on a 5150 again??

      Your extensive 8 hours of NAMI training failed you when Kelly’s life depended on it, on July 5th.

      1. 2005. No. Yes along with 245 booking. County.

        Harassing and bothering isn’t a danger. Booked. Guilty each time. Plead same.

        Nope. Anyone that runs and fights doesn’t wear sign on his back that he is schizo and not taking meds. Reality.

        1. @ Reality Is,
          Aren’t you such a lucky little devil?? You’re so lucky that you have your lame little excuse that Kelly Thomas was suffering from a mental illness or “schizo” as you so derogatorily like to call him, to use as a rationalization to excuse your murdering friends.

          You didn’t even need a sign on Kelly’s back. You already KNEW his diagnosis; that’s why you picked on him and targeted him that night.

          Unfortunately for you and your thugs, you wrongly thought that no one would care about Kelly, a homeless “bum,” “transient,” “schizo.” You thought Kelly’s murder would pass by completely unnoticed and ignored, just like all the rest of your brutal CODE BLUE murders that your friends have gotten away with in the past.

          Even IF Kelly Thomas had not been suffering from a mental illness, he was STILL THREATENED with bodily harm by an officer. That is why he ran AWAY from the THUGS.

          Unfortunately, Kelly Thomas couldn’t resist your threats and brutality very much after the THUGS had smashed his head into the concrete curb and then put him into a deadly asphyxiating choke hold.

          He also couldn’t “resist” very much after he was UNCONSCIOUS. Even a mentally ill person would NOT have been able to survive that kind of abuse and brutality.

          And, oh yes, even a mentally ill person could NOT have survived the coup de grace blow of the butt end of a Taser to the head, until blood was spraying everywhere, and not to mention the two full body weight knee drops by an overweight officer AFTER Kelly was already UNCONSCIOUS. And, of course, the officers used even more Tasering. Oh yes, what that is called again ? Oh yes. ABUSE OF POWER WHICH RESULTED IN DEATH. MURDER!!

          I think that what we REALLY need is a SIGN on the back of all FPD THUGS, warning all citizens and tourists, etc. that FPD officers are SOULESS, BRAINLESS, ARMED and DANGEROUS and that they HAVE NO MORALS, EMPATHY, INTELLIGENCE, NOR ANY GOOD JUDGMENT whatsoever. And, to BEWARE and STAY in your HOMES at ALL TIMES.

          1. You are clearly a complete nut job yourself. I think you need to get back on your meds. You are halucinating daily. If you think one cop in this world knew anything about Kelly’s diagnosis that just shows how out of touch with reality you really are. The more you blabber the clearer it is. You need help. Call your dad maybe he will take you back. 🙂

    2. Still not buying it Justice for All…. if that is the case then why wasnt he locked up in the looney bin??? If his parents took out a restraining order on him to get treatment then why wasnt he being treated.

      Do you have a restraining order on your son? is that how you get him treatment?

  286. Anonymous :
    I might tolerate your idiocy and trite action movie sayings if Kelly Thomas were armed with a deadly weapon and aiming it a the “officers.” However, since he was face down and being manhandled by multiple officers (and kicked, stomped, tased, and bludgeoned), I’m having trouble with the “them or me,” stance (since the chance of Kelly murdering the six officers with his bare hands was about as likely as you developing a cogent thought or spelling “split-second decisions” properly).
    It just makes you look stupid in addition to amoral.

    I don’t give a rats ass how it makes me look. The truth is that he did not comply with the officers. He resisted and that his fault not the officers. So shit happens.

  287. Of course you don’t. You are a textbook sociopath or borderline personality. You care about absolutely NO ONE but yourself and your own world view. You have no empathy and no class.

    I respect people with different opinions, but only actual human beings with intellect and human emotions and compassion. You’re far short in one area and completely devoid of the other.

    You are actually a cartoon version of some wanna-be tough guy. “Shit happens??” — you sure did.

  288. The most interesting aspect of all the bs moving through here is that the posters/trolls, cruel as they may be, love this. It’s a big game to them. In fact, nothing anyone says will sway them from their desire to incite as much emotional response as possible.

    They are just playing with us.

    People without empathy or remorse cannot be rehabilitated. It’s part of a host of mental conditions where empathy is absent. I’m no Dr. but I bet bet many psychiatrists would easily be able to identify the sociopaths in law enforcement.

    It could be anyone of these:

    Antisocial personality disorder aka Sociopathy
    Anxiety disorders
    Depressive disorder
    Substance-related disorders
    Somatization disorder
    Borderline personality disorder
    Narcissistic personality disorder


    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM IV-TR), defines antisocial personality disorder (in Axis II Cluster B) as:[1]

    A) There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three or more of the following:

    failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;
    deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;
    impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead;
    irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;
    reckless disregard for safety of self or others;
    consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations;
    lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another;

    B) The individual is at least age 18 years.
    C) There is evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15 years.
    D) The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or a manic episode.

    You don’t have to have all of these traits, nor is the list limited to these. The one thing that stands out in all the personality disorders is “lack of remorse and empathy”

    Perhaps our FPD trolls and their elves are afraid that “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”.

    These wiley creatures come in all shapes and forms, are hidden among us, even in the FPD!

    1. “Everyone on this blog is a borderline personality or they wouldn’t be on here. Get Real !!!!!!!”

      It is easy to understand you would want to believe everyone else is like you, but we are not.

    2. In the same way that good people can’t fathom the mindset of bad people around them, bad people think everyone around them is also bad.

  289. I want to thank you both john doe and reality isn’t for keeping the blog alive. Your little evil plot has back fired. SEE YOU ON JUDGEMENT DAY.

  290. I’m telling you guys, the FPOA has dispatched HUNDREDS of wives and officers to to begin the disinformation campaign.

    By the time the truth comes out they will have convoluted it so far, you’ll think twice.



  291. One of you was asking for info about Excited Delirium cases. Well, this is just a few.

    Terry Jackson – San Bernardino, CA -April 2011
    Howard Hyde – Nova Scotia – Dec.2010
    Leonel Farias – Providence – Oct. 2008
    Jason Swift – Pawtucket – Feb. 2008
    Edmond Yu – Toronto – Feb. 1997
    Tony Andrade – England – Mar. 1997
    Lester Donaldson – Toronto – Aug. 1998
    Reynal Jardin-Douglas – Toronto Aug. 2010
    Byron Debassige – Toronto – Feb. 2008
    C. Reid-O’Brien – Toronto – June 2004
    Antonio Bellon – Toronto Jan. 2004
    Otto Vass – Toronto – Aug. 2000
    Wayne Williams – Toronto – June 1996
    Tommy Barnett – Toronto – Jan. 1996
    Albert Moses – Toronto – Sept. 1994
    Dominic Sabatino – Toronto – Aug. 1992
    Kevin Geldart – New Brunswick – 2005
    Douglas Ostling – Bainbridge Island – 2010
    Aaron Campbell – Portland – Jan. 2010

    * All the officers were cleared once the investigation was completed. Each case has different circumstances, some similar to Kelly Thomas. However, the names and personal information such as addresses and phone numbersof the officers were not leaked, placed on some blog or twittered, which is what makes this situation very different.

    That is why Sharon Silva should be recalled first of all of the Council. She demanded that
    the names and addresses of the officers be made public immediately, without checking her facts. She is disgusting as a rep. of the City of Fullerton.

    1. Excited delirium? Yeah, right. Kelly chatting with acquaintances. Kelly sitting on curb. Kelly hit from behind and sat on. Kelly tasered numerous times, hit in ribs, head bashed in, throat crushed.

      Yes he was killed by Excited Delirium. On the part of the FPD Fullerton 6!

  292. Resisting arrest is not a good enough reason for the beating this man got, nor death. On top of it all the man was unarmed, he was outnumbered as well. Sound very much like the original cop had an attitude, wanted to play the power ego trip and things escalated out of control. This is not the purpose of police, nor what they are trained to do. Its about saving lives, if they go around pretending to be god and pushing people around this is what happens. The other side of this is did the officers involved have a history of this? Certainly the city does not want this fact public as this exposes another problem.

    The family and people of Fullerton should not let this incident be forgotten. Its a common problem and much of the time the victims family has no money, backing or control and its hushed and forgotten. The key here is “ABUSE OF POWER” which resulted in death. This is not about a person with a gun and a need to stop him. He was not a threat to anyone. Don’t fall for that bull line, we were legally responsible to take him in.

    I feel the video of the witness was authentic and from what the witness stated very probable. The details, explanations were all something someone who was there would say. Note his reasoning for leaving, being there etc.

    Anyone who takes the position “he resisted so they were in their right” needs to rethink what they’re saying. Police can’t just pick out people and harass them, bully them, act above them etc. I’ve seen this happen myself, its unprofessional and stupid. The problem is police jobs attract power hungry people who have insecurity issues, they want power and authority. Thus they often misuse it and abuse it. These sorts need to be removed.

  293. No, I think YOU were the one asking (under a different screen name). You’re stupid enough to think if you keep repeating this unusual condition over and over, that people will confuse crap with reality and assume that some medical professional who actually treated Kelly had come out with this instead of some cop or his wife on a blog.

    I’m assuming you are NOT a medical professional and did NOT treat Kelly the night he was bludgeoned into a coma — therefore, you can throw out any medical condition you like, from stroke to auneurism to restless leg syndrome, but it doesn’t make it so….

    By the way, the names of suspected criminals are released to the media every day, long before any of the accused (who are presumed innocent until proven otherwise) has gotten his/her day in trial.

  294. You have no proof of any abuse of power in this matter. It is all conjecture and hyperbole.

    When you have proof, come back. I’ll be listening.

    I am a medical professional. No I was not there… and neither were you!!!

    1. … if you weren’t there, then why are you talking out of your ass about a condition you have no proof existed here???

      If you really were a medical professional (instead of a cop or cop’s relative, as you truly are), you would know better than to toss out a diagnosis for a patient you have NEVER SEEN.

    2. When YOU have proof that Kelly suffered “excited delirium” in addition to the savage beating, please feel free to come back. I will be listening.

      By the way, witness statements, photos, and audio/video recordings are not conjecture or hyperbole — they are actually called evidence.

  295. Reality is is that Kelly Thomas was murdered by 6 Fullerton Cops and Veth Mam had charges falsified on him by 5 Fullerton Cops. Veth Mam was then railroaded by the OC DA’s office and an Orange Co Judge. Conspiracy???? Who are the real criminals?

    1. We will see. Reality is act like a drunk prick u get what’s coming to you. He would have gone to jail for 647f and 148 if it wasn’t for the 69 charge. Screw him.

  296. There is no proof of a murder! As much as you would like there to be it is not so at this time.

    When Mr. Thomas was given a preliminary report of the autopsy, he did not like what was said. He wanted the coroner to look at it differently which will not happen and could not happen. The coroner, pathologist and all concerned have no interest in this matter other than from a medical oiunt of view. Nothing was made up. Nothing was given more or less credence than any other case.

    You need to rethink this matter if you will be intelectually honest with yourself.

    1. And, if you would be [intelectually] honest with yourself you wouldn’t post such dreck here.

      Too much to hope for though, isn’t it?

  297. known more why don’t you discuss the Veth Mam case? Did a cat get your tounge? Are you going to go and hide unde the watch commander’s desk?

  298. known more I’m going to respond to you in the only language that you understand; PIG. OINK OINK OINK OINK……………………………………

  299. Common you undercover police union bloggers, please state some more asinine comments so I can tear you a new ………….

  300. Xer :
    Magnificently expressed. I salute you.
    There was more Reality in that one post than all his posts combined.
    If only he had a conscience to hear the truth… when pigs can fly?

    Good Sir, I salute you in return!! I have learned well from you!! You are also known to routinely give the evil trolls a very well deserved tongue lashing!!

  301. Reality isn’t how come you aren’t out counter protesting in support of FPD on Saturdays instead of hiding behind your falsified screen names. Come on grow some balls. Let’s see what you are made of.

    1. No reason to. The public media has let it die. Don’t hear anything anymore. Just about a group of rebels each Saturday. Everything is going just as I predicted. Nothing to protest about. 🙂

  302. I have yet to see one of these trolls showing their support in public? What gives? Where are you? Why are you so afraid? Why do you have to hide behind your little netbook? Get out and show your face.

    1. No reason to. Everything is great. Nice n quiet. Never gonna change the mind of the rebels, normal citizens know the process, so sit back and enjoy the nice weather. Ho hum. 🙂

        1. “never gonna change the mind of the rebals” So why are you blogging? Why are you trying to change the minds of rebels (OINK OINK) behind the safety of your little netbook.

  303. When it all comes to an end we have to consider how fair the investigation will be knowing it was done by departments that work with each other. The objectiveness is not the same. Can we call it ABUSE OF POWER, well looking at the injuries AND if any injuries of the officers it does not take a coroner to tell you there was major overkill. Police are trained to escalate, baton before a gun etc. Are we to assume the taser did not work? If he was calling out for his father and saying “sorry” I would be willing to bet it did work. Thus NO NEED to manually touch him, except to cuff him.

    When officers are in a chase they build up adrenaline and get hyped, which often leads to an overexcited state when the finally reach the suspect. They then over react and do things they would not do under normal conditions. These officers appeared to go above and beyond. Officers are also trained to get you to do things by twisting your arm or fingers, mace were all these things done? The video would surely demonstrate proper escalation or tactics. OR it may show something else, the fact that they are NOT using it (showing it to the public) in itself shows a problem. If it was all done within policy then the video would reveal that.

    The other side of this is corruption which comes in many forms and has been around for some time. Part of that corruption is covering for others who work with you. You might want to read this link http://www.facebook.com/notes/joseph-zernik/11-08-29-corruption-of-the-los-angeles-superior-court-its-causes-and-history-la-/10150351520004744 Cover ups, scandel and abuse of power are often hidden or covered up due to corruption of our system. Many people leave departments when they really find out what is going on. Don’t fool yourself its been going on for ages.

  304. bbogz: Unlike most of you, I do not take the word of others lightly. Anyone can say anything, including me, and it doesn’t make it so, therefore without extreme research and talking directly to those involved, I decline to comment on Mam.

  305. So have you talk directly to those who are involved in the Thomas case. And in the Mam case all you have to do is watch the video??? Do you guys ever stop lying?

  306. The truth is knowin less is that you can not twist/spin the Mam case because the video says it ALL. That is why you will not go there.

    Isn’t it time to go and wallow in the mud?

    1. Watch the real video with volume. Not the attorneys altered one. Mam is an idiot. He might not of back jumped but he was a prick and would have gone to jail either way.

  307. So knowin less, HAVE YOU TALKED DIRECTLY WITH THOSE INVOLVED IN THE THOMAS CASE??????????? If not, you need to stop blabbling your hoglisous lies.

  308. Sad to say that when this is over it won’t matter what the investigation reveals, the MOB BLOGGERS won’t accept it. With their minds already made up, and a closed mind at that, nothing will change except the Officers will be exonerated of what you say, is a murder charge.

    1. Did you talk to those involved in the Thomas case? You never anwsered the question? Why? Did you LIE little piggy?

  309. The only ppl guilty of the death of KT is the Thomas family. Their neglect and shunning of KT is abhorrent to all parents everywhere. How could they wash their hands of a flesh and blood child of theirs. My heart breaks for what KT had to endure in his life as a result of their neglect. A restraining order to “get him help?” what a joke that is. Now Dad Thomas wants to be paid for the neglect of his child. Understand? Your so right. I do not understand how they could be so heartless.
    RIP – KT

    1. I don’t recall that his family beat him to death. It was 6 Fullerton Police officers that commited that CRIME. Please get your fact straight piggy.

      1. I dont recall his parents careing for him and preventing this from happening either. The Thomas family FAILED him. Poor guy

        1. @Save the Fullerton Cops,
          Even the 50 or so bystanders/ witnesses who were present the night of the murder of Kelly Thomas were not able to stop those murderers from depriving Kelly of his Civil Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

          Do you believe that you, or Kelly’s parents, could have stopped Kelly’s murder if they had been there? Kelly’s parents would have tried to stop the cops, and they also would have died trying to save their son.

          Do you think that I just keep my son locked in my house all day??

          Do you think that parents follow their grown adult children around 24/7?

          Do you believe that if the Public Guardian, who was Kelly’s court appointed Conservator, was NOT able to have Kelly put into an institution that Kelly’s parents would have had more ability to have Kelly put into an institution??

          Do you think that ALL homeless people have families who can take them in and care for them??

          Do you think that ALL homeless or mentally ill people deserve to be murdered if they don’t have family who are able to care for them: CLUE: (parents are deceased, elderly, don’t have the resources, space, money, knowledge, to care for them, live in an apartment, uneducated about mental illness and are in denial about their child having a mental illness, in jail, living in another state, don’t know where there loved one is living, etc. etc.) NOT ALL people have someone who can, or will, care for them.

          People only know what they know, and they can only do what they know how to do.

          Do you REALLY believe that all mentally ill and homeless people have someone who can or will take them in??

          Do you REALLY think that this could not have happened to someone else who did NOT have a mental illness?

          Do you believe that ONLY mentally ill and ONLY homeless people are abused and murdered by officers in CODE BLUE situations???

          Kelly was NOT seen burglarizing any cars, nor committing any felony. EVEN IF HE HAD BEEN, do you think it is OK to bludgeon an UNARMED man and Knee Drop and unarmed man to death?? While he is already UNCONSCIOUS???

          Do you believe in our Constitution and in Civil Rights for EVERYONE?? Regardless of their mental status, and regardless of where they live??? And, regardless of how much money they have??? And, regardless of whether, or not, they have family to come to their rescue????

        2. You didn’t stop it either — you are guilty of murder. So am I. So is everyone except for the ACTUAL KILLERS (you know, those fine men who bludgeoned him to death who bear no responsibility whatsoever in your warped world).

          By the way, don’t you need at least a HS diploma or GED to be a cop, cop?? Isn’t dropping the silent-e in words like “caring” taught in the 1st or 2nd grade. Jeeez.. (It’s okay — not your fault for being ignorant. I blame your parents for not “careing” enough about you to see that you would be educated or grow a soul / empathy).

    2. Must be a Fullerton cop… even so, that’s a pretty desperate stretch. Did you really expect to sway anyone with that? Come on, at least think a little before you hit submit.

  310. To all the undercover pig bloggers who are in support of the Fullerton 6, Kelly’s blood is on your hands too. You are in GOD’S eyes accessories to murder. See you on JUDGEMENT DAY.

    1. Why is it that if we are for IUPG we have to be cops.

      Again, I am not a cop, not married to one and I dont date any.


      1. Innocent until proven guilty applies to EVERYONE, INCLUDING Kelly Thomas.

        The officers did not give Kelly that same right; instead, they acted as the jury, judge and EXECUTIONER!!!. Kelly is DEAD as a result.

        Officers DEPRIVED Kelly of his Civil Rights.

        I have not murdered, nor advocated, nor excused the murder of any officers; however, I are calling for them to STOP murdering others in CODE BLUE! (under the color of authority)

        1. typo correction: change that to:

          I AM calling for them to STOP murdering others in CODE BLUE! (under the color of authority)

  311. This testimony brings up three aspects:

    The beating doesn’t appear to have been premeditated.
    Nobody knows yet whether Kelly had stolen items in his backpack.
    Kelly did NOT hit anybody before the police destroyed his face and his brain.

    1. Agree with #3.

      #2 – Somebody does indeed know that Kelly DID NOT have stolen items in his backpack.

      #3 – A fake call possibly made in cahoots with one of the 6? Oh, no, premeditation is a long way from being ruled out.

  312. Reality Is :
    You are clearly a complete nut job yourself. I think you need to get back on your meds. You are halucinating daily. If you think one cop in this world knew anything about Kelly’s diagnosis that just shows how out of touch with reality you really are. The more you blabber the clearer it is. You need help. Call your dad maybe he will take you back.

    Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if the officers knew about Kelly’s mental illness, or not. NO ONE deserves to be bludgeoned in the head with the butt end of a Taser and knee dropped onto their face and neck, thereby crushing the face, nose and throat/wind pipe with the full body weight (of an overweight cop) while they are unconscious, and not moving. MURDER!!!!!!!

    1. Again? were you there. You talk as if you were on the floor blow by blow. Why didnt you save him…..

      You need to educate Ron Thomas and his family on how to care for his mentally ill son. Sorry too late he no longer has a mentally ill son.

      1. No, I think we need to educate the police on how to “apprehend” a “suspect” without bludgeoning him to death.

        Keep changing the subject, though, and throwing vile insults at the family. It shows what a heck of a guy you are.

      2. There is credible insider info from someone who HAS seen the surveillance video. This person has revealed much info, that has turned out to be proven true. The anonymous insider “tipster” released this information on the radio before anyone else knew about it. It has all been proven to be accurate.

    2. Justice for ALL :

      Reality Is :
      You are clearly a complete nut job yourself. I think you need to get back on your meds. You are halucinating daily. If you think one cop in this world knew anything about Kelly’s diagnosis that just shows how out of touch with reality you really are. The more you blabber the clearer it is. You need help. Call your dad maybe he will take you back.

      Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if the officers knew about Kelly’s mental illness, or not. NO ONE deserves to be bludgeoned in the head with the butt end of a Taser and knee dropped onto their face and neck, thereby crushing the face, nose and throat/wind pipe with the full body weight (of an overweight cop) while they are unconscious, and not moving. MURDER!!!!!!!

      @Reality Is,
      Also, just so you know, my father passed away from pancreatic cancer on April 2, 2005. He was a wonderful, compassionate, loving man, (VERY different from yourself) but he can no longer take me back, as you suggest.

      Many homeless and/or mentally ill people also find themselves in that same situation, with no one who is able to care for them, for one reason or another.

      1. I’m very loving and compassionate.

        Unfortunate for them but Kelly’s family can’t use that excuse. I know, I know he loved living in the streets and was a street person and his family had no choice but abandon him. I understand that. Yes that doesn’t mean someone can murder him. Yes I got all that. I leave that up to the people investigating not us. They have all the facts. Rumors and speculation and lies just fuel the fire.

        I love the USA. I love So Cal.

        I’ll be laying on the beach in Newport all weekend if anyone wants to come rub some lotion on me. 🙂

        1. You realize that declaring YOURSELF “loving and compassionate” is the equivalent of speaking about yourself in the 3rd person or giving yourself a “cool nickname.”

          Loving and compassionate people do not trash the family or memory of a person violently killed (even if you absolute evidence of the strengths or weakness of their bonds, which you actually don’t), especially less than 2 months after the event. In fact, it’s the epitome of a callous, arrogant, insensitive person, so please try again in telling us about all your great, neat-o qualities, Officer Narcissist.

          1. Reality Is: “They have all the facts.”

            Honest Reality: Of course they do! They even have testimony from the six lying cowards who murdered a truly innocent man under color of authority. Oh, they don’t? Then how can you claim they have all the facts? Your stories are always full of BS and holes.

            Frankly, you are a coward too, and for all we know a murder as well. You love to brag about physically abusing your prisoners, don’t you? So, who knows you are not a murderer too? We don’t. You have no credibility here.

            Reality Is: “I will as long as you keep bashing innocent people that have been charged with nothing.”

            Honest Reality: So, you believe everyone in the world who has not been charged with a crime is innocent? Has Kim Jong Il ever been charged with a crime? Has Moammar Gadhafi ever been charged with a crime, has Bashir Assad ever been charged with a crime? Then according to your logic they have never been responsible for the murders of innocents.

            Go suck on your bottle psychopath. Allow adults to have honest conversations.

  313. Do you think that I just keep my son locked in my house all day??

    Do you think that parents follow their grown adult children around 24/7?

    Do you believe that if the Public Guardian, who was Kelly’s court appointed Conservator, was NOT able to have Kelly put into an institution that Kelly’s parents would have had more ability to have Kelly put into an institution??

    Do you think that ALL homeless people have families who can take them in and care for them??

    Do you think that ALL homeless or mentally ill people deserve to be murdered if they don’t have family who are able to care for them: CLUE: (parents are deceased, elderly, don’t have the resources, space, money, knowledge, to care for them, live in an apartment, uneducated about mental illness and are in denial about their child having a mental illness, in jail, living in another state, don’t know where there loved one is living, etc. etc.) NOT ALL people have someone who can, or will, care for them.

    People only know what they know, and they can only do what they know how to do.

    @ Reality Is,
    Do you REALLY believe that all mentally ill and homeless people have someone who can or will take them in??

    Do you REALLY think that this could not have happened to someone else who did NOT have a mental illness?

    1. God no. Yagman is scum of the earth. Criminal, liar, felon. No wonder he liked hanging out with felons and making up lies like felons. Glad he’s gone forever.

      1. Reality Is on August 31, 2011: Yagman is scum of the earth. Criminal, liar, felon. No wonder he liked hanging out with felons and making up lies like felons.

        Pot calling the kettle black? heheheheheh… oh, yeah.

  314. You live by the sword, you die by the sword!

    If Kelly T. had not been doing something questionable, he would not have been in that position and he would still be alive.

    And to those of you who talk about his arrest. He was never arrested, only detained for questioning. Get your facts straight. Makes it more believeable.

    1. That makes it even worse, he was murdered while he was detained for questioning. You’re so correct.

      Kelly Thomas was not arrested; he was MURDERED!!!!

      1. Hard to be arrested when you run in order to avoid arrest. I bet he’s listed as a suspect on the arrest report though.

        1. And it’s very hard to execute an arrest when you choose to execute the “suspect” instead.

          1. Choose. Someone made a choice and it wasn’t the cops. What happened after he made that choice is being investigated.

    2. By the way, numb-nuts, do you even understand what that idiom (“Live by the sword, die by the sword”) actually means???

      I’m guessing not, because the only way it would be applicable here is if Kelly and several of his friends went around Fullerton harassing and violently brutalizing citizens and there were brutally beaten by another gang (i.e., the FPD)? Since that clearly wasn’t the case, it made as much sense as the rest of your post, unfortunately (none).

    3. You live by the sword, you die by the sword!

      WHY is this the first we hear that Kelly attacked his six ‘FPD victims’ with a sword? No wonder they had to beat him to death! It all makes sense now. Thanks Livin’ Good for clearing this mystery up.

      If Kelly T. had not been doing something questionable, he would not have been in that position and he would still be alive.

      In what position, face down on the pavement with between two and four cops on his back? Yeah, he did something ‘questionable’, he tried to STAY ALIVE. Guess you would never try to do that when you are threatened, would you.

      You are such a dope.

      And to those of you who talk about his arrest. He was never arrested, only detained for questioning. Get your facts straight. Makes it more believeable.

      Nothing makes you believable.

      However, by your logic the FPD 6 should be beaten to death by six on one odds. You’re a pretty merciless ‘guy.’

      You live by the sword, you die by the sword!

  315. Too bad you can’t be “livin’ smart.” So in Syria (oops, I mean the United States of America), doing “something questionable” give the authorities the right to brutally kill and absolves them of all responsibility whatsoever.

    If you truly believe that, you are either amoral or very, very stupid.

  316. Why do so many of you excuse what Ron Thomas is saying, but are bagging on those who want the facts to speak for themselves? Mr. Thomas has said some really nasty things about the police and the Councilmen that he wanted to take a bat to. He is no better than anyone else, just because he lost a son? Mr. Thomas is disgusting for what he said without facts to back it up.

    1. @Livin’ Good,
      You stated, “just because he lost a son?”

      Yup, you are a sociopath.
      Next officer get in line please.

      BTW, we know you don’t pay any attention to what the anonynous, insider tipster had to say; however, everything has been right on and proven correct so far.

      FPD has everyone beat HANDS DOWN in the DISGUSTING department. You can’t get any lower than MURDER!!!

    2. “Mr. Thomas is disgusting for what he said…”

      That’s funny because you are just plain disgusting.

      You present no facts, only FPD propaganda and lies. Wish I could live long enough to hear what you would have to say if your child is ever killed by authorities without any rhyme or reason, but just because some punks had an urge to kill some helpless victim. By the time you are old enough to have children I will be gone from this world.

  317. Yeah, what a BAD man for losing his cool and making one questionable remark in a public meeting (which he obviously didn’t mean literally). That’s just the same thing as the FPD killing his son and the city leaders dragging their feet or trying to make it go away.

    Can you please look up the phrase “false equivalence?” It’s a common tool for, well, tools, like yourself.

  318. Reality Is :
    Cool. Yes.
    I will as long as you keep bashing innocent people that have been charged with nothing.

    You mean like RON THOMAS, you sociopathic piece of garbage??/ Yeah, you’re just so perfect and swell.

    I’m bashing the FPD and city of Fullerton as a whole. I haven’t pointed the finger at any “innocent” victims or their families. An unarmed suspect was beaten to death and you and the other sociopaths here are taking pot-shots at the deceased and his family. So, no, I don’t need to declare MYSELF compassionate here like you.

    1. So be it. Yes Ron Thomas. He knows the process because he was a deputy until he got fired. He wanted to make his own process. People that bash him do so because he had nothing to do with his son for 15 years. Didn’t even want to see his face. Then this and he wants to change things. That’s fine. Say it how it is. That’s all that makes people separate the two things. Ron and the $$, Kelly and the cops.

      Like I said keep bashing the world. Whole is your problem.

      1. Sooo, YOU and YOUR COMPLICIT friends, who MURDERED Kelly Thomas, cared more about Kelly Thomas than his dad did???
        And, YOU and YOUR COMPLICIT friends care more about Kelly Thomas NOW???
        Even as you constantly dehumanize and demean Kelly Thomas??
        And, even as you try to cover for and rationalize Kelly’s murder???
        YOU who sit on the beach and DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, except TRASH TALK Kelly and his family, as well as all other people who suffer from mental illnesses???
        YOU, who wouldn’t/didn’t lift even one little pinky finger to save the life of a homeless and mentally ill person, Kelly Thomas, when he was being murdered, have the right to judge Kelly’s parents??
        YOU REALLY think that YOU have the moral authority to judge or condemn Kelly or his family??
        You are one sociopathic, self-justifying, morally depraved officer.

        1. Just as you have an opinion so does everyone else. Yours is no more powerful or correct than anyone else’s even though you think you are gospel. Everything you say and preach is based on assumption and opinion. Get out and preach. Go preach to homeless. Help them. Get with Ron and make a shelter. Feed them. Do something instead of preaching.

          1. And, why don’t YOU do something instead of trying to rationalize murder, making sorry excuses for your partners in crime, and spending your life drinking your sorrows away at the beach?

            Maybe I AM gospel, as you say.

            My opinions are informed by witnesses statements, and by the insider information, etc. NOT assumption and opinion.

            Speak for yourself. You are certainly free to go and preach to yourself out on the beach. Maybe you can convince yourself of your innocence, if you talk long enough, but you’ll never convince a jury. If you don’t like what I have to say, you certainly don’t have to read it.

            I guess reading the TRUTH is just too painful sometimes. I don’t really blame you for not wanting to hear the truth. You really should just take a break and go pour yourself another drink or three. Maybe take some Ambien as well. You’ll sleep better.

  319. Wait, you said I was bashing innocent people who have been charged with nothing (yet).

    What was Ron Thomas charged with here? I’m curious.

    Unfortunately, “the world” to you means the 5% of the population who look and think exactly like you. The vast majority of people who have heard about this story have been sickened by it.

    The only ones I have “bashed” on here are the sociopath trolls like you, Jay-bird, and the others who think it’s appropriate to smear a murder victim and his family. Good work, other side!!! (sorry, I can’t the smiley face for you — not a 10-year-old girl, so don’t know how…)

  320. Save Us: Now you are a psyche for Ron Thomas? He only “lost his cool!” He didn’t mean “literally!” He should be charged with child neglect. He was certainly good at that. Although he sucked at being an officer, couldn’t hack it, lost his cool there too. Didn’t pass probation. On and On and On… The guy is a L who wants a lot of money for nothing. He makes me sick!

    1. Didn’t pass probation?

      Must have been for using big words like “sir” and “mam”, but most likely for being proficient in the use of handcuffs…which seems to be a lost art these days.

  321. Reality Is :
    Choose. Someone made a choice and it wasn’t the cops. What happened after he made that choice is being investigated.

    The cops CHOSE to THREATEN Kelly Thomas so that he ran in FEAR FOR HIS SAFETY

    The cops CHOSE to ignore Kelly’s cries of Sorry!

    Help! Dad! Dad! God! etc. for help.

    The cops CHOSE to continue Tasering and to do full body weight Knee Drops on Kelly AFTER he was already unconscious.

    The cops CHOSE to MURDER Kelly,

    The cops CHOSE to aid and abet in the murder of Kelly Thomas.

    The cops CHOSE to deprive Kelly Thomas of his Civil Rights.

    The cops did NOT have the right to choose whether, or not, Kelly had the right to live.

    The cops CHOSE to use EXCESSIVE FORCE, resulting in DEATH.

      1. I know that you know. It’s just too bad that your little world doesn’t understand the concepts of truth and justice. Or honor, or integrity, or anything else good and decent for that matter.

  322. “Psyche” is something you posses (well, most humans), not a person. Furthermore, as a police officer I’m shocked to hear you say that you can arrest the parent of a 37-YEAR-OLD son or daughter for “child neglect.” Please explain this one to me, because it seems stupid, even for you.

    YOU make me sick and anyone else who trashes the family of a murder victim (by the way, which bullet point is that on the FPD or its union’s talking points????). This is a case about whether or not the FPD officers behaved appropriately or not. It has nothing to do with parenting.

      1. So now you are inventing new laws??? Bravo. Do whatever you can to blame the victim and his family (and inflict more pain). Why in the world should the trained police officers bear any responsibility whatsoever??

        (What do you mean by “You say” — I haven’t posted any information on mental illness or schizophrenia. Stop smoking, ReIS !)

        1. I never said that. I have always said if the facts and evidence show wrongdoing then those people deserve to be prosecuted. Stop making things up. I see enough lies on this blog LOL

  323. Many of you bloggers have referred to Kelly Thomas as Ron’s “child” therefore I say child neglect. If Ron had spent as much time on his child as he has spent on the streets of Fullerton since Kelly’s death then this would not have happened. I really believe that. I feel such sorrow for Kelly becuase he thought his family did not care. And he was right, they did not care. If you had spent any time around Ron before Kelly died you would have heard him say how he washed his hands of him, did not want anything to do with him, and the list goes on. If he feels bad, he has no one to blame but himself.

  324. Searcher: You should have mentioned that Dad Thomas is only after the money. If any of you think otherwise, there is not much hope of you ever reconciling this in your minds. Remember he turned down a measley 900K why? Because it wasn’t enough for his needs. Help The Homeless? HA HA HA

    1. They also wanted Ron to release them from all liability and have no further contact with the media.

      I wouldn’t have taken their hush money either. And, neither would you.

      What an insult. What a miscarriage of justice.

      If Ron HAD taken the HUSH MONEY, then Kelly’s MURDER would have all been swept under the rug and the murder of Kelly Thomas would have gone unnoticed by the world.

      That’s EXACTLY what you’d like, isn’t it??

      1. We will see. Cities pay people off all the time. Council and mayor say they knew nothing about the offer. Info came from Ron. He should post the paperwork on here for us to look at.

      2. Thats is right JFA, I have said this before and I will say it again. Once the million (s) check rolls in he will sign a release and go away. The differance is that that hush money was not enough. Whatever money he gets will be his sons BLOOD money.

        Oh yeah, there will be no shelter either.

        1. I have said this before and I will say it again:

          Anyone who is “outraged” that Ron Thomas is suing for the death of his son and more bothered by that then the “treatment” Kelly received at the hands of FPD’s “finest” is an amoral sociopath or someone with serious Daddy issues. Get over it — Ron Thomas is not the “villain” here and he is not the one who killed his son.

          It’s so sickening that it almost seems likes some of you losers are JEALOUS of the money that might come through way of a civil suit. Would you want that money if it meant your child had to be brutally beaten to death?? No? Then please stfu and quit defaming a family you know nothing about.

          1. Sorry my daddy is alive and well in Anaheim. I am the ultimate Daddy’s girl, and dont need money from a civil lawsuit. TRUST ME…..

            My daddy would never allow me to sleep in filth and the streets.

            Try Again. I will be at the Slide Bar having a cold one with the money I earned, Opps trust fund.

    2. Wow, two sociopathic sadists in one blog. You guys should exchange contact information and watch snuff films or something. You’re both really, really swell human beings. Do you open up the obituary page each day and call up the family to laugh HA HA HA? (pigs).

    3. Who was it first used the term “sock puppet?” That so aptly describes little broken record wishnik dolls like this one.

      Jane, for the thousandth time you are blowing smoke. Mr. Thomas turned down the $900,000 because it meant the animals that murdered his son would not be held to account if he accepted the bribe. Clearly you are terrified your pet monkeys WILL be brought to justice, which is why your shrill chihuahua yapping goes on and on and on and… ad nauseam

      If we could post images here I’d be able to show you what your own wishnik doll looks like Janie. Your hair must be hot pink to match your eyes.

      1. And what does your doll look like because your smoke and yapping is exactly the same from the other side. Look in mirror for once?

        1. The other side? You mean the side that would like to see justice for a poor little man beaten mercilessly to death, by six brutal goons who took an oath to protect and serve, while literally begging for mercy?

          If so, I am proud to be on that side.

          What ever happened to your pride? Your honor?

          I look in a mirror everyday and have no shame for the man looking back. I’ve spent my whole life trying to learn from my mistakes and be the best man possible. Who looks back into your eyes from the mirror, friend?

          It was a rhetorical question. We don’t need to hear any more lies, thank you. If you and I ever met I’d buy you a drink, a double, to help you try and ease your pain some. Believe it.

  325. So you are a friend of the family, then?? You are a friend of Ron Thomas and know what’s in his heart and have definitely heard him say things about his son??? NO?? Then stfu, sadist sociopath!

    A lot of adult “children” (that’s the term when two people have sex and have a son or daughter, regardless of the person’s age — you seem to be struggling with that one) have horrible relationships with their parents (or no relationship at all). I still haven’t heard you explain HOW that casts light on the behavior of the FPD officers on July 5.

      1. Save US from the Fullerton Cops on August 31, 2011 posted: “I still haven’t heard you explain HOW that casts light on the behavior of the FPD officers on July 5.”

        Let me repeat your response to the above question so you can read what you wrote:

        It could cast light. We don’t know yet.

        Now look at this again in ‘light’ of your response:

        “I still haven’t heard you explain HOW that casts light on the behavior of the FPD officers on July 5.”

        How intelligent was your response?

        You once said you believed I was more intelligent than to believe what I’d posted.

        I believe you were once a man with too much honor than to take the stand you represent in these pages. I’m not saying that for other people to read, though they well may. I’m actually saying it to you directly, man to man. What happened to your honor, man? How can you actually defend such a horrific atrocity committed by ‘men’ who collect paychecks to insure such atrocities never happen?

        You really dumbfound me. Really.

        1. I think you’re dumbfounded because my comment was meant for the troll pricks defaming Kelly Thomas and Ron, his father, less than two months after the killing of his son. It had nothing to do with you (I think you got confused over the order of the posts).

          It was a response to those trolls who come on here and blame the Thomas family for the death rather than the police, who actually killed him on July 5.

    1. The light for the FPD is not on yet there is still an investigation.
      The light is being case on the Thomas family who are trying to profit on KT death, a family who could care less before he died.

  326. You bloggers seem hell bent on calling the cops murderers yet don’t want to hear the other side. Whether you like it or not, the oher side think that way for the most part. Mr. Thomas injected himself into our city and now you want us to keep quiet about it. He has caused a big uproar because he just wants money. He will probably get it but I for one do not think he deserves it. I am sure others feel the same way. The money won’t bring Kelly back and I am glad he is in a better place. Sadly, I am glad he doesn’t have to endure the indignaties of being a neglected child. Think about it. He did not even have a shirt on when he was stopped and questioned. Why? Where were you Ron?

    1. I call a spade a spade. The FPD MURDERED Kelly Thomas; it was not an accident, and it was not suicide. And, Kelly did not die from “child neglect.”

      It IS about Kelly Thomas, who was bludgeoned, Tasered, kicked, Knee dropped, and choked to DEATH by FPD officers.

      Mr. Ron Thomas did not “inject” himself into the city. Ron Thomas is a citizen of the city. He would not be bringing any attention at all to the FPD, nor to the city if his son had not been MURDERED by the FPD.

      Any infamy that has been brought upon Fullerton is wholly the direct responsiblity of the leaders of the city and of FPD.

      The money can not help Kelly, but a guilty verdict and a settlement CAN bring attention to the corruption at FPD, and hopefully bring positive changes to FPD arrest and control policies.

      This is NOT about the money, nor about the parents.

      This IS about the unlawful MURDER of an innocent person.

      This IS about obtaining justice, and it IS about bringing attention to these issues and it IS about getting rid of sociopathic, murdering officers.

      This IS about a violation of Civil Rights.

      This IS about unearthing CORRUPTION and BAD PRACTICES and BAD PROCEDURES at FPD.


      It is NOT about blaming the family,
      it is NOT about the money.
      It is NOT about whether, or not Kelly had a shirt on on a VERY HOT summer night.

          1. Yep. Maybe not though. If you were the OC DA you would have charged murder on day 2, judge rejects on Day 3, and we are in the same spot as we are now. Or you charge murder on Day 30, and murder will be easy to beat and everyone walks free. Your thought process would actually be good for the cops.

      1. IT IS ABOUT THE MONEY For Ron Thomas. He can do all of that without takeing millions from the tax payers.

        According to his own words on TV he said the money would set his family up and that was including his grandchildren.

        I Still feel sorry for you, I know you mean well.

        1. It’s mutual — I feel sorry for you if you looked at the picture of Kelly Thomas’ head and face in the hospital and the ONE THING that angered you, outraged you, was the fact that the city and its PD may have to pay out a settlement in civil court for the excessive force.

          I mean, really? You do have human emotion and compassion, right? I can accept people with different opinions about police work or what reforms may or may not be needed, but are you seriously more upset at what might happen in a civil court than what DID happen on July 5??

  327. Justice: Are you the only one who can call a spade a spade? Facts. Facts. Facts. That is what will exonerate the police officers in the final episode of this mess. Maybe one or two of them will not be exonerated but who knows? Facts are facts. Good or bad I will abide with the decision of the DA. And even if you don’t agree with him, his word is probably going to be the final say on this.

      1. I say bring em all in right now. Get em all going right now. That way all the conspiracy theorists can be proven wrong at the same time and then they won’t have more excuses each time they get the answer they don’t like. Let em just end up with Obama.

    1. You know the answer to that already. JFA is the ruler of the world. His way or the highway. EVeryone else is wrong.

      1. No, Justice for ALL is quite rational though very passionate because she has a son who has schizophrenia like Kelly Thomas did, and I’m certain she lies awake nights in terror thinking about, what if it had been her son instead of Kelly. The belittling way you talk about her does not succeed in minimizing her as a person or discounting her posts. She writes much better than you. What your posts belittling her reveal is, how small you’ve shrunk as a man.

        I am sad for you, fellow. In your heart you know it is true too.

    2. Facts are, multiple witness have described the police as being ‘dog-piled’ on Kelly and beating him. One officer even tried to handcuff Kelly and got sprayed with blood gushing from Kelly’s head because another officer was continuing to beat Kelly in the face and head with “a flashlight” (the butt of a taser) It is a fact multiple witnesses report having seen the same thing. They didn’t use the exact same words, but they effectively reported seeing the same thing. I have heard the video evidence of those witness statements with my own ears. You want me to doubt my own ears to believe your lies? Think again ‘little man.’ Your agenda is showing.

  328. The FBI is well aware of the goings on of this situation and of this blog. We are all in it for better or worse.

    RIP Kelly Thomas, now a child of God.

    1. Final thought: Kelly ALWAYS WAS a child of God. A HUMAN BEING. A PERSON. He had the God given right to LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS, just like you, and your pals deprived him of that right.

      Don’t pretend to care about your “schizo bum transient” now. You aren’t fooling anyone.

    2. You insulting piece of filth. How dare you pretend to care anything about Kelly Thomas after all the trash you have posted on this site about him and his family? You are not good enough to speak the man’s name. He will go down is history as someone whose death influenced American Law Enforcement policies. you will never appear in any history book even as the nasty pathetic little joke you are.

      What difference does it make the FBI is aware of this blog and what on Earth makes you think they care? You are a moron. The FBI cares about the abrogation of Kelly Thomas’ Constitutional RIGHTS at the hands of six brutal bloodthirsty monsters in FPD uniforms. This blog means nothing to them, so I think you know what you can do with your implied little threat, moron!

      1. The post: Xer on September 1, 2011
        You insulting piece of filth. How dare you pretend to care anything about Kelly Thomas after all the trash you have posted on this site…

        Was a response to : Jaynbond on September 1, 2011
        The FBI is well aware of the goings on of this situation and of this blog…

  329. Reality Is :
    Yep. Maybe not though. If you were the OC DA you would have charged murder on day 2, judge rejects on Day 3, and we are in the same spot as we are now. Or you charge murder on Day 30, and murder will be easy to beat and everyone walks free. Your thought process would actually be good for the cops.

    If I were the D.A., all of the FPD suspects would be in jail by now, without bond.

  330. Justice: NO ONE DEPRIVED KT OF HIS RIGHTS BUT HIS FAMILY. The Officers will be exonerated and rightly so. If they were out of policy and caused the death of KT as a result, then they will be dealt with accordingly. Of course nothing short of the death penalty will satisfy your sadistic emotions.

    1. I’ve read everything Justice for ALL has written on this blog site, and probably well over a hundred of your filthy little juvenile delinquent entries. In my considered opinion, YOU are the sadist. Justice does not wish physical pain inflicted on the officers though God knows they deserve it. All she wants is for them to be brought to justice. You have posted several times you believe Kelly Thomas deserved the (ruthless inhuman torture) inflicted on him by the FPD 6 murderers. Which of you will people believe is the real sadist? It looks pretty obvious.

  331. Jaynbond :
    Justice: NO ONE DEPRIVED KT OF HIS RIGHTS BUT HIS FAMILY. The Officers will be exonerated and rightly so. If they were out of policy and caused the death of KT as a result, then they will be dealt with accordingly. Of course nothing short of the death penalty will satisfy your sadistic emotions.

    Your patent LIES are deluding NO ONE, not even yourself. I believe you KNOW you are lying. You can’t even claim mental illness; you are just plain EVIL.

  332. This argument is nuts. Like every day in this country, the police go stark freakin’ crazy on people and get away with it 90% of the time. I am done talking to knee-jerk cop-lovers. Let’s see what they say when their moms or dads or sons or daughters get beat on. You can’t say one challenging word to an LAPD cop without getting arrested. Cops are out of control — not every single one, but check it out, just about all of them cover for the bad ones. Until the Blue Wall Of Silence is breached, it won’t get much better. One thing will help — STOP LETTING DA’S AND OTHER COPS INVESTIGATE THEMSELVES. We need total civilian control of these departments, before they are simply nationalized and we see tanks on the corners of our streets. Want to see some GOOD cops? LEAP.org, start there. And homicide cops, of course. But the “front line troops” and SWAT? Totally f’ing crazy.

    1. Preach on, brother, preach on. I agree 100%. Cops are adrenaline junkies, nothing more. Furthermore, they are encouraged to be adrenaline junkies because there are no bad consequences. In fact, their bad behavior is rewarded with paid vacations. So, you maim and murder a few civilians? Who cares? Your assessment is absolutely spot on… they need to be reeled in. Also, those who fuck up need to be made examples.

  333. SAVE the Fullerton Cops :
    Thats is right JFA, I have said this before and I will say it again. Once the million (s) check rolls in he will sign a release and go away. The differance is that that hush money was not enough. Whatever money he gets will be his sons BLOOD money.
    Oh yeah, there will be no shelter either.

    I wouldn’t care even IF YOU personally got the money. I wouldn’t care if you personally received MILLIONS of Kelly’s blood money.

    AS LONG as the world’s attention is brought to bear on the issues of Kelly’s MURDER, excessive force and police brutality.

    If it were up to me you could have it all; the money is NOT IMPORTANT to me, nor to anyone else who has their head screwed on straight.

    What IS important is that KELLY THOMAS WAS MURDERED by duly sworn FPD OFFICERS, who are publicly paid employees, who were SWORN to protect and serve the public.


    However, Ron and his family are the only ones who have the legal standing to file a civil lawsuit. By Ron Thomas’ willingness to press charges, and ONLY because of Ron Thomas’ willingness to press charges and to seek justice for his son, the WORLD IS becoming aware of the EVIL that took place here.

  334. He doesnt have to file a civil lawsuit to get justice for KT. That is my point and the fact that he went on the local news claiming that $900k WAS NOT ENOUGH Made himself look like a jack hole.

    Ron Thomas is the one shifting the focus. His focus should be finding out what happened that night to his son/child homeless person ??

    His focus is on how big is the judgement going to be, the louder the higher the money will be and who can HE place blame on because he failed his son.

    Poor Kelly never had a chance.

    BTW, tell me if I am wrong? I am sure you will. If the FPD go out everynight looking to kill innocent homeless people? where are the others

  335. I have lived in Fulleton for 20+ years, my contact with the FPD is maybe two traffic violations in 10 years. My parents in Anaheim.

    I guess when you dont live on the streets, pan handle, break into cars, defecate where you please, harass people as they go to dinner you dont have much contact with the FPD. I abide by the law.

    Maybe all you people who have had an ass beat by the cops shouldnt be breaking the law or running from them.

    I go out to DTF at least 3+ nights a week, NOPE still havent gotten by ass beat by a cop. DAMN

    1. Also, if you had been harassed, humiliated, beaten, or killed during those traffic stops, it would have been justified in your warped world because you were NOT abiding by the law when you chose to disobey the speed limit or traffic rules.

      Blame the victim. Blame the victim. Blame the victim’s family. Blame the victim. Insult the victim’s family… That’s all you know how to do. You haven’t admitted in one single post that maybe, just maybe, the 6 cops who beat Kelly into a coma and death used excessive force or acted outside the law.

      Therefore, I can’t really take any of your other gripes or comments seriously.

      1. I wont admit to it because it has not been proven in a court of LAW you wanna be lawyer.

        Ha Ha Ha you thought I was a guy.

        Lets talk when they are convicted… Not

    2. SAVE the Fullerton Cops on September 1, 2011: “I have lived in Fulleton for 20+ years, my contact with the FPD is maybe two traffic violations in 10 years. My parents in Anaheim.”

      So, your parents recently moved to Anaheim but your daddy is still Fullerton a cop. He must have allowed those two traffic citations to stand to teach you a lesson to save your life from your compulsive reckless driving. Good for him! Now, be a good girl and go to bed. Don’t want to be late for your VocTech classes early tomorrow morning.

  336. … and let me guess, if your wife gets operated on and the doctors or hospital are negligent and he/she dies on the operating table, you don’t say “boo,” right?? It’s her own damn fault for being unhealthy and needing surgery in the first place.

    I’m very fortunate to have never needed a single surgery, so I have NEVER been the victim of medical misconduct or negligence. Therefore, under your twisted logic, I should just blame the victim of the abuse since if they had taken better care of their body, not smoked, or had better genetics, they certainly would not have been in that position.

    Also, in the above-mentioned scenario, you would definitely NOT sue the hospital, right, since that would be “blood money” and some ass-clown on a forum would probably defame you and her on a public blog somewhere less than 2 months after her death for you “bad mouthing” the fine public hospital, doctors, and staff.

    1. OMG. Not the same Sorry. That scenario involves insurance money.

      The civil law suit will wash out a criminal one.

      That is what Ron Thomas should be fighting for criminal (if it was) but he is going for the civil suit $$$$$$$. I am telling you he will sign the release and go away. Just wait.

      1. OMG, you’re stupid. A civil lawsuit does NOT “wash out” a criminal trial. A civil lawsuit would be brought by the only ones legally able to do so (the family of Kelly Thomas, in this case).

        A criminal charge would be made be the DA on behalf of the People of California (us). It’s not ONE or the OTHER, and it’s certainly not Ron Thomas who makes that decision.

        If that’s what was worrying you, “Daddy’s Girl,” — that a civil suit would let these cops free with no criminal punishment — then you can rest that pretty little (empty) head of yours. That’s not how it works.

        1. I do know the differance.

          Thomas family will get the $$$$$ and will be back to normal…..

          OJ walked and never paid a dime. He walked the streets for 15 years.

          I have never said what happened to Kelly is OK, the investigation is not over.

  337. SAVE the Fullerton Cops :
    Sorry my daddy is alive and well in Anaheim. I am the ultimate Daddy’s girl, and dont need money from a civil lawsuit. TRUST ME…..
    My daddy would never allow me to sleep in filth and the streets.
    Try Again. I will be at the Slide Bar having a cold one with the money I earned, Opps trust fund.

    Lawsuits are not about “need” or filed only by poor people. They are meant to address a wrong and there are punitive or compensatory damages — they’re not a “handout” for those in need… Wow, you’re stupid. Now that you have shared the fact that you are a dimwitted, trust fund “girl,” I think I’m starting to get the picture.

  338. If Ron Thomas had accepted their offer, it would have released them from liability. Ron would also have had to sign an agreement which stated that he could not make and more contact or statements through the media.

    If Ron Thomas had accepted their offer to settle out of court, the whole sordid, horrific murder, and all of the other issues would have been completely SILENCED and you wouldn’t have heard any more about the murder of Kelly Thomas.

    The FPD cover up would have been complete. That is EXACTLY what the FPD was hoping for. They hoped they would be able to just continue on with their “business as usual.”

    And, by the way, $900k IS an insult for the loss of life of a human being. That WAS an insult to his son. It would take a LOT more than that tiny little slap on the wrist to make the city and the FPD reconsider their evil ways.

    THANK HEAVENS, that won’t happen THIS TIME.

    You are so correct when you state: “Poor Kelly never had a chance.”

    The reason Kelly Thomas NEVER HAD A CHANCE, is because of the ubiquitous FPD Blue Code of Silence that is so ingrained in the FPD culture.

    Because of arrogant and sociopatic personalities of both officers and leaders, bad policies, bad procedures, corruption at all levels, and because of not being held accountable in the past, the FPD allowed such a grievous murder to occur.

    The homeless and the mentally ill are NOT the only victims of the Blue Code of Silence. However, the homeless and the mentally ill are some of our society’s weakest and most vulnerable; they are “easy targets.” They usually don’t have families at all, or their families don’t know where they are located, or their families don’t have the ability or knowledge to fight for justice on their behalf.

    Thank HEAVENS, at least THIS TIME, the MURDER VICTIM, Kelly Thomas, has a family who IS willing to make sure that this MURDER is not just swept under the carpet, and they are willing to make sure that we do everything possible to make sure that the guilty murderers do not just get to go back to work, as usual.

    1. Sorry again. Nothing will change the FPD will be back at work and Ron will cash his check.

      A new counsel will find a way to rid Fullerton of the homeless people I hope.

      He never had a chance because his family left him on the streets to rot.

      All those families who you say dont have the money, knowledge, location or ability. Those are the people you should be educating to get them off the streets.

      1. You’re getting scary now, Daddy’s Girl. I mean scary as in evil and amoral.

        What do you mean by “rid Fullerton of the homeless people,” exactly? Are you talking about eugenics or “camps,” you Nazi? How does one “rid” an area of human beings??

        Is this why you think it was okay to kill Kelly?? Because he was one of those “icky homeless men?”” Is that what you think, you ignorant t$^$ ?

    2. I have NO pity for Ron Thomas and his family, Kelly Thomas was on the streets of Fullerton the same streets where his family lived. They did not help him, they prevented him from going to thier home.

      JFA, this homeless person was lost, he DID have family. His family new his location and his family new he was mentally ill, his family also had the ABILITY AND KNOWLEDGE to care for him.

      Ron Thomas should have fought for Justice when his son was alive, he should have kept conservatorship of his son he should have FOUGHT to get him care and care for other mentally ill people on the streets.

      Where was the FIGHT THEN ????????

      1. The way to get the homeless and mentally ill population (300,000 new cases of schizophrenia are diagnosed EACH year) is NOT by MURDERING them. Stop trying to excuse the MURDERING THUGS of the FPD.

        1. The way to get help for the homeless and the mentally ill population (300,000 new cases of schizophrenia are diagnosed EACH YEAR) is NOT, repeat after me, IS NOT by MURDERING THEM.

          Stop trying to make excuses for the MURDERING THUGS of the Fullerton Police Department.

        2. Stop trying to justify the lack of care for Kelly by his own family.

          I didnt hear you? Where was the fight in Ron Thomas then? What ??????

          1. @ Save the Fullerton Cops,
            I certainly don’t expect you to read this, because you have already stated that you “don’t want to be educated about mental illness.”

            However, I also know that there are MANY other people around the country and around the world who are also reading this blog.

            There are untold numbers of people who actually are affected by, and who are very interested in, this very important issue.

            I realize that this is truly a huge distraction to the real issue at hand of police brutality and the use of excessive force by law enforcement.

            However, I am posting the following for those who want to understand a little bit more about what the families, who have loved ones who suffer from a mental illness, go through. Not all people want to stick their heads in the sand, as Save the Fullerton Cops chooses to do.

            Mental illness is very difficult for families to deal with for MANY reasons.

            Families are usually entirely unequipped to deal with a loved one who is mentally ill. Typically, families don’t realize or understand what is wrong with their loved one; they may not even receive a psychiatric diagnosis until years later. Often treatment is delayed for this reason, and even then, patients typically refuse to take their medications, because the mentally ill person doesn’t realize that he is ill.

            A person who doesn’t understand that he is ill lacks “insight” into his illness. If he believes he is not ill, then he also won’t want to take medications that have side effects. He also can’t remember to take his medications because of short term memory problems.

            If the ill person is paranoid or delusional, he also often believes the medication is actually going to poison him.

            Therefore, parents can’t get their loved ones to take their meds when they are living at home.

            Parents can’t keep their loved ones locked in their homes day and night.

            If parents are divorced, or both parents are working; there is no one at home all day, and awake all night long, to make sure that the mentally ill person doesn’t burn down the house with a cigarette, or leave the gas stovetop on high all night, or leave the doors to the house open all day and night, or leave the bathtub water turned on full blast all day- flooding the house, etc., or any of a million other things even more disrupting and extremely stressful to a family.

            The doctors often will usually not keep the mentally ill person in the hospital longer than one to three days, before releasing them back out onto the street. If the child is over 18, the doctors won’t even talk to or give any information to the parents without the mentally ill person’s permission. They will release the mentally ill person back out onto the street and not even call us to tell us that they were released, where they went, etc.

            Parents are left in a limbo that can destroy the entire family’s finances and relationships. I have a friend who has literally spent $200,000 on her son’s medical care this past year alone. She has mortgaged her home up to the hilt to do it. How much longer can she keep this up???? She can’t.

            I have another friend. His mother LOST her home completely because she used every penny she had to care for her son. She now has NOTHING, and she is a widow. She can do nothing more.

            If you attend NAMI support group meetings, you will hear these same heart breaking stories repeated over and over and over again. Everyone does that best that they know how to do.

            Schizophrenia does not only affect young adults. It also affects mothers and fathers and aunts and uncles, etc. It is devastating to entire families and it affects their finances and family dynamics tremendously.

            Mental illness often destroys families and marriages because family members themselves often don’t understand mental illness and they don’t understand what their loved one is going through, or why, and they don’t know what to do about it.

            Family members often do not agree on how to handle the loved one who suffers from a mental illness. Mental illness in the family causes an inordinate amount of stress that affects the parents’ jobs, family finances, marriages, and other family relationships.

            Sometimes families are in denial about mental illness because of the stigma that is attached to it, or they might incorrectly believe that their loved one has a drug or an alcohol problem, or that they are just being irresponsible or rebellious, and that whatever is wrong with them- it must be their own fault or that they choose to live that way, etc.
            Sometimes, the person who suffers from a mental illness may, in fact, have a Dual Diagnosis; they may have both schizophrenia and an addiction to alcohol or drugs. They often use alcohol or drugs to try to self-medicate.

            Most parents and families themselves don’t know much at all about severe mental illness, nor are they equipped to deal with the realities of living with someone who is mentally ill.

            After years of trying everything they know how to do, some families resign themselves to their loved one living on the streets. Financial problems and the lack of support by our current legal and mental health system make caring for a loved one with a severe mental illness very overwhelming.

            We cannot force our adult loved ones who are mentally ill to do anything against their will, unless they are found by a court, or an officer, to be a danger to others, a danger to themselves or gravely disabled.

            Laura’s Law will help, but it has not been voted into law in Orange County as of yet. This will allow outpatient treatment for mentally ill people who have a history of mental illness.

            Most families are very poorly equipped and not prepared at all to deal with severe mental illness. Parents are not perfect. They often have no idea what to do to help their loved one who is mentally ill.

            Parents still have to go to work to support their other family members, pay the bills, deal with their own health issues, take care of elderly parents, worry about their own job loss, foreclosures, suffer from their own depression and their own personal health problems, etc. Life throws many things at us, and sometimes it gets VERY overwhelming.
            Parents and family members of the mentally ill feel anger, grief, deep loss, confusion, depression, stigmatized by society, and helplessness.

            At the present time, there is not one easy answer to solve all the problems of severe mental illness and homelessness. If it were that easy, there would be no mentally ill or homeless people living on the streets.

            Attempting to place blame onto the parents for Kelly’s death is extremely insensitive and not to mention, it is also extremely ignorant.
            Parents do not murder their loved ones who have severe mental illness; they do the best that they know how to do within the confines of our complicated legal and medical system. Parents also struggle within the confines of their own personal limitations.

            In Kelly’s case, the only people who bludgeoned and Tasered him to death were the Fullerton Police Department officers.

            Ron Thomas was not able to protect his son on July 5th, who died at the hands of FPD officers, but Ron Thomas is trying to make the world a safer place for you and for me, and for my son who also suffers from schizophrenia.

            I am very grateful to Ron Thomas for standing up for Kelly’s civil rights because by doing so, Ron Thomas is standing up for and defending ALL of our civil rights.

            As a society, we are ALL guilty for not making sure that our laws provide a legal way to get medical treatment for the mentally ill, BEFORE they become homeless.

            One percent of our population suffers from schizophrenia. There are 300,000 new cases of schizophrenia diagnosed each year.

            The mental health crisis in our country is much larger than just the parents of Kelly Thomas. It affects us ALL.

          2. Justice for ALL on September 1, 2011
            @ Save the Fullerton Cops,
            “I certainly don’t expect you to read this, because you have already stated that you “don’t want to be educated about mental illness.”

            My friend, I especially do appreciate you taking your own time to write that last very informative post.

            Personally, it was gut wrenching for me to wade through it, as you know we are scraping at scabs for me, but worth it just knowing some who have never known will now read your post and have some small idea what others in our world have to deal with. While I have been blessed with a sound mind, good life, and wonderful companion, life has been terribly sad for many in my family. So much so that sometimes I could just sit down and weep.

            Everyday my heart goes out to Ron Thomas and his family. If there is real justice in this life those who write posts here attacking the Thomas family and seeking to justify Kelly’s brutal murder will have to deal with some of the same issues in their own lives. Perhaps then they might develop understanding and empathy. One can only hope.

            Despite my tears, I will not give up this fight, though sometimes this old man simply must take a rest.

            Good woman. Your words are so wise and so appreciated. Remember to get some rest yourself, and stay well.

            That goes for all the noble posters here fighting in Kelly’s memory.

            All the best,

  339. Save US from the Fullerton Cops :… and let me guess, if your wife gets operated on and the doctors or hospital are negligent and he/she dies on the operating table, you don’t say “boo,” right?? It’s her own damn fault for being unhealthy and needing surgery in the first place.
    I’m very fortunate to have never needed a single surgery, so I have NEVER been the victim of medical misconduct or negligence. Therefore, under your twisted logic, I should just blame the victim of the abuse since if they had taken better care of their body, not smoked, or had better genetics, they certainly would not have been in that position.
    Also, in the above-mentioned scenario, you would definitely NOT sue the hospital, right, since that would be “blood money” and some ass-clown on a forum would probably defame you and her on a public blog somewhere less than 2 months after her death for you “bad mouthing” the fine public hospital, doctors, and staff.

    I’m certain Save the Fullerton Cop’s wife will have to undergo surgery when justice for Kelly is served because he will be so angry, he will take it out on her head.

  340. My mistake. I just realized ‘Save the Fullerton Cops’ is a chick. She just can’t help her obnoxious remarks. Her problem is , she Can’t Understand Normal Talk. (note the acronymn in last 4 words)

  341. Hahahha… I sure did. Couldn’t have said it better, myself.

    Did you notice that she described herself as a “daddy’s girl” and trust-fund baby? Telling, I think.

    Her daddy issues may also help to explain her worship of LEOs as infallible gods (or maybe she’s just “serviced” most of them; who knows??).

  342. Justice for ALL :
    @ Save the Fullerton Cops,
    I certainly don’t expect you to read this, because you have already stated that you “don’t want to be educated about mental illness.”
    However, I also know that there are MANY other people around the country and around the world who are also reading this blog.
    There are untold numbers of people who actually are affected by, and who are very interested in, this very important issue.
    I realize that this is truly a huge distraction to the real issue at hand of police brutality and the use of excessive force by law enforcement.
    However, I am posting the following for those who want to understand a little bit more about what the families, who have loved ones who suffer from a mental illness, go through. Not all people want to stick their heads in the sand, as Save the Fullerton Cops chooses to do.
    Mental illness is very difficult for families to deal with for MANY reasons.
    Families are usually entirely unequipped to deal with a loved one who is mentally ill. Typically, families don’t realize or understand what is wrong with their loved one; they may not even receive a psychiatric diagnosis until years later. Often treatment is delayed for this reason, and even then, patients typically refuse to take their medications, because the mentally ill person doesn’t realize that he is ill.
    A person who doesn’t understand that he is ill lacks “insight” into his illness. If he believes he is not ill, then he also won’t want to take medications that have side effects. He also can’t remember to take his medications because of short term memory problems.
    If the ill person is paranoid or delusional, he also often believes the medication is actually going to poison him.
    Therefore, parents can’t get their loved ones to take their meds when they are living at home.
    Parents can’t keep their loved ones locked in their homes day and night.
    If parents are divorced, or both parents are working; there is no one at home all day, and awake all night long, to make sure that the mentally ill person doesn’t burn down the house with a cigarette, or leave the gas stovetop on high all night, or leave the doors to the house open all day and night, or leave the bathtub water turned on full blast all day- flooding the house, etc., or any of a million other things even more disrupting and extremely stressful to a family.
    The doctors often will usually not keep the mentally ill person in the hospital longer than one to three days, before releasing them back out onto the street. If the child is over 18, the doctors won’t even talk to or give any information to the parents without the mentally ill person’s permission. They will release the mentally ill person back out onto the street and not even call us to tell us that they were released, where they went, etc.
    Parents are left in a limbo that can destroy the entire family’s finances and relationships. I have a friend who has literally spent $200,000 on her son’s medical care this past year alone. She has mortgaged her home up to the hilt to do it. How much longer can she keep this up???? She can’t.
    I have another friend. His mother LOST her home completely because she used every penny she had to care for her son. She now has NOTHING, and she is a widow. She can do nothing more.
    If you attend NAMI support group meetings, you will hear these same heart breaking stories repeated over and over and over again. Everyone does that best that they know how to do.
    Schizophrenia does not only affect young adults. It also affects mothers and fathers and aunts and uncles, etc. It is devastating to entire families and it affects their finances and family dynamics tremendously.
    Mental illness often destroys families and marriages because family members themselves often don’t understand mental illness and they don’t understand what their loved one is going through, or why, and they don’t know what to do about it.
    Family members often do not agree on how to handle the loved one who suffers from a mental illness. Mental illness in the family causes an inordinate amount of stress that affects the parents’ jobs, family finances, marriages, and other family relationships.
    Sometimes families are in denial about mental illness because of the stigma that is attached to it, or they might incorrectly believe that their loved one has a drug or an alcohol problem, or that they are just being irresponsible or rebellious, and that whatever is wrong with them- it must be their own fault or that they choose to live that way, etc.
    Sometimes, the person who suffers from a mental illness may, in fact, have a Dual Diagnosis; they may have both schizophrenia and an addiction to alcohol or drugs. They often use alcohol or drugs to try to self-medicate.
    Most parents and families themselves don’t know much at all about severe mental illness, nor are they equipped to deal with the realities of living with someone who is mentally ill.
    After years of trying everything they know how to do, some families resign themselves to their loved one living on the streets. Financial problems and the lack of support by our current legal and mental health system make caring for a loved one with a severe mental illness very overwhelming.
    We cannot force our adult loved ones who are mentally ill to do anything against their will, unless they are found by a court, or an officer, to be a danger to others, a danger to themselves or gravely disabled.
    Laura’s Law will help, but it has not been voted into law in Orange County as of yet. This will allow outpatient treatment for mentally ill people who have a history of mental illness.
    Most families are very poorly equipped and not prepared at all to deal with severe mental illness. Parents are not perfect. They often have no idea what to do to help their loved one who is mentally ill.
    Parents still have to go to work to support their other family members, pay the bills, deal with their own health issues, take care of elderly parents, worry about their own job loss, foreclosures, suffer from their own depression and their own personal health problems, etc. Life throws many things at us, and sometimes it gets VERY overwhelming.
    Parents and family members of the mentally ill feel anger, grief, deep loss, confusion, depression, stigmatized by society, and helplessness.
    At the present time, there is not one easy answer to solve all the problems of severe mental illness and homelessness. If it were that easy, there would be no mentally ill or homeless people living on the streets.
    Attempting to place blame onto the parents for Kelly’s death is extremely insensitive and not to mention, it is also extremely ignorant.
    Parents do not murder their loved ones who have severe mental illness; they do the best that they know how to do within the confines of our complicated legal and medical system. Parents also struggle within the confines of their own personal limitations.
    In Kelly’s case, the only people who bludgeoned and Tasered him to death were the Fullerton Police Department officers.
    Ron Thomas was not able to protect his son on July 5th, who died at the hands of FPD officers, but Ron Thomas is trying to make the world a safer place for you and for me, and for my son who also suffers from schizophrenia.
    I am very grateful to Ron Thomas for standing up for Kelly’s civil rights because by doing so, Ron Thomas is standing up for and defending ALL of our civil rights.
    As a society, we are ALL guilty for not making sure that our laws provide a legal way to get medical treatment for the mentally ill, BEFORE they become homeless.
    One percent of our population suffers from schizophrenia. There are 300,000 new cases of schizophrenia diagnosed each year.
    The mental health crisis in our country is much larger than just the parents of Kelly Thomas. It affects us ALL.

    Yes – Yes – Yes. My 28-year-old son has five diagnosed mental illnesses and has been sleeping on the ground or on benches by choice for two years. I do not know if psychiatric meds will help him because he has consistently refused to take any. The only way to keep him off of the ground/off of benches is to confine him inside a locked facility. I have previously attempted to commit him into one but was not able to do so due to budget cuts and “patients’ rights”. My ex-husband and I have tried everything humanly possible to get him off of the ground and nothing has worked. Initially I was getting only four hours of sleep per night due to the worry and my ex-husband has suffered even more. We have not abandoned our son, we just have no way of keeping him off of the streets.

    1. Dear Elaine P.
      Thank you for sharing your story. If you would like to speak with me sometime, please ask admin to send me your e-mail address. My son is also 28. All the best to your and your family.

      1. I’m going to ask FFFF to give you my email address. If I don’t receive an email letter from you within the next few days, then I’ll go ahead and give it to you publicly on this website.

      2. Travis doesn’t have your e-mail address. Please give it to him so that we can share what we very sadly have in common.

      3. Justice For All, please give Travis (via “Contact”) your email address so that he can give you my email address so that we can commiserate over the terrible shape our 28-year-old sons are in.

  343. Stephen Yagman may not be gone forever, and if people like Kelley Thomas are being destroyed in a disgusting way, let us hope there are thousands of Civil Rights Lawyers like Stephen Yagman out there. California Citizens need civil right lawyers around like him – to keep the police from killing US.

    Stephen Yagman — the blustering, hated, brilliant, beloved, disbarred lawyer who won fame by regularly defeating police departments in brutality lawsuits, got out of federal prison in 2010, having served three years for bankruptcy fraud and money laundering.
    Today, the once high-flying Yagman is quietly hunkering down in his former Venice law offices, working on the most important and improbable legal battle of his life: restoring his ruined integrity and regaining his revoked license to practice law.

    The normally voluble Yagman is keeping an exceptionally low profile, but he’s raising eyebrows anyway. He hopes to win back his old life by having his conviction overturned on appeal before the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.

    And to do that, among other things, Yagman hopes to convince the court that his good friend, Irvine School of Law Dean and legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky, misrepresented him and screwed up Yagman’s previous and unsuccessful appeal.

    Last November, Yagman filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus to vacate his convictions. Key among his claims since then: that the government withheld evidence and that he got ineffective assistance from Chemerinsky, who worked pro bono on his appeal.

    Top appellate lawyers in Los Angeles describe Yagman’s chances of convincing the court that Chemerinsky ruined Yagman’s appeal as “next to zero,” “forget about it” and “absolutely no way.”

    In fact, appellate attorneys say, the number of times a judge has agreed to overturn a habeas corpus case on appeal in recent years can be counted on a few fingers.

    Yagman’s crimes include his failure to pay $158,000 in taxes, 17 counts of money laundering and bankruptcy fraud for hiding his assets — including a 2,800-square-foot house in Venice — from creditors and trustees when his firm Yagman & Yagman went through bankruptcy.

    Yagman is hated by many cops, but also by many attorneys. In the criminal case against him, brought by the U.S. Attorney in Los Angeles, he tried to get that office’s prosecutors disqualified. It didn’t work.

    “We knew going into the case he would throw everything he possibly could at us,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Beong-Soo Kim told the Legal Intelligencer last February.

    At his 2007 sentencing hearing after Yagman’s conviction, a courtroom spectacle stretched on for three days as he pummeled U.S. District Judge Stephen V. Wilson with haggling and legal minutiae. The scene prompted Loyola Law School Professor Laurie Levenson, who once worked as a federal prosecutor, to say, “There are death-penalty phases that don’t last that long.”

    Yagman’s almost singular intensity, even among L.A.’s subculture of aggressive and hard-headed litigators, worked like a charm in numerous cases he took on behalf of victims of police mistreatment. But those same skills have not worked in his own defense.

    Dennis A. Fischer, a respected appellate attorney, says of Yagman’s effort to overturn his conviction: “I don’t think much of his chances. These are seldom successful.”

    Yagman is arguing for a writ of habeas corpus — essentially, yet another review of his case — after a judge reviewing his first appeal, put forth by Chemerinsky, found nothing wrong with the government’s case and refused to overturn Yagman’s conviction.

    “Recent decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court have expanded restrictions on habeas corpus relief,” Fischer says. A 5-4 vote against such maneuvers has solidified under Chief Justice John Roberts.

    Still, Yagman has an uncanny ability to pull off seemingly impossible legal stunts.

    In the late 1990s, Yagman became one of the most reviled lawyers in Los Angeles after agreeing to represent the family of a violent bank robber in the infamous 1997 North Hollywood shootout at Bank of America. The shootout is considered by many to be the longest and bloodiest event in U.S. police history.

    The crime left both robbers dead and 18 police and civilians — including many bank customers — injured. It played out for hours on local TV, riveting Americans who watched as the two heavily armed robbers, wearing sophisticated military-grade body armor and using armor-piercing bullets, outgunned the regular police in a running battle through the streets. After better-equipped SWAT arrived, the robbers were pinned down.

    In the hours that it took LAPD to secure the area and uncover possible accomplices, one gunman, Emil Matasareanu, shown on TV alive and lying handcuffed in the road not far from an LAPD officer, slowly bled to death.

    Police said they never realized he was mortally wounded, but his family sued LAPD for failing to save Matasareanu’s life.

    Yagman stepped forth to take the case, and managed against great odds and massive, mostly negative press coverage to get a hung jury. He ultimately pressured LAPD into a settlement for the Matasareanu family.

    Yagman’s friend Donald W. Cook, whose law firm Robert Mann and Donald Cook in 1995 was named the NAACP’s “Civil Rights Law Firm of the Year,” says, “The North Hollywood case riled so many people, but the basic factual case was a good one.” Given the negative public reaction, Cook asks, “How the hell would you ever win that case? The basic factual issue in that case was the cops let the robber bleed to death. Maybe the cops were justified to delay the response, maybe not … but it was a good factual case.”

    Yagman’s targeting of his famous friend Chemerinsky fits perfectly with the outrageous, often over-the-top style that’s made Yagman the scourge of violent cops and helped him win millions of dollars for victims.

    “I’m not condoning or excusing conduct that led to the criminal conviction — because it sounds like the government had a lot of evidence” against Yagman for bankruptcy fraud and money laundering, Cook says.

    But, he adds, “I hate it when critics say that the practice of law is better off without [Yagman], that we’re better off without him in the federal court taking his cases to trial. That’s just nuts. The civil rights bar was much better with him — and owes him a debt of gratitude.”

    There’s widespread doubt that the widely published, prominent Chemerinsky can be painted by anyone — even the wily Yagman — as a guy who screws up cases.

    Cook says, “In the rarefied existence [of appellate attorneys], Erwin is at the top.”

    Peter Eliasberg, legal director of the ACLU of Southern California, says that, thanks to a recent Supreme Court case, a challenger such as Yagman “must show that council’s representation fell below an objective standard of reasonableness.”

    Chemerinsky commented on the case by email to L.A. Weekly, saying, “I am sad that Mr. Yagman made these allegations. I worked very hard to provide him the best representation I could. I encourage anyone to read the briefs I filed and the transcript of the oral argument in assessing Mr. Yagman’s allegations.”

    Yagman claims Chemerinsky didn’t have enough time to devote to his case. But Chemerinsky writes to the Weekly: “I devoted a very significant amount of time to writing the briefs and preparing the oral argument. I think that will be evident to anyone who reads the briefs or listens to the tape of the oral argument.”

    The two men are widely believed to still be friends, and Yagman told the Legal Intelligencer a few months ago that he and Chemerinsky have been “close friends for over 20 years.”

    Yagman still keeps an office at the law firm now run by his ex-wife and a partner, based in the same old building in Venice. A secretary there said Yagman could not be reached. Once so willing to offer up quotes to the media, Yagman was not around to discuss his unusual quest.

  344. Today the Attorney General of Syria resigned because he said he refuses to lie any more for a brutal dictator who murders the citizens of his own country.

    1. … at the same time in Fullerton, California, United States of America, tonight there are over a hundred wives and teenager children of union members volunteering to lie for six brutal FPD members who murdered in cold blood a helpless mentally ill man.

      That, my friend, is irony.

  345. Let’s talk irony :
    Justice for ALL on September 1, 2011
    @ Save the Fullerton Cops,
    “I certainly don’t expect you to read this, because you have already stated that you “don’t want to be educated about mental illness.”
    My friend, I especially do appreciate you taking your own time to write that last very informative post.
    Personally, it was gut wrenching for me to wade through it, as you know we are scraping at scabs for me, but worth it just knowing some who have never known will now read your post and have some small idea what others in our world have to deal with. While I have been blessed with a sound mind, good life, and wonderful companion, life has been terribly sad for many in my family. So much so that sometimes I could just sit down and weep.
    Everyday my heart goes out to Ron Thomas and his family. If there is real justice in this life those who write posts here attacking the Thomas family and seeking to justify Kelly’s brutal murder will have to deal with some of the same issues in their own lives. Perhaps then they might develop understanding and empathy. One can only hope.
    Despite my tears, I will not give up this fight, though sometimes this old man simply must take a rest.
    Good woman. Your words are so wise and so appreciated. Remember to get some rest yourself, and stay well.
    That goes for all the noble posters here fighting in Kelly’s memory.
    All the best,

    @Let’s talk irony,
    Thank you for your very kind words. May God bless you with peace and comfort, and all of us, as we continue to fight for Kelly Thomas and for all those, as yet unnamed.

  346. Everyone knows that Ron Thomas is only after the money. He saw an easy target, the City of Fullerton and is going after it and trying to drag everyone with him in the name and guise of “Oh poor me, look what they did to my son.” Ron Thomas does not care about his son and if he does not like me saying that, then I don’t like him calling the cops merderers. It is no different. You say… I say…

    1. Jayn Bond – Not everyone knows that Ron Thomas is only after the money.

      If you have a brain you hve to ask what came first the chicken or the egg. The egg came first and that was Ron Thomas’s son’s brutal murder by Fullerton Cops.

  347. @Jaynbond,
    EVEN IF you were absolutely correct, (and you are not), that Ron and Kathy Thomas and their entire family just absolutely hated and washed their hands completely of their son and brother, that does not excuse the murder of Kelly Thomas by the FPD.

    I understand how confusing and overwhelmingly impossible, and frustrating it can be to care for a family member with mental illness.

    I understand how difficult it is to get help through our legal and medical system.

    I understand the overwhelming lack of support that families receive when they have a loved one who is mentally ill.

    Millions of people around this country DO CARE DEEPLY about Kelly Thomas, and others like him. We absolutely ABHOR the murder of Kelly Thomas, or any other person, especially murder which is committed under color of authority.

    And, what is more, I and millions of other people around the country are GLAD and GRATEFUL that Ron Thomas is seeking guilty verdicts in a court of law, even IF your statement were true that, “…Ron Thomas is only after the money.”

    I am VERY GLAD that Ron Thomas is seeking damages. The MORE money he receives; THE BETTER. I, personally, place a VERY HIGH value on human life and pain and suffering.

    I am VERY GLAD that Ron Thomas is standing up for Kelly’s Civil Rights, AND thereby, for ALL citizens’ Civil Rights. IF Ron Thomas and his family made mistakes while Kelly was alive, so be it. However, they are now doing their very best to do the RIGHT THING for KELLY and for ALL CITIZENS. And, NOW is all they have left. They can only act in the present, not in the past.

    You stated, “Everyone knows that Ron Thomas is only after the money.”

    Litigating in a court of law is the Thomas’ best recourse to seek justice for the murder of their son and brother.

    Would you rather that the Thomas’ take the law into their own hands and bludgeon and Taser the perpetrators of Kelly’s murder, in the very same way that they murdered Kelly? I think not.

    You stated, “Ron Thomas does not care about his son and if he does not like me saying that, then I don’t like him calling the cops merderers. It is no different. You say… I say…” {sic}

    Your statement above makes a false comparison. The charges are VERY different.

    It is egregious to try to equate “…not care about his son…” with depriving someone of their Civil Rights and murdering a human being. It does not even begin to compare.

    You stated, “…and trying to drag everyone with him in the name and guise of “Oh poor me, look what they did to my son.””

    I have news for you, Ron Thomas isn’t “dragging” me, or any of the millions of supporters of Kelly Thomas ANYWHERE that we don’t already want to go.

    I am RIGHT THERE with Ron Thomas, and their family, every step of the way, demanding justice for Kelly Thomas and for all those who are deprived of their Civil Rights, ESPECIALLY under the color of authority.

    1. I did read what you wrote. I understand that this is diffucult for you and you are doing the best you can for your son and others. I also think you are sincere and believe what you say.

      I dont believe Ron Thomas, he is not sincere and he did not help his son to his best ability. Not all parents are like you….

      I have never heard Ron Thomas or any of his family say anything about how they tried to help him. Some peopke can be mentally ill and live on the streets for years with out encountering the PD any PD. Obviuosly Kelly was differant and when you hit an elderly person with a fire poker you are dangerous, that is why they left him to be someone elses problem. Ron Thomas said himself taking care of his son was a burden, took to much of his time and too much money. His own mouth.

      Now Ron Thomas is playing the blame game and wants to profit. Thats right profit, he will not be giving that money to charity, a shelter or to other parents like you who are the brink of bankrupcy because of the illness.

      Believe me he will go away once he signs a realease and cashes the check.

      1. Playing the “blame game.” Do you have any clue how stupid you sound? The Fullerton Six beat his son to death on July 5th. I believe some of them enjoyed it. There’s a deep circle of Hell waiting for them.

        In the meantime we will have to pay for letting our civilian authorities let the FPD run amok. That’s fair. We elected idiots who let it happen.

        Now it’s time to unelect them.

      2. @Save the Fullerton Cops,
        First, please read my comments above to Jaynbond; they apply equally as well to you.

        P.S. CLUE:

        The family DID try to help Kelly. Ask them.

        Kelly did the assault when he was ACUTELY ILL, many years ago. Incidents like that happen most often to the family members who are providing care to the mentally ill person, because the mentally ill person is paranoid, or delusional and does not trust them.

        The lesson to take away from that incident is that the family didn’t bludgeon, Taser and kick Kelly to death because he was mentally ill. Instead, they tried to get HELP for Kelly. They didn’t murder Kelly. They asked professionals to HELP them to get their son medical help for his brain disorder.

        Kelly was NOT different. If Kelly had been evaluated by a forensic psychiatrist, I’m positive that Kelly’s testing would have shown him to be an absolutely text book case of a person who is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. And, I’m sure his medical/psychiatric records can document that fact. Ask the family; they will be glad to tell you.

        I can assure you that I don’t tell most people all of our family’s struggles. Most people are NOT interested. Most families of the mentally ill suffer in silence because of the stigma that is placed on mental illness. People don’t understand how difficult it really is and they don’t understand the pain and suffering of the families, nor the suffering of the individual who is mentally ill.

        You stated: “Ron Thomas said himself taking care of his son was a burden, took too much of his time and too much money.”

        I don’t doubt ANY of that for one moment. Ron HAD TO WORK to support his family. He did NOT have the TIME to stay home night and day to watch over his son 24/7, as would have been required for a mentally ill loved one living in the home. IT DOES take too much time.

        It IS a HUGE BURDEN to have a loved one who is mentally ill and it BANKRUPTS many families. It costs a LOT of MONEY to pay for doctors and legal bills. Ron Thomas was EXACTLY RIGHT.

        You may not know, but the Thomas family isn’t exactly “rolling in dough.” Ron is NOT independently wealthy; he couldn’t just quit work to stay home all day and follow his son around all day, as much as he might have wished that he could. Doctors and Legal bills DO take too much money!! Again, Ron was telling the truth!!

        You have NO idea what the Thomas family’s expenses have been over the years. Nor do you understand all of the stresses that their family went through before they reached the point of desperation, and before they reached the point of needing to ask for HELP from a Public Guardian.

        A Public Guardian is a professional. If the professionals couldn’t get help for Kelly, do you really think that the Thomas family could have done better within our current legal system?

        The Thomas family asked the professionals for HELP. It was our current laws, and our current system that failed Kelly. Kelly’s parents did the best that they knew how to do. Caring for a mentally ill loved one wears you out physically, mentally, emotionally and financially.

        At a certain point, you are absolutely exhausted and drained; you have no more to give, and you HAVE to ask for HELP. The Thomas family asked for HELP. That is commendable.

        Everyone has their limits as to what they can do. Everyone’s situation is different. Your limits may be different than mine. And the Thomas’ situation may be different than mine. But, we can each ONLY do what we CAN do. And, we ONLY know what we KNOW.

        I’d like you to go out and actually talk to a homeless person who is sleeping on the street. Ask them exactly how long they can go without encountering the PD. Then get back to me on that. I, myself, actually have already done this many times; I already know the answer.

        The FPD did murder Kelly.

        I DON’T CARE what Ron Thomas does with the money. That is completely NOT relevant to the fact that his son was murdered and that the city and FPD will NOW have to be held accountable.

        I would NOT blame Ron Thomas if he moved FAR away from the city that MURDERED his son. I know that I certainly would!! Who would want to live in Fullerton after the city murdered your son?? I hope the Thomas family uses the money to move FAR, FAR away from this NIGHTMARE imposed on his son and on his family by the FPD!!

        Kelly’s death DEMANDS JUSTICE to dissuade the prevalent belief that murder under the color of authority can occur with impunity.

  348. The LAPD is supposed to have pensioned Ofc Cincinelli off with a 70% pension. ‘If’ he was still getting the LAPD pension; in addition to his FPD salary, which itself includes a second pension, he must be about the highest paid street officer on the FPD, or any other Dept. Even if he cashed out LAPD’s pension in lieu of regular payments; he should still be quite well off, because in addition to his FPD salary, he would also be getting the interest, dividends and capital gains from the investments from the pension cash out. When he was hired by the FPD he must have been laughing … all the way to the bank.

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