Kennedy Sisters Don’t Apologize. Sort of…

Why write about news when you can try to make your own! (Photo by Julie Leopo/Voice of OC)

In the the online edition of their rag, the Fullerton Observer sisters, Sharon and Skaski explain their behavior in intentionally defaming named individuals as purveyors of lies. These were some of the people who contributed to Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform, a group that made it its mission to educate the public about the candidate Vivian Jaramillo in the 2024 City Council election.

As you may recall, the individuals in question retained legal counsel and demanded a retraction and apology

Here’s the response to that retraction demand.

Now that’s funny!

Skaskia doubles, triples down on her assertion of slander and defamation against poor Cannabis Kitty Jaramillo by Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform, but claims there was no intent to “harm the reputations of its contributors.” Well, of course there was intent to harm; the inclusion of individual names directly linked to accusations of distributing falsehoods was obviously intentional.

Hmm. Did we lay an egg recently?

It is comical that if you think about it, the Kennedy Sister’s underlying excuse must be that they didn’t know what they were doing. Exculpation through ineptitude! That phrase should be prominent on their Observer header.

Is this a sufficient “full retraction and public apology?”

35 Replies to “Kennedy Sisters Don’t Apologize. Sort of…”

  1. There was definitely intent to harm the reputations of the contributors. Else what was the point of naming them other than to link them to what the Kennedy banshees falsely claim are lies.

    1. No doubt. So proud of their clever “outing”. Straight bitch move. Hope they slipped up enough to get sued.

  2. Not sure anyone can live up to the standards Ahmad supposes himself to be, which is probably why he falls so damn short all the time. His fraudulent version of himself is only bought by a few of the vulnerable and the easily manipulated. Human nature is to look at the articles or opinion pieces written in the Fullerton Observer and you can ride that emotional wave. That’s how they get you. They out emotion you. They count on you being annoyed or tired and you give into their demands because they pretend to have the moral high ground because it’s in print so it must be true. They need to be put out of business because truth is not in their business plan. Fanboying over frauds like Ahmad and Kitty Jaramillo is their MO.

    1. When you hire (Saskia Kennedy) or elect (Ahmad Zahra) someone completely unqualified for the position, every subsequent hire they make will be less qualified than them. Case in point, Zahara’s planning commissioner Adrian Meza – last known for taking photos for the Observer at community DEI events. He has no community development or land use experience whatsoever. But water seeks its own level. Both aren’t gainfully employed.

      1. Can we apply for this commission? Is that information on the city website? We can find more qualified people if we know there is a need.

        1. Zahra probably appointed Meza because Meza passes Zahra’s fealty test. Mesa won’t disappoint Lord Zahra, and Fullerton will continue to suffer because of these blind loyalties.

      1. No, it’s not Ahmad. It’s Todd Harrison. Help me! John Saunders is trying to kill me by threatening me with market rate rent.

        1. You must be John Saunders speaking of himself in the third person. Of course such a slimeball would be anonymous.

  3. The Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform should truthfully name themselves Fullerton Wealthy for Tax Evasion who threaten lawsuits against those who speak the truth about their cronies’ lying, slanderous, dumb-Trump tactics. If you are not wealthy and you agree with them, then you are a sucker, who shoulders the taxes of the wealthy whom you suck up to!

          1. “No one is getting rich”? You expose your ignorance. Bushala, Saunders et al. are, which is ok if profits are not gained exploitatively and those who profit pay their fair share (ie, taxes) to the society in which they profit from as well as not threatening people who exercise their right to free speech. But that is not the case here!

      1. “What needs to be made [more] explicit to the idiot is not worth my time.” Also, isn’t your question more appropriately posed to Trump for just about any thing he says or, more appropriately, blathers? All of these MAGA posts are quite surprising for a college town like Fullerton; they do not do it justice. I think they would be more suited to the vicinity of Liberty “University” or Waltonville Arkansas.

        1. Speaking of Arkansas, do you know that immigrant openly gay Zahra married an American woman there?

    1. No, it’s not Todd. It’s his immigrant wife, which is why Trump needs to close our open borders. Can’t work and contribute to society, but found a gullible American to take care of you and now you get free American healthcare.

  4. Everyone knows that the Kennedy gurlz can’t resist impugning anyone who either disagrees with them, or if they’re a Bushala. It’s like a tic they’ve got, or it’s a Pavlovian response. Say the name Bushala, and a bell goes off and their response is to drool. For a long time their reward has been to say whatever they damned well please in their little paper, and then run a bunch of feel good stories to counterbalance the slander.

    The only problem is that everyone, who contributes and writes for them gets slathered with the Kennedian slobber, whether they want it or not.

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