More Hypocrisy from Fullerton BooHoo
If you were paying attention in 2022 you may recall that the City of Fullerton went through a redistricting process based on the results of the 2020 Census.

The legacy of Jan Flory’s “Bar Owner’s Map,” ostensibly created by Douchebag Supreme, Jeremy Popoff in 2016, was fresh in everybody’s mind. Three districts had been gerrymandered with tentacles to reach into downtown Fullerton – in violation of one of the basic tenets of district map making – compaction.

One consequence of the 2016 map was to give recently elected at-large Jesus Quirk-Silva a shot a running early for the first District 3 race in 2018 against Greg Sebourn, a race that Quirk-Silva won.

When 2022 rolled around and the Council created a redistricting committee Fullerton’s lefties squealed in displeasure that Sebourn was appointed to it. He’s going to make a district that he can run in, cutting out Quirk-Silva, so they said. How dastardly. Members of the committee must forswear not to run in a district they created, so they said.

Well, the districts were cleaned up, Quirk-Silva who had been gerrymandered into D3 was removed from it, and Sebourn didn’t run again.

But one fact seems to have gone unnoticed by all the self-righteous libs clamoring against the Council, the new map and against Sebourn. And that fact is that current Council candidate, Vivian Jaramillo, the person who sued the City to make a district she could run in, was also on the Redistricting Committee.
Not only did she support new gerrymandered maps that would protect Quirk-Silva, she supported the district she is now running in. How’s that for ironic hypocrisy?
But it’s not surprising. In their sanctimonious world, the boohoos of Fullerton’s left can’t accept the possibility that their own interests and beliefs might be effected by any sort self-serving or let alone bad behavior, which is why no one mentions the unethical and possibly illegal effort by Team Jaramillo to work a phony candidate on the ballot, a sham candidate whose only job is to divert votes from candidate Linda Whitaker.
I do remember discussion about the committee members making some kind of pledge not to run. Did they actually do it?
“Fullerton’s left can’t accept the possibility that their own interests and beliefs might be effected by any sort self-serving or let alone bad behavior,”
Yeah, that’s why none of them squawked when Zahra recruited a dummy Latino-named candidate (Tony Castro – now conveniently disappeared, just like Markowitz) to take votes from Oscar Valadez and protect Zahra – an Arab in the D5 that was supposed to be the Latino District.
So, yes – hypocrisy.
They looked the other way when Aaruni Thakur faked his address to run against Whitaker in 2020.
Looking the other way is becoming a full-time job for the Kennedy sisters.
The investigation of the fake candidate is alive, well, and plugging away. In the end, it will prove that there was a conspiracy to commit voter fraud. This sort of thing is also know as, “electioneering”. Most likely the brain child of Akmad Zara, carried out by Aaruni – with full support Ada Briseno and her cohorts on the DPOC.
Vern Nelson, O.J. Blog Master, will hopefully cover an in depth story of crooked workings of Ada Briseno and the DPOC, like he did with Fred Whitaker, the missing ghost of the OCGOP.
Markowitz can make it easy on himself and admit the truth, pay a fine for perjury, or he can go down the hard way by keeping his trap shut, and do time. Kinda of feel sorry for the poor sap, but I’m sure Aaruni made it worth his while with the L.B. drug cartels cash on hand.
So where is the actual map for 2024?
This method is ridiculous. It only makes it easier for partisans to game the system.
The perfect District map was finally created. Even Flory agreed with it (only at the League of Women’s Voters).
She disagreed with the new Diostrict map when it went to City Council for the final vote. Flory supported the “Collage Map, aka the Jesus Quirk map.
What else did she (Flory) say/do that was hypocritical?
Probably every thing.