Kitty Takes A Walk

Sweating bullets doesn’t conjure up an attractive image. You can join her on Saturday.
Friends For Fullerton's Future
FFFF supports causes that promote intelligent, responsible and accountable government in Fullerton and Orange County
Sweating bullets doesn’t conjure up an attractive image. You can join her on Saturday.
Sweating bullets after 25 homes? Maybe she needs to start with just 10 and build up her pace. At that rate she should be able to contact all her potential constituents by October. Of 2030.
So why make your volunteers sweat alongside you in 100 degree weather.
Sweat it out yourself hairy kitty
Puff, puff, PASS the sales tax!
Is this the best we can do for south Fullerton? A washed up, retread from the 70s who by her own admission is severely out of shape and Zahra? Didn’t Southies suffer enough from past redlining and years of Bruce?
At least she didn’t sneak into the USA by pretending to marry a woman in Arkansas.
She’s over 70 years old and it’s August. Of course she’s sweating bullets.
+ she is morbidly obese
post a pic of yourself to prove you arent obese
Post a pic of yourself with your head up your ass — your natural pose
up Zahra’s booty more like it!
something a fat cunt would say
Be nice!
I don’t think Viv’s gonna make it past Labor Day.
Large figure waddles
She peddles lies door to door
Sweat lubricates thighs
lol i see you edited the pic to remove your profile pic, too bad i already took a screenshot
I can’t wait until she gets to my side of Orangethorpe.
If she makes it that far………
Kitty’s gonna hock tuah Fullerton’s thang! You get me?