Pilfering Paulette On The Comeback Trail
Most people, after having been nabbed committing trespass and theft would at least lay low for a respectable period of time.

But Paulette Marshall Chaffee, the former carpetbagging sign thief who quit the Fullerton City Council race less than a year ago is not respectable. She has decided to run for the Orange County Board of Education, a fairly obscure and almost totally opaque local agency.
One of our attentive Friends actually received a push poll promoting this miscreant. Just in case you don’t know a push poll is one of those phony calls that ask questions like: “if you knew Paulette Marshall invented a cure for cancer would you be more or less likely to vote for her?”

Well, I have a question of my own: what in the world are this woman’s qualifications? She can’t even steal campaign signs without getting busted.
Paulette and her doddering husband Doug “Bud” Chaffee have a long history of arrogance and indifference to the people of Fullerton, and so this move shouldn’t be too surprising.
And neither should it be surprising that we, the good folks at FFFF, will be conducting our own outreach: if you knew Paulette Marshall Chaffee plead guilty to theft would you be more or less likely to vote for her?
B-b-b-but, she’s one of us!
I won’t ever vote for a politician who is a thief.
Or a cop who is a criminal.
Fullerton To Study Authorizing Legal Pot Shops
After voting in favor three years ago.
Typical Fullerton bullshit. Clowncil knows better than the people who elected them.
Why is this woman still a lawyer? Doesnt the STate Bar care if you lied under penalty of perjury so you could go steal a city council seat?
Maybe nobody filed a complaint.