18 Replies to “Fullerton’s New, uh, um, Mayor, So to Speak”

  1. Isn’t this guy under investigation for bulling a state employee or sexual harassment charges…. way to go Fullerton you’ve taken the me too movement to a whole new level.


    Paulette Marshall Chaffee, 69, Fullerton
    Charged today, Dec. 7, 2018, with the following: Two misdemeanor counts of petty theft
    Circumstances of the Case : At the time of the crime, Chaffee was a candidate for a seat on the Fullerton City Council
    On Oct. 2, 2018, the defendant is accused of stealing election signs that stated, “No Paulette Carpetbagger.” Chaffee is accused of taking a sign purchased by the victim from the front of his business in Fullerton. The defendant is further accused of taking a sign from the Union Pacific bridge in Fullerton.. Fullerton Police Department took the initial report and the Orange County District Attorney’s office investigated this case. The defendant was identified through surveillance video.
    Arraignment: Dec. 18, 2018, at 8:30 a.m. Department N-8, North Justice Center, Fullerton
    Prosecutor: Deputy District Attorney Denise Hernandez, Special Prosecutions Unit

  3. Fullerton should some kind of inclusion award for having the first city council with direct representation by the mentally retarded.

  4. We’re so screwed….What an unbelievable jackass. Thx idiot dem voters for letting your party ticket vote elect a complete moron.

    1. “Thx idiot dem voters for letting your party ticket vote elect a complete moron”

      Who was the last “dem” you voted for?

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