The other day FFFF received this image from an anonymous Friend. What it means and why it was sent is anybody’s guess, but it looks pretty funny, so I share it forthwith.

Friends For Fullerton's Future
FFFF supports causes that promote intelligent, responsible and accountable government in Fullerton and Orange County
The other day FFFF received this image from an anonymous Friend. What it means and why it was sent is anybody’s guess, but it looks pretty funny, so I share it forthwith.
Pretty obvious. It’s a meeting of the Fullerton Flat Earth Society.
If those were roosters they were holding, I’d have something for you. Turkeys…I got nothing.
What happened to my comment? Why is it not appearing?
So why do you guys have such a hard-on for Joe it’s so obvious every time someone mentions his name you come unglued.
Joe who?
Two fat cat (bet they’re even wearing spats) out of town developers hawking (good pun huh?) identical turkey projects when they come upon each other whilst surveying the same potential plot of yet unbuilt (or ripe for tear down) land.
Mutt and Jeff, two low-grade hucksters trying to fool people even dumber than they are.
It’s Thanksgiving and the turkeys decide which boneheaded gets his head chopped first.
“Who farted?” (Crude, but it woks for every caption contest).
Unpublished comment left by me for the censoring Flat Earthers Barry Leviathan and Joe Embryo:
If the Earth is flat where does the sun go at night? And what accounts for the motion of the planets? And how come I can see the moons of Jupiter orbiting it – obviously a spherical object just like the Earth?
And NASA is run by Lucifer by the USGS isn’t? Shall we ask the mapmakers at the USGS why lines of longitude taper to nothing at the North Pole?
Didn’t think so.
So many questions and not one intelligent answer.