2016 Fringies© – Best Most Outrageous Cover Up

In this abbreviated FFFF year, we really only have two cover-ups to offer. And you know what they are.
First is the caught-on-video assault and battery/false arrest of an FJC kid by an arrogant old sonnovabitch named Dino Skokos, an ex-cop with a “disability” retirement and obvious anger management issues. The FJC mush-mouth machine went into immediate Orwellian production mode, including hiring a law-firm that specializes in defending government agencies to conduct an “investigation.” Ha. I lift my leg on them.

Then, of course, there is the Case of the Mysterious Disappearing City Manger, in which Mr. Joe Felz, while motoring home from a series of parties, jump a Glenwood Avenue curb, uprooted a tree and tried to drive off. Stopped by the cops, he flashed his stay-out-of-jail card, got a pass and a ride home. The citizenry was promised an “independent person” investigation and was told cryptically of some sort of “ongoing (or potential) criminal investigation.” No details have been forthcoming and nobody is holding his breath waiting to ever see any.
I think Dino and Jan Flory would make a splendid couple.
Everybody loves somebody sometime…
What about the dam, man?
I am not a man. I am a dead dog. Do not forget it.
The dam story is still unwinding. Give it some more time to incubate.
I like both these cover-ups for bald-faced effrontery.
The video of Dino Skokos attacking the skinny kid is completely culpatory. Investigate what? From start to finish we see the low-level confrontation explode into aggravated assault and battery. Therefore the cover-up is particularly brazen.
I wonder if Big Bad Dino would have tried that choke slam move on one of those national Champion FJC gridders.
Is Felz going to pick up a nomination in every category this year? He better win something.
Yes, probably!
Dino Skokos, on the streets wearing a FPD uniform. https://i.imgsafe.org/32cac46765.jpg helping to detain unruly “passenger” with no ticket.
That’s not him. Wrong guy.
2016 Fringie Award Video. Dino carrying over to FJC the FPD ways
Thank God you guys didn’t open up shop again ’til November. Otherwise the cover-up list would take all day to read.
Hey, what about the Great Laguna Lake Missing Water scandal. That issue is huge and disappeared faster than the MWD water they kept pouring into that mud hole.
Sam, you raise a good issue, but the nominating committee could not see any attempt to orchestrate a cover-up – apart from a weird conspiracy of silence enjoined by every councilmember, and the public, too. As far as a cover-up is concerned, you don’t need to cover-up what nobody cares about.
Of course the humans at FFFF will no doubt welcome any information on the subject. I don’t care. Up here in doggy heaven my water bowl is always full and I’m doin’ fine.
Water, water everywhere…I see what you did there.
Water, water everywhere….I see what you did there.
If Fullerton News Tribune did not report it, it did not happen. Let me take a sip of water from my own bowl.