We Get Mail: Something Is Really Rotten in Fullerton

Here’s an e-mail we just got from a Friendly reader:

I just got done reading how the Fullerton Police Department tried to harass a law-abiding citizen by pursuing a phony prosecution against his brother. This behavior is absolutely despicable. And I noted that the police employees have been trying to use their fraudulent case by posting comments on-line.

The idea that that one of the police employees leaked what they assumed would be harmful information about a political adversary that turned out to be phony is also indicative of a department that is absolutely steeped in corruption. This is not the first time. They tried this with State Assemblyman Chris Norby and they will try it again. No one with an ethical fiber in his body is in charge of the Fullerton Police Department.

Something is really rotten in our City and we need to flush the toilet. Now.

It is time the voters and citizens of Fullerton reclaimed their city from the crooked police and the entrenched special interests in City Hall that are using the senile and incompetent civil authority to promote their own interests. The police have declared war on the citizens of Fullerton. Okay, war it is.

God bless the Recall, and God help Fullerton.

J. Stanley



76 Replies to “We Get Mail: Something Is Really Rotten in Fullerton”

  1. “And I noted that the police employees have been trying to use their fraudulent case by posting comments on-line.”

    Which online? This blog or elsewhere?

      1. It’s obvious they’ve been running background checks into easily identifiable active members and posting personal information here for quite awhile.

        Of course our friends at the FBI and AG aren’t doing jack shit. I don’t know if I should call law enforcement a cult or a gang.

        I often wonder if cops like Detective Ben Lira and god only knows else is using department resources to monitor phone calls, track cells phones or put vocal members of the Fullerton community under surveillance. The sad thing is we’ll never know unless someone blows the whistle.

        …And our Sainted Captain only talks about what you know and nothing else.

    1. There is also this comment posted by a rather miffed individual quite awhile ago:

      “Tony Bushala hates the Fullerton Police because they arrested his douchebag brother, George Bushala for hit and run. The case number at Orange County courts is 11NM09313. Tony tried to get on the council to pass a law that allows the city to decide punishment on police officers, but was denied.”

  2. Retaliation from management, the union and individual officers is probably all but certain for whistleblowing. This presents two alternatives:
    1. Stay silent to not piss off your fellow officers when you need them for backup.
    2. Blow the whistle on them and endure abandonment, harassment, and maybe even termination by the department.

    Vernon Dozier

    Thanks for proving my earlier point that it’s impossible for a good honest Officer is make up the chain of command within a corrupt agency such as the fullerton pd.

    I’m not going to name names but the guys at the top who have been with the department for a decade or more are the source, cause and creators of the massive corruption within the department.

    When they speak, their officers listen and when they tell their officers to be heavy handed …guess what is going to happen…

    Take Officer Kenton Hampton as an example then consider the demographics of Fullerton. Being a black officer, If Hampton arbitrarily decided to start beating the crap out of people on his own he would have been fired on the spot and even arrested but because he had the backing, blessing and support of the department he got away with it.

    So, who makes the department?

    – Chief

    – Deputy Chief

    – Commander

    – Captain

    – Lieutenant

    These guys have the ultimate say in what happens within their department and in most cases its the Commander, Captain and Lieutenant. Remember that.

    Since the city can’t fire any of them, the only logical choice is disbanding the department like Maywood and Compton then let the Sheriff’s department take over for a few years and maybe consider reforming the department later on like Compton is thinking about doing.

    The OC Sheriff’s department like the California Highway Patrol is much more disciplined which is why you do not often hear about their deputies or officers gunning down unarmed citizens, beating the crap out of people and so on.

    Fullerton PD OTOH has the discipline of your typical nightclub bouncer.

    Hopefully the voters will ultimately have a say in whether the department is disbanded or not but if the department is allowed to exist with the same officers, NOTHING is going to change and the citizens of Fullerton will ultimately be paying for it in the form of Lawsuits, Settlements, Training, massive cuts to much needed services and higher taxes to offset the costs.

    …If this is the future Fullerton citizens want then so be it.

    1. Are the Sheriff’s deputies, or the Sheriff any better? Didn’t they just kill an inmate at the jail not too long ago? From what I read six to one-a half dozen the other. Didn’t LA improve, at least for awhile, when the Feds put a watch dog there?

      1. My views are we should try to revamp FPD first. This will require total transparency and a house cleaning to start with.

        The OC Sheriff Dept is no better and once a city goes this route, it’s not so easy to go back. It hasn’t worked as it should but the FPD work for the city, that’s us. If we’re not satisfied, we have a local avenue to take. As unsatisfactory as this has been, imagine lodging complaints about a much bigger organization. We might have little control now, we will have none then.

        1. New Fullerton PD recruits spend on average 26-weeks (6 months) training before going on patrol, Orange County sheriff’s deputies on the other hand spend on average 6 years working in the jails before going out on patrol.

          This process allows the sheriff’s dept to filter out the gang bangers, people with anger or other psychological issues and folks with ulterior motives.

          The process also teaches deputies discipline and how to interact with the public and more importantly how to deal with conflicts which is something is can’t be taught in 26 weeks.

          Deputies working in the jail can be terminated for any reason during their initial probationary period and the union will not step in.

          So, as I pointed out before most heavy handed folks who come in to push people around are quickly weeded out and fired within months. I will also add that it’s usually probationary deputies that you will hear about engaging in beatings and other abuses.

          This leaves the folks why may “break” or “snap” in a year or two but those deputies usually quit or are let go and as the years go by the most dedicated deputies who exercise the most discipline stay on. These men and women aren’t going to risk years of hard work to goof off or engage in risky activities.

          Once they finally go out on patrol after years of working in the jails, these deputies for the most part are very mature, organized, great problem solvers, have stable family lives and are both physically active and active within their communities.

  3. The protests should have never stopped. They started because of Kelly Thomas but built quite a following once more and more of police abuse and brutality became known. I have not been able to be there so I’m not being critical of anyone. I wanted to be clear about that. I get that for some it was/is about Justice for Kelly. But for many who live here, it’s also justice for all.

    I hope Captain Hughes is sincere about the FPD being transparent. We need to start healing and to stop the Goodrich’s, the Rincons, the Ramos’s, the Cicinelli’s, McKinleys and every other bad egg who thinks violating our rights and bending/breaking the law to suit them is ok.

    1. Isn’t Captan Hughes one of the possible ” the guys at the top who have been with the department for a decade or more are the source, cause and creators of the massive corruption within the departmen?” Wasn’t he in charge of the uniforms? Isn’t he probably one of the officers that allowed the six to review the video and having them rewrite their reports until their lies aka police reports were uniform and plausable? Just asking…

    2. I agree; the protests should have continued. I may be wrong about this, but didn’t Kelly’s dad ask that the weekly protests temporarily stop?

      The Kelly Thomas murder is still a frigging big damn deal, for plenty of reasons. The bad guys have always hoped that we would gradually lose interest and drift away, and they have good reason for thinking that way. That’s the Homo sapiens way.

      I’m not losing interest and I won’t fade away, but I don’t live in Fullerton and I can’t sign any petitions. I have no power.

      What to do? What to do. I’ve shared Kelly’s story with my e-friends all over the place; some get it, some don’t.

      Who gives a shit about a crazy dead hobo. I’ve heard that one; it’s not uncommon.

      Well, I give a shit about that. I swear to God; I fucking swear to God in the bloody heavens above that Kelly will have his day, yo.

      Kelly Thomas will have a giant bronze statue in front of the FORMER fpd building. I’ll never see it (I’m old), but I know it’s sure to be.

      Kelly Thomas is the hero of Fullerton. He would never understand this, never. But it’s true.

      1. Yes, his father requested the protests to stop. Many respect his right to request they stop in the name Kelly but not to stop altogether. A small group continued for a bit longer.

    1. #10 JT
      Agreed, they are dangerous gangsters.
      What about forming a legal fund to expose FPD individuals personally?. If the Feds won’t do it, lets go civil.

  4. You people are ridiculous!!!! Never happy, never satisfied no matter what! The citizens or the voting citizens will never vote or allow the department to be disbanded! Come on,
    There is only maybe 1-2% of the Fullerton population who even care about local politics!!! The rest just care about their daily life! Not this stupid ffff blog!

    1. If you think this blog is so irrelevant, then why are you here reading what we have to say? Don’t you realize that you are not the only person who reads this blog? “Never happy,” you say?? Well, that part is true. For some strange reason, unlike you, I just can’t stomach it when corrupt officials and corrupt cops think they can get away with covering up MURDER and other crimes.

    2. Never happy? why do you come in here- to be saddened? to get mad? you care you big lug—you care about what we say…ha ha.

    3. The citizens would probably vote to have several police officers subjected to the same treatment they like handing out to others. Maybe a little brake-checking/stepping on their heads/beating savagely with batons/tasing for certain officers would be a winner at the polls?

  5. Oh Ok, Anonymous/Bennett -Nasty, good for nothing melodramtic, pompous, flagrant bullshitters.

    I agree, this calls for additional saturday protesting

  6. merijoe :Oh Ok, Anonymous/Bennett -Nasty, good for nothing melodramtic, pompous, flagrant bullshitters.
    I agree, this calls for additional saturday protesting

    Bring you chair and umbrella, who is stopping you?

      1. Great idea, but there are those within FPD that would use the IP to locate outspoken members of Kelly’s Army. And I think you know what happens after that…..intimidation, threat, bogus charges.

    1. As he was driving from his home to the station that night, he called the leaders of the department’s internal affairs and major crimes units to let them know something had happened.

      “I told them, ‘You need to be handling this as if it is an officer-involved shooting,’ ” he said. He also told them to call the district attorney’s office so they could send out investigators.

      Then he talked to the police department’s public information officer, Andrew Goodrich, notified the captain in charge of investigations, telling him to get investigators to work immediately. He told them also to call the DA’s office, and finally he called Chief Sellers.

      (emphasis added)

      If he ordered them to bring in the DA that night, why did the DA say he wasn’t brought in until two whole days later?

      1. That’s not the DAs story.

        If Sellers is claiming this he is either a liar or his entire command staff is guilty of insubordination and incompetence. There was no “internal investigation” until they hired Gennaco to do one.

        1. Okay. Hughes is claiming this. Either way there was a huge bungle and an immediate attempt to mischaracterize the whole thing. That was Goodrich’s job and Hughes knew he was doing it.

          Danny Boy can try to re-create history if he wants, but only the Three Dim Dinosaurs and Larry Bennett will buy it.

          Guess I’ll have to do a post about the Voice interview.

          1. Yup, if Hughes wants to rebuild trust in the department, he needs to understand a basic construction principle: You can’t build a new house until you clear away all the rubble from the old one.

            1. Hughes (aka Pat McBack) doesn’t want trust he wants to collect information on protesters and recall signature gatherers which Chris Thompson gladly provides.

            2. Well, thats not a fancy “principle of construction” thats common sense, even labels on school glue tell you to clean your macaroni of all other adhesives before applying to make sure the new glue will stick to your macaroni.

          2. Isn’t Hughes also the one who allowed the six officers who were involved in the murder of Kelly Thomas to watch the city video of the murder, and also allowed the six officers to coordinate their stories and then re-write, and re-write and re-write their reports in order to match the video?

            1. Yes, the six were his guys. He was their direct supervisor and the one called in to oversee the investigation. He claims the order was given to call in district attorney investigators that night. The District Attorney says otherwise.

  7. Lifesaving Service :
    Fullerton’s Acting Police Chief Moves to Set New Tone -VoiceofOC Jan-10-2012

    The acting Chief is just a little late in all this. What did he do for the last 6 months?

    You notice in his interview ALL the things he claims he did while driving from his home to the station? Seems like a guy taking immediate action on something that went BAD or was going downhill real quick.

    I’d love for him to tell us the exact words between him and the watch commander. I doubt it was anything like he said. I bet the WC used words like, “boss, this thing that happened is going to be ugly”, or “oh shit, I think this guy might die”.

    But his silence for the last 6 months tells another story in reality. He had to sit back and watch the two idiots before him play their political games until he was appointed “the boss”.

    He kept his mouth shut so he wouldn’t upset anyone even though he now admits in a round about way, THEY didn’t do things the right way.

    So he sat back all this time just being polite and waiting his turn to control the sinking ship. I’d say the ship is all but submerged at this point.

    Another glaring issue is the City did not attempt to get a new Chief on board from the outside. They are playing musical Chiefs.

    I would SOMEWHAT respect Hughes more if he had just said, “at the time I couldn’t do as much as I wanted too because of the political climate and had to keep quiet about my peers being idiots”.

    Of course that excuse wouldn’t go over well with the public either.

    Unfortunately for Chief Hughs since he has been a member of FPD for 28 years, he is a guilty as the rest for allowing the culture of corruption to unfold over the last several years.

    All I see is smoke and mirrors in a man who has played the game to get where he is at, and now expects the citizens to think he is the one who will make the city a better place.

    Big mistake for the city not trying to hire from the outside immediately after Sellers disappeared.

    An outsider coming in is NOT tarnished as those who are appointed from within the ranks.

  8. If Captain Hughes will talk to anyone who will have him, then it is time for Tony Bushala to go in and conduct an interview. He should take Anti Corruption Unit and Raisuli with him.

  9. Actually I would be fearful of the safety and well being of outsider Chief coming in. When you look at the actual leadership in this city, it is very very dark and sinister, I just made up “MLOL” = maniacly laughing out loud. “Its not enough that you suceed, but that others must SUFFER” MLOL-Your City Leadership

  10. The citizens of Fullerton need to arm themselves with video cameras, a penal code book and 45 calibers in their vehicles at all times. It may take one crazed careless lunatic, like the cops who murdered Kelly Thomas, to put one right between a rogue FPD cops eyes to get them to become civilized.

    1. The citizens of Fullerton need to arm themselves with (…) 45 calibers in their vehicles at all times.

      put one right between a rogue FPD cops eyes to get them to become civilized.

      You would love that wouldnt you Goodrich?

      Well, you’ve got news for you. We’re peaceful and non-violent and we’re going to remain that way so you can take you “45” and “penal code book” and shove them straight up your good for nothing fat pig ass.

    2. “It may take one crazed careless lunatic, like the cops who murdered Kelly Thomas, to put one right between a rogue FPD cops eyes to get them to become civilized.”

      Your syntax is SO poor that I can’t figure out exactly what you are trying to oink.

    3. GH-
      Really? a 45? in their vehicles – yeah, right How about the bakeries stop putting sugar in their donuts?

      The camera is a given, especially with remarks like that and not just in the vehicle either.

      Comment brought to you by the writers at, Coplicker’s Advice Corner

  11. I like Private Investigaters, one of my favorite TV shows is Rockford Files. Now they have UAVs unmanned aerial vehicles, and small unmanned, 3 seat Helicopters. I just got a voice stress analyzer (NATO), Whoa, its awesome.

  12. Gung Ho :The citizens of Fullerton need to arm themselves with video cameras, a penal code book and 45 calibers in their vehicles at all times. It may take one crazed careless lunatic, like the cops who murdered Kelly Thomas, to put one right between a rogue FPD cops eyes to get them to become civilized.

    This kind of post clearly indicates that the insiders at the departments are resorting to desperation. Even during the height of incredible tensions prior to charges being filed we NEVER saw this kind of language used on this blog. When they stoop to this level we know to what depths that the truth has now begun to permeate and how close some people are to doing some time.

    1. Actually I suggested bloody riots are the answer several times. So did that “chicken” dude…as did others. Violence is the only language the ladies in blue speak. And I would still love 5 minutes alone with each of the 6.

      But back to reality, we haven’t even begun to see desperation. Just wait till the trial. Assuming there is still going to be one that is.

  13. Just a Champion :
    Actually I would be fearful of the safety and well being of outsider Chief coming in. When you look at the actual leadership in this city, it is very very dark and sinister, I just made up “MLOL” = maniacly laughing out loud. “Its not enough that you suceed, but that others must SUFFER” MLOL-Your City Leadership

    Possible but not probable. I have only heard of one case over the years where a man running for Sheriff was gunned down during the election.

    Turned out to be the “good ol boys” already in office.

    I wouldn’t worry about an outside Chief coming in and getting hurt, TOO MANY people watching.

    It would be interesting to see how many applicants would apply for the job.

    You might remember former Chief Leech of Riverside PD retiring after his little drunk driving escape and his visit to a local strip club a couple years ago.

    The City asked the California Highway Patrol to investigate the incident once it was discovered the Assitant Chief of Riverside try to cover the whole thing up.

    The CHP did a steller job investigating and layed it ALL out, including the cover up.

    The City in short order sought a Chief from outside, the Assistant Chief didn’t get the job.

    The new Chief quickly re-vamped a number of things and ALL is quiet and appears to be running smooth in Riverside.

    Lets us not forget how things were changed with Orange County Sheriff Hutchins being appointed then re-elected. FAR better than Corona.

    The City of San Bernardino population 280,000 people, just hired an Assistant Chief from Phoenix PD to be their Chief.

    They were having some internal problems with the City Council always sticking their nose into the Police Department.

    The former Chief was a good man and cleaned up some serious corruption when he came on board. He just tired of the politics and said “see ya”.

    The mayor of San Bernardino is currently under investigation by the FBI for a multi million dollar airport project that over spent to the sum of some $120 million. Karma is a bitch.

    My point is, MANY cities who hire from the outside seem to get their problems under control quickly if they so choose.

    Providing of course the new Chief isn’t a YES man.

    Hughes might not be a YES man, but he’s no ass kicker either. If he was he would have come up with a better pile of minusha explaining this debacle.

    His comment on more ethics training cracked me up. I DID NOT know we needed to train people to be ethical? Just a little late for all that.

      1. Yes there seems to be many probable psycopaths and sadists, no amount of training will do much of anything. To me this IS a “HORROR SHOW IN THE MAKING” What is needed is BATMAN!, or maybe Jack Mccoy, Law and Order T.V.

  14. danny likes to be the good cop , for the public,

    more protests might be nesesarry,
    2 down 4 to go , and a ton of corruption and abuse

  15. Just a Champion :
    His well being was much more of a concern for me. Would you wish that on anybody worth his salt.

    It’s not as bad as you think. These Chiefs are well paid for the EXPERTISE and experience in leading whatever.

    But no, I don’t wish ill will towards any honest cop, no matter what his or her rank is by putting them into a toilet full of crap and asking them to swim.

    But at this point a HERO out there is needed to run FPD and it’s not those within either.

    We need a Buford T. Pusser, Sheriff of McNary County TN on board.

    1. Now that’s a Southern name. I bet no one would make fun of his last name twice. Bet he could beat Dick Jones in a hogwaller contest, too!

  16. I remember Erin was blasting us anon posters a few weeks back for posting anonymously. She all but called us cowards.

    Now, just recently, she posted about possible PD employees or their families posting others’ personal info online on this blog.

    Now do you understand the reason. some of us are anonymous, Copernicus?

    1. Now do you understand the wonderment of blogs, where people from other counties, and the FBI, are watching your back?

  17. Steve Brow :
    Now that’s a Southern name. I bet no one would make fun of his last name twice. Bet he could beat Dick Jones in a hogwaller contest, too!

    Lol Steve, Sheriff Pusser was a unique man, one tuff SOB who quickly cleaned up his own ranks and then the stench around him.

    He had the scars to prove it. I used him as an example as I know of no one who was shot,stabbed,assaulted as often as he was in the line of duty.

    A true hero for the common citizens in fighting evil.

    May he rest in peace

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