Release The Phone Call!

At last Tuesday’s council meeting, freshly minted councilman Travis Kiger let it be known that he had received a request from the public to hear the phone call made from the Slidebar that summoned the cops that eventually beat Kelly Thomas to death.

The nature of the call has been the topic of much speculation about what was said by the caller, whether the caller knowingly made a false report to the police, and even more sinister, whether the call was orchestrated by Slidebar personnel and members of the FPD to get rid of Kelly Thomas – allegedly an nuisance to Slidebar’s upscale clientele.

At this point there appears to be no reason not to let the public hear the audio of the call, if it exists. Since the DA obviously has no interest in pursuing the matter from a criminal perspective there can be no reason for officaldom not to let the public hear it. Not even the hollow pretext that “it is evidence” exists.

100 Replies to “Release The Phone Call!”

    1. Do Tony B. and his puppets think it’s illegal to call the police if you think there’s a problem? Of course the DA has no interest in, and most importantly, no legal reason to pursue a criminal investigation. It is not illegal to call the police you morons. Tony, you are a crazy idiot. Travis you need to get a spine and start acting like a man and do the job you were elected to do instead of wasting time on Tony’s ridiculous agenda.

      1. Go ahead and call the police the next time one of your nagging neighbor’s walks by the front of your house. Then report to the police that your watching your neighbor break into your car out front, and you think that the police should stop them before they get away with everything.

        Let me know how that works out for you when the police get there, and if you have a free moment, please remind me why I shouldn’t be upset with you for causing all this needless trouble in the first place, when you were being juvenile by trying to get even with your neighbor?

  1. The citizens have a right to full disclosure from the FPD. The tapes, along with with conditions of termination/resignation of any officer should be bound by the public informations act. Unless this information endangers the public, there is no lawful reason for any information regarding the KT death to not be revealed.

  2. I guess if Rackauckas can say there was no intent to kill when an officer bashed in the head of a subdued man, no involuntary manslaughter charges for the man who began the beating that led to the murder, and no charges of negligence for the three officers who failed to intervene/pinned the victim down, and refused to call for immediate medical care, he can damn well do whatever he wants to pervert justice. When are next D.A. elections in O.C.?

    1. not soon enough, Rackauckas seems to have stepped between the police who murdered Kelly thomas and justice

  3. Watching the video I noticed city attorney Jones speaking at the end. I ask again is Attorney Jones related to former Council person Jones? Concidering the level of incompetence and corruption that seems to run throughout, a bit of nepotism doesn’t seem beyond reality. They do have similar names. If a coincidence, wow!!! Really?
    At the same time, it seems like a conflict of interest for Attorney Jones to be the city attorney allegedly serving the citizens of Fullerton, and at the same time serving the California Police Chiefs’ Association, California Peace Officers’ Association, and the California State Sheriffs’ Association. Especially when the citizens of Fullerton have problems with the FPD, and their union. I could be wrong, but in my opinion, Attorney Jones and his firm should be discharged and another firm without such conflicts hired.

  4. Thanks. Guess he’s not worried about bad press then. He’ll probably retire after this term anyways.

  5. By the way, this is a response to a PRA request. It doesn’t need to be agendized.

    My guess is that Danny Hughes and Lawyer Jones were on the phone to Rackauckas the next morning pleading for an injunction. If so it will be very interesting to see what sort of flimsy pretext the DA comes up with.

    1. Sounds like Tony Rackauckas could possibly be the next politician to be targeted for recall from elected office.

        1. You still can if you can persuade 10% of the voters that voted in the last OCDA election to sign a recall petition.

  6. “Crystal Ventura, a 17-year-old who lives in the neighborhood, said she saw the shooting from about 20 feet away. She said the man had his back to the officer. She said the man was shot in the buttocks area. The man then went down on his knees, and she said he was struck by another bullet in the head. Another officer handcuffed the man who by then was on the ground and not moving, Ventura added.

    “They searched his pockets, and there was a hole in his head, and I saw blood on his face,” she said. Dunn said he could not comment on these allegations because the shooting is under investigation.

    Police reportedly tried to buy any video taken by witnesses on their cellphones. Dunn said that he didn’t know whether the allegations were true. He said it’s unclear whether it’s against Anaheim Police policy to do so but said that the agency would look into the matter.”

    1. Wow. If that 17 year old is telling the truth we could be looking at another murder.

      Now the prolonged secrecy is starting to make some sense.

      Since Dunn couldn’t comment on the allegations my guess is that the witness story is true.

    2. No one associated with this blog cares what happens with cops in Anaheim or the homeless anywhere. Kelly Thomas was just an excuse by Tony Bushala and his crew to seize power in Fullerton and line their pockets. The owner of TNT fireworks previously located in Anaheim a friend of Bushala’s and will be a future campaign contributor to those political hacks in his camp. Who makes money by liffting the fireworks ban they all do.

      1. I and several others were at APD protesting today, including Tony Bushala. The level of ignorance simply because people feel the need to spew will never cease to amaze me.

  7. Just awful. No. WTH is going on in Anaheim?

    Po’s involved with a police anything always say they can’t talk because of the ongoing investigation and then, because of that stupid cop bill of rights, nothing can be said after the investigation, do we ever get to know?

      1. Apparently, contrary to the 2nd ammendment, nobody should. It gets you killed. The guy in Florida that answered his own door, of his own home, with unidentified someone pounding on it at 1:30 am was murdered by a cop. How hard would it have been to say police drop your gun? But no, apparently the cop wanted to kill someone. In Anaheim, how hard would it have been to yell stop or I’ll shoot. No that cop only wanted to murder someone. He’d already shot him in the ass and stopped him, if stopping him was the goal, but it wasn’t because as he was dropped by the first shot he immediately put one more in the back of his head. If you call that a good shoot Officer, you’re probably a bad cop too.

          1. Many of our current police officers are taken direct from the military where they learned to like killing. They come back to the US and look for a job where they can indulge that love for killing and at the same time be protected by other officers and superiors who possibly share the love of killing, and/or want to protect their PD from defamation by becoming known as a Murder squad. The unfortunate result is that Pd’s of this country are all becoming Murder Squads, just like other third world countries.

    1. What needs to be done is get the unions legislators (they aren’t ours) to get rid of, or severely modify the Police Bill of Rights, so that it protects the tax paying citizen to a greater degree than it does the cops. Too much is hidden as it stands that shouldn’t be hidden. No wonder they committ murder knowing they can get away with it, their superiors only want to protect the reputation of the PD, caring not al all about the citizen murdered, so they “investigate,” and bury the results in an inaccesable personel file and call it, whether it is or not, a good shoot.
      Get rid of the bill of rights, fire any cop found doing anything illegal however small on or off duty, treat any cop that shoots, beats, tunes up, damages a civilian just like any other lawbreaker, arrest immediately book throw in jail or allow bail, off the job no income, trial pay for their own lawyer, guilty or not guilty, bar from any PD or guard work for life. In an ideal world, but unlikely in this one.

      1. You just said why it will never happen. You want instant hanging for cops that use force even if good uses of force. That’s why POBAR is in place and why it’s so important. I don’t like it that much either but I also understand the importance looking at the instant retaliatory justice some people want without knowing all the facts.

        1. No, not instant hanging Officer. Just elimination of the double standard. Just that y’all are treated exactly like the rest of us. The same rules for everybody. Nothing retaliatory at all, with the possible exception of banning from law enforcement or guard work. Also, I’m glad you brought up something I didn’t if it happens to be a valid use of force, great no problem, but it has to be proved in the open, no more hidden investigations. Also, you mention without knowing all the facts, that’s your fault Officer, you guys are the ones hiding the facts, usually to protect yourselves. They’re already whitewashing in Anaheim. Again open public investigations, just like if a non-cop is arrested. No double standard.

          1. POBOR, as well as the relationships between DA offices and law enforcement, has to be revised. There is no justification for laws which shield police misconduct from the public. There is no justification for laws which prevents police from being investigated by a fair and impartial body completely separate from the police themselves. Nobody is adequately policing police departments and their employees. Once the public understand this and what this means the public will demand that laws be changed to ensure transparency and accountability.

            1. There is if the ultimate goal is a police state. Lets hope we can turn this thing around. Once we are disarmed this will become a sport for them. History repeats itself.

        2. Another point, I forgot to include in the previous reply Officer. It seems that if I disagree with another person, it’s just disagreement. But if anyone disagrees with a cop, especially excessive force of any kind, it’s automatically deemed hatred of police. Your comment about instant hanging falls into that catagory. Instead of seeing the comment as simply getting rid of the double standard you immediately see it as hatred of cops and wanting to “hang” them. You go to an extreme immediately without even seeing the less extreme point, or questioning it, it’s automatically hatred.

  8. Rackaukas took charge of the prosecution of Ramos and Cicinelli because he wants to personally control what facts are released to the public. He knows he has helped create a monster in the county, but he doesn’t want the rest of us to know. He’ll prosecute Ramos and Cicinelli as though their conduct and character were an aberration instead of the emerging, new norm. Therefore, he’ll try to stifle any evidence that reveals a culture of corruption has existed in the county backed by a haughty and overly-aggressive police presence. He is addressing a few symptoms of the problem while allowing the cause of the disease to go untreated.

    Hopefully, a judge won’t let him meddle in the city’s decision to release the transcripts and audio, or maybe he’ll be too busy dealing with that police melee that took place in Anaheim yesterday to obstruct the right to know of Fullerton residents, but that’s doubtful.

    1. This is very unbelievable – “Police reportedly tried to buy any video taken by witnesses on their cellphones” uhhh, What are you talkin ’bout, Willis?

    2. except Rackaucuas must disprove Fullerton PD’s culture of corruption. and how many legal settlements has the city of fullerton had to pay out to fullerton PD’s victims in the last ten years?

    3. You are spot on, Paul Bunyan. Very well said, I agree 100%. Doubtful, indeed.

      I wish there was the power behind a DA recall, but I just don’t see it happening.

  9. Post the name and address of the person who made the call and hope some unstable person who reads this blog goes and puts a bullet in her head.

    Now that would be FFFF justice!!

    1. Hmm. Or another an unstable person in a blue uniform wanting to bury the conspiracy. Stop resisting, stop resisting…

  10. I’m the one who asked for the dispatch transcripts. I’m also the one who submitted it to the council last Tuesday.

    Yesterday I got this from Travis via email:

    “Bad news, I’m afraid. Yesterday the city was notified that the DA will be asking the court to put a restraining order on the call by Monday. I’ll have to see if there is another way around it.”

    No doubt, Hughes definitely got on the phone to the DA. What harm would it do to the criminal case? None. Only harm to Hughes and Ra-cock-ass!

    1. Oh, so they see the phone call from slidebar as evidence regarding Kelly Thomas murder-how convienent.

  11. Yes please release the phone call. We know the call was made. If she says Kelly is trying door handles the story is over. You guys will still say shes lying but at least then we know the call is legit and she can explain it all herself. She will in the trial anyways.

    1. It must be important to somebody in authority or the DA wouldn’t care anymore. Everybody who will be charged has been.

      Release the audio of the call.

  12. This is nothing new. It’s been going on for years. Why are any of you surprised? They hide anything that hurts them and they release anything that benefits them. They have all the rights. The citizens have no rights. When you hear the word “transparency” leave their lips – laugh at them – mock them – ridicule them. They deserve no less.

    1. The same can be said of Bushala and his goons. Dissent is met with moderation and straight out being blocked.

  13. Citizens should be discouraged from reporting crime or calling the police. This would reduce reported FBI crime rate and also the need to have so many police on the street. Instead of 6 cops on patrol during any day shift a better number could be 2 .

    1. Great idea, ban calling the cops for anything, no 911 calls or anything else.
      The problem is it won’t work. But it’s a great idea.

      1. Have you ever checked when you call the cops for an emergency (attempted break-in) or physically make a report. Check, I did, nothing in the computer to get a copy of the report. So the FBI Stats are must be fraudulent.
        Most people do not check later to get a copy.!!

    2. No, no, no… Great idea! Arm the sane folks, let the insane folks learn karate and let them have at it! No police brutality claims, no arguing. It will be police utopia!

  14. The rally must be starting soon. So Tony, when will your city council run be? Now that will be a fun election.

  15. im sure Danny Boy will run to the DA and ask to prevent the release of the call just like he did with the video…what a snake

  16. Bingo :Post the name and address of the person who made the call and hope some unstable person who reads this blog goes and puts a bullet in her head.
    Now that would be FFFF justice!!

    We think the only mentally unstable people who post on this blog are the pro police trolls who post bullshit comment like this one

  17. The feds already have her name and address, better to just have her ass thrown behind bars for several years

  18. It wasn’t one of us that posted was one of your ffffer’s. We want the audio released also. Get it right

  19. Danny boy just wants to cover his ass. He congratulated all the guys that night for doing a great job. There is your cover up. No other. It will all come out in the wash.

    1. Why aren’t the new Council members discussing replacing Hughes as chief. They have that power. It should have been done at the first meeting. What the F is going on??? Why are the Fullertonians getting shined on by the new Councilmen who they voted in???

      1. Because they are realizing how good he is. Now they don’t know what to do. The are realizing half the stuff they were being told isn’t actually true. Their minds are spinning now.

  20. Rocky Raccoon :Danny boy just wants to cover his ass. He congratulated all the guys that night for doing a great job. There is your cover up. No other. It will all come out in the wash.

    So will the shitstain in you underwear

  21. Larry and Emil :

    Rocky Raccoon :Danny boy just wants to cover his ass. He congratulated all the guys that night for doing a great job. There is your cover up. No other. It will all come out in the wash.

    So will the shitstain in you underwear

    You will be smelling that pretty soon.

  22. JustUs :
    Why aren’t the new Council members discussing replacing Hughes as chief. They have that power. It should have been done at the first meeting. What the F is going on??? Why are the Fullertonians getting shined on by the new Councilmen who they voted in???

    Because they are useless. They will throw a Kelly bone one day.

    1. I agree. FPD either needs a new chief or outsource. The longer this is dragged out, the more costly it will get, and the longer it will take to bring about real change. Hughes talks a good game in front of the crowd, but where was he before? Do you see him speaking up on the circumstances surrounding his previous boss’ “medical leave” or bringing up that doing so tacked on the maximum pensions benefits at this retirement? Check out CALPERS calculation, the run it all by the City Mgr. All these boys are hanging onto what they can of the old regime, pay scale and benefits. City Council did away with the illegal tax – now it’s time to act on the issues that brought about the need for change.

      1. I got a copy of Hughes contract. He reverts back to Captain once the new Chief is picked. He’s with us for several more years until he retires. He is well liked. Just ask Tony and Chris.

    2. Are

      R.D. :
      I’m the one who asked for the dispatch transcripts. I’m also the one who submitted it to the council last Tuesday.
      Yesterday I got this from Travis via email:
      “Bad news, I’m afraid. Yesterday the city was notified that the DA will be asking the court to put a restraining order on the call by Monday. I’ll have to see if there is another way around it.”
      No doubt, Hughes definitely got on the phone to the DA. What harm would it do to the criminal case? None. Only harm to Hughes and Ra-cock-ass!

      Are you that decrepit guy on TV that yells at Hughes all the time? Let me tell you, you sound unbelievable stupid.

      1. never judge a book by its cover-RD is one tenacious cat who happens to be asking all the right questions.

  23. You will be smelling that pretty soon.
    so will anyone at the dinner table, the next room, the neighbors up the street…you better get that under control nasty!

    1. True. I think him or Ramos or one of their crew will go over the edge soon. I bet their targets will be Tony, Ron, and his crew. Lay low.

  24. Rocky Raccoon :

    Larry and Emil :

    Rocky Raccoon :Danny boy just wants to cover his ass. He congratulated all the guys that night for doing a great job. There is your cover up. No other. It will all come out in the wash.

    So will the shitstain in you underwear

    You will be smelling that pretty soon.

    Are you flirting with Emil and I implying that we will be near enough to your soiled underwear to smell them? maybe not that could still mean a distance of tens of feet no worries poopy pants.

  25. I said it before and i will repeat it. Hughes was he Captain in charge of the 6 miscreants who beat and killed Kelly. When they came back to the FPD building and “celebrated”, that culture that allowed them to think they did a great job was endorsed by Hughes.
    So new city council, now that Hughes has gone behind your back to get a court order to seal Slidebar associated evidence, you have your work to do. Fire him for malfeasance and cover up. Do not worry about legal entanglements, its your right to stomp on smooth talking but festering problems. And Hughes is a BIG problem and a phony to boot!

    1. Tuco. Prove Danny boy did that first. Stop making things up. You lose all credibility. FPD has no say in anything to do with that case and hasn’t for awhile. You need to talk to Raucockus for that. Stick to the facts buddy.

  26. I Own Fullerton :True. I think him or Ramos or one of their crew will go over the edge soon. I bet their targets will be Tony, Ron, and his crew. Lay low.

    Or maybe they will save the taxpayers a lot of time and trouble….

    1. Wow, an irrelevant article with no linkages to anything pertinent. How elucidating.

  27. Evening all. Hope Tony Rukaukis gets recalled. He is a uselsess political HACK. I would also love to see the Slimebar close down, as they were the perpetrators of all this from the beginning.


  28. looks like the word of the moment is transparent-anaheim cheif also Fullertons very own capt. Transparency what a disgraceful joke these clowns are

  29. Emil and I bet DeMarcos anus slammed shut, when she read the topic of this thread. didn’t it? sick queesy feeling, thought you had been forgotten about, hugh?!

  30. SherBear :
    I and several others were at APD protesting today, including Tony Bushala. The level of ignorance simply because people feel the need to spew will never cease to amaze me.

  31. truthseeker :
    never judge a book by its cover-RD is one tenacious cat who happens to be asking all the right questions.

    I am all for it. Release the audio.

  32. Rocky Raccoon :

    truthseeker :
    never judge a book by its cover-RD is one tenacious cat who happens to be asking all the right questions.

    I am all for it. Release the audio.

    Don’t be in such of a hurry to get what you want, it might not be what you want to hear.

  33. I heard there was a city council meeting this evening to discuss this matter, but it isn’t listed on the calendar. Anyone know if it’s closed or open?

    Forgive me if the details are already listed. Too many comments to read them all now.

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