Local Troublemaker Makes Cover of OC Weekly

Our “millionaire many times over” admin makes the big time last week with a cover story by Brandon Fergeson in the OC Weekly. Here’s how it starts:

Tony Bushala first met Manuel Ramos more than 20 years ago when Bushala played drums with Teatro Cometa, a theater group that performed bilingual one-act plays in Fullerton in the late 1980s and early ’90s. Ramos, who was about 10, was the son of one of the actresses; his uncle, Bushala’s best friend at the time, directed the troupe. Occasionally, Ramos would sit quietly in the audience and watch rehearsals.

Bushala, now 53 and a millionaire many times over, eventually moved on from drumming to managing his father’s extensive properties in Fullerton and elsewhere, becoming a real-estate developer and a vocal opponent of city government. In 2006, Bushala was riding his bicycle when he bumped into Ramos, who was now a hulking, overweight guy in his mid-30s, dressed in the uniform of the Fullerton Police Department.

Click here to read the rest of this article.

127 Replies to “Local Troublemaker Makes Cover of OC Weekly”

  1. Fullerton Hero. Flat out. Somebody shows me how he does what he does for financial profit and I’ll resign and walk away from Fullerton politics forever.

    1. Well if you’re going to raise the stakes like that, I’ll give it a whirl:

      “Smaller government” for Fullerton — meaning fewer services and less enforcement of laws — would not affect Tony detrimentally because he’s so friggin’ rich. On the other hand, it would probably mean much lower taxes for him — so he profits.

      To whom do you send in your resignation, Chris?

      1. In order to cash in on Chris’s challenge you would need to prove that Tony “does what he does FOR financial profit”. I agree with Chris that while Tony may (or may not) financially profit from his political actions, that is not his motivator. I thought you were a lawyer?

        1. Yes, I’m a lawyer, and there I’m being a little flip. I’m showing that it’s possible, not that it’s definitely a contributing factor. (I’m sure that his general ideology contributes too — but that ideology is itself based on just flat out not wanting to pay taxes. He’s welcome to correct me on that.)

          If Tony would like me to depose him, I could look for circumstantial evidence of his motivation. Otherwise, I just have to try to stare into his soul — and I can’t see much there.

          1. I can look into your soul. I see a self-important asshole who wants so much to be important, relevant, influential.

            You are jealous of Tony precisely because he is humble, quiet, self-effacing, and of course, extremely influential.

            Who the fuck are you to accuse somebody of having no soul?


            1. I didn’t accuse Tony of having no soul. I just can’t see it. Souls are invisible. But aren’t souls part of what Tony considers boo-hooism or something? You’d have to ask him.

              Humble, quiet, self-effacing — yes, those are surely the first words that come to mind for Tony.

              I’m a political half-opponent who thinks that he is half-reckless. This ain’t about me; it’s about him and his.

      2. Much lower taxes? Like the elimination of the ILLEGAL water tax?

        Please name all the existing taxes imposed the by the FCC that effect Bushala. Jesus, you’re an ignoramus.

        1. Hang on — are you saying that the Fullerton City Council imposes no taxes, aside from the water tax, that Tony has to pay?

            1. Oh, OK, if you really don’t know, here goes:

              The City Council can put a tax referendum before the voters. It can push the county for higher property taxes. On its own, it can set fees to recover costs. It can also change ordinances to establish fines, or order bringing in more money in fines through greater enforcement of ordinances.

              By the way, I’m on record as predicting months ago that what the City will do in response to these attempts to strangle its services is to stop worrying so much about fighting crime and start putting more money into things like traffic enforcement to bring in revenue. This will have the negative affect of costing residents more money for car insurance, etc., but that’s how things go!

              1. Getting desperate aren’t you? You really don’t have a goddamned clue what you’re talking about.

                That’s it, I’m doing a post!

      3. Greg Diamond :

        On the other hand, it would probably mean much lower taxes for him — so he profits.

        Yeah but that would mean everyone profits and not just him when it comes to lower taxes. And if Tony is so friggin rich, those lower tax profits would probably amount to the loose change found under his sofa.

        But let’s face it. I think we can all agree that Fullerton government needs new leadership. I don’t think anyone as much as Tony Bushala has put their money where their mouth is for this change. I think I read something where Stephan Baxter said it perfectly about giving much respect to Tony to start the recall with his own money which gave people like himself an opportunity to support candidates that he thinks will benefit Fullerton. That is something you can’t take away from Tony.

        If Tony really wanted something from Fullerton for financial profit and is that friggin rich as you put it, wouldn’t it have been easier to buy the city council? It doesn’t seem Bankhead, McKinley, Jones would be that hard to buy as every other rich company/person has done thus far.

        So yeah, I agree with Chris Thompson’s comment on #2. And if I could raise the stakes, I say, Chris Thompson as the new city manager! hahaha

        1. No, lower taxes (and a starved government) does not mean that everyone profits. Take a couple of examples: If they decide to make up the budget deficit by quadrupling the enforcement of speeding tickets, Tony can hire a new chauffeur every month to take the risks for him; you and I can’t. If they decide not to fix potholes anymore, Tony can afford to keep buying new tires. You and I can’t. The notion that low taxes mean more money in pocket for everyone is crazy.

          Tony is an ideologue; I do give him some credit for being willing to put his money where his heart is. It’s the ideology that makes me nervous.

          1. If you knew Tony well at all you would realize how ludicrous those scenarios are. Tony is generous to others, but lives frugally. Can anyone picture him with a chauffeur? Likewise can anyone imagine Travis and co. suggesting that we quadruple speeding tickets to make up for lost revenues? Ha.

          2. Oh come on, Mr. Diamond, that’s a weak arguement for how Tony would profit and not you and I if taxes were lower. The chances are, hiring a chauffeur would cost more money with wages, employment taxes, insurance, workmans comp., etc. than getting speeding tickets which is contingent on whether you are speeding. And if the city is going to “quadrupling the enforcement of speeding tickets”, it has nothing to do with lowering taxes. It is enforcing more to make more. Potholes damaging tires, that would depend on the thickness of the tire and how bad the pothole is, but if you have rubber band tires and big rims, potholes isn’t the only thing you have to worry about when it comes to tire damage. Any american made pick up truck eat potholes and then ask for more, get one. Not that expensive.

            Greg Diamond :
            Tony is an ideologue; I do give him some credit for being willing to put his money where his heart is. It’s the ideology that makes me nervous.

            But more importantly, I am curious about what exactly you mean by ideologue? Is this a general statement? Because I think citizens don’t ask enough or aren’t getting involved enough with city issues till shit hits the fan so to speak. Specifically in Fullerton, Bankhead and Jones have been councilmen for years and this is all have to give when it comes to FPD issues? But Tony from early on has said these guys were no good even before all the FPD incidents. Or is there a certain/specific ideology that Tony is or has that makes you nervous? I am sorry, I don’t get it.

            I got a chance to meet Mr. Bushala and I would have to say that I agree with what people say in this video about him.


      4. “Smaller government” for Fullerton — meaning fewer services and less enforcement of laws — would not affect Tony detrimentally because he’s so friggin’ rich.” cutting past your observation, Diamond, I do pay more in taxes and have seen “fewer services and less enforcement of laws”. Hey, fool, Tony is fighting to restore taxes to our town’s needed infrastructure. Do you remember the illegal water tax to fix Fullerton’s water system that was not used to fix our water system or the frequent legal settlements paid by us, the taxpayer, to buy hush for Fullerton PD’s molestation of women, false arrests, perjury?

    2. Of course Chris, Barry, travis, Bruce, Nelson and Norby will say anything they can to speak highly of there boss who finances their political careers.

      MY HERO………..is this story fact or fiction?

      1. “their” not “there” – so much for being a DA Insider (or did you retire early from a police department?)

  2. Congrats-excellent article. On the cover and everything.

    Oh I wish I could be a fly on the wall of the next recall no! meeting or fundraiser.

  3. Somebody (was it you, Chris?) said of Tony something to the effect that good government is his hobby. I couldn’t agree more. We need many more Tonys across this ailing land of ours.

  4. Thank you, Tony, for all you do! I raise my glass to you; a decent human being, a man if strength, wisdom and courage and a warm hearted friend with a great sense of humor.

  5. Another sadistic group of cops, getting busted, hope the nation keeps cracking down on these blood thirsty sociopaths that weaseled their way into the force.

    LOS ANGELES (AP) _ A Los Angeles County sheriff’s spokesman confirms seven deputies have been relieved of duty with pay as part of an internal affairs investigation.

    Steve Whitmore wouldn’t comment further on the alleged clique of officers known as the “Jump Out Boys” detailed in a series of investigative reports by the Los Angeles Times.

    He tells the Times it is one the largest mass leaves instituted by the department in its history.

    The Times reports that a secret clique of the sheriff’s gang unit had matching skull tattoos that would be altered to celebrate shootings. The newspaper cited sources who spoke on condition of anonymity because the case is ongoing.

    The Times says there is no evidence the deputies were involved in improper shootings or misconduct.

    Whitmore would not confirm the newspaper’s report.

    Read more: http://www.kfiam640.com/pages/NEWS.html?feed=421898&article=10132101#ixzz1v6Xkm2w9

  6. Tony is a man who has bucks and balls. I have seen far too many castrated lemings in positions of power. That is all about to change. They can all wipe their asses with the Orange County Register when they all start shittin their pants. Excuse the language but I feel the post warrants the emotion.

      1. Yeah considering they are still using the Ragister to clean up Kellys blood. Where is Pontius Pilate when you need him? Which Tony will play the role? Charming to the last.

  7. Hey…Tony you’re the ONE!!! Thank you for taking the Lead and having the Heart! RECALL- YES!!!!!! Love ya

  8. Most of you are so blinded by T.B.’s status that you can’t see the path you are taking. That path is leading you right where T. B. wants you to go. Kiger and Thompson are Bushala wanna bes.

    Actually I admire what Tony has done with all of you. But you guys and gals just don’t get it.

    Tony, if you win, you deserve it. Admire you, Yes! Hope you win at your game! No!

    1. Yes, he’s the pied piper, his plan, along with his assistants, is to lead people to his interdimensional wormhole he keeps in his basement, send everyone to Sacramento and get us to sign an agreement that he should rule the world.

      1. Nope: his apparent plan is just to, as his (presumable) hero Grover Norquist said, to shrink government to the size where he can drown it in a bathtub — and then to drown it in a bathtub.

        There’s nothing unusual about it — except that he’s doing a much better job than most people who want to eliminate public government. This is what you want — own up to it, merijoe!

        1. Holy mother of all things big and small-Greg-are you for real? Dude, you need to go to San Francisco, hang on a tree and have a conference with all the other “on the hill” space cadets.

            1. Do you actually know what “sniveling” means? It’s pretty much the opposite of standing here and slugging it out.

              1. Merijoe has been on the front lines of the protests since they started, because of her outrage over the brutal killing of Kelly Thomas. Standing together against police brutality doesn’t mean one supports Grover Norquist and to suggest so is narrowminded and asinine. I don’t know merijoe’s general political philosophy despite having known her since last summer. And I suspect that is because she and I agree that when you’re fighting against a clear wrong, like abusive policing, overall political orientation is irrelevant.

                1. Jt & merijoe, Diamond’s here to create chaos and to make people feel sorry for him, he seems to enjoy and thrive from the feelings of sorrow.

                  Poor guy, I think he’s sick in la cabesa.

                  If you want to help him on his road to recovery, best to ignore him.

                2. I think that Tony supports the philosophy of Grover Norquist — as do Travis, Greg, and Barry — although any of them is welcome to correct me.

                  It’s possible that merijoe is being used as a stooge — where her good heart that leads her to want justice for Kelly and she does not understand the broader implications of supporting the anti-government trio. (I’m not sure where Paden fits in.)

                  If merijoe supports the “Steve Baxter” slate of Jane Rands, Matt Rowe, and Glenn Georgieff — rather than Kiger, Sebourn, and Levinson — then I would have to agree that she supports an anti-police-brutality position but not a shrink-government-until-you-can-drown it position. (I thought that she had made comments suggesting otherwise, like she’d drunk Tony’s Kool-Aid, but I could be wrong.)

                  I like Jane and Matt and don’t think ill of anyone supporting them. I don’t dislike Travis, Greg, and Barry personally, but I would not feel so nervous about their controlling the city if they would just say how much they would limit the drive to turn Fullerton into what Jim Righeimer wanted for Costa Mesa.

                  Unfortunately, they’re not much commenting on that — and, as in the COPS brochure, two of them are “feinting left” on the issue — and so I’m left to assume the worst. It’s a pity, because if they really don’t want to spend their time squashing city government then they don’t really bother me.

          1. Oh gee, I’m sorry, merijoe — is that NOT what you want? Putting aside that that’s what your working towards, wittingly or not, I’m so glad to be giving you the chance, right here and now, to explain why shrinking government to the point that both services and enforcement (including regulation) become impossible are a bad thing. When you do, I’ll retract my assertion.

            By the way: your comment had no actual content relating to the charge I made; it was just insults. Sorry to have to point it out.

            1. Two days ago you said you were leaving this blog…why did you get our hopes up like that? Go Occupy your own blog, it’s a win win for everyone.

              Sorry to have to point it out.

              1. No, I said that I was leaving the comments section in that particular story. Staying here is a win for me. I enjoy a good debate on the merits — and there’s one or two people here who can give me one. (Hard to find then, though!)

                As I said there, if Concerned Texan shows up and asks me nicely to leave this one too, then I will.

                1. Sorry! It has to be from the real “Concerned Texan”; no substitutions allowed! Besides, he is too classy to say that — and he knows how to use a comma.

                  (This presumes that you weren’t just starting a list of chores for you to do later today, in which case I wish you luck in your search!)

              2. You FFFers can dish it out but you can”t take!! Greg Diamond is the best thing to happen to this otherwise self-serving blog.
                Keep stirring the pot Greg!!!

        2. And you want to make government bigger and more powerful because it doesn’t have enough power over our lives already, and because it uses its power so compassionately and wisely? Like for example, the FPD?

          1. No, not necessarily. I’m open to rational deregulatory arguments and to arguments for cost saving, including about exorbitant employee pensions (which are mostly limited to people who can negotiate their own or are close to those who can.) I don’t want big government for its own sake. I think that sometimes big government can lead to having powerful forces having less power over our lives, as when it prevents some corporation from polluting our drinking water.

            Thanks for asking — or at least for making a false accusation that allows me to clarify.

            1. bounce out half the syllables, Greg, and speak your true thoughts. You want big government to protect me and you et al from big corporations, spiked pensions and salaries for city employees?
              I thought it was our petty, small-minded, greedy persons in our town’s government who were given too much power via redevelopment funds(tax dollars) that corrupted our representative government.

        3. You really are making yourself look like a whiny, jealous little bitch. Get over it. Tony is a man and you are a sniveling little prick with a big mouth and a misplaced sense of self-worth.

          I too just voted for Huff.

          1. Any suggestions for a write-in for that seat? Cause I don’t think I can support either option. Greg, with all due respect if you attack Tony, whom most of us know is a good man, bottom line, all you are doing is losing prospective votes. I can’t think of a more self-destructive campaign strategy. Except maybe attacking merijoe too.

            1. No write-ins will be counted. It’s OK. I agree with Tony about half the time. I disagree with him about what I see as his extreme approach to shrinking government without respect to the consequences (which won’t be people suddenly becoming angels who don’t require government). I don’t think that he’s a bad man, I think that he’s being reckless here and that many people are afraid to call him on it. This isn’t a “campaign strategy,” which would involve sucking up to him (and y’all.) That I’m campaigning elsewhere — but not trying to suck up here — probably tells you most of what you need to know about my character. Vote as you wish.

              1. “That I’m campaigning elsewhere — but not trying to suck up here — probably tells you most of what you need to know about my character. Vote as you wish.”

                Aw, that’s mighty big of you. Thanks for your permission. I am glad to learn you are sucking up some place else. That would be truly nauseating to behold.

                1. Read again — I’m not “sucking up” anywhere, just campaigning. I just know that lots of people read FFFF who aren’t part of the FFFF “hive mind” and I appreciate — quite honestly — Tony’s willingness to allow me to speak directly to them, past the din of character assassination here. Most politicians would hesitate to take you guys on face to face. I’m proud to be an exception.

              2. There’s a write-in on my ballot and I just used it. Tony Bushala for State Senate.

            2. Huff is going to win anyway. Of course he’s a creep. But it’s better than voting for the bigger creep.

                1. What you have planned is disappearing never to be heard from again. Just like before 2012.

          2. Fred, I can’t adequately tell you how happy it makes me to hear that. Now whenever you complain about something Huff supports, I can enjoy years of saying “yeah, Fred, well you voted for Huff, the guy who wants to shovel money to donors, just because I hurt your fee-fees.” As I told someone yesterday, the stain’s on your soul, not mine!

            If others who vote for Huff would like to weigh in here as well — only one comment per person, not per pseudonym — please let me know! If you vote for me because I’m against corruption, for the middle class over the rich, pro-legalization and taxation of cannabis, etc., letting me know by e-mail may be better; I’ll keep it quiet!

        4. “There’s nothing unusual about it — except that he’s doing a much better job than most people who want to eliminate public government. This is what you want — own up to it, merijoe!”

          Wow! You are something.

          Tony has a lot more cajones than 99% of the people I meet.

          I used to work in “public government”, and as much as I believe that certain parts of the public sector are needed, how can you come to that conclusion that Tony & Co. want to eliminate “public government”?

          I must have missed something.

          1. Great question, Jane! Seriously! You’re a regular here and a fan of Tony’s — why don’t you ask him what parts of Fullerton city government he’d want to see spared from the knife? What parts would he not want to see outsourced? You could even ask the same questions of Travis, Barry, and Greg!

            I’ve been trying to get them on the record about something as easy as municipal bankruptcy. Even that’s hard (for some.)

            1. Interesting. I asked Travis about outsourcing when somebody else commented to me that they would make Fullerton like Costa Mesa. Travis said he was against it.

              You have invented an ideology that you think they subscribe to without ever bother checking with them as to whether they do or not. Then you assume all sorts of other things based on your initial assumption.

        5. and this is why it is a blog site, just opinions, Diamond, and like me and others , you have the right to your opinions.

  9. fight on! Tony. If not for you, the good people of Fullerton would be facing another decade of corrupt government that increases our taxes to buy hush for its police force’s abuses upon us.

  10. Thank you Tony for all you do. Most Fullerton residence have no idea how much you have helped this city. You dear sir ROCK!

  11. Tony has more good in his little finger than any of my hilltop neighbors.

    Seriously. Tony cares and those who don’t think so have probably never sat down and talked with him.

    Tony isn’t perfect but he is not the evil villain my neighbors portray him as.

    I hope voters vote for who they think is best, not because they are or are not supported by Tony. His picks are good but also not perfect. There are no perfect candidates.

    The public has no idea just how charitable he is with his wealth. He gives and he gives. He just does it quietly and without the bronze plaques, ribbon cutting, and fanfare. Having known Tony for several years, I can say without question that he is a good and caring person. (sorry to burst everybody’s bubble)

    Did you know Tony used to be in all (at least several) of those clubs (pick a community service club) until he realized what a waste of time they were? I think he discovered, like many who have joined the clubs, that most members are there to add something to their resume and gain influence rather than deliver the goods. He didn’t want to join the good ol boys club. He wanted to actually help his community. When he saw the pointlessness, he turned to political campaigns.

    Keeping it all in perspective, Tony does his best to make Fullerton a better place. For that I am grateful.

    What have you done for Fullerton lately?

  12. I am not from Fullerton, and did not know a thing about Mr. Bushalas financial status but my daughter and I met him and Mr. Kiger at the Kelly thomas “memorial” (recognized them from this site) when we went to pay our respects. He and Travis were the consumate gentleman. They just happened to be there paying thier respects, as well. Of course, my daughter and I were somber after a moment of reflection and seeing the outline of blood on the ground still visible after all the time that had elapsed, but our encounter with Tony and Travis was one of the things I spoke with my daughter about, on the way home, as being examples of good men who took a stand against “bullies” and liars. Well done, Tony!

  13. All I can say is thanks to Mr. Bushala and everyone at Friends For Fullerton’s Future.

    The best thing to happen to this city in years.

  14. This is the second time that a high speed chase has ended in a fatality a the corner of Gilbert and Malvern.It seemes theres a slight dip in the road on the straitaway going down malvern on the way out of fullrton that sends speeding cars catapultinfg toward the storm gutter right at gilbert.What we dont know is if the second fatality could have been prevented. Evidently the bad guy after his car cureened into the storm gutter emerged from the culvert from which he was hiding with a gun pointed at police. It seems an unlikely story given the history of unusual deaths asociated with FPD.

  15. Greg Diamond :
    Nope: his apparent plan is just to, as his (presumable) hero Grover Norquist said, to shrink government to the size where he can drown it in a bathtub — and then to drown it in a bathtub.
    There’s nothing unusual about it — except that he’s doing a much better job than most people who want to eliminate public government. This is what you want — own up to it, merijoe!

    Greg do you know what the leading cause of death was in the 20th century-it was government-
    Greg do you know what the leading cause of murder last year in the City of Fullerton was in 2011-agents of the State
    Greg do you know what the leading cause of poverty is in the word-it is government
    Greg do you know who is responsible for bankrupting this country-it is government
    I call out of control bloated government cancer and I call Tony chemotherapy. By the way did you know what the leading cause of cancer is in the 21st century? you guessed it-government-a cursory review of the eugenics policies, which by the way you never addressed when I asked you some time ago on this blog, will confirm this. If you are an attorney use your talents to fight evil. It is no short supply these days.

    1. You’re wrong in most respect (see my paragraph below), but if you honestly feel that way, I understand your voting against me and I don’t resent it. I just think that you might be happier living in Somalia, where there’s no central government, rather than trying to reconstruct it here.

      When a chemical company develops a carcinogenic product, uses its lobbying efforts to get many politicians to prevent adequate product testing and its political funding to defeat the politicians who would stand up to it, you apparently see this as a failure of government. I see it as a perversion of government by the private sector — and better and more honest, rather than smaller, government as the solution.

      I DO use my legal talents to fight evil, including to protect whistle-blowers dealing with product safety.

      1. Please comment on the eugenics programs that the government is involved in Greg. I am not talking about high chair recalls.

            1. I don’t want to be impolite to you, but it sounds like crank-level conspiracy theory to me, so no I don’t.

      2. And I suppose the 200 million that died at the hands of their governments in the last century-like Kelly Thomas were actually all killed by the paramedics right?

        1. Without government, you get warlords. Do you think that warlords kill fewer people domestically? Yes, they may kill fewer people abroad — but that’s due to the “live and let live” policy towards other warlords who “live and make die” where they rule.

          The problem isn’t government, it’s governance, and governance can come from private actors.

          1. Anti-libertarians should probably stop invoking Somalia:


            “There is no doubt that Somalia remains extremely poor today. However, as far as living standards can be assessed, they appear to be improving since the collapse of Somalia’s national government. In fact, standards are improving faster in Somalia than in most of sub-Saharan Africa.”

            There are other possible political-economic positions besides Grover Norquist and uh, standard boilerplate Democratic party positions. See for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-libertarianism

            Your characterization of the people who write for and read this blog is an enormous simplification.

            1. Yes, I suppose that piracy pays. A lesson for us all?

              I see libertarianism here; I do not see much left. Well, Tony favors legalizing pot (as do I) and opposing police brutality and (I think) stupid wars (as do I), but not much beyond that.

              1. Did you actually read that article? I thought not. My personal definition of closeminded is someone who when shown evidence of something contrary to what they believe refuses to even consider read it.

                Ending wars, the drug war, restoring civil liberties, and ending police brutality – these are not minor considerations Greg. More like the top of a lot of people’s wish list.

              2. Jesus H. are you still here? Don’t you have some sort of teeny, pathetic life to go home to?

          2. Wrong- with too much government you get treasonous legislation, a quadrillion in derivatives, endless fraudulent wars and disarmed impoverished slaves that give rise to warlords. Kinda like what they want to do with us here in America or was it warlords that repealed Glass Steagall, advancing gun control, model states emergency health powers acts,NDAA, John warner defense authoriaztion act, continuing the fraud of the federal reserve, and our illegal water tax? Where are you from Greg?

      3. please, Greg. If we the people did not have big government abusing our tax dollars to turn themselves a personal profit, we would be reduced to tribal warfare and famine.

  16. No truer words spoken.

    I appreciate all the efforts of the entire cast of bloggers here at FFFF, which has been going on long before i became aware of this blog. I am embarrassed I was so ignorant to what had been going on in this formerly sleepy town, as I voted without really knowing who I was voting for. Those days are over….now I can make informed choices and opinions to hopefully bring change and take our city back from the corrupt FPD and the ENTIRE city council.

    I don’t know a single one of you (poster or blogger) in the flesh, but I applaud you ALL and thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening my eyes.

  17. A ^5 to Tony Bushala. His efforts are paying off. He could instead be floating on a yacht smoking cigars with the ladies, etc. Bushala is committed to a good cause – exposing corruption by Fullerton City officials and their police officers. That is dedication.

  18. Greg Diamond :
    I think that Tony supports the philosophy of Grover Norquist — as do Travis, Greg, and Barry — although any of them is welcome to correct me.
    It’s possible that merijoe is being used as a stooge — where her good heart that leads her to want justice for Kelly and she does not understand the broader implications of supporting the anti-government trio. (I’m not sure where Paden fits in.)
    If merijoe supports the “Steve Baxter” slate of Jane Rands, Matt Rowe, and Glenn Georgieff — rather than Kiger, Sebourn, and Levinson — then I would have to agree that she supports an anti-police-brutality position but not a shrink-government-until-you-can-drown it position. (I thought that she had made comments suggesting otherwise, like she’d drunk Tony’s Kool-Aid, but I could be wrong.)
    I like Jane and Matt and don’t think ill of anyone supporting them. I don’t dislike Travis, Greg, and Barry personally, but I would not feel so nervous about their controlling the city if they would just say how much they would limit the drive to turn Fullerton into what Jim Righeimer wanted for Costa Mesa.
    Unfortunately, they’re not much commenting on that — and, as in the COPS brochure, two of them are “feinting left” on the issue — and so I’m left to assume the worst. It’s a pity, because if they really don’t want to spend their time squashing city government then they don’t really bother me.

    Air…being sucked…out of room…

    1. Honest to god, this makes you guys look weak. Please tell me that counterargument doesn’t make you crumple like that!

      1. ” shrink-government-until-you-can-drown it position.” an opinion not an observation unless you would like to offer up some examples this is an observation.

    2. Has anyone ever read a Greg Diamond post or comment in it’s entirety? I usually stop at the 2nd narcissistic self-reference, which is often in the first sentence.

  19. Just because Bushala doesn’t do this for financial gain doesn’t mean he’s still not a unstable asshole and a snake. This recall is built on Bushala’s money, that it. If he hadn’t spent $150,000 on paid signature gatherers, there would be no recall. It’s astroturf.

    1. astroturf? a term used by the Dems in Congress to disparage the momentum of the Tea Party movement on national policies.
      How odd that someone who lives in the same neighborhood that spawned Ralph Kennedy’s and family’s pathetic attempt to emulate President Kennedy with the “Kennedy Commission” and “Fullerton Observer” would use this same term to disparage Tony’s efforts to restore our voice in our town’s government.

  20. Diamond-
    How about a government that provides BASIC services like public safety and safe roads AND, (ready for it???) live within their means!!!! How about that? Or is that too radical for you? Let me know which part of that you don’t like.

    1. The part where people are uneducated and diseased and suffer and die I the part I don’t like.

      1. so if you don’t live within your means, you will die a highly informed, educated , pure, well-nourished individual?

  21. The three dithering dinosaurs wouldn’t be in office if not for all their rich crony buddies so whats the point? Oh now the bottom level wage slaves have someone with money on their side? Bout time.

    Greg Diamond is literally speaking to the wall. I can read his opinion in the LA Times and the register, DAILY.

    I bet I can predict his opinion on any subject as well.

    1. In the Register? The libertarian Register? Where?

      Wait — you’re calling yourself “Michael Liberty”? Can you predict my opinion on that?

  22. Quite the puff piece by the Weekly. I haven’t heard that many sucking sounds since my last trip to Bangkok. I was surprised at the level of boot licking the Weekly bestowed upon Bushala given the Weekly’s advocacy for the poor and disdain for rich developers and notorious slumlords. The title of the article was apropos; OC’s newest kingmaker. What you lemmings don’t understand is that this has been Tony’s motivation since he was a youthful douchebag….to be the big fish in the little Fullerton pond and to that end he’s been humping Kelly Thomas’ coffin since last summer. He subscribes to the greatest political philosophy of all which is to never let a good tragedy go to waste. He is using Kelly’s murder solely as a pretext to remake the city in his image.

    So a handful of good deeds hardly makes up for decades of scumbag behavior. Maybe if he found a cure for cancer he could balance out his karma points a little faster. He’s a millionaire many times over, but always remember this: Bushala family wealth is measured in buckets of poor immigrant sweat.

    1. You’ve got quite a nice string of comments here under various aliases, and whatdya know. I’ve kept them all.

    2. Hey didn’t I see you visiting Andy Goodblimp’s trailer last week? I thought I saw it a-rockin!

  23. What a self serving article Tony B. “I may be rich I live very modestly” What a bunch of bull….
    it is true you really dont care of material things but people that really know you know what you want… It’s power, power over people, having people around you who tell you how great you are and will pay what or who ever it is to get it. You finally have them all fooled. I finally figured it out why? It has to do with your father..remember he always called you a looser and degraded you. You learned too live without notthing thanks to him, because he didnt acknowledge you until you married and had his grand kids and brought you back into the family thanks to them. Now you want to shows him you can be a tough businessman like he was by buying what you can’t get and using anyone to get it. You want to show your father you can get respect then maybe he will stop calling you a looser. Yes, I have a Masters in Sociology. I had to speak up because I’m tired of all your lying to everyone. Another thing, you don’t care about the Thomas family you are just using them for your own gain and they are too dumb or dont want to admit it for what ever reason, could be finanacially. I will not hide behind a fake name, You know who I am, you know me as flaca and you know where I am. I am not the media so you may not want to contact me. I just wanted to say my peace because you may be rich in money but very poor in self worth. The reason this poor person (me) was once close to you was because you were not able to buy me or anyone around me.. which is the same reason we no longer associate with each other. Not everyone is for sale. If you don’t publish this on your website I’ll just publish it somewhere else since you pick and choode what you want to publish. This I know because I have sent you many e-mails and I have never seen them published. Again self serving

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