Fullerton Metal Jacket

At the OC Weekly Nick Schou has uncovered an old article about the militarization of the Fullerton Police Department under Pat McKinley. The seminal event of the story takes place in 1997 and describes a military-style invasion of the Latino Maple neighborhood in response to a drive-by shooting along Harbor Boulevard.

Since McKinley had cut his fangs on SWAT deployments up in Los Angeles it was just a matter of time before the bald badass brought his methods and manpower from the LAPD to Fullerton. The trouble with militarization, apart from the monetary cost of deployment, is the inevitable occupation mentality, and the concomitant “us versus them” mindset. When you watch the Veth Mam video this comes through loud and clear.
15 years later many of McKinley’s scrofulous chickens have now come home to roost. I have to wonder how many incidents in Fullerton over the years were escalated into confrontations by the cops themselves. And I have to wonder what all of this is going to cost us.
That mug will look great on a mailer!
The militarization of the cops was already in full swing when 9/11 rolled around. Since then billions have been shelled out to local cop agencies to play with.
I think it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Billions of federal tax dollars.
Did you know that the militarization of the American people is in full swing right now as well with gun sales averaging around 1.5 million per month. Geepers cant these fools count? Are they that stupid? They are. Look what some of those thugs did hidden in plain view. They are so stupid that they actually think the paramedics killed the man. There is nothing more dangerous than a stupid person with a gun. Wait a minute yes there is-a stupid person with a gun and a badge.
The central intelligence agency partners with local police agencies quite frequently. If I were you folks I would look into any clandestine involvement within Fullerton PD.
The types of tactics utilized by this department since McKinley’s tenure as chief is very unique, advanced and only taught to Special Forces and Clandestine Service operators.
Watch the video of Ramos initial contact with Kelly, he was playing on Kelly’s fears first by twirling a batton, putting on the gloves, pushing but backing off. All of this was intended to provoke a fight or flight reaction and is indicative of psyop training.
There is a lot more to McKinley than meets the eye (no pun intended to Cincinelli) and whatever program or operation that was put in place during his tenure is still ongoing.
Look beyond the obvious.
“Watch the video of Ramos initial contact with Kelly, he was playing on Kelly’s fears first by twirling a batton, putting on the gloves, pushing but backing off. All of this was intended to provoke a fight or flight reaction and is indicative of psyop training.”
No this was indicative of a fat bully. I do agree that there was an obvious attempt to provoke a beat down.
hmmm lets see- Airport, train station, armory, THE major freeway interchange in north OC, schools up the gazoo, black uniforms,13 sheriffs on their feet yesterday in the court-call me nuts whatever-I have been looking way beyond the obvious for a long time. Most departments after the LA CIA- Gates dry run in 1992 and the North Hollywood bank shootout in 1997 most departments were militarized and have CIA and Federal involvement and now even more so with Homeland Security. This whole thing is all to creepy and that is why we must remove these people from office. I wish Langley was wrong but this whole supercharged psyc warfare web of evil is so well connected that it makes me sick. I cannot believe that it is in my own backyard. We need to wake up folks. We are not in Kansas anymore.
Can you tell those of us who were not there more about the “13 sheriffs on their feet”.
Was this while court was in session? I did not know anyone could voluntarily stand up in a setting like the one you decribe. Was the judge speaking during this?
Right before the Judge made his decision known 13 of the 21 deputies stood and faced the audience.
I do have a greater amount of understanding, thus a greater amount of respect, for the OC Sheriff’s deputies who are tasked daily with maintaining order in the courtroom.
Without these brave souls, none of us would ever be afforded the opportunity to see the justice that Kelly is finally getting.
The question is “why” , what was the “reason”.
What were they saying by standing?
Were they saying we support the process of justice or we support the defendants or something else?
What the hell is the point of the 13 standing up? What are you getting at? Where were they seated? Where were they standing? Were they standing there for protection? Were they staring at the families? I’m seriously confused w/ what you’re trying to get across by saying 13 stood up. There are normally deputies standing in court rooms. What was so special about this?
I too am wondering about this,
Did anyone there talk to anyone about the reason this happened?
Did it symbolize something?
There are 12 people on a jury, any thoughts on the possible link to the number that were standing?
how about the tape being 33:33? this is wierd-I am getting chills
I think you have something here. I know the CIA was responsible for dropping cocaine and guns into central LA during the 90s. This was brought to the publics attention by Maxzine Waters.
I once talked to a local cop who told me that a CIA agent known as Buzz was seen coming and going from the Fullerton PD.
Strategically and logistically Fullerton is a crown jewel.
I say look to the airport. Where’s the U.S. customs and ICE agents when you need one?
We need a national 10 year decompression policy for all police coming home from the oil wars.
It is extremely irresponsible for police chiefs to hire men coming home from the horrors of war and unleashing them out on our civilians.
Some of these men have had to take order that have left women and children dead.
Some of these men are so fucked up, it’s impossible to rehabilitate them.
It would be like putting a bag on Charles Manson, of ted Bundy and saying “we support you”
Miss guote, It would be like putting a Badge on Charles Manson,
Yes, fuck these crazy marines. They should band from police work.
The problem we have are rogue groups of sadist, hired out of the military, trained killers that acquired a taste for blood shed, roaming around the streets at night looking for some adrenaline rushes, finding sexual gratification in Killing easy prey, like Kelly Thomas.
“Me and my gang are gonna kick your ass. And your’e gonna like it.” LOL
Your captions get better and better each time Fullerton Harpoon…
I love The Harpoon.
Satan can run but he can’t hide.
Love will always find a way.
If the DA were consistent he would have applied gang enhancements to the charges.
The only 3 in shape officers on the force are in that picture. When there are performance reviews, isn’t physical fitness also a requirement? If it is not, it needs to be incorporated. How am I supposed to believe they can protect and serve when morbidly obese officers can’t run a 1/4 of a mile?
At least 3 of the 6 who beat Kelly to death were sweathogs. Grossly obese. The complete antithesis of what the general public expects from a cop who they normally compensate well in excess of $100,000 a year. Visualize those swine trying to chase a real criminal 50 yards, taking him to the ground and hooking him up. There would be a greater chance of teaching your cat to bark. It’s deplorable that the police departments allow these fat pillsbury dough boy types to retain employment with their organizations.
Ron Thomas says:
May 10, 2012 at 7:39 am
Now that everyone knows the truth that I have been carrying inside of me for many months, please join me at the Fullerton City Council meeting Tuesday night May 15th at 6:30pm. The city council, and Cpt. Dan Hughes (the acting Chief) need to finally come clean and give us, the people, the answers that we have been asking for. First, how did Cicinelli get hired as a full time patrol officer with only one eye? With this knowledge, how come they let him endanger the public by letting him drive Code-3 for ten years without any left side vision? Why, after seeing the city video many times did the police department including Capt. Dan Hughes allow all six officers to remain on duty for six weeks until Kelly’s Army pressured them to take them off of the streets (Bruce Whitaker also made this happen)? Why is it that Capt. Dan Hughes STILL after seeing the City Video over 400 times (his admission) has not fired Joe Wolfe? No matter where you live, come out and demand the answers. Become part of Kelly’s Army and help us get justice for Kelly. Thanks, Ron Thomas
Don’t expect any support from Chief Danny Hughes. He is deep into the culture of corruption. Don’t walk into that Council meeting with high expectations. You will only leave disappointed. Sellers – Hamilton – Hughes > All cut from exactly the same mold. Not there to protect you or your rights or to speak the simple truth. Only there to perpetuate the culture of corruption and to protect the boys in blue. They take your money and laugh at you when the cameras stop rolling. Please grow up and accept what IS.
Who was the watch commander that night?
The department heads of City government need to respond to the questions posed by residents at the City Council meeting as they’re asked.
That’ll put a quick end to insincere responses.
No, that would be a violation of the Police Officer Bill of Rights. They don’t need to answer your stinking questions. All you will get is that glassy eyed deer in the headlights look. They don’t want your damn quesitons. They just want to taxdollars to pay their $100,000 plus salaries and pensions. You only represent an ATM machine. In their opinion you are nothing more than a useful idiot. Understand life from THEIR perspective.
I’d like to ensure that this article gets read at the upcoming city council meeting…
I personally sat through Captain Ron Stansyk’s testimony last week in court , and was flabbergasted by this Fullerton Fire Department Captain’s blatant disregard for Kelly Thomas’s life.
This bootlicking Captain tended to the minor scratches of the police officers who had just visciously killed Kelly, meanwhile Kelly is lying 15 feet away in a pool of blood, unconscious, and handcuffed.
How is the fire department at fault? I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.
Read the article from the URL provided. Note the portion at the lower half of the article where the author updates the article and then get back to me about why this Paramedic is a hero.
Where does he get back to you? I don’t follow.
I’m not saying that the paramedic had in any way contributed a finger to the beat down of Kelly Thomas, however if you actually read the article I provided, you will see that the paramedic failed to appropriately triage the injured parties by rendering aid to police officers, as Kelly lay dying in a pool of blood just 15 feet away.
Is that clear enough?
What do you mean failed to triage? They didn’t know he was there at first. One of the police cruisers blocked their view from the street and there were cops standing in front of him that obstructed their view.
uh o.k. sure. Stick with that story if you think it’ll hold water.
“It’s common knowledge now even among the mainstream media that the Fullerton Police Department is, or at least until recently was, an institution completely out of control.”
Amen to that.
Us and Them in Pictures
Outside the courtroom, Christina Walker, 41, of Fullerton wore a baby blue shirt that said, “Justice 4 Kelly Thomas” and vowed to keep the pressure on — even after a judge on Wednesday ordered Ramos and Cpl. Jay Cicinelli to stand trial in connection with Thomas’ death.
“There is no way I can feel happy about this,” Walker said. “It’s just one teeny tiny slice of victory on the way to justice.”
I’ve read that most if not all Police departments have a military liaison attached to the department. Though the program may seem innocent as it is stated that is serves the department on how to deal with officers who are in the reserves, the connection is there and so are the goodies (weapons) they received from the Pentagon.
Recent articles have been written about Police being trained through various programs including training by Mossad in Israel. The cost is passed onto the taxpayers, so in a nutshell, we pay for our own abuse at the hands of these thugs in blue.
Boys in blue or thugs in blue? Police-The Largest Street Gang in America
Twice I posted a link and twice the post has not been posted. Does it have to be reviewed and approved first? I don’t recall that happening.
Wow, must have been the other link I tried! That is a documentary about Police in America.
And just think, within one year of the search warrant at the Whitacres home. Their young son Ronnie Jr. Would be arrested and convicted of attempted murder. You see young Oso as he is known amonge his FTT gang stabbed another young man in the chest during a robbery. Ronnie is currently serving a 30 sentence for this crime. If you ask him I’m sure he would say he was set up by the police. Maybe FFFF can raise the money to have his conviction reversed?
Feeling the pressure put on by the police, big Oso and his clan moved to La Habra where gang life is more accepted.
The police should not pick on murdering gangsters. Hopefully a new city council will order the police to disband the gang unit.
For this too is Fullerton’s Future.
Speaking of Fullerton gangs, the FPD must be about the biggest and best armed.
Yes Tony, sorry I mean Fred. How many times have you called the cops because those scarry gangsters are hanging around one of your buildings?
Here we go! Looks like this one falls under the tired old “Don’t call 911 next time you need help” cliche.
The rest of common cliches and idioms used by coplickers:
“Monday morning quarterbacking”
“Armchair quarterbacking”
“Innocent until proven guilty”
“Take a breather”
“You weren’t there”
“I’m not going to try this in the court of public opinion”,
“Lets wait until all of the facts come out”
“Police officers have a tough job”
“A few bad apples”
“If he had just complied none of this would have happened”
“He brought this upon himself”
“Don’t call 911 next time you need help”
“Its a thankless job”.
“Its a dangerous job”
You forgot “pass the donuts”.
So going by that screwed up train of thought, Raul Jimenez was a hero for preemptively trying to kill Jay Cincinelli in 1996, 15 years before he helped beat Kelly Thomas to death.
This story was in the LA Times today. This police gang seems eerily similar to the one that bailed out the Fullerton officers currently on trial…
This is Fullerton’s version…
… I sincerely hope you have something better than that to offer us quivering sheep as one of your scare tactics?
According to the article the “experts” are Ira Salzman a Pasadena-based attorney who has defended police officers and Jody Armour, a USC law professor.
I can’t help but wonder if these two lawyers are friends of Schwartz or Barnett, its also interesting that this is an LA Times article considering that the lawyers defending Ramos and Cincinelli are considering a change of venue.
Who’s up for some gate crashing?
If you have the money, join “DOC DICK” Jones and other local city dignitaries at a bowling event – $5K for Jones’ team to participate but they get perks in return –
I suggest showing up for some yummy donuts, grab some literature, throw it out and come back 3 hrs later for lunch.
Of course anybody under 70 will stand out like a sore thumb.
Fantastic article in OC weekly about Tony Bushala
This is a great man with a great heart.
Thank you Tony for your continuous fight and wanting to do it wholeheartedly-you do make a positive difference for all.
RE: “don’t call 911 next time you need help”
U.S. citizens are calling for a paramedic (fire dept) and ambulance(not some unionized, self-satisfied cop) , only problem is that the 911 dispatch system is manned by civilian police department employees, i don’t know if any of the 911 dispatch employees are uniformed, unionized, armed dirty cop terrorist variety or not, but regardless it’s a crapshoot, whenever you call 911.
So… don’t trust anyone who belongs to a union?
A public employee union? I have to say yes.
Ex-chief asks for patience in Kelly Thomas case
Patience for what ? A man, human being is DEAD for nothing. and god forbid two drugged-up, unionized, armed, self-satisfied, overtime-abusing dirty cop terrorists with “police powers” is laughing all the way to COURT on the taxpayers’ dollars $$$
Statement Regarding the Trial Against Two Fullerton Police Officers
Holy crap (mierda) WTH? Qirk statement- “… we need to come together and let the judicial system unfold. The trial is the proper forum for the facts in this case to be presented, vetted and decided.”
Again, another person telling us what to think until a trial happens.
Sounds like Quirk wants everyone to shut it about the Kelly Thomas case.
I would think that the time to install all that she brags about that is listed would have been BEFORE Kelly’s death not after. If Kelly’s case was not brought to the forefront , would any of this listed stuff have been put in place?
Why is Sharon Quirk trying to “unfold” the judicial system? Sounds treasonous.
another example of your brain being warped with TOO much book learning (anything above a 4-year college degree) slice & dice words, slice & dice film, video tape, and pretty soon you’ve turned Mother Teresa into a child molester. DON’T expect ANYTHING, just grab your wallet and double check it is still there, also your checking account, too. $$$ Thursday, 5-10-2012.
This may be the first time anybody ever accused Quirky of having too much education.
Sharon just isn’t too bright. She wants the justice system to “unfold?”
that is all SSSSSSIlva has ever wanted, I bet it’s getting kinda muggy and stinky hiding under her desk since last July. I bet she thinks all she has to do is hold out until she gets outta Fullerton and the full Loretta-morph can begin. What a douche.
You can leave a bag of nonperishable foods outside your mailbox for the National Association of Letter Carriers’ annual ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ drive.
Oh no! I just read the new article and I’m having an internal fit. McKinley just doesn’t get it! Neither does Dan Hughes. Hughes is quoted in their article saying that the FPD synched up the audio to the video. Do you know how many people are going to wonder how much the FPD cut out or how much they manipulated the video / audio combination?
Is there any way to take the original youtube video the bystanders posted and play it along side the longer version?
Would not that help clarify at least that section of footage?
I heard about a case from 2008 where an officer named Sanford was fired after he pulled a gun on one of his Yorba Linda neighbors when he was off duty. The neighbor was a politically connected person – Officer S was goooone.
Run like hell in the opposite direction if ANY of these Fullerton city goons claim to be your friend and looking out for your interests. All of them are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Part of Dan Hughes job is public relations – in other words fooling you into believing that he works for you and that his primary loyalty is to the citizens of Fullerton. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Believe NOTHING he says. Watch his BEHAVIOR or what he does. That will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know.
Sharon Quirk is the alter ego of the 3 stooges. There really isn’t much difference there. She tries to distance herself – to avoid being tainted – but watch her in action. Look at her recent quote about letting the justice system do it’s thing and coming together. In other words she is telling you not to believe what your eyes see. She is telling you to stop complaining. She is telling you that she knows what’s best for you and to let her make the decisions.
Wake up.
Gee! I think all she’s saying is give the system a chance to work. Even psycho cops deserve a fair trial.
Gee! Sounds like shes saying “SHUT UP!” and “STOP FORMING AN OPINION!” until after this goes to trial and the jury comes to a decision.
Sharon was a “no-show” at the preliminary hearing? You’d think if she is the Mayor of Fullerton, our elected representative, that she would actually be the first person in the courtroom to listen and see all the evidence in order to make an informed decision.
Sharon fails to realize there are two problems here. The criminal case is one, but that’s Ramos and Cicinelli’s problem, not the City of Fullerton.
The other stems from the fact the criminal conduct was committed on the job, by employees of the City of Fullerton. Waiting for the trial to play out DOES NOT resolve this issue, or the affected employees’ employment status.
Even if they are acquitted, they still need to be fired as employees of the city. I guess Sharon is comfortable letting the trial determine how she should proceed, an idea so absurd it is laughable.
They don’t need a criminal conviction to terminate a person’s employment.
Inquiring mind want to know
So, are Ramos and Cicinelli on unpaid administrative leave right now? Do they have their non-salary compensation, like healthy insurance, SDI, is the City still contributing to their retirement?
Sharon Quirk is telling you that you can’t trust your eyes or ear or form your own opinion based on the incoming information FACTS – that you must wait for what 12 boneheads tell you to think at the conclusion of this case.
Sorry, Sharon. We’re not that stupid, dear. Your presumption of innocence is only a government standard – it’s not one that I live by. If I see 6 big goons tear a 130 pound man to shreds on video and I hear the victim screaming for mercy while he’s being murdered – then as far as I’m concerned those scum-sucking bastards are guilty as sin.
And the citizens of Fullerton should be full of rage at the Fullerton Police Department for the culture of corruption and savage behavior those cops – top to bottom – have displayed for the last several years.
So don’t tell good people how to think or what to do, Quirk. You’re not our mother.
She is used to dealing with children who eat the GMO school lunches and drink fluoridated water. She is in a bit over her head on this one.
Cops doing something really bad happens, Mc Satan and their Coverup and CORRUPTION is STUPID, EVIL, AND VERY COSTLY. Moral BANKRUPTCY, cost the Citizens and the City a great deal, in many ways
“Whitaker said it’s not just the Kelly Thomas incident that concerns him, but a number of police-related problems that have occurred within a short window, including the death-in-custody case last April that triggered his skepticism as to what is going on in the department.
He noted that Hughes and Capt. Kevin Hamilton are both part of the leadership culture that includes Police Chief Michael Sellers (now on medical leave) and former Police Chief Pat McKinley. “I need to sort out and determine who may have contributed to the current culture,” Whitaker said.
Thanks for that, Bruce. But no, you don’t get the last word on FullertonStories, no siree!
But Hughes stands by his officers. “They are absolutely dedicated to serving this community in an ethical manner, and that’s what I’m committed to ensuring they’re doing,” he said. “We have a lot of leaders in our police department, and we’re excited about the opportunities and challenges we have before us. We’re going to come out a better police department.”
Oh, really? The only reason the community should have one iota of confidence in that statement is because all the FPD bad guys are finally on the right side of the jail bars.
They aren’t. Not yet.”
Denying the Culture of Corruption: The New Acting Chief Speaks!
Posted by Joe Sipowicz in Bruce Whitaker, Dead heads, Dick Jones, Don Bankhead, I Ain’t a Swallerin’ That, Pat McPension on January 27th, 2012
And I say it again; with the numerous, horrific, civil rights abuses systematically committed by Fullerton Police Department under Fullerton Police Chief McKinley’s watch, how did this not come to the attention of Fullerton resident and CEO of the Orange CountyHuman Relations Commission?
Kennedy’s tax funded commission’ mission statement is act as a “clearinghouse for OC communities complaints of civil rights abuses committed upon them by their respective police departments. And to mediate these complaints between the community and the police with the goal to improve community and police relations.
I find it so strange that not until FFFF came forward documenting Fullerton PD’s long pattern of civil rights abuses,was the community and public at large even aware of Fullerton PD’s molestation of female detainees in squad cars, beatings, perjury,false arrest and now murder.
And it is this fact that makes it so strange ; while the pattern of civil rights abuses appeared under McKinley’s watch as police chief, McKinley also served on Rusty Kennedy’s Orange County Human Relations Commission as the law enforcement representative
McSatan, POBOR, FPOA, and Nazi Tactics!!
Oh yeah, a OCDAs Office pretty much absent til Kelly.
Also dont forget the 4 Middle Fingers on the City Council, and their RECKLESS, FOOLISH Lackeys.
Ex-chief asks patience in Kelly Thomas case
Fullerton Councilman Pat McKinley said he expects much more evidence to come out at trial than the grainy surveillance video that was the centerpiece of this week’s hearings. McKinley was Fullerton’s police chief for 16 years and hired both Ramos and Cicinelli.
“Nothing is the same at the end as it is in the beginning,” said McKinley, reached by phone while on vacation. “You have to have patience and let the wheels of justice turn.”
Could someone try to film one of them if they come knocking on your door on Saturday for support for the Anti-Recall?
Just post the video up on You Tube and post the link to same on FFFFF.
I’m kind of curious as to how they’re going to try and spin their ineptness into cotton candy this time around, and I thought it would be entertaining for the rest of us to see the pitch the are using first-hand via a video taped encounter.
Dan Hughes; “we have a lot of leaders in our dept. They are absolutley dedicated to serving this commmunity, ….We have a lot of leaders in our dept.”…. You are not one of the “so called” leaders danny boy you had a chance to come forward and make a difference, but you didn’t, did you?!! You crawled underyourdesk and hid. Your parents must be so proud.
I’ve sent in my ballot, and 5 other family members have and it doesn’t favor Tony’s friends who he is trying to buy a council seat (Travis-Sebourn-Levinson)
I still go to th slidebar like Tony did. Remembr when you Tony used to get shit faced sitting at th bar with Shawn Francis?
Or remember when Shawn Nelson had political fundraisers there? It was cool back then huh?
You can’t even read.
…always nice to hear from members of the Fullerton Police Officers Association.
I kind figured you guys went into hiding, given the fact that 99% of the law enforcement community considers your brethren as outcasts.
Not true. The DA’s office rank and file feels this is a political move by Tony Rack that will backfire.
I know for fact that that’s not true. Grasp at straw much?
DA insider..it’s really sad that deputy district attorneys know that these charges are a bunch of crap but don’t do anything about it. Dropping a dime or a phone call about T Rack. No one wants to do the right thing. He is an arrogant asshole.
Backfire ? political move ? what in Life isn’t “political” ? Is being killed dead “political?” (Lying, falsfying, fabricating, overweight- drugged-up armed- unionized- self-satisfied overtime-abusing Dirty Cop terrorists with “police powers.” have to FEEL the HEAT, however little it might be (the fear of God, so to speak) …
Since I personally witnessed the fire department response that night, I’m fine sticking to that story.
Did you also happen to hear in court that the reason that the
Fire Department was called to the scene?
Didn’t think so.
I wasn’t at the courthouse. What was the reason provided?