Cops Got Scratches Tended To By Paramedic As Kelly Thomas Lay Dying in the Street
One of the most shocking things to emerge from the Preliminary Trial of Manny Ramos and Jay Cicinelli for the killing of Kelly Thomas are the statements made by Fullerton Fire Department personnel that the cops received attention to their miscellaneous scrapes as Thomas, whose face had just been bashed in, and who was suffocating in his own blood, lay ignored nearby.
For pure callousness, incomprehensible inhumanity, and well, evil, it’s pretty hard to beat this story. The images of minor scratches sustained by the Fullerton cops is comical, especially given the fact that were sustained committing a crime; juxtaposed to the image of Kelly Thomas’s shattered face they present ample evidence about the nature of the beat down delivered to the homeless man.

Hilariously, Manny Ramos was quoted as saying he’d been in “the fight of my life.” Given that he was seventy pounds overweight, notoriously lazy and obviously a coward, this may actually be a true statement. Certainly it will provide a good headline for Lou Ponsi. But Ramos’ injury received a bandaid and off he went. Kelly Thomas is dead. He was dying on the pavement, alone and unattended, as the cops that killed him got first aid.
And that is truly sickening.
When my son was 4 he had worse scratches than that and would laugh about it, he thought it was cool. So my son was more of a man at age 4 than that nanny ramos has ever been or ever will be.
What was really striking was the District Attorney showing each and every Fullerton Police Officer’s booh-boohs sustained during the beat down and then the shock and awe of seeing graphic pictures of Kelly Thomas’s injuries in court for the first time.
My son comes home from school on almost a daily basis with worst injuries than any of these officers displayed today in court.
IMHO the Fullerton Fire Department Captain Stansyck(?) that was the first Paramedic on the scene, testified that he saw the 7 or 8 Police Officers first so he tended to their injuries with the same wipes that you get from the grocery store to wipe down your cart with.
He said that he didn’t tend to Kelly until last because the Police Officers didn’t provide him with any “direction”?
What the fuck did the Paramedic think that he was being called out there for in the first place?
The system that we have allows these crimminals to be the judge of their own faults. They are all united and will do all they can to protect their own which they have fogotten is us. We must take the power of prosecution away from the perpetrators. Our Officers were proud men, honest men with dignity not so long ago. The childrens books showed Officers helping, serving and protecting us from evil people they have now become. I feel they would enjoy coming home to their family as respected men, Officers of the Law that are appreciated in their community rather than as vicious, inhuman crimminals that group together like packs of dogs to beat upon innocent people that have no means of defense. We can change that, we must stop allowing the very people whom are doing the murders, beatings, bribery etc etc etc to be the ones that investgate, charge and determine the penalty’s bestowed upon the offender. This is what needs to be done and our Officers will once again be looked upon as Brave men whom do in fact protect and serve their fellow man.
where is the video fff?
The video is uploading.
If they don’t convict these cops then the people of Fullerton need to ban together and burn the police station to the ground!!!
Look, he’s showing his boo boo, did his mommy kiss it too?-unbelievable, that the paramedics took precious time from Kelly to spray on some Bactine to this whining hero.
Seriously, I was scraped up worse just working in my yard yesterday.
Who is responsible for triage at the scene. EMTs, paramedics, the police? Is it SOP to treat the cops before the ‘perp’, even if the ‘perp’ has his skull cracked and his head is in a pool blood?
Anyone know?
Paramedics unless EMT’s on the scene first.
Unfortunately this is a common practice around the country. My best advice, if you wouldn’t confront a gang member or drug dealer don’t confront a cop.
Actually, you have a better chance surviving a confrontation a gang member/drug dealer because many those guys guys are scared of going to jail.
Cops OTOH are not.
Shimon, Please see the response I provided Bob from Baltimore with in the #1 post.
I was thoroughly disgusted with the testimony that this Fire Captain provided today, and I think his conduct warrants further investigation by us as citizens.
Please explain. I wasn’t there so I don’t know what he said.
I don’t know what police protocol is but as a healthcare professional I assure you, there is NO other medical professional, paramedic, EMT or whatever, who would step over an unconscious bleeding person with no airway just to treat a cop, Mckinley or the president first for a superficial scratch.
And I can also pretty much assure you that they were pissed they weren’t told about Kelly as soon as they got there.
So they treated the cops for superficial wounds before treating a dying Kelly Thomas? Wow.
I will reserve judgment until it’s known whether police prevented them from treating Kelly first, or if they made the choice to ignore him.
The Fire Captain claimed he didn’t see Kelly at first, and that he wasn’t provided any direction by the officers, so basically don’t blame him because he treated what were obviously very minor abrasions first, before attending to Kelly.
he was lying about not receiving any direction. if you watch the video you can clearly hear one of the cops say “he’s the one you need to be treating” when the medical guys (emt/paramedic?) first walk up. you can’t tell who said it or who they were pointing at, but it’s obvious now that he he must have been telling them to treat the booboo on the cops elbow. also it would be pretty hard to miss the huge pool of blood so i doubt that’s true, but it’s understandable as the emt if the cop tells you to treat him first then you treat that pig first, while fantasizing that it was him lying in a pool of blood
BS!!! court document of, and testimony say otherwise.
It’s disgusting and disturbing beyond words.
Paramedics actually treated that little scrape on his elbow?!?!?!?!?! Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?!
In this case the truth will not set you free Mr Ramos.
Officers trying to make a lawful arrest. ” quit resisting, roll on your belly”.
They should have just walked away and gone to lunch and none of this would have ever happened.
Yeah that is something you would do.You lazy ass!
@ John Doe gang member, We already KNOW that YOU’D RATHER threaten someone with great bodily harm and cause them to fear for their life, and then go ahead and murder that innocent person, ANY chance you get. You’d never even think twice about the injustice of depriving someone of their Constitional right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Heck no, Just lynch ’em! There’s no need for a jury or a judge!
Hey F. Dick Jones do you now know how that boy died?
Release the video? Well they did and what was witnessed was worse than then we imagined. What the EMT described in court today was gut wrenching. The fact that Hughes has not put a recommendation across for Wolfe’s dismissal means he is part of this murder. All of them need to go. That was the most disturbing snuff film I have ever seen. These were not cops they are a gang period! We the citizens of Fullerton need to demand that Hughes and the city manager and the city council remove his status a a peace officer immediately. I AM PISSED! They walked into the courtroom as did some of the family members as smug as could be. Back to the police station I say back tell we get Wolfe off the streets. He is a murderer wandering amongst us.
Hughes is just as complicit as all others. In fact, probably moreso since he held one of the top leadership positions and saw this video and heard the audio a long, long time ago. Still, he protected his own before he protected honor, integrity and the basic principles of our justice system. All of them should be fired. Why isn’t Hughes on TV making a statement? huh? Well, it is what it is! No place to hide now.
A scuffle. Superficial facial injuries.
The Kelly Thomas video is posted on Be forewarned – It is very difficult to watch.
Just curious DB-are you still defensive of the FPD?
Yes, VERY difficult to watch. I had to turn it off a few times to compose myself. This is beyond tragic and disturbing. Kelly’s poor family…my heart breaks for them.
Proud day for FPD.
18th street gang would welcome these thugs.
I don’t think I can watch the video. I just listened to the audio on KFI and started crying. How any human being can do that to another human being is just beyond me.
So that little elbow ouchie merited paramedic attention?
I’m with above posters. I get torn up far worse trimming my stupid oleander.
God bless Kelly, he underwent a horrific death.
Fuck the police. Thats the nicest thing I can say. These cowards make me so fucking sick.
Full City video with police officer’s audio:
I don’t know why they wouldn’t show this initially. It it out in the public now before the trail. What is the difference of releasing it now versus back when it happened?
I hate fullerton stories with a passion. I’ve already seen parts of the video on TV so I’ll wait to see the rest when FFFF posts it.
Fullerton Stories viciously defended these thugs when this first happened and they worked as a mouthpiece for that fat fuck Andrew Goodrich.
and oh yeah FUCK YOU Richard Fritschie!
The witness for the cops, Richard Fritschie in an article by Fullertonstories
Fritschie quote
“I didn’t see any beating. I think they’ve overblown the situation.”
That’s 8 times worse
Get Fritschie in a deposition and see if his story stays the same! LOL I bet his tune will change quick!
Hughes needs to go.
I suggest a vigil tonight in honor of Kelly.
If you can’t show up say a prayer at home.
What a horrendous audio and visual. I am still numb from what I saw and heard. I can’t understand how this could happen in America.
I cant understand how one human can do this to another.
They don’t. Remember McKinley said these guys are aliens.
HI Merijoe – I haven’t thought us FS being defensive of the pd, but I know that doesn’t fly with a lot of folks. We really try to just put info out there and let people decide where it falls. We would run more harsh stuff if 1: I had more staff, and 2: we could prove it beyond hearsay. Almost always we can’t, or if we had the time to do it we mate could.
Anonymous – sorry to know you hate us. We just try to be accountable, like using real names.
Here is the whole video.
Nice jab you worthless piece of shit. I don’t not use my real name but at least I’m not an opportunist piece of shit working as a mouth piece for the interests of Fullerton City while masquerading as a Journalist.
You and you pals at Fullerton PD are running a HUGE racket but one day ALL of you including Mr. Hughes are going to be run out of town.
Well said. Vulgar, but well said.
So you’d rather run fluffy hearsay stuff that can hurt people based on what someone with a uniform tells you because of a staff shortage?
Before lecturing on accountablity, you may want to check facts before printing them. oh yeah, you have a staff shortage, you can’t.
Well no, we talk to everyone we can, some in uniform, most not. Almost never does one source have all the info. Can you give me an example of hearsay we’ve printed without attribution?
Anonymous – geez, don’ts you think that’s kind of strong? Why don’ you come meet me at the library candidates forum in a few minutes and talk in person.
Well I did, see above that lying Fritschie interview and you printed his lying quote and that whole article you printed made you look like a bloody fool who tried to cover up the fact that a beating happened when you know it did, even then, and no you didn’t have to print eveything that you did, Im quite sure others have other examples for you.
And really, don’t go threatening people on the blog to meet you.
Your piece on that tool Fritschie was beyond irresponsible. Now that you know that sack of shit is a liar are you going to run a retraction?
Excellent point Fred!
Stories like Bedtime? Dossiers on the protestors? Barber shop thinks he is on the right side of a wrong. Not. Why don’t you redeem yourself and trunk stories on the camps
Here is your real name, davis barber, sanctimonious ass
Plain FOOL!
the video is here:
The video is 40 minutes long, the press is allready editing it to show the cops in a favorable light BS….
That is inhuman, as if the Thomas’s and Kelly havent suffered enough.
Just got home. Got the entire video on DVD, and a copy of DAR recordings. From the D.A.
Ok, so I’m watching the full video on youtube, and in the first few minutes Wolfe and Ramos are taunting Kelly about speaking English and complaining that they have to talk to him everyday. They don’t look like they feel threatened. And why is Ramos talking with his Baton? I want to watch this with a “real” cop and ask him if that is normal police behavior.
Good idea. Let me know CT, what your final analysis is with the cop by your side
No it is not normal behavior for a cop to speak to anyone while swinging his baton around in a threatening fashion.
Why am I not surprised that the D.A.’s video is damaged and unable to copy?
I heard from a retired lieutenant that saw the video, that the tape Fullerton P.D received from the camera was “clear as day.” Why does it seem that this video is all distorted? And some parts even get really fuzzy. All of this seems fuzzy.
In the 1960s a satellite in orbit could read the date on a penny. In my opinion that video has been altered.
edited perhaps? I watched it on Fullerton Stories and it was out of focus a lot. Also the camera was moving following the action, why didn’t the operator stop the beating? Report it to its supervisors? its a definite accessory, as are all others who saw and didn’t stop the beating. Which explains why no honest cops have come forward, the whole FPD should be arrested at the very least as accessories.
Because it wasnt a beating…
You’re the one given the beating, John doe, you beat those cops meat every chance you get, you flamer
No wonder why the FPD tried to cover everything up. Audio and video don’t lie.
So did I.
Great testimony from Captain Stansyck…I didn’t recall him stating that he actually treated the officers first; he said upon his arrival, he asked the first officer he saw, “What’s going on here?”, then the officers says, “I got a cut right here and this officer over here has a cut, etc…”
Stansyck followed that up by saying he looked over himself, about 15 feet away and saw Kelly Thomas, lying there and NO officer said a thing about him.
And what’s with the immediate and excessive use of the batons to start out the frenzy?
Badged thugs at their evilist!!!
I could only watch about 4 minutes of it. Maybe later.
It is sickening!!
I just tried watching my DVD at home and stopped right after they went off camera.
I can tell you from a recent first hand experience with a neighboring PD of Fullerton, Brea’s police, which is one city north of Fullerton.
My son had been off of his meds as of course, me his dad. I even have video tape from last weekend when they were in front of my house, talking to my son. Kelly Thomas seemed very normal in talking to those cops as opposed to my son, who really wasn’t making much sense at all. They just stood back a distance after asking him to sit on the curb, searched his backpack (found nothing illegal) and simply talked with him for about a half an hour. No menacing batons or snapping of the latex gloves, etc.
I believe many police departments, including the sheriff’s departments around here learned something from this Kelly Thomas incident; how to recognize mental illness and how NOT to deal with the mentally ill.
Somehow this got cut off in my above comment:
My son had been off of his meds AND WAS DISTURBING THE NEIGHBORS and of course me, his dad.
As a 20 year resident of Fullerton, this video makes me sick to my stomach. Any one of us could be the next Kelly Thomas. Any one of us…. I was angry at first, but now I’M PISSED OFF. I’m MAD at my CITY COUNCIL, I’M mad at my PD.
Why am I voting for the recall?? Because of the city council’s failure to intervene regardless of the city attorney’s admonition. The council works for US, not the attorney!!
This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Bushala. I could care less about him.
Goodbye “grumpy old men”
WoW! Barnett looked like a red faced fool today. Way to go to the Director of Trauma at UCI.
What was his testimony like?
Barnett’s cross examining of all witnesses was ‘weak’. The questions he asked got answers he didn’t want. HA!
What testimony did the Director of Trauma at UCI give that made Barnett red faced? Do you have any good links to information? I’ve been finding the same few links on and off during the day.
In a nutshell, Barnett was attempting to show that somehow the paramedics or the doctor at St. Jude’s Hospital, where they first transported Kelly to, were somehow the ’cause of death’. ‘WEAK’!!!
I am having a hard time recalling exactly what answers were given to the lame questions that Barnetts asked, but I was falling asleep.
Thank you for the reply. How did the day end? What will happen tomorrow, is there more testimony? Do you think the Judge will toss the charges? That is my biggest fear at this point.
THe day ended about 4:20 with a red-faced Barnett still trying to grill the UCI trauma Director. I believe tomorrow he will continue on that first.
If the judge does throw this out….? No way!!!
Barnett doesn’t realize that he’s not dealing with a bunch of rutabagas-like those he defends.
He best not underestimate the brain power of people like the director of UCI trauma.
Barnett looked as cool as a cucumber. T Rack tried to throw a funny remark that only made him look stupid.
That was obvious you were falling asleep or had fallen asleep, cause Barnett reamed the UCI doctor who didnt want to make the prosecution look bad. He is the badest machine. He will fight for the truth.
I think you were asleep. He put everyone one there was for the prosecution to shame. T. Rack looked pissed off.
Consigliori Barnett, and his compadre are sure to lose, if there’s ANY justice left in this country.
Obviously McPension supports this behavior by the FPD because he trained them! How can Dick Ackerman look at himself in the mirror and defend these three ass clowns that are gonna get recalled?
And when all your folks storm the council and demand that heads roll the council will stare back at you with 8 glassy eyes with that deer in the headlights look. Nothing will come of this. Hughes will remain chief. Goodrich will promote from Lt. to Capt. eventually. Wolfe will retire fat and happy with a $100k plus pension. Oh, they will talk a good game about future transparency and accountability. But nothing will change. I am into reality testing. I only see what IS. And I only watch behavior. I never listen to words. Please, some of you take my lead.
I witnessed a couple of off-duty Fullerton PD at the trial today.
They behaved like a couple of jackals who were seemingly enjoying the sense of revulsion displayed by the courtroom spectators
Nothings changed. Same old Sadists.
Those are delusional people, not just at the scene.
“In the process of being controlling, their actions say, “You’re incompetent” and “I can’t trust you.” (this is why you hate them). Remember, the essential need of a control freak is to defend against anxiety. Although it may not be apparent to you when they are making their demands, these individuals are attempting to cope with fairly substantial levels of their own anxiety. The control freak is usually fighting off a deep-seated sense of their own helplessness and impotence. By becoming proficient at trying to control other people, they are warding off their own fear of being out of control and helpless. Controlling is an anxiety management tool.”
I just watched the longer video.
Wolfe and Ramos screwed up before the fight by detaining Kelly because he wouldn’t reveal his name. This was before Wolfe asked to search his backpack.
California has no law requiring you to identify by name in this situation. Some states do have laws to this effect but California does not.
I’d imagine the Feds are going to look closely at this.
I was there until noon today and I can tell you all the evidence entered was tear-jerking. I have a copy of the video entered afterwards and I am in tears. God bless the Thomas family for braving through that, especially in light of more recent atrocities, and it sickens me further to comprehend that this is what it takes to bring bullies in blue to justice while had it been any one of us we’d be locked up without any chance of getting off. Today was no fun, and I am honored to have shared that time with all that were there…you know who you are.
Thanks FL for the ride back too; unfortunately work calls at the worst times.
OMG…… DId he really need to pose for a pic of a scrape? Really? Mr. Vein needs to go to prison.
I am here too.
25:05 mark Cicinelli “I ran out of options so I got the end of my taser and I probably…. I smashed his face to hell”
just… wow
Those cops need to be strung up and hung at high noon. End or story.
Almost all control freaks were raised in an extreme dysfunctional family. Not an ordinary dysfunctional family most Americans are raised in. I am talking a family headed by a mean drunk(s), drug abuser(s), sexual pervert(s), criminal types in and out of jail, etc…..
The child learns to control those things around him to the best of his/her ability to compensate for the loss of control that is evident everywhere around him/her. The child in all his/her wisdom feels that he or she can do something to change mom or dad, when in reality that is impossible. The child lives in an unattainable fantasy – for his or her entire childhood until the anger builds and extreme rebellion sets in and his or her own life begins to fall apart.
Most cops were raised in extreme dysfunctional families. That is what drew them to be cops. Wanting to control everything around them.
It is an emotional sickness. It truly is.
Amen to the USA.
Part III, Minute 1:40 “…we ran out of officers so I just started smashing his face to hell…”
Oh my God in Heaven, this doesn’t happen in America. My nephew got back from Iraq just in 2010. He fought and left other brave Marines who gave their lives for this country and then I see this. How is this different than the terrorism we went over to stop? I don’t know how to feel except to say I am numb. I am not prone to tears but this did it to me. All I could think of was how poor Kelly ended his last day on earth. Then his family had to watch this……. I quickly turned to my son and I wondered what I would do if this happened to my family.
I said a prayer and hope that the man above takes Kelly into his arms and eases the pain that now is endured by his family. We all suffer as Americans when atrocities like this happen on our soil.
I am sickened and angry all over again. And to think that low life, scum sucking attorney of those cops is defending these pieces of human excrement. I can’t wait to get to the ballot box in June and send a message. We’re mad as hell and we’re not taking it anymore.
Rest in Peace, Kelly. To quote something we all uttered after 9-11.
Never Forget.
The US is a fledgling totalitarian state. They grope us. They monitor all of our communications. They are trying to disarm us. And is this case they beat us to death….cause they can. God help us.
They just released a tape on the Orange County Register’s website. I can’t believe there is any defense to these police officers actions.
The only plausible defense would be the corrupting influence of pat McKinley on Fullerton police department. It is reasonable, after examining McKinley’s comments about policing our town, to lay blame at McKinley ‘s feet due to his prolonged presence at Fullerton as their police chief.
Let look at the “Reality Is” of the situation – Let’s just “for fun” pretend that these cops did absolutely nothing wrong, they didn’t want to hurt him – they had to……. the fact that it took 6 of them to restrain one suspect speaks volumes about their abilities as police officers. What if one was confronted with a murderer or rapist on the street and didn’t have backup? Should we trust cops like these with our safety when they can’t even control a 150 pound man? From this video all I see are six bumbling morons who have no idea what they’re doing
Very true andy.
They also passed out scripts along with the DVD at the trial. When you read the dialogue of the cops when it was nearly over, the script shows them asking each other what to do. Clueless cowards!!!
Cicinelli says about 3 times, “he’s on something….”
They asked, “What do you want to do now?” “What is his name?” “What did he do?” Not one of those bloated 800 lb thugs could answer any of those questions, not even the instigator, Ramos, himself. One was even sitting on Kelly while pushing off the patrol car adding extra force and weight. Kelly was on nothing. No drugs or alcohol had been found in his system. Blindsight was attempting to justify his actions. The only fight I saw was 6 of the biggest, fattest Fullerton cops beating a man struggling to get one last breath. ALL of those thugs know the body spasms and wriggles as it’s life is being squeezed out of it. Fighting the cops, NO! Fighting to save his life, YES! Fortunately some supreme being answered Kelly’s prayer pleas and let him slip into a coma so he would not have to endure anymore of that pain being inflicted upon him. And I want to meet that officer who was laughing at the scene when the medic was questioning him. I want to slap him so hard, his 6 times grandchildren will see him pass before their eyes. I watched the short and the long versions of the video. I am not just mad, I am angry and I have more hate for those 6 officers than I ever have had for any 1 person. Life in general pop will teach them to remember Mr. Thomas’s name and what he never did.
Maria, I have not had the courage that you have had to watch the tape. This is brave of you.
That is in the how to be a cop manual under the chapter how to cover your ass. He’s on something, right……
They CREATED that situation, and it was totally unnecessary!!
Not to mention every cop there it looks like is fat. Aren’t there physical or health standards at FPD?
not to downplay the fact that they did indeed beat him to death…i just figured that was a given.
What a sad day for the city of Fullerton, and a shameful day for the FPD and the city government. We have all finally seen the video, and it is as bad as any of us could possibly imagine. Now we all know why they kept this footage from us. If it had been released immediately, there would have been a riot. All of the protests, all of the anger directed at FPD and city council and all of the disgust in the cowardly acts of FPD at all levels is completely justified.
The police in this city are completely out of control and violently and criminally abusing innocent people. They lie and falsify reports, accuse the innocent and attack the victim. The department has ZERO credibility and must be completely overhauled from the top down. No officer or supervisor should be allowed to stay. I have nothing but complete and total contempt and disgust for the FPD.
Cowards, hoodlums, degenerates, scumbags, demons & monsters. Just a few of the words that begin to describe how I feel about these pigs.
Shut the dept down, fire everybody from the chief to the janitor, and prevent all cops from being cops or even security guards for the rest of their lives.
Hide your heads in shame McKinley, Bankhead, Jones, Jones, Felz, Sellars, Hamilton, Hughes, Wolfe, Hampton, Blatney & Craig. You have not been charged, but you are all GUILTY. You all have Kellys blood on you hands. We will never forhet your nemes.
We will never forget your names.
AMEN, Disgusted….
Fucking retard would still be alive had he followed directions and not tried to run away. And for someone complaining about not being able to breath he sure could scream at the top of his lungs.
Eat a turd, coplicking asshole.
Your moniker suits you ‘blah blah’.
Kelly Thomas would still be alive if that sissy Puto cop didn’t lose his temper!!!
Blah, blah…the only fucking retard is you. The man wasn’t of sound mind, much like many out on the street. I’m a big Ron Reagan fan, but many of these people are the societal outcasts of his administration’s program cuts. The police should have been all over this knowledge, but they have a failure in the system that runs far deeper than this case alone. If it were as simple as him following directions, we wouldn’t be at this point now. It is much more complicated than your little mind can obviously fathom, much like the cops on scene that night. That man (Kelly) needed help, not threats. He needed more help than any one individual would have been able to offer. We as a city failed him. And the sooner we clean out city hall, the police department, and narrow minded nitwits like you, the sooner we can get back on track to making Fullerton the city it should be.
Nah, Blah Blah ain’t even smart enough to be a retard!
Well said BMR.
Let’s meet at the bus depot and find out if you can scream or not Blah, blah
Sorry but fuck that fat fucking pig.
Talk about a fucking retard. Geez, they all come out of the wood work don’t they?
If a person is arrested and charged with any crime, even a traffic ticket in Fullerton, based on the history of the FPD the court could consider all FPD personnel as “Brady cops”.
If a FPD cop is a witness, as the judge to impeach the witness. If denied there may be grounds for an appeal and a retrial.
The “You see these hands?” line was so fucking weak. Piece of shit said it in a low pussy ass voice.
Kelly was totally cool and chill up until they started beating the shit out of him and even then he tried to get away. He didn’t deserve that at all.
Sissy Puto Ramos got scared and angry when Kelly said, “start punchin’ dude.”
The attempt to intimidate Kelly in the beginning by twirling his club was a joke. Give me 1 hour, just hour is all I need with the 2 pathetic POS’s.
Can I watch with video camera?
I’m sorry with both Ramos and Chicinelli, I think you mean puta? It seems more appropriate.
Oh Yes Ramos was very threatening…NOT!!
No, he was a cowardly little over-stuffed sissy, carrying his baton from the outset of the confrontation.
Pig Pussy….YES!
“Oh Yes Ramos was very threatening…NOT!!”
Oh yes, Kelly was very threatening…NOT!
When I see this, I just want to see the FPD disbanded and all of them laid off. Bring in the Sheriffs.
Not laid off, they’d keep pensions and draw unemployment. Fire them for incompetence.
Exactly what I have said from the beginning.
Why didn’t we arrest all these fools after watching the video 400 times? Geez!!!!
The code man, the code. They have to stick together or they all go down.
Minor, but widespread anarchy against the pigs and rule. Let them try to control 10,000 vile, deserve to die, rule breakers taking to the streets…j-walking, sober stumbling, giving the evil eye to the power that we must respect and cower to. Until the keepers of the blue code confess to their own stupidity as mindless followers of a system that has placed itself above the law, fire up the cameras and memorialize these stupid fucks trying to maintain their illusion of power over the good people of America. Even good cops make the, sometimes, fatal mistake (Kelly and many others) of turning their backs to while their brethren completely overstep the calling and beat the hell out of slightly resisting suspect. This is done under the auspicious of protecting the detaining officer from outsiders. It is used as defense of, “I didn’t see what happened, I was protecting the detaining officer”.
“F” this shit. Authorities need to be a part of the community they serve. Now it’s too late for them. They are now evil to us who abide by the law, yet fear their attention. Now, it’s their turn to regain OUR respect. Until then, they should be guarded, like they have grown to be out of their own separatist view of service. Except now, we have become separatists from them. Think about it. How many time in your life have you called upon law enforcement to protect your life and limb? I have never had that situation occur. Do I really think I need a bunch of overly reactive fist throwing, taser firing, baton swinging, 9mm cracking, face banging and trumped up charge filing, overly empowered MF’s protecting me? Mmmm… nope
I cant wait til election day.
What is happening at Fullerton PD is very unique to that department thanks to Former chief Pat McKinley and others. The only solution is disbanding the department completely.
The tactics these officers deployed are commonly taught to Special Forces and Clandestine Service operatives/operators.
These officers were cold, calm, calculating, distant and developed a story in real time without thinking twice. As a special forces operator you are trained to focus on the objective and nothing else.
When it comes down to it if a child stands between you and your objective, the child must be removed by any means necessary. You are also taught to develop a plausible story quickly and in near real time with your team about what happened.
If you start talking about what “really” happened then you are quickly disavowed, removed from all future missions and run the risk of facing charges for actions that you took while on the mission.
But I digress, Ramos put Kelly in a semi stress position, gave him orders that were silly and hard to reasonably or comfortably comply with. The point was to instill great fear, get his heart rate and adrenalin up and create a situation where force could be applied.
I am convinced the objective was to eliminate Kelly unfortunately we’ll never know who gave the orders because Ramos and Cincinelli face life in prison if they talk.
If I were you, I would look very closely at Pat McKinley and others within that department and by look very closely I would look past the obvious.
“If I were you, I would look very closely at Pat McKinley and others within that department and by look very closely I would look past the obvious.”
We have all been screaming about that for many months.
I come from a family of officers, and I am disgraced that these pukes who wear a badge call themselves officers. Ramos with your little ketchup stain on your elbow, and cinch you stupid boy, I hope justice is served and you both have plenty of time in prison to think about your actions. History continues to repeat itself. The politicians and supervisors of the santa ana police dept should take a good long look in the mirror. Hypocrites.
You come from a family of cops. You are the one that sounds pretty stupid. All officers injuries have to be documented per policy. Ramos was not bragging about his injury, it had to be photographed. What does Santa Ana Police Department have to do with this. Stupid boy!
Like broken bones?
Oddly enough nobody bothered to document Kelly’s injuries until he got to UCI.
It wasn’t ketchup, it was jelly donut.
Sorry for being long winded. Little bit pent up over what our law enforcement has become.
Officers Bill of Rights. Necessarily needed, this document goes a long ways in protecting the individual officer’s liability in carrying out their job. I support it. However, it misses one very important mitigating component. The increased criminal liability an officer should face when they go beyond that which is required to effect a proper arrest or detention. Let’s say I, a civilian, kick your civilian ass without proof of reasonable self preservation, and I go to jail for two years. If I, a civilian, kicks a law enforcement officer’s ass without proof of reasonable defense of self preservation. I will go to jail for four years. Here is the field leveling missing clause. If a law enforcement officer kicks my or your ass without proof of reasonable defense for self preservation, their sentence will be double, eight years. Why? Because, they are given the color of authority. We are expected to take a more sever encounter from them then anyone else. Therefore, we have a reasonable expectation that they, as trained professionals, would only use the minimum force needed to detain us, and the minimum control over us to affect a detention of another.
Things need to, and will change. Or, there will be anarchy against the local law enforcement.
Just been askin and lookin and thinkin
“F” Seous brain. Please donate yours. The entire world needs to know how something as magnificent as our most powerful organ can, in your skull, somehow come up with the numbingly stupid comment you made. Drag your ass and throw your shit… What’s the angle of your forehead? If you don’t understand the question (has to do with frontal lobe volume), I can explain… Let me know
Sorry Erin,
I meant that for Blah Blah.
My apologies. I can’d tink aparantly.
Thanks for clarifying that BeenAskingAround because I really like(d) your comments… up until that one about Erin.
Hahahahahaha…That was priceless BAA!!!
I’m sure Erin’s gettin’ a chuckle out of that by now.
There are so many emotions that I felt watching that whole video on you tube. I felt more outraged than before. Maybe even felt like the words, “My heart goes out to the Thomas family” was just words you say after you hear something like this. But believe me, you will understand and feel what that means after watching this video. Raising two sons myself, I can’t imagine… what I do in his position after seeing that video.
IMO, after watching that video, Kelly Thomas was brave. He was not being antagonistic to deserve that death, yet he called for help, his loved ones, and tried his hardest to survive it, 5 days.
If what Capt. Hamiliton says is true that officers got to look at that video before writing a report, should ALL BE FIRED. How can you watch that video and not even question if apprehending procedures in this case was done right? In fact, after watching this, I can see why the officers needed to watch this hundreds of times to write a report in their favor because it was so clear cut they needed to find some “grey area”. And clearly saving their jobs and pensions was more important than a life. They don’t have a heart. If you don’t have a heart, can you have value in humanity? Without humanity, can you protect and serve the public humanely?
Is it just me or what, did those cops look stupid after what they have just done, not knowing what to do next? Isn’t it in a training manual somewhere that if caused a person to be hanging on to his life to call for medical attention for that person as a police officer?
Furthermore, I question those city council members who did not want to see that tape themselves. They must have either seen it secretly or heard about it from someone who has seen it. They must have gotten the impression that it was bad and hoped it never got out. Either way, the only person I saw that wanted to get to the facts/truth about this was Councilman Whitaker. He was also the one who publicly came out and said there might be a cover-up. That is the kind of person we need as a president of this country if we really want to turn things around. He is that kind of smart.
Because of that, I, registered voter that lives in Fullerton, am more confident and feel I am doing the right thing to vote for the recall. I am sorry but they failed. They could have done what is right by wanting to see that tape and get to the truth. You can’t have justice if you don’t want to get to the truth yourself. No matter who says what you should do, if the people you are responsible for, sign their paycheck does something like this, you should atleast want to find out the truth for yourself and not take someone else’s word for it. The council members not wanting to watch that video or get involved in finding the truth is as bad as those officers tending their own boo-boos before Kelly Thomas.
I personally think your right about McKinley having watched the video and telegraphed what he saw to his old buddies that they were screwed if they didn’t get the Thomas family to accept the out-of-court settlement so that the video would never see the light of day.
All the Police Officers involved you should prosecute along with their Officers and Chief of Police not to mention City Council. All took an Oath of Office. Please read in full.
Corpus Juris Secundum (CJS), Volume 7, Section 4, Attorney & client:
“The attorney’s first duty is to the courts and the public, not to the client and wherever the duties to his client conflict with those he owes as an officer of the court in the administration of justice, the former must yield to the latter.”
The Jurisdiction of the court should be district of the United States, not the United States District Court This is the Articial 3 court that everyone looks for. This is where we bring a claim against Public Officers. Do not let your B.A.R. (British Acquisition Registry) Attorney lie to you. Please Do not let these Murderers get away with this crime.
They committed and Violated U.S.C.
Title 18 U.S.C.1621 (Perjury){Because of their Oath of Office}
Title 18 U.S.C. 1346 (Scheme or artifice to defraud)
Title 10 U.S.C. 333 (interfering with federal and state statutes)
Title 18 U.S.C. part 1 Chapter 13 (Civil Rights Violation) 241,242,245 (federal protected activities)
Title 42 1983 U.S.C. (deprivation of rights)
Title 42 1985 (conspiracy to interfere with civil rights)
Title 18 1001 U.S.C. (False documentation)
Title 18 1346 U.S.C. (Honest Service clause)
Title 18 1505 U.S.C. (Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees)
Title 18 U.S.C. Chapter 96 1964 (civil remedies)
Title 42 U.S.C. 1981 (Equal rights under the law)
That is just off the lip there are a overload of Violations they committed along with murder that they need to be charged with.
Do not let the Judge answer or define or help the opposing side or witnesses. OBJECT under
Title 28 U.S.C. 454 (practicing law from the bench)
December 9th 1945 International Organization Immunities Act relinquished every public office of the United States to the United Nations.
Rember the Police Officer is foreign agent under Title 8 U.S.C. 1481 and must be treated as such.
Title 22 U.S.C. chapter 11 identify’s all public officials as foreign agents
These Police Officers must stay in the confines of the Constitution and Bill of rights.
Even under TITLE 50 U.S.C. Chapter 3 section 23 under Trading with the Enemy Act falls under Title 10 U.S.C. 333 and must uphold our Constitution.
Remember We are under State of Emergency declared by our President every two years; and the courts flag is under Army Regulations 840-10 under 8.1-8.2 and is a Presidential Administrative court. These Police officers fall under Martial law (State of Emergency) and are subject to the Lieber Code and have Violated such.
Let me know if you need more info. Let me know if any of you need free help.
WE are intitled to Title 42 U.S.C. 1981 (Equal rights under the law)
Semper Fi
In God I Trust
email me if you have any questions, concerns.
obviously, fullerton police officers broke the law, the bigger question is why they thought they would be protected from legal repercussions? Who(plural) in our municipal government has protected them in the past?
They should also be charged under California Penal Code(s)
115-118,118(a)-118(1)-147-148.3(a)-182(a)(1)-187-188-189-190.05(H)(2)(6)(10)-190.02(14)(18)-207-209-210-241.3-136-245-245.5 (a)
Oh and Admin, I don’t care about this guy anymore.
Isn’t it atleast a couple years too late to come out now? I really don’t care what he or she has to say now. Most if not all need to go for keeping quiet for this long.
Assuming of course, that it even exists at all.
true that…
Ramos elbow is self-inflicted? How does an injury like this happen when the recipient of the “fight” is laying flat on the ground?
He slipped on the jelly that dripped from his donut.
It was gravity. Bending over like that with such big rolls around the middle, forced his center of gravity to move to his fat head, and he tipped over and fell on his elbow.
That kind of boo boo can really hurt, especially when you are a big wuss.
Problem number two: a couple of bloated cops with girly arms couldn’t subdue a 140lbs man.
Problem number one: two fat cops with girly arms provoke an incident that never needed to happen.
Now why did problem number one occur? And why isn’t Wolfe behind bars.
D I S G U S T I NG ! ! ! Cops can be so frigin shady… Who can we really count on to “serve and protect” us??? BS!
What I do not understand is how come those witnesses to this beating stood there? Why did they not come to the aid of Kelly Thomas? They should have defended Thomas. Could have easily overtaken one officer as the other is dealing with Thomas. Witnesses would have had all the tools necessary to put a stop to this…
Yeah, right. Nothing like having your own face smashed in and, if you’re luck enough to survive, get arrested for assaulting a cop.
Self defense. You have a right to defend yourself and others from an unlawful arrest or crimes being committed by officers. Swing a baton at someone with their hands up is excessive force.. PC 149.
Remember, according to the DA, this went from a lawful detention to a beating. Thomas had the right to defend himself.
Correct. Even the cop-licking DA confirmed this statement!
Hey Mike step off your high horse and get your head out of your butt! I’m sick of morons like you taunting and blaming the victim. Talk is cheap, life is not.
The ONLY reason why this is being prosecuted is because of the video that was taken by the city. If all you had was witness statements and grainy cellphone video this would have never been looked at.
Bear in mind these thugs remained on duty for almost a month until there was a HUGE public outcry.
The only media that covered it was the Daily Mail in the UK, the local television outlets refused to cover it even after it got the attention of millions of people on KFI.
The point is if all you had was the word of witnesses NONE of those officers would even be placed on leave. The people there werent going to put their lives at risk trying to stop it.
“Assaulting a police officer” is a very serious offense that could put someone behind bars for years.
Lets use this scenario (I’m just going by DA Rackauckas statement “Citizens have a right to self-defense–even against the police–if [the cops] are not using reasonable force in the performance of a lawful duty.”), if a citizen seeing what happened to Kelly grabbed a rifle, took cover, asked the officers to stop and they didn’t (I’m being very careful in how I describe this).
If the citizen managed to disarm most of the officers and came out unscathed and even if hundreds of witnesses saw what happened, the citizen would be facing multiple life sentences (despite no shots ever being fired) and would probably get a minimum of 5 years in prison on some BS charge like not properly filing taxes.
The system (this includes the judicial, legal and media) is set up to protect the cops no matter what. The public is brainwashed mostly through the media to defend cops and hold them in a higher regard no matter what.
People aren’t stupid.
They’re not going to throw away their lives to defend a poor man who was being slowly and painfully executed by a group of men who are virtually immune from prosecution.
Hell, you saw what happened to Kelly when he tried to passively defend himself then tried to flee.
Easy to say if you weren’t there, these people were scared poop less and probably in shock to intervene-which itself is crime in my mind.
These folk were another sort of victim to me.
What a weenie , showing his little boo boo …
I cant imagine how much money we were charged for that little scratch to get worked on ….Take out of his own paycheck …
Is the prelim trail televised or audio streamed anywhere?
The police protect us from crime. Who will protect us from the police?
makes me sick to my stomach, to have known this scumbag. hope he gets what he deserves a night date night with bubba. he will need more than a bandaid for his injuries
Where are the calls for investigation of the FIRE DEPARTMENT PARAMEDICS? Was leaving a dying man on the ground while putting band aids on Ramos boo boo part of their training? Was it authorized and by whom? Who made that command decision? Why has not Fullerton Future looked into the costly Paramedic and Fire services paid by Fullerton taxpayers? How about the city council? Anyone on there other than Bruce Whitaker alive?
According to the medics, they didn’t know about Kelly at first. Plus its standard procedure for medics to stay outside of the incident until directed in by police.
From everything I read, they performed their duties. The problem was the police department.
The moment they saw kelly down in a own pool of his own blood they rendered aid to him.
that is exactly as I perceive the situation from reading the testimony reported by LA Times. It wasn’t the FD that was the problem, I was the police department. What a surprise.
Even Bruce Whitaker isn’t saying shit. They all disgust me today….even Bruce. I haven’t an ounce of respect for anyone city on that council at this moment.
I wish someone in the City would pull up their skirts and show us some balls. At least Ramos will show us his Boo-Boo. WTH are the decent people? It is breaking my heart and making me angry as hell.
Here is a survey on the video / article that was just released:
Please vote your opinion and share it!
I posted a warning on in response to this link on the other blog. Question number 5 is BS.
Seriously dude, who are you and who do you work for? This is exactly what they would love to have happen. And who do you think they’ll come after if it does? The owners of this website for starters and everyone who post comments here.
Thank you Lemon Filling #167, Andrew Hernandez #152, buttonh00k #150, BeenAskinAround numerous… You’ve all provided, as have others, so many valuable insights that we citizens of Fullerton can act upon. If nothing else those comments are provocative and stimulative. Contributing to this blog is good and honest work, minus the trolls. Actions to further charging those cops, DA, etc… involved is something the citizens of Fullerton (and frankly, perhaps those on the outside) can act upon, and I’m grateful. Our votes and activism matter. We can make a difference, even to communities we otherwise couldn’t have hoped to touch.
Andrew Hernandez
I can only hope that the FBI’s list of planned charges is at least as long as yours. Let us not forget that stones left unturned by our local prosecutor are open territory for the Feds. Lastly, the 6 thugs do not make up the entire list of possible suspects. If the conspiracy theory turns out to be true, and I have ample information that it will, then there are a few civilians facing federal charges. Please don’t ask what my “ample information” is, or the source of it. I can tell you this. It came from sources very close the situation on July 5, 2011, in the form of eyewitness account.
Poor baby got a boo boo!
Protect & Serve. IF YOUR A BULly cop, please quit your job. If you protect the bully, your an insult to the force.
…and a disgrace to the badge.
I can’t believe 10 minutes into the beating they are still asking each other ” what do you want me to do” ” he is still combative”?? Then they ask him his name and state ” is he still breathing”, while 3 cops are kneeing him. They then roll Kelly on his side and you can clearly see a pool of blood coming from his head. The defense attorney can make all the excuses in the world to why Kelly died. But as a law enforcement officer, you don’t challenge any person or threaten that you are going to fuck him or her up. And you don’t say that you smashed someones face in with the butt of your taser. When this story first came out, I remember the paper stated that Kelly suffered from Bowel shock. You have to hit someone pretty hard to cause Bowel shock. I could just imagine what kind of bruising he substained on his body. I have seen a picture of his facial injuries, and as a mother I wanted to cry when he was yelling for his “daddy” to help him. These officers should be charged with 1st degree, premeditated. Once Ramos threatened Kelly, he had it in his mind that he was going to hurt him. I’m elated that the DA took this on, usually they don’t because cops and the DA work hand in hand. I’m also glad that the video was released, I live in Southern California, there is more media coverage on “Dancing with the Stars” or “American Idol”, then actual news. It is a horrific story, but we need to remember that Kelly is not the only homeless person out there on the streets today. Every city has them, and a great majority of them have mental disorders. And when it comes down to it, they are someones, son, daughter, sister, brother, father, mother, niece or nephew. And local police depts need to become familiar with their faces. And build a relationship with them, with mutual respect. Just as they should with local businesses or residents.
You like many of us here truly have a conscience and as a father I too am sickened to hear the eerie surreal pleas for mercy that went unanswered by these vicious animals. They will meet their maker on judgement day and for the rest of their earthly lives they will fear that day approaching as well. Justice for Kelly Thomas.
One of my nephews is schizophrenic, he stays with my Mom, but has lived on the streets. He still goes out for days at a time. He is a hand full and I worry about my mother and step-father. He has turned violent, he has nearly set the house on fire a couple times, and is getting worse.
Mental help for those inflicted is largely non-existence. That wasn’t always the case. The state had facilities and yes they were funded by taxpayer money, but it did keep them off the streets thus keeping them safe and the public as well.
I will pray that you, Manny Ramos and Jay Cicinelli, have your badges ripped from your shirt as you are shown the door.
I don’t have a video and no media will report my story but I hope you will take the time to read it with a search for “New police weapon against homeless” and also “Historic coverup of FBI and police crimes currently taking place” Bill Anderson
A hispanic colleague told me that if Ramos did this to a Mexican national he would have his head removed and delivered to his family. Sadly, Thomas was a poor white man and probably racially profiled by Ramos. Actually Ramos looks like a thug, badge or no badge and I would not want him in my city. The savage officers involved deserve the death penalty and we the taxpayer have the right to remove all we deem unfit from top to bottom. Without our dollars you all would probably end up homeless!
Have been through a very similar situation. I don’t care how much evidence against the police you have, you will not win. We also had the fbi involved and they were useless. The blue union is very strong. The most you can be satisfied with is a payoff, which we did not accept, and a couple of days in court, which we did and still lost. All that came about was “RETRAINING”. Hooting and hollering about being a taxpayer means nothing. It is just the way it is. When I saw the former f.b.i fellow on the counsel and stating that he probably hired them, forget it-they are tight. The only hope is that by taking them to court, even if you lose, there is a mark on their record and it may save the next poor soul in their sights.
Those bastards shod be put in jail for a really long time,wod be nice see them handle the guys in prison that isnt helpless and when they dont have 5 others to back them up,Its a disgrace that the other police in the force protect them,if anyone of my officers in the force had done that i wod have reported them in a minute.How can you go on and work together with bastards that treat ppl like that.Shame on the whole force in that city:(
June 27th 2012 – Whatever Kelly Thomas said – in the new audio that has just come to light, does not justify these police mutilating and killing him. Even if a homeless guy is not nice – police just put the handcuffs on – end of story…otherwise the police become the executioner – in retaliation for hearing what they don’t like!!!!
Bottom Line – The police should not have mutilated and killed Kelly Thomas. They should be trained to handcuff even in the face of dialogue they don’t like!!!!! Otherwise they are just a murderous thug gang – who have the power of the law behind them.
On the new audio .I would not been as calm as Kelly .I would of been furious for been harassed as he was.Kelly was just minding his own business .I’m glad its out .It shows how evil Ramos and the others are …
Here is the audio…
What exactly does Barnett hear that will change the whole scope of the trial?? I hear nothing but bullshit.
He hears what we all do. Stalling is one tactic in the lawyer skill set (terminology used very loosely) not seen in real occupations.
I figured as much. This new audio only goes to prove they knew who they had. They said Kelly’s name more than once without him ever stating it.
No Maria, YOU speak nothing but bullshit. Barnett is an attorney who has been in practice for 30 years plus. How many cases have you tried? The audio whether you choose to believe it or not IS more relevant to the case than your drossy pea brain can grasp.