Acting Chief Still Acting Like Predecessors

When FPD Acting Chief Dan Hughes was handed the keys to the front door, wishful thinkers proclaimed the dawn of a new day for a department reeling from humiliating self-inflicted wounds.
His supporters claimed that Dan, for some mysterious reason, was going to bring decency and reform to a department whose members had, within the short space of seven months been exposed as thugs, perjurers, thieves, con men, sex perverts, destroyers of evidence, thieves (again and again), etc., etc. Despite a 30-year FPD career and various job titles that closely tied him to this band of miscreants, Dan is Different, his defenders said. Somehow. A veritable Galahad, in fact.
Even when Dan denied a Culture of Corruption in the FPD and said such an idea was disseminated by liars or ignoramuses, his supporters clung to the idea that Dan is Different.
But Dan’s latest decision may provide cause for pause. According to the folks at FullertonStories Hughes has replaced the otiose Andrew Goodrich with yet another union member, Sergeant Jeff Stuart, to be an official department spokeshole and Face of Fullerton. Really? Has Hughes learned nothing from the misinformation peddler, Goodrich. Maybe not. Or maybe he likes the idea of the FPOA getting the first, and often the last shot at misleading the public.

Haven’t we had enough of public information officers whose loyalty to their own tribe is far greater than that to their employers? To me this just looks like more of the same ‘ol same ‘ol: another opportunity to do the right thing has been passed over by Acting Chief Hughes, who is acting more and more like Chief Sellers all the time.
That guy looks like Andrew’s brother, Arnold.
I love how Hughes denies it has anything to do with Goodrich’s campaign of disinformation. For once I believe Hughes!
Chief Galahad. Love it.
“who is acting more and more like Chief Sellers all the time”. Wow, someone else realizes that our new Acting Chief is just another in a long line of police bureaucrats who have no real leadership skills. True leaders lead by example, not a 20 to 30 year career of hush, silence and looking the other way at problem employees!
“Stuart was tapped to be the new voice of the department by acting Police Chief Dan Hughes on March 31 when former PIO Andrew Goodrich was promoted to lieutenant.” Are you freaking serious?? PROMOTED?!
#2 Fred: it has everything to do with Goodrich’s campaign of disinformation. Goodrich was promoted. What does that tell you? They think he did a poor job? They are extremely happy with his campaign of misinformation. Goodrich has been rewarded for the Goodlie.
Yes. That’s what I said. Goodrich moves up for being a Good German. That’s what Hughes values.
“They are extremely happy with his campaign of misinformation. Goodrich has been rewarded for the Goodlie.”
You better believe it!
Uh, maybe a dumb question…but aren’t ALL FPD seargents union members? Wouldn’t it be sort of hard to find a non-union public information person???
Make it a civilian position, a person who isn’t a sworn officer.
I’d love to see Goodrich’s annual review his promotion was based on… “Hmm… as public information officer you spread inaccurate information to the public and never retracted it. Seems about right to me, you deserve a reward!”
Yes that’s a dumb question. Who says the PIO has to be a sergeant?
How about a civilian? That would be refreshing.
There is currently a captain taking on the role – this Stuart guy is supposed to ease into the job, I suppose.
Of course the real problem is the Culture. Even though Goodrich is a Lt., I doubt he would be any less of toady for the brethren.
ALL city employees are union, even the non-sworn are unionized.
Yea 95% of the PD are FPOA members. If the PD cared what FFFF thought they wouldn’t even have a PIO and they could just let Dan be the PiO in major incidents. I mean look around? Do other PDs the size of Fullerton have PIOs!? No. It’s an unnecessary title especially with the issues at FPD over the lay year. Or just have an informal PIO that you use here and there. It’s clear FPD doesn’t care or doesn’t think the issues FFFF bring up are a bigger deal than the 10 people that make it a big deal. Recall almost here. Gonna be fun to see if it succeeds!
Yes, that was the primary problem following the Kelly Thomas beating. The chief hid instead of addressing the city’s residents.
The Chief didn’t hide – the PD folks were told the media & news would be handled out of the City Manager’s office. So y’all keep taking shots at Goodrich & Sellers for doing what they were ordered to do, not talk except that two sentence blurb he wrote for them, unless the Manager approved it. So maybe ya’ll should ask him why you couldn’t get information,
“The Chief didn’t hide – the PD folks were told the media & news would be handled out of the City Manager’s office”
Are you saying that Felz was supposed to be the FPD spokesperson after Kelly Thomas was murdered? Uh, please explain.
No comprendo.
Felz controlled everything – why hasn’t Tony dived into this investigation ?
The old RI posts. Love reading those!
The only ones that aren’t members of the FPOA are the upper “brass” — which no one on this blog would trust and non-sworns such as clerks, cadets, CSOs and dispatchers. Unless you want to farm this out to city hall who is supposed to take this post?
We need another Deveney!
Oh yea. They have like a Sgt, Lt, Capt PIO team. That’s just dumb.
Civilian PIO is hard because they can’t answer questions at all because they don’t have a clue how the incident went down in reality. Just a civilian perspective. Lol yes goodie has a clue. He was just fed info from the police reports about the injuries and struggle. Yes cops were injured and yes it was a struggle. I know you dont like that but that will also be the testimony and facts in the trial.
Maybe they wouldn’t need so much public (dis)information personnel if their cops would quit robbing, beating up, and killing people.
Yeah those questions are just so darn hard to answer.
Goodrich didn’t bother with the truth; Hell, anybody could just make something up! So which is it? Goodrich had a clue, and lied? Or he didn’t have a clue and was too lazy or stupid to pass along honest information?
We all observe that Goodrich never bothered to correct any of his “mistatements.”
Yep there was a struggle. Kelly fought for oxygen through his bashed-in face as his lungs filled up with blood and four fat FPD pigs sat on his chest.
That will also be the testimony and facts in the trial.
Being out of breath and sweating because you are a fat POS… is not an injury.
get real; workers’ comp for minor/non-injuries is a second income for some LEOs
“I ran into a tree chasing a perp because sweat was dripping into my eyes and I became dizzy”
Also, the fact that the bloated, out-of-shape Wolfe hurt his jack-off arm beating up Kelly, and Hampton got tazed by the one-eyed goon Cicinelli will also be the testimony and facts in the trial.
Joe, you don’t know how correct you are both in 14 and 15. Thank you for your thoughts.
Wow… Hampton has yet to answer for Mam… Maybe he will sghare a cell with Jay.
I would say characterizing past support of Dan on this blog as comparisons to Galahad is just a touch over the top. The Goodrich decision was a very bad decision in my opinion. High test scores by Goodrich are not enough to compensate for several years of a bad performance in his position of spokesman, regardless of whether lied about anything. Dan is different than any other high ranking public employee I’ve ever met. His willingness to discuss details and even make revelations to somebody like me is who pretty closely associated with those who run this blog, absolutely indicates a tendency toward transparency. Dan’s comment about there not being a culture of corruption represents a difference in the threshold for calling something corruption between most of the bloggers and Dan. Based upon my conversations with Dan discussing history that we agree upon leaves me calling it corruption and him calling it something akin to poor management. I don’t want to speak for him.
The bottom line is that my view of whether Dan can now bring the degree of change needed to this department has been shaken. My belief that Dan would make an excellent chief somewhere (possibly here) has not been shaken. It is my suspicion that a new majority on this council will probably take the opportunity to get to know Dan, demand absolute transparency of the department’s current and past performance and then test the waters to see if they feel that true reform can be achieved with Dan as Chief. However, promoting Goodrich, one of the very symbols of arrogance and pridefulness demonstrated by this department, makes pulling that off much more difficult.
Chris, your admiration for a man who has been in a position of authority in the FPD as it sank into a cesspool is remarkable.
You seem willing to separate Hughes from the behavior of Ramos, Wolfe, Cicinelli, Hampton, Mejia, Power, Mater, Siliceo, Tong, Thayer, et al. Yet he was their boss. Is there no accountability? That’s what this site professes. can Hughes claim ignorance of what was going on? If so he’s not fit to run a bingo game, let alone a police department.
Let’s ask those women who were sexually assaulted by Albert Rincon whether they were the victim of corruption or mismanagement. Let’s ask Kelly Thomas. Oh, yeah. Right.
Hey Thompson, have you ever thought of investing in swap land?
That’s a lot of words, Thompson. Be more frugal with them or you might run out of things to say when Chief Hughes promotes Wolfe, Hampton, Ramos or Cicinelli.
This coming from a guy that contributes money to aid and help the enemy A.K.A Anti-Recall President Larry Bennett?
Ridiculous. He didn’t give money to Larry, he gave money toward a charity that Larry is involved with.
How about being grateful that Chris is a generous person?
Doesn’t seem odd to you that Chris Thompson chooses to donate to a charity on Larry Bennett’s behalf?
Yeah. I’m a double agent. Idiot. The man is raising money for an organization that helps children who have had a parent die by providing an opportunity to go to a camp to help them with their grief. Sounded like a pretty worthy cause. I decided to set my political differences aside to support a non-political, worthy cause. I wish it could have been more.
No one said you were a double agent. Just an idiot for donating money in Larry Bennett’s name. I still think he’s the scum of the earth and you know your own self what my particular reasons are for feeling that way.
True but the other thing is the PIO job is about 1% of the job duties of these people, if that. So let’s say they failed in 1% of their job duties but shined and exceeds standards in 99% of their job duties, then that’s still pretty good right? If that was your employee that would be good for a human right? You have to realize also that inside FPD they feel Goodie did good. He read the info from the police reports and told the public what he read. Directly from the sources. Yes Joe, that will all come out at trial also.
Of course “they” feel Goodrich did good.
Given the low level of expectation in the FPD, I also have no doubt they believe Goodrich “shined and exceeds” whatever standards they have. The bar is set so low even Goodrich can waddle over it.
“The bar is set so low even Goodrich can waddle over it.”
Good one
So Googlie orders the donuts and coffee and restocks the toilet gaskets…. I guess thats worth over $100,000 a year salary plus benies.
Corrupt: re: “Stocking donuts worth over $100,000 a year salary + benefits”.
Goodlie err Goodrich was being paid $125,000 per year + benefits as a SGT. He is now a LT at a substantially higher salary that goes up yearly for a few years. All that is thanks to city manager Felz who thinks paying more for Fullerton PD gets you better quality police!
I have had several conversations and dealings with both Sgt. Andrew Goodrich and Sgt. Jeff Stuart.
The difference between these two men is night and day.
One of them has a good soul and it ain’t Goodrich’s.
That’s nice, but the point is that his union dues go to fight transparency, promote incompetent politicians, and protect bad cops.
That’s not the guy I want putting on the right “spin” for the media.
LOL you are supposed to say even a Harpoon could exceed those standards. Really though outside of the 10 incidents/crimes over the last 5 years, FPD does a good job. Head high, focused on the job in real tough times over the last year especially. Smooch.
Well, that’s a hard proposition to assess. My guess is that we only know a fraction of the bad behavior by these goons; that much of what has happened has been successfully covered up by compliant colleagues, lazy Deputy DAs and stupid juries; but mostly I surmise that intimidation and complete lack of internal controls has buried a ton of shit.
We’ll never know. But I don’t feel inclined to give these goons the benefit of the doubt anymore.
Hitler put his people back to work, he instilled national pride and became a world power to be reconed with. England and the rest of the world were paying respects to Germany…. it was just those last few years that messed him up though… get it scum?
From Reality Is: “Really though outside of the 10 incidents/crimes over the last 5 years, FPD does a good job.”
Compared to who? L.A. County Sheriff/Norwatts Division?
10 is very very, disingenuous and wishful!
Only 10 cases have surfaced in the PAST YEAR. Not the past 5 years. The other problems were successfully swept under the rug by Chief “Sickly” Sellers and the previous chief who now sits (hopefully not for long) on your city council helping to cover up personnel problems of people he hired! It is disingenuous to say only 10 problems in the past 5 years when its really the past year.
And at the rate of 10 per year, I could easily extrapolate that to 50 over 5 years which is 39% of the entire force! See how numbers are easily manipulated?
Hughes is just more of the same swine Sorry Chris, it will take more than just a warm smile and seemingly sincere talk to lead FPD out of the all-encompassing mess that he and his people have made. Promoting that turd is his way of thumbing his nose at all of us. I will NEVER trust him. He will always be, in my eyes one of the gang of merciless thugs that murdered Kelly and trampled on the rights of so many others. When I see his face and hear his bullshit I will always remember that fact.
Just another dirty pig in a corrupt police department that has no business having the authority to arrest anybody. They simply lack the credibility or ethics to do the job. Having these thugs have guns & badges is a HUGE liability to the city, as we have all now seen.
Overhaul the corrupt, incompetent & unethical FPD!
I’m trying to figure out the difference between the FPD and a street gang.
Nope. Can’t do it.
Sreet gangs are not being paid by the people they terrorize… FPD is.
“Street gangs are not being paid by the people they terrorize… FPD is.”
Right Answer! Nice one.
I dunno. Both extort ever increasing tribute through the old shake down.
Out of curiosity, was there an option not to promote Goodrich? We have reasons why he should not have been. However, if he never received disciplinary action for his wrong doings and if he passed some promotion exam as someone alluded above; perhaps the FPD was (union or otherwise) contractually bound to promote him.
You are wrong as always folks!
Everybody here is attacking everything here like a stupid shark biting into everything what moves in these waters colored with the blood.
As long as you are willing to give up your sovereignty for a relative security provided by the “F”PD — you will get what you have prayed for!
This is it folks!
You can never have “F”PD, I do not care in which country, state or city, which would be any better than “F”PD.
If you want to fix the problem in the Fullerton you must first, dismantle the liberal-left-progresive intelligentsia (Gröfaz class type); second, dismantle the police union to eliminate absolute power; third, change city ordinance to remove “F”PD absolute immunity and fourth make the “F”PD look like the security guard in the South Coast Plaza.
Furthermore, you must adopt city ordinance to allow Fullerton citizens to use reasonable force in compliance with the second amendment against “F”PD, if necessary, to protect their lives.
Only then, the Fullerton citizen will live in the city of sovereign The Few, The Proud, The Brave.
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
I’m serious. The FPD looks like it is rotten to the core.
The bad officers of the department have figuratively opened fire with their bad behavior and wounded every other employee of the department.
If such an event happened in real life, I guarantee you that the FPD brass (and spokespersons) would show some form of visible emotion for allowing this to happen under their watch.
Yet, I’ve seen nothing that indicates anger, sadness, embarrassment, or contrition on a personal level from Sellers, Hamilton, Goodrich, or Hughes. How can this be? How can they be so indifferent to the way their own people have destroyed the reputation of the department and turned their own lives into a living hell?
I don’t dislike Dan Hughes, but I have to wonder how he emotionally disconnects himself from the misconduct of his officers.
I agree and you can say the same thing about the the some of the city council people that have served the city for too long. Over time, they have formed a solidarity that askew their humanity and/or reality. I don’t know how else to understand it.
They probably think that these unfornate events will pass without a scratch to them. That they have been doing a great job from past record. They have no checks and balances in their way of government so they never really have to look at reality and/or the humanity. They just have to say nothing or spin it to where it looks like it is not what it really is or deny(not corrupt) it to defend it. And whatever it really is, it must be very important to defend that it is worth people’s life, assault on women, stealing, senseless beatings, etc.
So Hamilton, Goodrich, or Hughes can really never be a solution as Bankhead,Jones, McKinley can never be. I don’t think they know any other way.
They are trying not to infer guilt, by their actions. (rough quote of ACU-Anti Corruption Unit, FFFF Commenter)
I’m just plain tired of the Police in this city. Please, will someone just let them all go and RENT cops?
I wonder if anyone who is or is considering being a PIO ever reads this blog and/or thinks about posting on it.
THE PSYCHOPATH – The Mask of Sanity
Special Research Project of the Quantum Future School
“Imagine – if you can – not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles with shame, not a single one in your whole life, no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken.
Now add to this strange fantasy the ability to conceal from other people that your psychological makeup is radically different from theirs. Since everyone simply assumes that conscience is universal among human beings, hiding the fact that you are conscience-free is nearly effortless.”
A former friend (from 40 years ago!) fits that description perfectly; he shows up in my life periodically – happy I never bought into his sense of entitlement!
“A Tazer is not always enough” -Sellars, KNBC4 Newscast about July 28 2011. 1minute 15 seconds into video
News ladies never look pissed off like at the end of this video.
I’m sure Acting Chief Dan Hughes is a man of very high character.
Eh…aren’t they all union members??
Yes, unfortunately. However, not all are members of the FPOA, which is clearly the point of the post.
My problem with you, Chris, is that you are still using the worn out cliche “transparency”. I will believe that a public official is transparent when I can see straight through is head to see what is behind him.
When I was in junior high school (Wilshire) my older brother taught me how to recognize, test, and challenge a cliche. Why do we need transparency anyway? What is wong with the good old honesty that my brotheres taught me?
“You see, Africa makes a fool of our idea of justice. It makes a farce of our idea of equality. It mocks our pieties. It doubts our concern. It questions our commitment. Because there is no way we can look at what’s happening in Africa, and if we’re honest, conclude that it would ever be allowed to happen anywhere else.”
“Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.”
-Sholom Aleichem
Chris has to be the one that acts as a Liason or Diplomat.
Dont let them turn you.
It’s amazing to me how our resident FFFF naysayer, ‘Reality Is’ still tries to convince us all that there is “NO Trouble in River City”.
“Everything is ok and normal.” “Happens all the time :)”, etc. etc. etc.
Will he continue to spew his spew if Ramos, Cicinelli and others are convicted in the Kelly Thomas criminal trial? More than likely.
“Really though outside of the 10 incidents/crimes over the last 5 years, FPD does a good job.”
That could very well come from the mouth of newly appointed POI, Sergeant Jeff Stewart aka, Reality Is. After all, he was so happy (on this blog) stating that Goodrich WIll be promoted to Lieutenant. Just a thought.
Perhaps we could get ALL the ‘truths’ about FPD by having Chris Thompson interview ‘Acting Chief Dan Hughes’. LOL
Sergeant Jeff Stuart, not Stewart (sorry)
And many think it’s simply a Pomona cop who is doing it. LOL!!!!
Many people here with a good heart for the right reasons, but still short on ability to see through some smoke still filtering up.
R.I. is 100 times the thorn to the FPD than FFFF (especially if you remember all of his Comments). Thank You, one is suppose to compliment trolls. Thank You, for being the wonderful piece of dogshit stuck under everybodies shoes. 🙂
We shouldnt be to hard on all FPD, Im sure there is some that are Human. Imagine the Injustice of having to hide from people, bomb threats, travel advisories, Federal Government, Media, on the ground and above.
Then they also have the Brass’ rediculousness, Lackeys,misguided supporters, like RI, Disinformation and Foolishness befitting North Korea or Iran. 🙁
Sexy hot.
Thank you. Love you.
“Unharnessed use of Power, may turn yours into the very Unfortunate” -Lifesaving Service
Even if the DAs office is Full of your friends.
Well in a nutshell as of right now, Mr.Thompson is not a cop, never has been, so his knowledge of where to look for the snakes, ask the tuff questions is not available because there is no experience in that specific arena.
That does NOT make Chris a bad person. Some questions can be asked, but the more detailed ones cannot. ONE MUST know the system as good as the one being asked the questions.
However, after a few or several discussions with guys like Chief Hughes you get a warm and fuzzy felling he is a good person and will bring about change, STILL does not answer the tuff questions that many ask.
I would applaud any police manager who said there is corruption within my department, and I WILL rid they system of said corruption.
Most of the time the words “mismanagment” are used in lieu of corruption. POLITICALLY correct term.
A cover up is NOT “mismangement”. It is corruption especially when criminal acts have taken place.
Much like the word “disgruntled” used by police management to describe a “finger pointer”. Real term is the finger pointer is a rat who didn’t get a piece of the pie and is now whining is what most mean.
I am not sure, but I bet Chief Hughes has NOT signed an employment contract with the city as to his current position or forthcoming position.
Unless that employment contract is WELL WRITTEN and has many safeguards in place, the CHIEF is pretty much an “at will” employee unlike an ELECTED Sheriff who can only be ousted from office by a recall or ordinance.
As many of us have seen over the years a Chief of Police can simply be told by the City Manager, YOUR services are no longer needed, THANK YOU, there is the door.
In many cases the current Chief is allowed to retire and another is hired from within or the outside. Some Chiefs are flat out fired depending on who they upset and why.
My point is, Chief Hughes is NOT or MAY NOT be in total control of his department from OUTSIDE influence.
That influence might be from right across the street? hmmm, maybe the 3 Amigos??
SO, at this time Chief Hughes MIGHT have to pick his words carefully and avoid any super negative comments about anyone ELSE who might be responsible for ALL the issues that face FPD.
Bottomline in the REAL WORLD of police work, Chief Hughes is just as responsible for what happened in the last few years as Sellers and McKinley were.
The question of all that will remain a mystery UNTIL Chief Hughes is put on the stand by the attorney representing Ron Thomas and others.
Chief Hughes can answer the tuff questions by saying I was under “orders” to do this and that and PRAY that the jury listening to all that, and will accept such an answer as OK.
But no cop is covered for following UNLAWFUL orders to cover up anything that resulted in a MAN DEATH, however slight.
Some issues you might be able to explain away.
That example is Lt. Goodwrench putting forth the press release in Kelly’s death. If you all think Andy did that on his own? OKAY!!!
Unethical, YES, but NOT criminal. Would a jury expect Andy to not follow those orders and lose his job for not being a team player? MAYBE!!!! Most might understand that. I would as long as it doesn’t become a habit or second nature.
But the other issues such as Rincon and Kelly’s case?
I don’t think Hughes will be given a pass. BUT Hughes could come clean and spill his guts when under OATH before God!!!
Any cop in the system who has paid attention knows one can be set up fairly easily for a perjury or Brady issue. Civil Rights attorney’s generally know where to look for the answers and what questions to ask.
THEN and ONLY then might Hughes come clean on much of this.
If anyone thinks Hughes is not responsible in the big picture, YOU are smokin dope.
How do I answer that question. 28 Years of service with FPD and holds the rank of Captain.
That’s the ONLY answer I need for NOW!!!
Carry on!!!!!!!!!!!
I’d like to add this for Mr.Thompson.
If you believe so deeply in Dan Hughes, good for you.
Contact Ron Thomas”s attorney at your earliest convience, tell him you would like to be deposed and be a character reference for Chief Hughes.
Ya never know that might be a good thing.
WOW, Thank You as always.
I printed that one!
Another car accident on Euclid and Malvern today. When will they admit the “new, improved” left turn signals are deadly?
Like I said earlier, this intersection of Euclid and Malvern, along with Euclid and Valencia Mesa, as well as Orangethorpe and Lemon ( the intersection where Nick Adenhart was T-Boned at 65MPH) have buildings, landscaping walls, and obstructions which were illegally built within 15 feet of the curb.
These various obstructions are blocking the drivers views of oncoming traffic approaching at 45 MPH-65MPH until the driver’s are face-to-face ready to collide in the middle of the intersection.
If one of these accidents had involved my family member, you can bet that I’m going to sue the homeowner, as well as the city of Fullerton for allowing buildings and obstructions to be built within 15 feet of the curb of the intersection and not doing anything about it since I’ve brought these dangerous intersections to their attention in the past and they’ve chosen to ignore me.
The good people of Fullerton want what is right and are optimistic and want to believe that things are changing. Let us see what the trial and the election brings. Time will tell what lies in store for the Hotel California and the Ministry of Truth building over on Commonwealth Ave. The torch is passing and will be carried with care and honor this time. Fullerton can turn the corner in second gear as we have very brave and honorable people running for office and more great people waiting in the wings. It is just a matter of time for those who think they are the right side of a wrong.
It is a tried and true recipe that has been and continues to be used time after time. Lie and deny,gloat and promote, and so on. Keep the world watching.
He has not been interviewed by someone who has staff and support from a Newsroom or Documentary crew.
Im sorry but Lou Ponsi is the exact opposite of honest reporting, its biased, its very biased financially too.
They could also let things go and an interview or investigation will be worthless, when the S***** hits the fan again!
Double agent….ha! I guess my thoughts on this, are how many people from the Bennett Camp donated. I can see how Chris would donate, so freakin what? How many of the Bennett team showed up for a single thing for Kelly Thomas, my guess would be, ZERO. So, my thoughts on this, Chris Thompson on this issue is 100% right on the money,how many from the Bennett camp can I say the same thing about?