A New Generation of Leadership for Fullerton

With the deadline for filing papers to run in the Recall election approaching – it’s at the end of the week – it seems like an opportune moment to invite our Friends to suggest names of people they would like to see run for the seats held by the Tyrannic Triad, Jones, Bankhead and McKinley.

During the past eight months we’ve seen lots of people step up and take leadership roles, challenging the Old Regime for its incompetence, corruption and detachment from the very people they were elected to serve.

The issues have centered around the serial criminal behavior by members of the Fullerton police department that culminated in the beating death of Kelly Thomas; the illegal grifting of a 10% water tax; and the land development giveaways handed out to campaign contributors.

There is no doubt in my mind that there are dozens of folks in these protests that would do an immeasurably better job governing our City than the The Three Fissured Fossils up there on the dais now.

So share your ideas. Maybe we can talk some of these good people into running.

103 Replies to “A New Generation of Leadership for Fullerton”

  1. The problem with politicians is that if they aren’t political whores when they take the job -most of them turn into whores after being on the job for a few years. I can’t think of one that I trust. I view them like rattlesnakes. Watch them from a distance but don’t get too close.

    1. how very pat mckinleyish of you to assume all those who enter political office become “other women” and “not women like you”

      1. JustMe :
        The problem with politicians is that if they aren’t political whores when they take the job -most of them turn into whores after being on the job for a few years. I can’t think of one that I trust. I view them like rattlesnakes. Watch them from a distance but don’t get too close.

        Thats not always true, there have been a lot of good State Governors, But you are right it is really bad.

      1. There’s also a smart, passionate woman, last name Carillo (sp) who has impressed me, too.

        Anyone know this person?

          1. An embarrassment to her country..Or she could be lieing like Ron Thomas about all his military career.

    1. Haha. Not him. There is another guy someone outside the Culture of Corruption, i.e. not hired by McPension!

    2. Wrong Matt Rowe. There is a cop Matt Rowe but there is also the ex army officer, another Matt Rowe. He has talked at several city council meetings. He graduated from the United States Military Academy (West Point) with honors. He has the experience and education to sit on city council. Along with other courses at West Point they also require that you take some accounnting and business classes because as on officer in the U.S. Army you will be responsible for millions of dollars of government equipment as well as personel.

  2. It doesn’t start with the people, it starts with fixing the system. Transparency and accountability is at the forefront. Disclosing all accounts, information, etc. for the tax payer people to see. If a “watchdog” council needs to be assembled, then do so to keep those in charge on a straight and narrow. As we have seen from Fullerton to the city of Bell to the water department, a lot goes on behind closed doors and the tax payers usually end up paying for. No more incentives, inflated salaries, etc. You know, it use to be privilege to represent a city and its people. Now it is way to make a 6 figure living. City councils, when first established use to be a VOLUNTARY job, now they feed off of the tax payers. This is unacceptable. With boundaries and guidelines, then do we need a leader to see these things through.

    1. It does start with the people. A perfect system can never succeed if the people running the system are corrupt.

    1. …the same Scott Stanford that chairs the Parks and Recreation committee?
      Although there are a dis-proportionate amount of parks in the north part of Fullerton, the scant few parks that they do have in south Fullerton, are padlocked shut?
      So as far as current job performance I’d have to give him an F.

  3. I support the idea of a city council candidate that would limit their campaign donations to between $1 and $99 to counter influence peddling.

  4. Hollis Dugan :
    Unfortunately that would leave the unions as the only funded voice in local elections.

    So be it. I noticed that the FPOA’$19,000 donation, as well as various other police unions contributions to the anti-recall didn’t work out to well for current entrenched interests, and I honestly think that it’s time for a candidate to “just say no” to special interest money.

      1. You make them sound like prostitutes that are going to expect something in return for taking care of the candidate…oh yeah that’s right, they are!

    1. Ban, or refuse to accept donations from all public employee unions for all cantidates. And remind somehow, that these people ARE public employees, something they seem to have forgotten.

      1. I just thought, better yet take their money, and then refuse to see them or do anything they want, vote against them, etc.

    2. A relative is a PORAC member and he is really pissed off about their contribution to the anti-recall.

    1. Tony can’t do it. Too much dirt and skeletons in his closet. He can’t even risk it. That’s why he’s hiring so many clowns to do his dirty work. He wants it to be his council so he can call the shots from behind the scenes.

      1. Yeah, GED from the Pat McKinley distance learning school, he can’t risk people finding out that he’s really, Mr. Freeze, or that he used to store dead Yaks in his bathtub – it would ruin his chances to rule the universe.
        He wants to be able to tell the council to make sure all the street signs are replaced upside down and that everyone owns a goat, he can only do that if he gets the people he wants in office.

      2. I think you should probably realize by now that as soon as you mention Tony Bushala’s name as some sort of anti-christ, that you’ve immediately lost all credibility to 99% of the readers, and are looked at as wanna be tagger that’s too lazy to go to Home Depepot to buy your spray paint.

        1. ^well said

          “Pay no attention to the dead person we killed, Tony is trying to take over the world, these aren’t the droids your looking for…”

        2. How about if you name him as an anti-Jew? Please Tony address this once and for all, do you believe that the Holocaust happened? What are your feelings towards the Jewish community? I would love to hear your honest thoughts on the subject Mr. High and Mighty.
          For the record maybe the 99% of the readers should THINK for a change.

        3. Yeah, your right. Losing credibility with 99% of the readers and posters here would be a real tragedy. Almost a bad as losing credibility with Jim Jones and his followers in the People’s Temple would have been if you had disagreed with them back in the day…..

  5. Please!
    No more government workers.
    Ex government workers.
    Anyone in line for a govt pension.

    How a bout a little impartiality on the council?

  6. How much money could we save if we cut the council to 3 people? We’d get a better, leaner council.

    John Wayne


  8. John Wayne Quotes. (all caps)




    1. I’ll be supporting Jane and Travis and be paying close attention to Greg and Barry’s platforms. I have a feeling any of this group will be a huge improvement.

    1. I keep asking myself what kind of sicko Whitaker is. Who would want to see a video tape of someone being beaten to death. He probably wants to put it on cable tv so everyone can see it–or just maybe he wants it because he can’t get it, and uses that as a non-existent issue about lack of government transparency. Back to topic. Doug Chaffee for City Council.

      1. Why dont you ask Hughs what kind of sicko would want to watch a video tape of someone being beaten to death, he should know the answer to that, he watched it over 400 times, so he says.

      2. How about the sickos who murdered Kelly Thomas, and the sicko Goodrich who lied to protect them, the sicko Sellers who let them roam the streets, the sicko McKinley who hired all of them; the sicko apologists, toadies, ass kissers.

      3. I keep asking myself what kind of sicko supports a murderer. Who would want to make light of someone’s unfortunate death? Does this person have mental issues? most likely. Back to topic. Anyone not in the McDickHead camp.

      4. Using your logic couldn’t one say that ‘Acting’ Chief Dan Hughes is a real sicko since he claims to have watched it 400 times?

        I don’t think he’s a sicko; he had an agenda. It’s called investigative police work. Either that or he simply couldn’t believe his eyes the first 399 times he watched it, as HIS officers went off on Kelly Thomas like a wild pack of hyenas.

        Bruce Whitaker’s motivation for seeing the video (not producing it for public use) is to see which officers did what.

        For instance, Did Sergeant Craig simply stand around with a raging smile as his cops went off the deep end? If so, Whitaker would make sure he’s no longer on FPD.

        He has no disgusted sick agenda.

        Havebrain, willtravel farther…

  9. The defunct Re-Development Agency had no problem establishing zones. So, it should be proposed that the city be zoned by a formula based on registered voters with representatives from these areas.
    I don’t know how many registered voters are in Fullerton but I think there should be at least seven(7) council members.
    This would permit more interest for appointment to committees of interest in their specific areas/zones. Ownership of interest in specific neighborhoods is of great concern to the residents by human nature.
    Some other ramblings thought are;
    The DTF area night scene is an important sales tax based source of income for the City.
    However, I think the DTF area is not contributing a fair share to the City for the problems and nuisances the area has created from the misuse of redevelopment money and Community Development Block Grants(CDBG) taken from the US Gov’t.
    Primarily, the costs for extra policing and other emergencies services should be borne at a much higher cost than other businesses with the propensity of less volatility.
    On a personal note, I don’t care if the urine, vomit, feces or even blood run on Harbor & Santa Fe shoe top deep. Where I do take exception is being extorted, as a Fullerton Resident/Citizen to pay for any portion to maintain and clean-up this mess.
    The DTF merchants Assn and Chamber of Commerce should be held highly responible for the establishment of SOCO.

    1. I certainly agree with your idea on the city being represented by districts, however I take issue with you regarding bars in DTF as an “important revenue source”, and your cavalier attitude about the mess that these drunks leave behind every night.
      If you lived near the downtown area of Fullerton, I think you’d understand the continual frustration that residents of DTF experience on a daily basis and would be singing a different tune.

  10. Travis Kiger, Tony Bushala, Chris Thompson because these three good men truly care about the welfare of Fullerton’s community. I may trust these three good men will not outsource their morals or ethics to task forces or commissions, not illegally raise taxes on Fullerton’s businesses and homeowners to fund pensions, will answer questions, even the hard ones and believe individual rights supercede eminent domain and government social engineering projects. In essence, Kiger, Bushala and Thompson will protect our community’s right not to have government act as our nanny

    1. LMAO! Are you serious, van get it d artiste? I don’t know about Travis Kiger, but Tony Bushala is a money hungry real estate developer who’s goal is to put a few pawns on the city council so he can get even more cushy $$$ deals. He’s already got one pawn on the council and it cost him a lot of money to get that one elected. But as we can all see, Mr. Pawn is doing exactly what Tony B. tells him to do — money well spent as Tony must see it. How much proof do you need? Tony B. has put over $150K into the recall — well over 99% of the funding — wake up! And Chris Thompson? He’s nothing more than Tony B’s errand boy. He’s not a leader, he’s not liked or respected by the other members of the school board on which he sits. Hell, he can’t even support his own family (wife has to by working multiple jobs as waitress, etc.), how on earth can he run a city?!

      If you think things are bad in Fullerton now, just wait ’til crazy Tony and his had picked errand boys are running the city.

  11. Whoever gets elected and a new Council is seated it will take some time to force changes to the City Administration.
    You will be confronted by cabals and cliques, both within the administration and outside elements of influence. Expect to be sued to confound, confuse, create ill-will, distrust and chaos in the pursuit to establish a fair and open adminisration of government for the taxpayers of this City.
    Being presumptive, the first order of business should be to create a new organization of administration. This will provide you with the opportunity to replace staff for many numbers of reasons.
    If you have the fortitude to replace the FIRST FIVE(5) people that tells or says you can”t do that, you will be on the road of success. If you don’t implement a plan and take action in accordance, don’t bother to show up for any City Council meetings after three(3) months.
    Suggested first look is, replace the City Attorney with an attorney that will assist Council to achieve the goals that are part of the PLAN.
    Second is to replace the City Manager with a competent and qualified experienced manager that will administer according to the PLAN goals.
    These two key positions should have a maximum ONE(1) year probation clause.

    1. good points, Felz needs to be returned to his niche mowing Fullerton’s parks lawns

  12. JustMe :
    The problem with politicians is that if they aren’t political whores when they take the job -most of them turn into whores after being on the job for a few years. I can’t think of one that I trust. I view them like rattlesnakes. Watch them from a distance but don’t get too close.

    Isn’t that the truth in a NUTSHELL?? Amen.

  13. Peaches :
    A relative is a PORAC member and he is really pissed off about their contribution to the anti-recall.

    Interesting comment Peaches. PORAC seems to be supporting many politicians who have a cloud over their heads.

    Even issues greater than the 3 Amigos have. The PORAC President is a Lt, with San Diego County Sheriff if I recall correctly.

    He has aligned himself with some serious trash these last several years.

  14. JustMe :
    The problem with politicians is that if they aren’t political whores when they take the job -most of them turn into whores after being on the job for a few years. I can’t think of one that I trust. I view them like rattlesnakes. Watch them from a distance but don’t get too close.

    That is why it is crucial that as voters we know more about a candidate than his/her positions on a few key issues.

    Character, integrity and guts as well as intelligence and some old fashioned common sense are the ingredients for a candidate that you can count on!

    Watch our candidates and those trying to get reelected carefully. Are some of their votes, positions, alliances, appointments, etc. based on what is good for Fullerton or is it based on helping them get elected or reelected?

    1. Barry I honestly think that if elected to the City Council, that you would serve the citizens of Fullerton well, however I think that you would serve yourself well to maintain your composure when speaking.
      I personally want someone to represent me that is not going to stoop to the three stooges level, and start matching wits with them.
      It’s sort of like watching the drivers on the freeway that start getting angry and flipping each other off. They end up both looking like idiots to the rest of us watching.
      I know that your really a kind and very intelligent person that truly cares about making our city better, and I truly look forward to seeing you rise above these buffoons, and developing the tunnel vision necessary to keep your eye on the prize and become a champion our cause without being caustic.

  15. van get it da artiste quote regarding who should run for city council: “Travis Kiger, Tony Bushala, Chris Thompson because these three good men truly care about the welfare of Fullerton’s community. ”

    LMAO! Are you serious, van get it d artiste? I don’t know about Travis Kiger, but Tony Bushala is a money hungry real estate developer who’s goal is to put a few pawns on the city council so he can get even more cushy $$$ deals. He’s already got one pawn on the council and it cost him a lot of money to get that one elected. But as we can all see, Mr. Pawn is doing exactly what Tony B. tells him to do — money well spent as Tony must see it. How much proof do you need? The guy has put over $150K into the recall — well over 99% of the funding — wake up! And Chris Thompson? He’s nothing more than Tony B’s errand boy. He’s not a leader, he’s not liked or respected by the other members of the school board on which he sits. Hell, he can’t even support his own family (wife supports family working multiple jobs as waitress, etc.), how on earth can he run a city?!

    If you think things are bad in Fullerton now, just wait ’til crazy Tony and his had picked errand boys are running the city.

      1. Erin, you and the rest of the Tony Bushala/Chris Thompson lackeys crack me up! You can dish it out ad nauseam here at FFFF but you sure can’t take it. The truth is always hard to take for those who blindly and without question play follow-the-leader with megalomaniacs like Tony B. and Chris T. Makes sense for some people I guess — it’s easier than thinking for yourself. Do you always follow blindly along with whatever others tell you, or do you realize that there are at least two sides to every issue?

  16. Coroctin AKA Cockaroach-Are you just sitting around with a hat full of random words, pulling them out and trying to stream them together to create some semblance of a plot here? What is wrong with you?
    You spouting propaganda you heard at one of your KKK meetings again?

    Yes, first Fullerton then California, then the world-that’s the plan.

    You heartless, cerebrally corrupted skidmark
    I think now I’ve reached my stupidity tolerance level for the evening.

  17. Erin, you and the rest of the Tony Bushala/Chris Thompson lackeys crack me up! You can dish it out ad nauseam here at FFFF but you sure can’t take it. The truth is always hard to take for those who blindly and without question play follow-the-leader with megalomaniacs like Tony B. and Chris T. Makes sense for some people I guess — it’s easier than thinking for yourself. Do you always follow blindly along with whatever others tell you, or do you realize that there are at least two sides to every issue?

  18. Erin, you and the rest of the Tony Bushala/Chris Thompson lackeys crack me up! You can dish it out ad nauseam here at FFFF but you sure can’t take it. The truth is always hard to take for those who blindly and without question play follow-the-leader with megalomaniacs like Tony B. and Chris T. Makes sense for some people I guess — it’s easier than thinking for yourself. Do you always follow blindly along with whatever others tell you, or do you realize that there are at least two sides to every issue?

  19. Erin, you and the rest of the Tony Bushala/Chris Thompson lackeys crack me up! You can dish it out ad nauseam here at FFFF but you sure can’t take it. The truth is always hard to take for those who blindly and without question play follow-the-leader with megalomaniacs like Tony B. and Chris T. Makes sense for some people I guess — it’s easier than thinking for yourself. Do you always follow blindly along with whatever others tell you, or do you realize that there are at least two sides to every issue?

  20. Looks like your “leaders for transparency in government” don’t want transparency right here on their own website. All my post are moderated because they don’t like what I have to say — must have hit a few nerves. Tony and Chris better get used to it because in the real world (outside of this blog site) there will be a lot of people who won’t buy all the $@#!% these guys are feeding all of you.

  21. Erin and merijoe: you two crack me up! Thanks for the laughs and keep drinking the kool-aid. Guys like Tony and Chris need people like you in order to push their personal agendas.

    In synpathy,

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