Der Pringle Creeps Out of Shadow, Into OCTax Light

We got wind of a press release put out the other day by an organization called “OCTax,” an organization that purports to be an advocate for taxpayers, yet in actuality is little but a vehicle for political endorsements and self-promotion of its president and officers.
So naturally Anaheim’s former Mayor-for-Hire Kurt Pringle would be a great Chairman of this operation. This greatness has been thrust upon him at an annual general membershp meeting. Now he won’t have to pull the strings from behind the curtain.
Another officer includes Pringle Pal Lucy Dunn, who seems to be intent on using any organization for her own self-promotion.
The best part of the press release is the description of the 29 boardmembers of this entity, a group that endorsed the unendorsable Pringle Puppet, Carpetbagging Haibag Sidhu – which not only reveals the moral lassitude of this endorsement-for-pay operation, but its practical incompetence, too, since Hairball went down like the RMS Titanic .

Here’s the fun description:
These Board Members represent a wide variety of private companies, public agencies and non-profit organizations throughout the county.
Holy Politburo! “Public entities and non-profit organizations” represented in a tax advocacy group? Well, folks, that tells you just about all you need to know about OCTax. Stay tuned in 2011 for big ARTIC and high speed rail sink hole boosterism, and in 2012 for an endorsement slate that best fits Der Pringle’s vision for his own healthy revenue stream.
Sinkhole indeed as they support Democrats. Pfft!
Another band of faux conservatives. Thanks for pointing this out.
Protecting taxpayers is a noble cause that should not be sullied by the presence of leaches and trough feeders.
You would think a so called “taxpayer group” like this(or at least that’s what they want people to think) would be against taxes. Well they aren’t. They endorsed the sales tax extension a few years ago, Measure M.
Yes, they did, And every repuglican hand was on deck to promote it starting with Pringle and Lewis (who was getting directly paid, as I recall). Huge engineering and construction firms bankrolled that.
And $100 million of that is being SQUANDERED on Pringle’s ARTIC.
Be sure to share that with your pal Cunningham.
Oh I did Rudy and he went into spin overdrive about how we weren’t getting “our fair share” from Sacramento and Measure M was the only alternative. Problem for him is that all his good buddies have their hand in the cookie jar, so of course he supports the tax.
Allan, I also saw a post on Red County about a tobacco tax. Oddly enough Mr. Cunningham failed to opine on the evils of taxes in general and on tobacco specifically.
I wonder why.
Funny, I just recently got this (anonymous) comment on my Dave Ellis story:
“When I read about deal making regarding the investments of the San Bernardino County retirement system my knees got weak. If you come across any connection to Reed Royalty, renowned lobbyist and President of OC Tax, who for several years now has been on the Board of Directors of the Orange County Employees Retirement System, that would be cause for alarm and fall into the suspicions confirmed category for some of us. Let me know if you find any kind of “business relationship” involving Royalty and this fellow or any of his various clients.”
What do you guys know about this Reed Royalty? I’m tired and taking a break.
Follow the money.
These PACs are just vehicles driven by politicos to thicken the appeal of their candidates/clients to voters. It’s also a way for individuals to marshal power on their side of the aisle, and when it’s coupled with sig support w their central commt, it can make or break candidates in the primary.
Example: Harish had half of this strategy down, with support with OCTax and others like it, but he got whupped in the end by Nelson cause Nelson secured support in the central and cockblocked Harry’s efforts there. Loved that! Money and resume padding doesn’t always prevail!
An endorsement by them can be bought for a donation, or sponsorship at their next shindig (free if you know the right people) and then you go and stamp it onto the slate mailer/mp of your choice.
What a joke the OCGOP has become.
Instead of industriously stealing the money from us through “old fasioned” hard work, the have resorted to the same tricks that did in the dems in the 80’s.
Silly commissions (PROP 10 anyone Hugh Hewitt Bill Campbell, JUBAL??).
HSR (767 level WASTE)
Yet, guys like Garry Miller and Ed Royce play to the crazy base at the “North Orange County Conservative” circle jerks in Yorba Linda.
The OC GOP is in serious need of leadership, leadership that will bitch slap the OCTAX and CFCOC and LIKE GROUPS down.
Breaking News:
The Clerk Recorder is the only County department that is hiring. If we go over the budget we can use our 12D funds.
Job Requirements:
None but you MUST be related to Tom Daly or Renee Ramirez or young hot Latina or Asian
(like Anna and Chantha) or you have contributed to Tom Daly campaign.
Please dress sexy when you come in to meet with Tom Daly or just bring in a check payable to Tom Daly career politician.
PS: If you are ugly or not related to Tom Daly or Renee Ramirez dont even waste your time. If you dont have any money please don’t even think about coming in.
Schedule your appointment now:
Special Note: Sorry Tom Daly only works 2 days a week from 11am to 1pm. Tom will be going to lunch at NOON and go home after lunch.
First goes John Williams and than Tom Daly.
They both wasted taxpayers dollars.
Tom daly is worst than John Williams.
The truth will come out soon about Tom Daly and Jean Pasco..
So how did Renee Ramirez get in? She is neither attractive nor educated.