Spitzer For Supervisor?

The dynamics of OC politics may have changed when DA Tony Rackaukas fired his supposed successor, Todd Spitzer, last week.
The guy with a million bucks in the bank had the DA heir apparent rug pulled out from under him, and now may be contemplating something that a lot of people will very well fear. And loathe. Another coupla Spitzer terms as an Orange County Supervisor.
Yes, indeedy, Spitzer was the Third District Supe from1995 through 2002 and drove everybody bonkers. Well, he may figure that controlling the DA’s budget and jerking the DA around at every opportunity is much more fun than being DA.
Of course this would be a major bummer for the Lewis/Pringle/Campbell troika that is grooming Orange’s dishwater mayor, Carolyn Cavecche to replace Uncle Bill.
Spitzer for Supe in 2012? Stranger things have happened!
Administrator, you and only you could come up with such a scoop! Does Spitzer still live in Brea? Perhaps you could start a FFFF web-video show modeled after 60 minutes? How about 18 minutes?
I believe the Spitz lives in Orange these days.
A million dollars makes almost anyone, except Sidhu a serious contender. Such an advantage would be hard for the king makers, Mrs. Ackerman and Sidhu proponents, to match. Then again these power brokers operate at “high speed” so anything is possible!
Calling all Real Estate Agents….local politicos may be seeking residence in the 3rd District. Call Sidhu, Galloway and Ackerman for referrals!
The Spitzer story will only get better!
3rd Dist Line Up: Cavecche, Spitzer, Bilodeau, Ackerman, Kang, Agran, Amante, Sidhu, Galloway. Place your bets now!
A million in the bank would scare off all competitors.
Yeah I think he’s in Orange.
Run Spitzer, Run!
Spitzer for Supervisor ’12!
It has a nice ring to it…and will drive the GOP Establishment nuts…HAHA!
Do 3rd District voters really want to award this guy for spiking pensions? Like Silva was rewarded?
These guys need to pay for their mistakes.
You guys are only thinking of half the possibilities.
Todd could run for the Board of Supes in 2012 from the 3rd District. Given his name and bankroll he’s a prohibitive favorite. Then he could run (from a safe seat since he’d be mid-term) for the DA’s office.
That would put a lot of thongs into a twist.
The Schroeder clan didn’t think through the possibilities on this one.
I agree with the Anon poster who stated this will drive the GOP establishment nuts.
What would be more interesting if Todd goes for a Write-In campaign for OCDA in November 2010 against the corrupt Tony. Filing for the Write-In at the Registrar of voters will start on Tuesday 9/07/2010.
What would be more interesting if Todd goes for a Write-In campaign for OCDA in November 2010 against the corrupt Tony. Filing for the Write-In at the Registrar of voters will start on Tuesday 9/07/2010.
#13’s got a great idea — until all Agran’s buddies cause the ROV’s pencils to disappear.
But seriously, if the Spitz runs for Supe in ’12, it will be clear even to people with IQs like Cathy Green that he’ll only want two years in that office until he can run for DA in ’14.
If if Cavecche make it, that’ll be another health care account she can loot.
That means Tommy Boy Daly wouldn’t carpetbag it to the 3rd district if Spitzer runs for supervisor. Well there still is Solorio’s seat for Tommy. Lets see how the repuglicans fix this one for Tommy specially since he only had $2000 in his war chest from going againts a newbie like Nguyen.