Collaborative Calendar Still Dark

UPDATE: Make that 29 days…and counting…
It’s now been 16 days since I first noticed, and there are still no events listed on the Fullerton Collaborative’s on-line calendar for 2010. See?
Hey! Hello? Anybody home over there? Any collaboration going on at all?
I think there’s a little bit of reverse psychology at play here. The Collaborative won’t give ffff the satisfaction of populating the calendar in response to the posts. Here’s an idea…Hey, Collaborative Board…you should continue to pursue having the school district act as the employer of your Director. It’s a great idea!
You may be correct, Chris.
Which makes the needling all that much more fun!
What makes you guys think the collaborative does anything in a professional manner. If it is not for the glorification of Pam, they dont seem interested.
Maybe Pam is holding out for a raise before doing such meaningless tasks.
Maybe she is still on Christmas break and will get around to it. You know, just because ALL the other teachers had to go back to work doesn’t mean Pam has to. She takes off whatever time she wants because she is the boss and reports to no one.
Relax, Pam will tell us what is going on in January in February.
Peabody are you one of them long-hair intellectual teachers?
those who criticize Pam Keller do so because they are just jealous of her good looks,intellect and ability to galvanize our community into doing good works for people who need helprealizing what really is good for them. so you meanies stop picking on pam keller because it is notnice and she really does have lots to do.
nit witty is a perfect description for Pam Keller….
“good looks”….puhleeezze
“galvanize the community”….actually very true especially after going over her expense reports and her inability to drive to Long Beach from Fullerton on a daily basis
The only correct fact in your opinion is that we are meanies.
Meanies, but accurate ones.
maybe fullerton collaborative’s money comes from the private sector businesses but I would not be surprised if everyone of their customers was charged more than was the going price to help pay for Pam’s nonexistent efforts to make our town a better place to live
Four weeks. Hard to talk around that. Maybe the Collaborative finally folded up their tent.
Maybe she’s holding out for a pay raise. Donations have been slow with the economy and all. I cant wait to see what happens when the donations to the Collaboration are not enough to meet Pam’s salary and they cant reimburse the district. Minard will have all kinds of excuses why it really isn’t fair to cut Pammy’s pay.
Pam Keller is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
When they let you out of the lunatic asylum, you’ll meet a lot more people. Then you’ll have a basis of comparison.
You couldn’t have stopped them, the army couldn’t have stopped them. So I had to.
Wish I’d said that.