Geez, We Left Out the Biggest One!
The other day this blog ran a post on the meaning of Repuglicanism, and shared some honest-to-goodness examples. But we left out one of the biggest: Anaheim’s own Mayor, Curt Pringle. Pringle has been using his political contacts and trading on his position for years as a Sacramento lobbyist and string puller.

In case there was any doubt of Pringle’s status as a ‘Pug, the Ackerman campaign today crowed about getting Pringle’s endorsement for her carpetbagging run for the open 72nd Assembly seat. Well that figures. As a ‘Pug, Pringle is basically in it for what he can get out of it, and the constituents be damned. So what if the candidate lives in Irvine? Pringle can afford to be fast and loose with his endorsement, for what it’s worth. The 72nd includes only a small part of Anaheim. And he’s termed out of office next year.
Why do all the lobbyists flock to Mrs. Ackerman?
Yep, I was wondering how that creep dodged us in that last post. The king of politics for self interest.
How appropriate.
This scum-suck is the number one cheerleader for the idiotic bullet train disaster-in-the making. Folks are suggesting he’s lloking to make himself a job at 2 or 3 hundred K per year.