PTA Wants to Raise Your Taxes

Parents, the PTA that you all belong to is behind trying to raise your property taxes by reducing the threshold for passage of parcel taxes.

The California State PTA has endorsed the “Local Control of Local Classrooms Funding Act” which reduces the voter approval requirement to raise taxes from 2/3rds down to 55%. This will make it much easier for local school districts to place new property taxes on local homeowners to benefit the teachers’ unions.

Your local PTA: Always thinking of the children

QUIT THE PTA. It is a bad lobbying organization disguised as an innocent thrower of classroom ice cream parties. It hurts children, families, the state and the country.

Moms and dads can help in the classroom, support schools and be great parents without supporting this organization which is stabbing you in the back as a pawn of teachers unions.

12 Replies to “PTA Wants to Raise Your Taxes”

  1. It’s because of games like this I pulled my son out of public school and into private. My daughter will be going into the local public kindergarten before I pull her out and give her a real learning opportunity in a private school.

    PTA is nothing more than feel-good lobbying for the teacher’s union. As a member of the CTA (not by choice) I know a union front when I see one!

    IMO, it was the local PTA who through a great principal under the bus because she demanded that the teachers teach with a focus on the core subjects. The artsy PTA wouldn’t stand that and she was gone. I dug and I dug and all I could get from the district was that it was a personnel matter and the PTA kept calling her a dictator. I’m sure there is more to it but the district buried it with help from the PTA.

    The down side is that the parents are usually sheep while the teachers (some) are the wolves. The parents only know what the teachers tell them. The teachers say they need more (fill in the blank) and parents try hard to give them what they want.

    No other industry that I can think of has that relationship: employees partnering with clients to leverage against management.

  2. Last time I got pissed and yelled at my kids’ principal he suggested that I should join the PTA to help make things better. He knew that those pointless PTA meetings will suck the soul out of all but the most determined parents.

  3. No more raises in taxes to support Unions. Enough!!!
    Here’s a noble Idea….. why don’t they actually “Step UP” and show some accountability and adjust their insatiable spending appetite. It’s obvious they won’t fix the problem…after all if you research…many of our politicians started out as…..ready for it…….. “Anchor Babies” themselves. And we ask them to fix the problem. Wouldn’t this mean they are a part of the problem and have a conflict of interest. CTA, PTA We know who you are and what you are about. Your time is UP!

  4. Hey Chris,
    If you do not like our public schools or support PTA why r you running for school board???? What r your intentions

    1. You asked for proof well I have some. Chris Thompson stated on April 12 2010 in bold on this blog site. ” QUIT THE PTA. It is a bad lobbying organization disguised as an inncocent thrower of classroom parties. It hurts children,families, the state the country. Moms and dads can help in the classrooms, support and be great parents without supporting this organization which is stabbing you in the back as a pawn of teachers union.” Also why did Chris take his name of your bloger’s list. Theres your proof he does not support our PTA.

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