The “Fullerton Gazette” Chaffee Scam Explained

As you may have seen Paulette Chaffee got the much coveted endorsement of the “Fullerton Gazette“, a mysterious little rag that until her specific endorsement nobody knew existed.

Well, after a little internet sleuthing I discovered why there is no byline to their articles and no names associated with their masthead. It turns out that every single one of the non-Fullerton stories is purchased content from a site called PLR (Private Label Rights). I don’t recommend clicking the link, it’s ad central but feel free to see for yourselves.

PLR sells themselves in the following way:

“We believe content marketing for health and wellness professionals doesn’t need to be time consuming or complicated. There’s a faster and easier way.

“What we do is create beautiful done-for-you coaching resources that you can license, brand and sell as your own, so you can grow large and devoted audiences, without having to write everything from scratch.”

So not only is the Fullerton Gazette purchasing nonsense clickbait content, they’re purchasing “wellness” clickbait in an effort to pretend to look legit while boosting for Paulette. Allow me to show you the proof:

Fullerton Gazette Article

PLR Sale Page

Fullerton Gazette Text

PLR Text

It’s like that for every single non-Fullerton related “article” on the site starting with the very first one.

Here’s a quick rundown of some Fullerton Gazette articles from oldest to newest:

The original article from November 2019 on the website was the hardest to find because the Gazette author spelled Turmeric incorrectly which just adds to the hilarity of this copy editing fail.

“5 Minute Guide to Tumeric and Your Health”
Fullerton Gazette Version / PLR Version for Sale

The next two are just copy/paste jobs.

“15 Tips for Dealing with Insomnia”
Fullerton Gazette Version / PLR Version for Sale

“9 Strategies for Happy, Blended Families”
Fullerton Gazette Version / PLR Version for Sale

Then we have another fun one because the original article had 9 ways to make the most out of a Bad Day but our Gazette copypasta expert managed to truncate it to 3 and mess the title up.

“3 Ways to Make the Most Out of Bad Day”
Fullerton Gazette Version / PLR Version for Sale

And finally two more straight copy/paste jobs.

“Wealth Isn’t For the Wealthy – Wealth is for the Smart!”
Fullerton Gazette Version / PLR Version for Sale

“7 Brain Hacks That Boost Productivity”
Fullerton Gazette Version / PLR Version for Sale

There you have it folks, the Fullerton Gazette’s prize worthy clickbait journalism as purchased on PLR for “credits”.

It’s quite clear that someone is paying for PLR content for the Fullerton Gazette. It’s also quite clear that someone is paying for content to benefit Paulette Chaffee’s campaign, possibly exclusively to benefit Paulette Chaffee’s campaign.

Just a reminder for all the social media experts on Paulette Chaffee’s publicly disclosed payroll, intentionally hiding campaign expenditures is a crime.

This blog has never been afraid to name and shame people monkeying with our local government. That said, if you’d like to contact FFFF and tell your side of the story before it gets out ahead of you and your information gets sent to the District Attorney and FPPC, the button is at the top of this screen.