Park Dwelling Fee-asco?

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want the abandoned Union Pacific Park reopened. It was a crime-ridden attractive nuisance from the day it opened even without considering the toxic substances that had to be remediated after the damn thing was built.
But there seems to be an interesting reason the park hasn’t been reopened 18 months after the City Council ordered the fence around the vacant land be taken down. And the reason could be that there isn’t enough money in the Park Dwelling Fee Fund to pay for it. These funds are collected from developers to pay for new park facilities, presumably to reflect the new projected increase in population.
This situation emerged at a Fiscal Sustainability Committee meeting a while back. The Fund has about $800,000 to $900,000, according to Assistant City Manager Daisy Perez, and at least $300,000 of that is already earmarked for the delusional “Trail to Nowhere” plan. It also emerged that the massive eyesore project called “The Hub,” on Commonwealth at the 57 Freeway, has not paid it’s Park Dwelling Fees, a number amounting to $5,000,000, staff said.

It seems that for some reason the City gave the developer of the project a waiver on the required upfront fees, until the project has a certificate of occupancy. That $5 million is burning a hole in somebody’s pocket, and it sure ain’t our pocket. How this happened is another story, and a good one, too, I’ll bet.
In the meantime, we seem to have some sort of Mexican Standoff – UP Park vs. Trail to Nowhere. The Park is assumed to have been given priority, but there’s no money for it. Meantime the Trail to Nowhere waits in the wings, embarrassingly, having missed several entrance cues demanded by the State, the most important of which were submission of plans by 6/24; start of construction by 8/24; and viable plant life by 10/25.

One of the selling points of the Trail to Nowhere is that it connected to the UP Park (of course that was another lie, too – it ends at Highland Avenue). But what if there is no UP Park at all?
What a Fullerton clusterfuck.
UP Park has been closed for so long the cobwebs have cobwebs. Question: if the UP Park can’t be opened because there are no funds available, what happens to the UP Trail? Can the UP Trail open exclusively with the state grant money? Less trees and no bike lane perhaps?
Anything is possible.
Who authorized this waiver? How? Why? When?
Fullerton is and endless series of fuck ups.
So move moron. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out!
Thank you for your comment. Go fuck yourself.
Hopefully we won’t end up with either project. That “park” was a drummed up waste from Day 1. No one in the community give’s a rat’s ass about it. They care even less for the comical Trail to Utopia.
More fiendish phrases
“Trail to nowhere” – a public park/trail that goes from somewhere to somewhere else in a city they hate, including everyone in it.
Why doesn’t it go where they said it was supposed to go?
“I don’t know and neither do you.”
We don’t need any of your stupid middle class white patronizing guilt boondoggles.
The City could have just given every man woman and child in D5 $70 apiece. Can’t have that!
If you pulled your head out of your ass it would be following a trail to somewhere.
Angry manatee.
JRH = Rage Monster
He’s like Adam Sandler in The Wedding Singer.
Must really have zero people who actually want to listen to him at work or home.
Is there still soil remediation or some other clean up that needs to occur at the park before they can reopen it? Remind me again why the fence went up to begin with? So many Fullerton Fuck Ups it’s hard to keep track of them all.
The fence went up to clean the Poison Park. I don’t think it ever came down until last year. The homeless use it so I guess it’s okay.
And why did the restrooms, playground, jungle gym, pergola, tables, benches, water-fountain, basketball court etc. get demoed?
Because they became hangouts for drug addicts and dope salesmen, and gang bangers. None of which has changed.