Kitty Cries Bitter Tears, Shares Final Word
The on-line version of the Fullerton Observer is now available to those inclined to be misinformed, or as in my case, to be entertained.
In the lastest version I discovered a lachrymose rewind of the November District 4 campaign by the loser, one Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo.

Poor Kitty thought she had a lock on it, so no wonder her outrage that the plans went askew. She sued the City to make a district for her. She sat on the committee that endorsed her district. She had all the endorsements, a pile of money, the county party, and even a fake, perjuring candidate to help take votes away from her obvious competition: Linda Whitaker. She also had an $85,000 Independent Expenditure Committee mostly funded by out-of-town marijuana lobbyists, laundered through the grocery store workers union.

Jaramillo had the undying love of her pals, the Kennedy Sisters at the Fullerton Observer, who could be counted on to whisk away her problems and drop innuendo on Linda Whitaker, when called upon to do so.
How could she lose?

What Poor Kitty and her Team Jaramillo failed to take into account was the arrival of a new face on the scene who raised lots of money and got the police and fire union support. And she didn’t figure on Fullerton Taxpayers For Reform, a political action committee with the means and issues to beat her.

And she didn’t count on the Scott Markowitz scam to backfire badly on her as it became apparent that her own supporters were involved in the fraud.

Jaramillo takes the time to swipe at her old pals in the police and fire unions, and of course her unnamed opponent, a smart professional, who, alas, doesn’t seem to know anything about Fullerton, unlike herself who has spent her whole life, yadda, yadda. Pathetic.

It would never occur to a self-entitled person like Jaramillo that her entire, adipose campaign was something right out of the year 2000 playbook: lots of endorsements, clunky mailers, paid precinct walkers, tons of money wasted on political “consultants,” etc. She had the agility of a canal barge. And the product itself was flawed: elderly, otiose, statist, whiny, self-righteous, “good guys” to the end. And for Miss Kitty, the end has finally come to her political aspirations.

Kitty was undone, she says, by the wave of “lies” about her, but she never says what they are and why they are not true. Neither have her sisterhood at the Fullerton Observer who certainly would have had the journalists’ ethic to enquire, had they been journalists, so of course never did.
In the end, Kitty says she is grateful. And so are a lot of other people in Fullerton. And the Observer “editor” has thoughtfully provided the names of contributors to Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform so we know who to thank.
Poor Kitty, indeed. From meter maid to bitter old lady with a canal barge full of grievances.
I’m VERY grateful she’s finished.
Knuckleheads? Who are the knuckleheads? Let me guess! Nick Dunlap and Fred Jung. Knuckleheads because they didn’t like you and you proved them right with your bitter, pathetic rant in the Observer. Knuckleheads because they didn’t like your Ahmad Zahra and he proved then right by throwing a fit that this blog showed on video. Knuckleheads because they don’t like who endorsed you like Shana Charles because she isn’t intelligent and is everything wrong with college today, judgemental and identity based. You will have plenty of time Kitty Jaramillo to hang with the unemployed Zahra and the never held a real job Charles to opine about all the bad things Tony Bushala did to you since you lost.
Knuckleheads…who are the warts? Are the warts the police officers or are the warts the firefighters? Does Kitty speak from experience? The ones on her nose have been removed. The unnecessary Editor’s Note casually calling someone a predator is defamation and libelous. Predators have attorneys and can file lawsuits.
I don’t know why someone hasn’t already sued this opinion circus parading as a legitimate news source out of existence.
Low IQ individual.
I wonder if any of her idiot followers bothered to check the comments about dope dispensaries. The dates were right there. Bet not.
She really means she amazed that SHE could lose, having checked all those boxes.
Cannabis Kitty is definitely one of the half of all people who are below average.
She is so mean! Her attitude is bad. BA bad attitude.
She may have been stoned when she wrote that.
Kitty sweats bullets. Kitty dodges bullets.
Kitty is full of bullshit.
Bullets fill the air
Cow excrement fills the barn
Projectiles hit mark
All ballots counted
Voters turn and walk away
Kitty mad at world
They put the old, grounded bird on page 16!
Beware of false prophets.
When she was a “Code Enforcement Officer”, Kitty must have been especially vindictive to the Bushala’s to incite such a concertive effort to get back at her. Paybacks are a bitch, huh Bitch? You other wise guy trough-feeders out there, best take note.
Cuervo! Code Enforcement Officer! CEO! Kitty should have used that and not preservation officer as her ballot designation. She might have had a better shot of winning and saved all of us her post election moaning and groaning.
Suffering her post election moaning and groaning is a lot better than watching her victory waddle.
Ditto. Moan away. I can’t even imagine the alternative.
BTW, should be a fun meeting tonight!
The meeting WAS fun.
Dr Z got called out on his many lies & fails during public comments by one individual.
He was called out for:
-Plagiarized water board letter
-Sham marriage to a Arkansas female
-Lawsuit against bloggers that cost our city money we don’t have
-Manipulating his last election by adding ghost candidate Tony Castro to split the Latino vote
-Assault case in which he pled guilty
-etc etc
Dr Z tried interrupting the speaker and claimed he was being slandered.
Thankfully, Mayor Nick forcefully shut down Dr Z and Sharon K and allowed the speaker to complete his statement.
Clearly the list of Dr Z’s lies and fails disqualify him from being Mayor.
If anything on that list is inaccurate or false, please let us know Dr Z.
Hats off to that speaker. That took balls.
Councilmemners aren’t allowed to engage public speakers. It’s “chilling.”
I think the lesson here is, if you want to run for office in Fullerton you have to bend the knee and kiss the ring of Big Daddy Bushala. Fullerton is no different than any other community where wealthy landowners influence elections and purchase elected officials. Bushala is one of Fullerton’s biggest slumlords and has had many run-ins with Jaramillo and her colleagues over the years over his derelict properties. It’s no secret this was a way to get some payback. The universe works in mysterious ways but always achieves homeostasis with enough time.
Pucker up, loser.
If there’s one thing Zahra knows about it’s homeostasis.
Drop names shithead. Where are these Bushala slums located fuckhead? How has Bushala influenced the Council to vote for his business interest and made a profit? He opposed a hotel development that helps his family’s Cafe. He opposed a trail that increases the property value of his buildings. He sounds like a business idiot.
Kitty’s personality is a slum.