Election Fraud – Again

In 2022 the Executive Director of the OC Democrat Party, Ajay Mohan, recruited unknown Tony Castro to run for Fullerton’s 5th District. The purpose was to siphon enough Latino voters away from Oscar Valadez to protect the incumbent, Ahmad Zahra. Sez who? Tony Castro, that’s who.

Well the same cast of characters is the same, but wearing different soiled feathers; this time it’s the District 4 election.

Friends were speculating the other day about whether the last minute appearance of a non-Latino candidate, Scott Markowitz, especially one spouting MAGA-type rhetoric wasn’t suspicious. It is. And the only credible explanation for this candidacy is to draw votes away from conservative Linda Whitaker. Proof you ask?
It turns out that the unknown Scott Markowitz was accompanied to the City Hall nominating paper pull by none other than Ajay Mohan, now a political campaign operative with something called Rocket Science Strategies.

So Mohan was there at the last minute to hold Scott’s hand as he began his fraudulent, and sure to be short-lived, political career.
Of course Markowitz successfully gathered his signatures; how many of the signatories really agree with Marko’s highly Trumpy ballot statement? Hmm. Here’s a partial list of signatories. Look at the last name -Diane Vera.

Some may remember Diane Vera from her scribblings for the ultra-liberal Fullerton Observer and her occasional squawking at city council meetings. She signed the papers of the would-be America Firster? How come? It gets funnier.

It appears that Ms. Vena already has a candidate she’s not only supporting, but has endorsed – none other than Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo. Now that’s not very good, is it? She’s also a donor to the north Orange County Democrats’ club.

Of course, Diane isn’t the only one of Markowitz’s signers who’s True Blue. Karlo Marcelo is another member of the Democrats of North OC.

And then we have Dan Cash, another “progressive” liberal. Does he approve of the Markowitz ballot statement? Maybe someone will ask him.

If we needed any more evidence of a conspiracy, let’s consider Rocket Science Strategies, for a moment. It’s a limited liability company filed in California.

So this “consulting” operation includes Mohan, and one Lyndsey Lefebvre of La Habra, whose bio is quite telling:

It turns out that Ms. Lefebvre used to work for Mohan stirring up liberal activism as a full-time employee of the Democratic Party of Orange County. She’s been a union organizer, too.

Does Lyndsey approve of Markowitz’s ballot statement? She must since she probably wrote it.

And as the evidence of a conspiracy to create a phony candidate piles up, the only issue left is to ascertain who Ajay Mohan is actually working for. Whoever this might be, it’s crystal clear the beneficiary of taking votes away from Linda Whitaker is none other than former Fullerton meter maid, Vivian Jaramillo, the first and only candidate interviewed for endorsement by the Democrat Party of County. Is she involved in this fraud? She must be well-aware of it, although it’s more likely to be executed for candidate plausible deniability, as in the case of Tony Castro, by the Democrat Party itself.
This is pretty goddam shameless, even for political slime slugs.
Jaramillo knows all about it. How could she not. And then there’s Diane Vena who’s no-doubt silly and gullible, but NOBODY is that stupid. She knows she’s part of the scam and must approve of it.
I wonder if this is actually illegal. At least with Castro the poor dupe seemed to believe he was legit. This Morkovitch presented the public with an intentionally fraudulent statement.
Ray-Bans Jabba plays dirty and hard. If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying. It’s the Democrat Creed!
I wonder if the legit press will report this. Skaska’s Observer will play along with the scam.
Please don’t say “legit press” and Observer in the same sentence.
Twas sarcasm, dear boy.
Trump opines about Democrat collusion in elections. I always thought it was the same hot air he is always blowing. Didn’t think this would be a thing in Fullerton. Someone tweet @Trump. This proves collusion.
That’s absolutely disgusting.
Just a reminder, if we had Ranked Choice Voting for our council races we could easily dispense with the sort of alleged chicanery every election cycle:
Well, it’s alleged alright. But the evidence is damning. I’d say case closed. Democrats love to blame Republicans for this sort of thing but it turns out that they like to do it, too.
I suppose it will be interesting to hear all about Mr. Markowitz‘s “America First” views during whatever council forums are held closer to the election.
I propose a forum jointly sponsored by FFFF and the Fullerton Observer where writers from each platform are allowed to ask participating candidates any election related question they want to ask.
NUFF will handle the sugar coating.
Actually a blessing in disguise.
It makes Jaramillo and her handlers look really bad.
Will Orange County’s top lawman, Todd Spitzer, pursue election fraud?
Great research and sleuthing. The boys in the white van are at it again!
It is illegal to lie on a candidate statement. If anyone wants to file a complaint against Markowitz, it will certainly put a rightful spotlight on Shitty Jaramillo and Mohan.
Great investigation. I wonder why the Dems think the Council seats are so valuable?
$26 billion in homeless spending still is unaccounted for. Do they want to build more shelters, etc., in Fullerton and make their developers rich…richer?
Meanwhile, the GOP is doing what to expose this scheme and to win?
OC GOP is muerta.
The look on Mohab’s face = I will ratfuck my grandmother for a buck.
He already did and is looking for the next grandmother to ratfuck.
Democrats have no problem doing things that are unethical or immoral because, well, they have no ethics or morals. They live their lives based on their feelings, not principles.
For the right price, I know a guy who will visit Markowitz at his home and extract every morsel of truth from his lying tongue.
I seem to recall Scott Baugh was indicted by the OC DA back in the day for a similar stunt, but with a less damning paper trail. Paging Todd Spitzer
Yes, then Taliban Dana let his soon to be wife take the fall for him.
Evidence gathers
Slime revealed by sleuth sunlight
Fear Jabbamillo
I don’t enjoy how this was presented but the research must of taken a while to put together so good work
What’s wrong with how this was presented?
I’ll bet my last dime this Markowitz is a registered Democrat. Any odds?
Excellent work, Harpoon. Is any of this illegal? Slimy as fuck yes, but I think this is perfectly legal, no?
Fullerton being Fullerton.
I wonder about legality, too. There’s obviously a conspiracy to place a phony candidate on the ballot to harm a real candidate and thereby help another.
Why are liberal Democrats signing a nomination form for somebody who wants us to believe he’s a MAGA-type candidate. His only role is to take votes from a Republican to help the Democrat’s Chosen One.
At the very least it’s unethical as Hell.
We’ll know what’s up once the Observer does an expose on him……
BTW, wondering if today will be the day the Tax Kat will be dripping on my driveway?
One can only hope.
Hit her with the garden hose.
Notice how Hoogie has zero to say about all his leftist friends that he perpetually defends being manipulative (and possibly criminal) slimeballs? He is one of them. He is foul, corrupt and wicked just like them!
Maybe even Hoogie has a shred of honest left. But I bet he’ll show up and prove that wrong.
Solomon was warned in Proverbs 1:16 – There is no honor among thieves. They will do anything to get ahead, including shedding blood, even your blood. Ahmad Zahra, Viv Kitty Jaramillo, Aaruni Thakur, and the entire lot of them are all thieves trying to steal an election. STOP THE STEAL!
If you elect Jabbamillo for District 4, your wallets, refrigerators and kid’s lunchboxes will never be safe again!