We Told You So…

Way back in 2010 a bumbling, incoherent Anaheim councilmember named Harry Sidhu was running for County Supervisor in our district – a district in which he didn’t live.

Sidhu’s first fake address was in dubious-looking apartment on Lincoln Avenue in west Anaheim. He was busted and a complaint was filed with District Attorney Tony Rackaukas; after all, lying on a voter registration is perjury.
The DA could have ended Sidhu’s rancid career as a politician then and there, but decided to whitewash the affair even as Sidhu had by then moved to a second phony address in the district.

Flash forward to 2022 and Sidhu, by now puppet Mayor of Anaheim thanks to Disney & Co. was tuned up by the FBI and the Department of Justice, even as he and his cronies tried mightily to give Arte Moreno, owner of the LA Angels land around the stadium for a fraction of its worth. His payoff, as recorded in conversation with a local fixer was a $1,000,000 re-election campaign contribution by the Angels.

Well, Sidhu, the perennial assclown, has now pleaded guilty to several crimes and his sentencing is upcoming.
And so we bid a fond farewell to one of our favorite public servants and hope that his fate provides an object lesson to ambitious politicians – especially in Fullerton -whose greed and warped sense of self-importance causes them to ignore their responsibility to the public trust.
Heh. Harry. What a maroon. Greed, indeed.
Well, don’t forget that his opponent in that Supervisor election was Shawn Nelson who turned out to be just as greedy and self-serving as Sidhu.
So there’s that.
True, but in politics it’s always pick your poison.
“…and hope that his fate provides an object lesson to ambitious politicians – especially in Fullerton -whose greed and warped sense of self-importance causes them to ignore their responsibility to the public trust.”
Zahra. Or Jung?
Jung has all the Sidhu characteristics. He just doesn’t have a stadium to sell to Bushala. 2024 is his year of reckoning and he will be another in a line of losers.
Could be. But who tried to give away a park to an events operator? That was Zahra.
More lies about Ahmad from Tony friends. Jung is the one who tried to sell our trail to his Tony friend. We remember.
By the way, who hired a P.I. to investigate Harry Sidhu that proved he perjured himself claiming he lived at the Calabria Apartments? Could you post the P.I.’s report and the response from the DA?
Harry got elected even with Bushala being against. Chaffee got elected even with Bushala being against. Zahra got elected even with Bushala against. Shana got elected even with Bushala against. What’s Bushala worth with that record of failure.
Incorrect. Sidhu lost when Bushala exposed him.
Once his council majority is gone and they will be next year, we get our city back and Bushala is another loser no one cares about.
You had “your city” from 2013-2020. Seven years of budget deficits and decaying infrastructure. Crooked cops, drunken city manager, idiot city manager and 7 years of Fitzgerald peddling your ass to the highest bidder.
Bushala exposed no one. Harry was Anaheim Mayor. Bushala and his minions lost. You’re a bunch of Trumpers who hate the poor and hate minorities. You will all be out in 2024.
Rave on. Bushala beat Sidhu in 2010.
I am a Trump Supporter I hate no one including the minorities. what a low life person you must be to think or say something like that. You only support division our city and country. You and those like you are the problem. Why don’t you get a real life!!!
You support traitors? Not so good.
2010 Bushala won something? That was 13 years ago. Ahmad wasn’t elected. No one cares about 13 years ago but you old guys on this stupid blog. Haven’t won anything recent. Youre all Cry Babies who can’t let go of the past.
He beat two bond measures and Zahra’s tax increase proposal just a few years ago – singlehandedly. So there’s that.
How did he beat them exactly? The NO signs? Give me a break! Oh, and that Zahra tax increase was what the majority of the council wanted. It wasn’t just Zahra. Stop the lies and tell the whole truth.
Haha. You lost.