Fitzy on The Move?

Or out?
One of our eagle-eyed Friends happened by Casa Jennifer yesterday and sent in this image. Hmm. Is our former Councilcreature-for-hire getting ready to jump ship now that there’s nothing left to squeeze out of us?
Friends For Fullerton's Future
FFFF supports causes that promote intelligent, responsible and accountable government in Fullerton and Orange County
One of our eagle-eyed Friends happened by Casa Jennifer yesterday and sent in this image. Hmm. Is our former Councilcreature-for-hire getting ready to jump ship now that there’s nothing left to squeeze out of us?
If she’s leaving town, good riddance. But like certain kinds of parasitical fungus she’ll be hard to get rid of.
Jenni, if you have it in you, which I doubt, but I’ll ask anyways; please, please, please take Domer with you.
After all, you were the circus ring leader who rushed to give banjo boy a golden parachute, and that vote occurred after you announced you were not going to run for re-election. Very, very shady!
I always said she was going places!
Thank God.
Let some other town deal with this liar.
In memory of the Jenn we have all grown to adore abhorring, a few of her greatest hits:
Supported Measure S, which died on the vine.
Supported A-mad Zahra, who is being criminally charged by the DA.
Supported Joe Felz, who murdered a beloved tree and too committed a crime.
Supported Dan Hughes, who was a liar and obstructionist. Thanks Mickey Mouse.
Supported Jan Flory, who voted to pass the wacky weed bill.
Supported not wearing facemasks in school, guess she wanted to kill all of our kids.
I could go on and on, but I yield back the balance of my time so others can mention their favorite Fitz tunes.
She worked hard to push the phony in-lieu water tax depriving the water system the funds to replace old main lines. And she lied about that too.
Supported Paulette Marshall Chaffee, also a criminal, twice.
Mrs & Mrs Paulette and Doug Chaffee are both criminals
I think they’re aliens unable to defecate.
She has to skip town before the stairs finish falling down.
Look at the large high rises !
Curt Pringle
Definitely had a hand in destroying our once beautiful city.
Downtown bars.
Pretty sad for Fullerton
Now that there is only one party in Calif and OC, my bet is that she is coming to Texas where RINOS now go to retire.
Incorrect. She and her family are coming to live with me in Nashville.
#Hallelujah! Her brand of physical and political ugliness have no place in this town.