New Lawsuit For Fullerton

It never rains, but it pours, as some folks say. It seems that the City of Fullerton has been hit with yet another lawsuit, which likely means more payout from us and more pelf for the City’s contracted attorney, Dick Jones (no, the other meat head).
Lou Ponsi of the OC Register, writes about the lawsuit, here.
It transpires that a 58-year old Fullerton High teacher and motorcyclist named Jeff Rupp was wiped out at the intersection of Euclid and Malvern in early 2011. He died from his injuries and the family has brought a wrongful death suit against the City. The basis of the suit is that the intersection is deficient and dangerous. A $2.9 million claim by the family was denied by the City last year.
Well, the intersection is dangerous. No doubt about it. It’s got that funky flashing yellow left turn arrow which is confusing the first time you see it. Anybody turning left in either direction had better be careful; and anybody going straight through had better be careful, too.
Still, it’s pretty hard to lay the beatdown on the taxpayers of Fullerton because of bad drivers.
SiGH! That intersection is extremely dangerous. Traffic driving south on Euclid hall-ass down the hill. Anyone who knows that intersection should ALWAYS be cautious.
The same intersection the city prohibits banners on the chain-link fence at the S.E. corner.
How about adding the intersection at Lemon and Orangethorpe to that list also. This intersection has a building that was allowed to be built less than 10 feet from the NW curb of the intersection which obscures the Northbound driver’s view of traffic going East or West on Orangethorpe at 45 MPH.
This is the city’s way of saying they did something to prevent accidents. What they really need to do first is to mandate that the homeowners on the Northern side of that intersection clear their landscaping to allow for the 15 foot mandatory clearance from the curb that allows the driver’s to be able to view traffic going East and West on Malvern. The city is remiss in that they should have had code enforcement citing these homeowners to comply with this law a long time ago.
Blinking yellows are needed at all Fullerton city limits to let people know to enter fullerton with caution….
The sideways downtown stoplights with the red yellow green going horizontal are pretty cool. I always liked the unique look.
They could widen that intersection by covering up the flood control channel. It has to be the most dangerous intersection in Fullerton. I have witnessed several accidents there myself.
Freydel and my boys were T-boned there one rainy night by a south bound vehicle whos tires locked up just after a heavy downpour. Thank God there were no injuries, but almost ended up in the flood control…very dangerous intersection!
That’s scary. Most drivers vastly understimate the effect of that steep downhill on their vehicle’s stopping power.
Aren’t Tony and Travis the same person?
A look at Freydel’s online driving record it’s no suprise she crashed at that intersection but it’s always more fun and profitable to blame others.
Watch it fathead, I don’t see anywhere in the comment you refer to where blame is being laid on any one person-and it was an accident at a dangerous intersection.
T boned means when a car crashes into another car forming the shape of a T. so what does someone’s driving record have to do with it?
How and why does one, go searching online for another person’s driving record anyway?
FFFF should put in a FOIA request for a log of all CLETS searches made at FPD over the past year.
…Should be interesting.
Good idea. I bet all the names from here would show up.
How does one search a driving/arrest record? Orange County Superior court records online. That’s how.
It’s public information why not?
Trying to understand what motivates a citizen to use a blog and hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a city council. Maybe he was angry about a ticket they got once and were unable to get if fixed even with a bank full of money.
I’m glad you asked. These videos should answer your question and
It’s about the Fullerton’s Future and its friends, their kids and their families. He is just fortunate enough to have the resources to play hardball against the entrenched home team that has been donning full riot gear for many years in this our hometown. To affect change it takes guts, money, and a propaganda arm which the establishment no longer has a monopoly on.
I didn’t know MVR information was in the public record?? Curious, how did you get the info?
Because you don’t know doesn’t mean it isnt so. Expand your knowledge base.
The corrupt Fullerton city staff is recommending to the ignorant city council we spend $4 million to widen Harbor blvd. at Brea by covering the flood control ditch. Sounds like this flood control needs the $ a hell of a lot more than Harbor does! Just sayin.
Looks like the fullerton fckups strikes again. Its like the whole damn leadership is mentally challenged. None of them have a clue of how to reduce liability to the city.
It’s a good thing for them that it’s not a crime to be stupid.
Note what our supposedly smart, (more like smarmy) City Attorney “Count Chocula”aka Dick Jones says about the intersection in Fullerton that has witnessed thousands of accidents, half a dozen of them fatal…
There is no obvious or apparent issue (in the intersection),” Jones said. “They made a broad allegation.”
This guys needs to go immediately.
How about if drivers obeyed the posted speed limit and then slowed down while crossing the intersection, the way they are SUPPOSED to. Gotta wonder how many drivers run red lights there as well.
If Fullerton has motor cops, it would be interesting to know how many tickets they actually write in the immediate area.
The last two traffic tickets I recieved were from FPD motorcycle cops; one for speeding at 13 mph over the speed limit which was 35mph, and the other was at Euclid and Bastanchury for a ticky-tack turning on red turn light, just a split second after change.
The last one was about 3 years ago and that was the only problem I thought was wrong with FPD; too many chickenshit motorcycle ticket writers.
BTW, I live in Brea and have for the last 18 years. Never a ticket by them. Just sayin’.
Then obey the laws. That’s their job.
John Doe you are correct as the courts have ruled they have “no duty to protect and serve”. The municipal corporation’s police are nothing more than revenue and conviction generating mechanisms for the municipality’s, the court’s and the DA’s criminal justice system and its out of control jobs program. You see the new economy’s lifeblood is prisons and locking people up. It’s vampiric nature fleecing citizens on their way in and greasing the skids for their next visit leaves most unemployable and almost destitute after their stint. Just have a look at the exhorbitant fines and penalties being imposed on the backs of the struggling taxpayers. The lines over on Berkeley every morning equates to nothing more than an economic black hole. There is no return on investment coming out of that building. The book is thrown at the less fortunate and the uninformed to feed the machine. Fighting crime is incidental and ancillary to their function. If you will notice they are rarely where logic dictates that they should be but rather they can be found “shooting ducks in a barrell” most of the time. Revenue generation and personal kicks clearly take precedent to public safety. It is amazing what kind of mess the leadership of this city has created and how haphazardly they apply band aids to open gashes in the cities wounds. Regime change is imminent one can only hope.
Here Here truthseeker!!!
In fact, I drove by those lines on Berkely this morning and thought the same thing your entire comment stated, only my thoughts weren’t as articulate.
Blah, Blah, Blah..Motor Cop’s job is to write traffic tickets. And when not writting tickets they take traffic reports. So yes they are doing their jobs.
Shut up Coffman.
Great stuff you wrote there. Thank you.
Sitydd means sheriff in welch. It’s a traffic officers job to write people who speed and make turns on a red. If it was a split second after the yellow that means you had a yellow for some time and plenty of time to stop. It’s fine to blame the cops if they do wrong but not when they do the job you the tax payer pay them to do. Run a red get a ticket.
thank goodness…you posted that I didnt waste the ink,printing out the disclaimers I wanted visitors to sign..the blinking yellow lights do say it all.
I’m glad you asked that question ACU. Motorcycle Officer Keith Abercrombie, who recently retired at 105K a year, used to pretty much spend his entire day mining the 35 MPH speed trap that occurs approximately a 1/2 mile before this intersection. I used to see him pulling cars over all day long into the nearby Stater Brothers parking lot.
As I stated earlier, the intersection is a “blind intersection for anyone going southbound due to the landscaping being 10 feet high less than 6 feet from the curb. The intersection is further complicated because there is a steep drop on south bound Euclid that ends right before you hit the cross street, which is Euclid.
As Tony pointed out in his occurrence, this sometimes leaves the cars heading south bound on Euclid unable to stop at the light, and they crash into cross traffic on Malvern Avenue which sometimes knocks them into the flood channel which runs paralell to Malvern.
I asked a nearby homeowner how many accidents she had seen at this intersection and she rolled her eyes and said that her family stopped counting at 3,000 accidents. She did say that they had lived there since the 70’s, however I still thought it was extremely excessive, and I complained myself about this intersection and others to the city.
No one in my immediate family has ever been hurt at this intersection, however I think it’s important that we consider each others families the same as we would our own, so I did end up suggesting to the city that these intersections required their immediate attention.
Abercrombie did not retire at 105k, I dont know where you get that. “liar” making up stuff. Yeah he retired and now there is another motor cop doing the same thing. That’s their job.
Haha! It came from the City!
GREGORY E ABERCROMBIE $ 105,351.00 Police
After the latest fatality, the city put up a ‘No Right Turn On Red’ sign on eastbound Malvern intersection w/Euclid.
I am in the process of gathering information on this incident. Please contact me at
as a fullerton lifer, yes , it is especially dangerous because the southbound traffic picks up more speed than most drivers realize by going downhill into this intersection. the yellow flashing light is more unique to fullerton than it is ubiquitous. so, drivers who are unfamiliar with fullerton’s unique traffic system are initially confused while driving through one of our city’s most dangerous intersections. Our city council needs to immediately fix this problem before someone else suffers an accident.
I don’t think people are making anything up, RI. I’ve personally made turns at that intersection MANY times, and I’ve NEVER had a problem. These are all opinions though, which I respect. Knock on wood, I guess, that I’ve never had an issue there.
Yea not making up the lawsuit. Just the rest and that’s normal. It could be an isolated fatal with a lawsuit. Lawsuits happens on every death these days. Doesn’t mean anyone did anything wrong anymore, or that anything is wrong. Just a way for attorneys to make money. Stats would show if there is an issue.
Yes, we know. Just like we saw that well-fed jelly bellied FPOA president writing chickenshit horn honk tickets.
“Just doin’ my job” (insert smiley face)
Insert a bottle of that ink black “Just For Men” hair dye that Barry Coffman wears too.
…plus that cocky smirk and that would complete the Barry Coffman ensemble.
Dont hate he probably has more money than you.
It’s like I just read two posts from two different “Reality Is” personalities on the same subject?
The first one was flippant and dismissive and “thats just the way it is” tone.
And the second one was still speaking in a slightly clipped manner, however this one was more gracious (“Good Morning”), more intelligent ( suggesting that someone request a public records request and run the TC stats for the intersection) and this one offered reasonable and rational responses ( “instead of assuming and wondering, and then make crap up, just get the stats’).
I hope that if I’m ever in “Reality Is’s” jurisdiction and find myself getting pulled over, that I encounter the same officer that posted the second time. I like this “Reality Is” much better.
LOL Full Lover.
It was the exact same posts. It just said Hello, Good Morning, Hi, and some others on the intro.
It was me and Tony playing games. Every time I would post, he would delete it. So we were going back and forth. But my post was identical each time.
I got a giggle out of your post though.
Wrong. Tony doesn’t waste time on small fry. Not worth it.
So true Fullerton Lover.
In fact when THAT Reality Is speaks, I listen and appreciate what he posts. He’s obviously a high-ranking LEO that truly does appear to be providing some helpful insight on this blog, from the LEO perspective.
However, his ‘happens all the time’ as if malfeance within policing is OK, just gets under my skin as well as others.
All in all, RI ain’t a bad guy. And I’m not in a very good mood right now.
Thanks WG. Understood.
I feel the same way about Reality Is as you do Wrong Guy. I dismiss the ornery flippant one sometimes as the by-product of the cynicism that’s required at times in his police work. I’m a hate the sin love the sinner type of guy that looks for the best in everyone, and I think Reality Is’s job as a Police Officer forces him to look for the worst in everyone. That has to wear on you after awhile, and would erode even the sunniest type of disposition into moral morass.
There are plans to make Euclid into a six lane street.
I do sit ups at this intersection every morning…
I’m pretty sure I saw you there before.
You looked more like an “Abbey”.
Didnt you get rear ended there? Face was bloused too amirite??
How’s that GED education working out for you John Doe? I stand by my earlier quote where I said that FPD’s Motorcycle Officer Greg Abercrombie is making over 100K a year in retirement.
You know that doesn’t mean he makes over $100k in retirement though right? That was his final year of income.
Wrong again. Those numbers are straight from CalPERS and they are actual 2011 pension payouts.
Oh I thought that post showed what those people made on their final year.
So he made about 140k his final year. Impressive.
It depends on his length of employment. 30 years + 90% – not counting nice little base-building boosts.
Cops play lawyer. Cops play subject matter expert. Not good. GED fail. Lose-lose.
Public safety. Sometimes happens. Mostly accidental. Sucks.
Now that’s how you squash a troll with facts…
Take notes trolls.
105k is with benefits. Its not take home. Dont get your shorts in a bunch.
Great. Now we’ll have 3 lanes of Southbound traffic T-Boning the East and Westbound traffic on Malvern Avenue instead of the current 2 lanes of traffic!
For those of you who are unaware of the angle of the pitch that the road (Euclid) takes before it hits Malvern Avenue, think of the first line in the letter “W”, and that’s a pretty fair idea of the drop that Euclid takes before drivers have to stop at the crosslight. If the driver is unsuccessful in stopping at the light, the drivers going East and West on are literally and figuratively blindsided while going 40-45 MPH due to the obstructions at the intersection provided by the homeowners landscaping.
It actually used to be even more dangerous before the city finally made it illegal to turn right on a red light driving eastbound on Malvern/Chapman.
a few houses up from this intersection is whwe shane stinson lived .He was the first 911 war casualty lost from fuulerton.
When you fail to maintain roads, coefficient of friction and the ability to brake or stop are greatly reduced. A cars anti brake system will sense lock up and reduce braking effort, lengthening stopping “distance and increasing the chance for great bodily harm and death.
If and when a City decides to shorten yellow light durations to create funds, having them blink is their logical next step in STUPID. Yes, that does give STUPID people a bad name, and adds to their many and expensive list of victims.
Although that area has its road problems, the real problem in FUllerton is that if you are visiting and do not know all the myriad ins and outs of the goofy road system and flashing lights, etc. you will find it a bit confusing. Add in the fact that many people who drive in Fullerton at night on the weekends have been imbibing in one of the many watering holes approved by your city council, and you have a poor situation. It is made more grave by the wanton desire of the 3 blind mice to obtain political contributions in return for allowing these types of establishments. Remember that bars and gambling casinos make the best types of slush funds. Lots of CASH! And as Jesse Unrah said “Money is the mothers milk of Politics”! So what do the 3 stumps have to say? Are they still alive?
I liked you all fat and dorky…before you took steriods and that serial rapist thing serious…I guess when you went pro- it became a problem for me.
Dont worry citizen M…your wife loves me
A think you meant to say that the bloated tool who bench presses 450 loves you. The hard way.
Hey Wrong Guy..Are you going to talk in tonights council meeting? I like how you get all bend out of shape. I need a good laugh. You and Jimmy.
No John Doe.
There weren’t any of YOU to put in their place.
You don’t even know who I am because I don’t get bent out of shape or yell or whatever your delusion is.
Don’t quit your day job critic.
And btw John Duh, I believe you meant to say ‘bent out of shape’.
Not ‘bend out of shape’
What kind of ninny would want to make everyone waste time sitting thru multiple traffic signal cycles just because a few stupid drivers don’t understand what a flashing yellow turn light means? Thank you City Traffic Engineer for being bold and bringing this excellent tool to Fullerton!
A bold traffic engineer!!!!! You must be joking. If it ain’t in the book they won’t do it. The most cowardly, unimaginative creature on Earth is the City Traffic Engineer!!
You’re an idiot. Thanks for paying attention lol.
…so I see Jones and McKinley are not at the council meeting; do they even have a quorum? How can they do anything without a majority in attendance?
I guess 3 out of 5 qualifies, but what the hell??
Maybe McKinley had a Little League ceremony or a clan meeting he had to get to tonight.
Do you notice how the city attorney starts all of his statements off with “It’s my understanding…….yudda yudda yudda…..”
Not a confident attorney aye?
Oh no she di’int-did Quirk just say that anyone could have spoken about “water” anytime? for the last 10, 20 years??
Did she pass out and wake up in another country when someone DID mention it last summer?
How come SHE didnt say anything in the 8 yrs she was on council?
Who was it who could be heard breathing heavily or snoring while on an open microphone? It wasn’t any of the speakers in public comments – Bankhead? Felz? Hughes?
Maybe it was Bankhead-he sounded like a grumpy old bear. “I don’t sit on the water board!”
“I’m not talking to you!” (was that leveled at Barry?)
He was snorting, I think.
LOL. She has had like 7 of those years herself to say something….ridic.
So who of you voted for this whole bicycle thing? It works in DC and NY, but those are concentrated cities. :facepalm:
City attorney doesn’t have any background on the hiring of Cicinelli, but will look into it if the council requests.
In response to that, Bandhead advised Felz to make sure it’s OK with city policy before he approves of attorney looking into it.
Did I get that right?
No one knows what to do when the lights change there. But it’s Fullerton’s cool new idea, to have different lights than every other city in the nation!! What could go wrong?
My guess is the company who makes these killer lights gave a few folks campaign donations. So far the Council has refused to admit they cause accidents. Hope the family takes them to the cleaners.
Thank you for correctly identifying your image here.
Its sad to see how messed up city council and traffic is in Fullerton. Just real sad!
When you bounce off the bottom going up is so much easier.
Keep up the great effort.
The blinking yellow turn lights are dangerous and confusing. Get rid of them.
In other news ..
Um, with the whole prop 8 thing, one I cant get married to a woman, and two my boyfreind….is you guessed it a boy.
Albey Al thinks he’s a slick one.
To Citizen M: “Your wife loves me.” lol
Chisled abs makes one cocky; too much alcohol consumption makes one stupid.
Hey Albey Al, no wonder you are ‘cocky’ and ‘stupid’.
Money? So Wrong guy is jealous, over what? being a well fed fat fuck that will undoubtably die from heart disease, yeah he risks his life every day running to & for food. The only way this guy would take a bullet in the line of duty, if he was in some sort of fast food line and got hit-yeah Coffee the last time he was in some sort of physical- anything, was when he sprinted past andrew to get a free donut from the human troll Syl. PUHLEEZ, even COFFMAN doesnt want to be coffman, he is trying to eat his way into heaven, Im telling you- I want back the hours spent on deciphering what the hell was on Cofee’s neck- I say pack of hot dogs resting on his neck, for a snack later- WRONG guy- said it was guilt- either way, WRONG guy and I have had chuckles over Coffee and donuts, never have I heard WRONG guy, say Im jealous of their pay…never. He did comment, that they have shiny badges..and bad attitudes…does that count as jealous? That was about the nicest thing I ever heard him say…so you be the judge.
Alby……you like me, like boys, I admit it- I love boys, why not come out.