The She-Bear Lumbers into Brea
Oh look! The She-Bear, Pat McKinley, is bestowing his wisdom upon the women of north Orange County tonight at a Soroptimist gathering at Brea City Hall, Meeting Room A, tonight at 7 pm. Here’s the announcement:
For $5 the She-Bear will explain all about women using their inner ursine instincts to beat off assaults from felonious He-Bears, and McKinley delves into his subject with all the psychological depth and expertise bestowed by a 12th grade education. It’s all about instinct, where Pat’s alleged street savvy trumps any real intellectual understanding of anything.

I wonder if any of the attendees will ask Ex-Chief McPension why he, as boss of the Fullerton Police Department, hired the sexual predator Albert Ricon, and then permitted him to remain on the streets preying upon female victims after already having been identified in numerous complaints. Rincon’s MO was to falsely arrest women and sexually assault them in the back seat of his patrol car.
And I wonder if Pat will explain why the City of Fullerton just handed over half a million bucks to two of Rincon’s victims to settle a civil rights law suit against Rincon and the City; or why Federal Judge Andrew Guilford dressed down McMillion’s department for its signal failure to protect the women of Fullerton from Rincon.
Perhaps the best advice McKinley can give us ladies is to stay out of FPD squad cars.
Someone needs to attend this and ask those very questions. I’m sure everyone will be curious.
Please, please – someone go and ask these questions!
He is peddling his book when he ought to be committing all his time to fixing the mess he has created in Fullerton. What a putz.
Is he really doing this right on the heals of the Officer Ricon debacle? He is completely out of touch! Please someone go and take him to task. Please — and report back on this blog. Thanks!
P.S. — The drunk with the FPD sticker hitting R. Thomas’ car and now this — we have now entered theater of the absurd.
It’s hard to believe how dumb McKinley must be. You even gave him a warning and he still stuck his pata in his mouth. Dope!
If they issued CCW permits to us citizens, Mcpension could stop writing his crap books. As a police chief he had the authority to issue CCW permits. Wonder who he handed those out to and how much donation money it cost?
McPension told me he had never issued a permit to a non-LEO. He said he referred all others to the sheriff. Supposedly he’s pro 2nd Amendment but I have serious doubts.
LEO’s do not need a CCW. Bush gave them a Federal right to carry conceal anywhere as long as they were in good standing and if retired were tested regularly….. McPension had no reason to give CCW’s to LEO’s after 2002…. California had no reason for an LEO to have a CCW before 2002 because the state recognized that police could carry concealed. The rest of the U.S. has no reciprocity with California so a California CCW is useless anywhere else. McPension lied to you….
A lot of these dirtbags can carry on a plane. All they need to bring is a letter from the department head.
…So much for airport security.
Gotta hand it to Pat McPension. Not only does he seem to be able to not make ends meet on a $200,000 a year pension, but he writes books and gives speeches at $5 a seat venues!
On top of that he sleeps through Fullerton City Council meetings, redevelopment agencies meetings ($250 to $500 a pop) and who knows what else!
My guess is Albert Rincon helped Pat with the information in Pat’s book telling how easy it is for a policeman under the color of authority to sexually abuse a woman – oops thats 10 women?
Maybe Rincon will assist with the presentation.
McKinley has 40 years of experience working closely with perps and pervs to understand the criminal mindset.
Maybe some of Rincon’s victims will attend.
They can’t. McKinley gave them a $500,000 settlement if they agreed to shut up about the incident.
Actually, the taxpayers gave out that $500,000 settlement. McKinley was there to approve the deal, but did not have to pay it himself.
That was real convenient, wasn’t it?
Can anybody say “conflict of interest?”
Okay, I’ll say it. Conflict of interest.
Lead by example… The best way to avoid sexual assault by an FPD officer is to stay in Brea.
Could we show up and heckle?
Hold signs and hand out detailed flyers about the sexual assaults by officers on his watch.
Urge to show up and heckle rising
Oh the irony of someone who puts women at danger by keeping sexual predators on his force giving a lecture on protecting women from perps. He must only be concerned about the non-badge wearing predators. I like how he addresses the seminar to “the women you care about”and outsmarting a victim regardless of size. According to this brilliant logic, women need to be protected by their men but can outsmart a criminal even though their lack of size apparently means their brains don’t work as well as the male perps. Does this guy write his own stuff? Might want to pay someone to do that.
Oh, there’s going to be hecklers. And I’m sure there are plenty of victims of sexual assault at the hands of FPD beyond what’s been reported that haven’t been paid off.
Please, please – someone go and ask these questions!
He is peddling his book when he ought to be committing all his time to fixing the mess he has created in Fullerton. What a putz.
Is he really doing this right on the heals of the Officer Ricon debacle? He is completely out of touch! Please someone go and take him to task. Please — and report back on this blog. Thanks!
@ Itsabsurd…. your wish just might be granted….
Well in that case please video it so it can be posted and put on youtube. I would but can’t get there.
Thank you. If I could have just one more wish . . . Video.
@ Itsabsurd……I’m not able to make it, however, some of “Kelly’s Army” may just be there and have planned on doing exactly what has been suggested above for quite some time now….
If I were able to attend I would ask “the chief” How can a female citizen protect herself from a rogue officer?
Yes. That would be good. A follow-up question to that would be ” suppose the rogue officer is making a false arrest of the female citizen, should she summon her inner she-bear and resist the arrest or would that only escalate the situtation from a sexual assault to a possible murder situation?”
“My lawyer has instructed me not to comment on ….blah blah blah blah blah blaaaaahhh”
Hitler had a fantastic public relations man. He was called the Master of the Big Lie. This man is now trying to make his living off the public tit. He now sells himself as the protector of the public? He doesn’t seem to get the point of what has been happening around him. We don’t want him and his vermin friends in our world. We don’t trust him anymore. We don’t even like him. He must be having a little problem paying the light bill. I certainly hope so. If he has any self respect, he will leave our community and this area.
I wonder why you need to be 16 to attend this. That’s pretty weird.
Its one thing grouping women but grouping children can get you registered as a sex offender (unless you’re a TSA agent). I heard Rincon will be in charge of searches/pat downs at the door.
It is in Brea….
“For $5 the She-Bear will explain all about women using their inner ursine instincts tobeat off assaults from felonious He-Bears.”
After that class they will be beating off He-bears left and right…
I’m sure there will be a Q & A at some point during his shpeel and these are legitimate questions. If anyone gets arrested for asking them I’d love to see the story on 10 ‘o clock news.
Nobody on this site has the guts to go and ask stupid questions. You will be in the minority and will be probably be asked to leave by the women who attend who actually want the knowledge.
You wouldn’t do well by yourself, only in herds where you feed off of each others disrespectful comments. Just like the council meetings. It’s easy to be disrespectful when you have a room full of idiots who share your jaded beliefs.
By “jaded beleifs” do you mean: (A) that public officials should be accountable for their actions; (b) that people have a right to assembly; (c) that individuals have freedom of speach; or (d) that police officers need to follow the laws they are asked to enforce?
“You wouldn’t do well by yourself, only in herds”
Rather like the DTF FPD Goon Squad.
With all respect to you Anonymous, was the case of Albert Rincon settled by the City of Fullerton for $500,000.00 after Federal Judge Guilford refused to dismiss the civil suit against the city ?? Did not the same Judge Guilford, who happens to be a conservative, reprimand both the City of Fullerton and the FPD for turning a blind eye to the actions of Rincon the Molestor ?? Didn’t Mr. She Bear hire this pervert officer back in 2006 ?? Isn’t he now in the process of being terminated by the FPD ?? I think we who attend our council meetings are on the right side of this issue.
There appears to be no disrespect or jaded beliefs by idiots, just the concerns of good citizens who want to make others aware that it was Mckinley who hired this pervert and therefore complicit in his actions. Or is he going to use the excuse he used about Ramos and Cicinelli. Dear me where did they go wrong ???
Also, it is a fair question to ask him what a women should do when molested by a police officer who is sworn to protect and serve.
For me it is hard to be disrespectful but very easy to stand up for my rights and those of my fellow citizens. Maybe that is something you never learned……………….
100% on point. McKinley has been aware of Rincon’s actions for a long time. It’s only getting settled now because the Federal judge came down so hard on them. They are probably regretting that they attempted to get the whole thing dismissed because otherwise, if they had just settled, the public would not have seen the judge’s decision, which also included a lot more details about Rincon’s behavior and how it had (not) been addressed.
Be careful. Can FPD arrest people and tow their cars in Brea, by the way? Instead of heckle, ask some pointed and direct questions about the issue of police officers sexually assaulting women. Some of us would like to know what we should do if we get pulled over, placed under arrest and put in handcuffs by a lone officer who turns off DAR. How can we protect ourselves? What are we to do if we don’t trust our LE because of repeated documented and verified instances of police brutality, criminality, sexual molestation, false reports, and so forth? I would like to know what he can tell a woman about that?
> Can FPD arrest people and tow their cars in Brea, by the way?
Why would they?
And what should I tell a teenaged girl about that? That she cannot trust a police officer if she is pulled over or detained? Should she call 911 and report being afraid because she has heard about all these other incidents so that there would at least be a record of the call and the stop?
Bill W. above said:
Well I say, we’ll see about that!
Oh yeah?
We’ll see about that too!!!
McSleepy: “Ladies, trust your instincts when you encounter one of the officers I hired and RUN!”
End of presentation.
I want to know the same thing. I wonder what if any kind of answer he would have.
Questions for McKinley: 1) “Do you understand the irony of you giving this presentation, having previuosuly refused to take action (wehter as the police chief or as a city counsel member) against sexual predators in your own police department?” 2) Your police officers beat Kelly Thomas and assualted the women of fullerton, and you failed to speak out — why do you think you are qualified to lead the city of Fullerton? 3) If your son was killed by local police or your mother was assualted by the police — what would you expect from your city leaders? 4) Will you resign? 5) Do you think you are still an effective leader — why?
I am honestly more afraid of the FPD attacking me then some random stranger in a dark alley.
At least you can fight off the random stranger and he’ll probably give up after a few well placed hits.
Yeah, and the random stranger is less likely to use a taser on you, too.
I’ll take my chances with a random stranger at least I know he won’t call for back up while I’m beating his worthless ass!!!
It would be helpful if I could get a female to attend with me and that she ask all these questions and concerns you just addressed, blessusall.
I don’t think my questioning on this topic would be as credible, coming from a dude.
I would go in a heartbeat if I weren’t 2500 miles away. I respect and admire your willingness to do so, Wrong Guy.
Wrong Guy,
I think the entertainment value alone would have gotten you on the news last night if you would have showed up in drag and asked these same questions.
does a bear she in the woods? mckinley’s seminar seems big on following gut instincts to avoid becoming a victim. what was mckinley’s gut instinct when he found out his hand-picked thin , blue line, fullerton police officers, murdered a homeless, disabled man? what was mckinley’s gut instinct when he served on rusty kennedy’s orange county human relations commission whose stated purpose is to protect the civil rights of all persons in the big OC?
I will try to answer the above questions by using my own gut instincts. Mckinley didn’t give a she about the murder of homeless man by fullerton police officers; he did give a she about covering it up. mckinley did not give a she about civil rights when serving on rusty’s OC human relations commission, but that is okey dokey, rusty disesn’t give a she about the civil rights abuse when a disabled, homeless man was beaten to death by his colleague’s, pat mckinley,death squad aka fullerton police officers.
on mckinley and rusty kennedy of the OC human relations commission because unlike these two chzaracters, I give a she.
Shadow, what makes you think McKinley graduated from high school?
in my opinion,on mckinley and rusty kennedy of the OC human relations commission because unlike these two chzaracters, I give a she.
Somewhat off topic but I’m pretty disheartened to learn The Fullerton Shadow is a woman. 🙁
huh? Stay on topic.
He tends to make lewd comments about female protesters and earlier on said he could understand why the officers were “provoked” into beating Kelly to death.
I believe he said Kelly was a “smart ass” or something like that. Anyway, he tends to go “off topic” plenty of times then when he’s confronted calls posters trolls, etc.
On a serious note, re: McKinley’s appearance I think he has been made aware of the possibility of FFFFers attending with the intent to put him on the spot.
Good. He will have had time to come up with serious answers to our very serious questions. I don’t think anyone wants to heckle him just for the fun of it. I think he has been silent for far too long. But now he is accepting cash in exchange for answering questions. If that’s how he wants to play it, so be it. But theese are serious questions that need answers.
I agree that it is best to ask direct, serious questions in a reasonable manner. Heckling makes the heckler look bad. I honestly would want to know what to tell my daughter, when she is 16, to do if she is driving and gets pulled over by police and doesn’t feel safe? I don’t think any of our LEOs in my town would do anything to hurt her but I imagine the majority of people in Fullerton didn’t really think that was happening in their town, either.
I just got my copy of “she bear” cant wait to read it, oh. looking inside-looks like Pat signed this copy in 2009 to “shirley best wishes-be safe” looks like he scribbled it with his foot too, anyway some good bathroom reading-tell you about it later
The Optomists club in Brea where McKinley will be speaking is a womens group that helps women and the homeless. How did they settle on McKinley as a speaker?
Momentary, terrible lapse in judgment?
I suspect this was set up before some of the shenanigans of FPD had become more widely public. Otherwise, I can’t imagine what they were thinking.
does anyone know if rincon is going to stay on with fpd?
That information is not for you to know.
We attended last night and Mckinley said Rincon is off the force.
We Do Have A Right To Know….
We attended last night and Mckinley said Rincon is off the force.
We Do Have A Right To Know.
I thought someone posted that he was sacked. Actually I’d be surprised if that’s true.
From what I read, it said that Rincon had been notified of “intent to terminate.” He did have to turn in badge and gun, apparently. But it didn’t say he had actually been fired at the time. Sounds like they were still going to have to go through that long involved process that the city attorney talked about at the last city council meeting. Don’t know what’s happened since then.
Apparently it is more important to avoid being sued by a terminated police officer than it is to protect your citizens from said offending officer. So, they sat idly by while their female citizens were being molested by Rincon and now are also paying out big bucks. They were willing to let all those women get hurt in order to avoid financial liability if they fired the guy. What? It’s disgusting. So now, all those women have been assaulted AND all of them deserve some type of compensation from the people who could have done something to keep it from happening (fired Rincon) and didn’t. I’m sorry it’s the Fullerton tax payers who are footing the bill.
Yeah, we’re going to have to explain to them that getting violent police criminals off the street is more important to the citizens than whether or not the city gets sued. Anyway, the city does get sued, but mainly because of its thuggish police!
Terminated means no CCW for Rincon…. open season on molesters.
If they molest you that is, vigilates are a no-no in pc Amerika.
I don’t think they terminated Rincon. If they did then it would have been picked up by atleast the OC Weekly then posted here on the front page.
Thanks to the inept DA who didnt file charges, there is no incentive for them to fire him.
I recall reading that they started the procedure to fire him but it is a long and complicated procedure with multiple hearings, etc.
I sure do hope there will be more than a few people there at the meeting bringing this up. These things have GOT to change.
I don’t understand how McKinley could possibly feel its appropriate for him to hold a seminar on safety for women after knowing for years that Rincon was on the force doing nastyass deeds to women in his patrol car and prior to that was a known letch-honestly that is so disrepectful
This is the same guy who most likely watched the beating video of Kelly Thomas and told the officers “Carry On”. He has lost his decency and humanity over the years and now is a well paid Zombie haunting the streets and city buildings of Fullerton.
Also, it was good talking to you on Saturday. Keep up the passion……………….
you too Moron- you coming out again saturday?
Roger that my friend…………………
McKinley probably sees the staggering hypocrisy, but either doesn’t care, thinks the general public is unaware, or both.
As far as McKinley viewing the tape I believe he was probably contacted by someone in FPD (if not Sellers) and asked to view the tape/provide guidance.
Nothing but ladies at this meeting. Didn’t even see McKinley. It would have been a bust for me to enter, being the only male but I got a good look at the group. Mostly older ladies. Hah, guess he is a ladies man. I hope at least one of those ladies challenges him and his PD.
Hey jackass Mckinley..Why dont you dontate your $5.00 to the officers you stabbed in the back..Your worthless and an embarassement to the city of Fullerton.
The cost of attending the event: $5
The look on his face if someone asks the tough questions: priceless
Shoulda had it at the Firefox lol
^ that was for wrong guy. 😉
…see y’all Wednesday
So how was the seminar? I knew nobody had the balls to show up.
Seminar? WTF? You mean cheapjack shakedown attempt on a bunch of old ladies.
We’ll let you know tomorrow how McMillion fared.
You mean the FoxFire? 😉
pish posh…you know what I meant. 😉
I was there, McKinley wasn’t; unless he was 1/2 hour late.
I didn’t see you biatch!!!
Is it confirmed he did not show up at his own event?
If he did not show up for his own event, how is he going to stand up o the Recall? Is he going to be a no-show then as well?
Did our friends from the OC Register show up?
You can catch a book signing at the john and ken recall event. The chief is the featured speaker. Come early the books will go quick. See you there.
I will be watching this dirtbag, and EVERY TIME he tries to step out sell that book I will be there. If anyone sees an ad for him as a speaker or doing a book signing please contact me. McKinley has NO BUSINESS speaking on womens’ safety!
we all know when pat mckinley was fullerton’s police chief he served on rusty kennedy’s orange county human relations commission, a tax dollar funded commission whose purpose is to protect civil rights and promote civility in the community . so i guess pat mckinley must care about the rights of the disabled like kelly thomas who suffered from schizophrenia and rights of women like those molested by policer officer rincon while mckinley was fullerton’s police chief
after reading that “she bear” thing that he wrote, I am positive this guy is the biggest hypocrite and just operates in life like a robot
girl’s civil rights interrupted, I’m back!
or does pat mckinley protect the civil rights of fullerton police officers over the civil rights of us ordinary people? and why rusty kennedy, colleague of pat mckinley, mum on these civil rights abuses. I would believe what with rusty being a colleague of mckinley , rusty would have an inside scoop from mckinley on these abuses that have been going on for awhile in their home town of fullerton
Three mouthy crazy bitches a half bottle short of their medication showed up. I think the old chief referred to the skankyist as feisty young lady. The chief quickly put her in her place and she shut up. Probably sent her bi-polar ass into her depression cycle.
What up it’s me the one with the Spuk!
more like he put his foot in his mouth!
why dont you and you cat come by my put me in my place!
I think you know where to find me!
It was so amazing to see the look on his face when confronted with the truth.
“don’t do this to me!”
And we don’t need him to put us in our place.
We are in our place. Standing up for what’s right.
Too bad you didn’t speak up when we were there. Would have loved to put you on camera too..
He is on his way out you can go right along with him…
Wait so what happened at the seminar?
He showed his true colors.
Watch the video from the latest FFFF