Update from admin: It’s 2011 and we’re still still catching stanky wiffs rising from the bog of mediocrity known as the RDRC. Yep, they’re still slowing and stalling residential additions, nitpicking the architectural details of private projects and using the know-nothing force of government to bear down on hapless homeowners trying to improve buildings that aren’t even visible from the public street. And so again we say…
The Fullerton Redevelopment Design Review Committee (RDRC) must be abolished. The committee was created in the 1970’s along with the Redevelopment Project Areas with the goal of fostering good architectural designs within them.
The trial run period is over. The RDRC and its associated bureaucratic process has failed – failed to improve design in either the project areas themselves, or in the ever growing number of projects in which city staff has required RDRC review. Actually the reverse is true. The failure has been spectacular.

The pages of this blog has been nauseatingly filled with examples of RDRC failure-projects dutifully approved by a compliant and complacent RDRC. Rather than promoting innovative and creative work-excellence, in fact, the RDRC has enabled city staff penchant for the phony, stucco, and brick veneered banalities intended to comfort the worst of middle brow aesthetic preferences.
Over the weary years the RDRC has been the precinct of local architects looking to promote their own interests within the city. Numerous examples of conflicts of interest were exposed in the 1990’s. And the city council keeps appointing to the RDRC dingbats, talent-free Pecksniffs, and interior decorators, to whom you wouldn’t entrust the design of a birdhouse. The existence of this committee provides the city council with a little political cover on potentially controversial projects, but accomplishes very little else.
And so we say: Abolish the RDRC! People developing their own property without subsidy or without legislative action by the City should be able to design their projects without city oversight; those receiving subsidy or significant zone changes should be required to use architects who have been published in reputable professional journals. Maybe when this happens we can have increased freedom for private owners and design excellence for City sponsored projects. Presently we have very little of either.
whoooo Rhaaaa, these bozo’s need to be stopped now! This great city deserves excellence not sub standard politically driven self promoting idiots with nothing but their own interests in mind at the heart of everything they decide and or vote on. What would it take to overthrow this RDRC and any clown affiliated with it? Let’s run them all out of town forever. WFF
Dear FFF(F’in)F.
Who are the appointees on this comission, who appointed them and what are their qualifications? My understanding is that they are supposed to have some experience related to design and or building of buildings.
the large, looming presence of the fake 2nd story tarantula building architecturally personifies the ravenous appetite of the RDRC. Not until the RDRC consumes our town with its bad taste will it stop. The only way to stop this monster is to starve it by refusing to feed it tax revenue.
van’s right, we must starve the monster before it creates a place for it to lurk in; which would be in all the fake second floors throughout the city it created.
#1. It would take 3 votes, just like it took to abolish the PAC, just ask Jane Reifer.
It would seem they have failed in every regard, and are nothing but puppets in the hands of developers. Since they are ineffective, there’s no use in continuing to funnel money into the ongoing support of this committee.
Let’s be accurate about this. The RDRC has failed alright, and for two reasons. First, its members have been given too much influence over non-government projects. Second, the committee has always been made up of staff lackeys who would be afraid to vote “no” – especially if staff was behind a real Redevelopment monster. Well just look at the cityscape It speaks for itself in condemnation of Fullerton’s RDRC!.
And of course it’s hard to identify a single member who has ever been on it who had real ability; which means that in the first case private property owners were being subjected to incompetence; in the second the stooges simply acquiesced to whatever the staff wanted to do.
Therefore: get rid of them. City subsidized projects can be required to be designed by published architects – not the parasites who’ve been playing go along/get along with the city managers and development directors.
this agency approved of the tarantula building? the tarantula building is overwhelming proof that the RDRC is a menace to society.
Could you imagine if someone wanted to build something modern in Fullerton and hired an architect like Frank Lloyd Wright, John Lautner, or Philip Johnson. And your project had to be reviewed and approved by the RDRC before you could get a building permit. And they told you to go back to the drawing board because your design was not compatible with their design guidelines. Ouch, that hurts just to think about!
The RDRC is a fucking joke. These COCKSUCKERS spend too much money on brick veneer! When Tony himself wanted to develop Slumba village the RDRC said “No” we don’t like you, we will let a real developer build Slumba Village. Tony was so mad because he had spent a great deal of time and money collecting all the charming bungholelows. Tony was forced out and he lost lots of money. The only bungholelows Tony was able to keep were those rented by 13-year-old shot callers Tony feared so.
If you have an opinion offer it. This penis envy trick over Bushala is getting old and is very transparent. We get that you are jealous of Bushala for whatever reason but until the guy starts wasting our taxpayer money, who gives a damn how much he made or lost in a private transaction?
If you want to defend the RDC or slam them do so. Meanwhile go masterbate in front of your Bushala shrine at home in silence and leave the rest of us out of your bizarre fetish.
Can I get a Tony Bushala shrine to masturbate with too?
Well, if it’s any consolation to you it looks like they hardly ever meet:
But what’s going on with the minutes? There are no RDRC meeting minutes posted on the city’s website since 2009! What kind of accountability is this?
The 2nd floor is fake??
Give the money back and let private owners develop their own businesses. Redeveloped Triangle Square in Costa Mesa is a ghost town, and Fullerton downtown would be too if it weren’t for private owners.
I agree right up to the point of requiring an new ladditional ayer of architectural credentialling, that being your call for restricting projects to only those with an architect (i.e. formally educated and State Licensed) who os ALSO “published in reputable professional journals”
If the property owner likes the licensed professional architect’s design who cares if the guy also wrote something that was “published?”
Things would be different if LaTour was around.
You just have to wonder what they turned down.
Hey I just saw a Bushala was arrested and charged in North Court for Hit and Run, that must be an interesting story? Was it a set-up by the man?
Case Number: 11NM09313
Originating Court: North
Defendant: Bushala, George Kahlil
0 02/28/2011 20002(a) VC M Hit and run with property damage 06/01/2011
0 02/28/2011 10852 VC M Unlawful tampering with vehicle 06/01/2011
0 02/28/2011 22107 VC I Unsafe turn or lane change 06/01/2011
Wow, he should be kicked off of the RDRC immediately!
Hit and run? Says a lot about a man’s character. Is this real?
It’s total bullshit, there was no arrest, and the bullshit charges will obviously be dropped.
This sort of thing only happens if your last name is Bushala, you’re in Fullerton, and you’re trying to help someone who’s front bumper falls off their car when they’re on your property. A bumper that was being held on by two sheet metal screws.
You can sure dish it out, but you sure can’t take it.
Someone parks a vehicle in front of our office. Sometime later, my brother George pulls up and parks his vehicle on the side of our office parking lot and noticed the front bumper of a vehicle on the ground.
A while later a woman arrives at the vehicle, George walks up to her and explains that he noticed her bumper lying on the ground. They examine the bumper to see it was being held on by two sheet metal screws. Surely not sufficient to keep the bumper from falling off.
He offers help putting the bumper back on the car. She said she would return the next day and leave the car at our shop so my bro could have it reinstalled properly.
The next day her husband shows up demanding a new bumper. Keep in mind there’s nothing wrong with the old one except it was not properly fastened to the vehicle. My brother rightly tells the man to go pound sand.
Then comes the cops. Then our insurance takes over. Then the serviceman from the body shop told our insurance agent that the policeman told the husband that the Bushala’s are rich, they own lots of property and if “they” wouldn’t buy them a new bumper the police would make them do it one way or another.
And now I repeat, “This sort of thing only happens if your last name is Bushala, you’re in Fullerton, and you’re trying to help someone who’s front bumper falls off their car when they’re on your property. A bumper that was being held on by two sheet metal screws”.
I’m taking bets that all charges are dropped.
Hollis Dugan:
“but until the guy starts wasting our taxpayer money”
Waste of tax dollars!
It appears the Bushala klan are heavy consumers of tax dollars, from providing overpriced nests for litters of tax gobbling anchor babies to creating a burden on an already strained judicial system.
Cut the waste of my tax dollars, lets start with the low hanging fruit. Pardon the pun.
prince (penis envy) Albert,
A) Did’t the Bushala family sell their rentals to Olson Company about 8 years ago for the project south of the train station called SoCo Walk?
B) Renting to a family that gets some government juice to supplement their own rent is not exactly a tax subsidy to the owner. I hope the subsidy program screens for legal status but that is really an issue for the housing dept, not local landlords. It’s similar to claimng Stater Bros. is wasting tax money because they accept food stamps.
With that said, are you for the RDRC or not?
This has nothing to do about “taking it.” You publish rubbish all of the time on thinner items than a police report, then get all bent out of shape when you get a little ribbing. Karma is a bitch. If you can’t take it, then stop dishing it out.
Fucking Cops I hate them, overpaid GED MOTHER FUCKERS. I’m sure George was framed. Fire all of them now!!!
Admin Sez:
1. It’s total bullshit, there was no arrest, and the bullshit charges will obviously be dropped.
Hey dumb dumb, The DA filed the case, you know the guy you talk shit on all the time. That means the case was not dropped.
2. This sort of thing only happens if your last name is Bushala, you’re in Fullerton.
NO.. last I checked a lot of criminals are charged with crime in the Fullerton… or did you think , I have lots of money, I run a blog and for that reason, I am hero and deserve?
Oh Tony says the charges are bullshit then that’s good enough for me. Give me a fucking break. I think drunk driving and other vehicular violations run in his family. I don’t think George was the first. But that was a nice piece of fiction you typed above.
On so now you’re a martyr too. OH FUCKING BOO-HOO. BLAH BLAH, BLAH.
Post a blog about when the charges are “obviously” dropped on Jorge.
Maybe we could combine the RDRC and the traffic commission so we would have a reason to talk traffic tickets and architecture at the same hearing.