A Fun Re-run

All this talk about Fullerton cop union boss Barry Coffman has resurrected fond memories of the hilarious video we shared last fall, after the notorious FPD Excessive Horning harassment episode. It seems that good ol’ Barry was one of the principle performers in Dan Hughes’ circus. Enjoy once more:

18 Replies to “A Fun Re-run”

  1. It appears that he could stand to cut back on the sugar glazed jelly donuts too.

    How far to you think he could chase a crook in a full-on sprint without doubling over and grabbing his chest? My guess is 25 yards.

    Don’t these people have any self-respect or interest in maintaining a modicum of human physical fitness in a job that should require it?

    1. Don’t you worry. Doug Chaffee is going to get those boys out of their patrol cars walking a beat.

    1. Brilliant.
      Favorite parts are the cartoon smile on Barry’s face, the food thoughtbubbles, the straining button on the cartoon Goodrich uniform while he holds on to a donut!

  2. waste of overtime. show the video of Hughes looking on from the front of the station with one of his chronies(the one with a DUI) using a radio to communicate to officers which vehicles to pull over…. yup, Hughes knew nothing about it, he just approved the OT and stood next to the person coordinating it…. you should find the person who got pulled over and said “uh, officer my horn doesn’t even work.”

      1. Thank you for posting the link, Fullerton Lover. I didn’t see Hughes up there when I was there. I’m still curious about what he said.

        1. My take was that then Captain Dan Hughes knew when he went into work that Saturday, that the FPD/FPOA had decided that they had had enough of the Kelly Thomas protest each Saturday, and that they were going to silence and squelch the protest and the protesters by silencing the motorists who were honking in support.

          When it became apparent that the protesters were none too happy with the end around to end the protest, I believe that Captain Hughes wisely made an “audible” at the “line of scrimmage” and voided the ticket that was presented to him in order to keep the peace with the protesters.

  3. Those who were laying on the horn were making up for those out there who refused to acknowledge why we were there on the sidewalk and what happened to an innocent man. Paying overtime to cite supporters and then dismissing the tickets was a waste of tax money, increased tensions and was a foolish thing to do. Who was in charge of that? Hmmm I wonder.

  4. It almost makes you want to drive up to this asshole’s house and lean on the horn.

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