Murder on the Recreation Trail

Sometime on Sunday night or early Monday morning a man was stabbed to death on the old Union Pacific right-of-way where it crosses Harbor Boulevard.
The cops are investigating the crime to see if they can figure out who’s who and what’s what. The Friends may draw their own conclusions as to the likelihood of a successful investigation. Fortunately a building owner has equipped himself with surveillance video cameras that captured the grisly death of the victim. Maybe the FPD can make something out of it.

I think this would be an excellent time to consider the site of the murder – one end of the desolate strip where our crack parks staff wants to spend two million bucks on a “recreation trail,” because…well, just because. Naturally all the patronizing lefties want to describe the idea of a linear park as just the ticket to revitalize the industrial uses on either side; something “nice” for south Fullerton.
Once you bother to peel back all that nonsense, the reality stares back at you: this is no place for anybody to be wandering around, especially kiddies, females and the unarmed. Of course our staff and City Council deal in abstractions, having accepted the grant money there will undoubtedly be bureaucratic lust to waste it – somebody else’s money. I seriously doubt if any of them have even bothered to walk along this strip, especially at night, to see that the idiot gesture of putting a trail there wouldn’t result in anything “nice” at all.
I wonder how staff is going to spin this. Probably something along the lines of “if only there were a trail, this never would have happened.”
But no logical explanation of the statement will be forthcoming.
“if only there were a trail, this never would have happened.”
Well. Do you think a nice inviting landscaped trail would attract visitors as our other trails do?
Safety in numbers?
That said the trails like all our parks are closed at night by law.
Boy you’re ignorant. Go walk the “trail” tonight. It’s open!
That’s hilarious. Right on cue. You don’t understand. NOBODY wants or needs a trail there. Never did. Um, except the patronizing fatheads in City Hall, of which there never seems to be a lack.
“NOBODY wants or needs a trail there.”
And who tf are you to say that? Based on what? Have you ever visited any of the trails? Why those and not this one? It seems like you are talking out of your ass.
Said the guy living in the hills who things Truslow is an appliance brand.
What a jerk.
I do not live in the hills.
Have you ever visited this proposed site? It seems like you are talking out of your ass. Which makes sense because that’s where your head is.
If this is closed at night why does the plan show light standards “for security”? Will the trail be illuminated for nobody?
You’re sort of retarded aren’t you?
You’re confusing “closed” with “unlit”
Some lights on doesn’t mean the trail is open.
All other parks in Fullerton close at twilight.
You’re sort of a dumb ass, aren’t you?
The area of the murder is the most conspicuous, well lit and and most traversed section of that “trail”. Maybe if the City Staff ever really gave a shit about Tokers Town, the housing stock wouldn’t breed criminals like it has for the last 70 years. The only significant housing development that improved FTT in the last 40 years had to be shoved down Staff’s throat because they preffered 4-plexes because “that’s what those people like”. Expanding that “trail” to the west, will create two long narrow +1000′ foot long strips that will be 10 times as deadly.
You’re confusing yourself with somebody with a clue.
And tell me how is the “trail” going to be closed and who’s going to do it? D’oh!
” tell me how is the “trail” going to be closed and who’s going to do it?”
Closed… by ordinance. Doesn’t mean that they actually have gates and guards.
Leave your home, visit our parks and read the signs.
Sometimes ordinances are just for your own warning as a matter of safety.
Same with lighting. The city is reasonable in putting lighting on a trail to make it safer at all times, because why the hell wouldn’t you want them to be safer at all times? Even when no one is legally supposed to be there.
Oh damn, why didn’t anyone think to tell the murderer and the homeless victim that this trail is closed at dusk?!
That would have saved a life. Hoger should have been there with a flashlight at 3 am warning potential victims.
No he wouldn’t. He’d be on the on ramp to the 57 off Imperial warning everyone about Libertarians.
He’d be on Chapman, but the guy with the foil and pod people scared him away.
Check out some pictures of the trail hellscape.
You clucking hens have no idea what you’re talking about.
Are the lights left on in the parks all night? Stay up and check back with us.
Who else has the video. An FFFF exclusive?
Zahra wouldn’t walk that trail without an FPD escort.
I’m sure his buddies at the DA’s office are happy to protect his innocence, wherever Ahmad happens to be standing.
Zahra will be working the glory hole at the end of that trail.
How much would it cost to upgrade your camera..its hard to make out any facial features
I see you are already planning to solve future murders on the Rec Trail. I like the way you think. Very practical.
The video was purposely blurred at the request of FPD.
Rest In Peace to the latest victim of the Fullerton homeless serial killer.
You can find some of the perps at the FPD…
I think Paulette Marshall Chaffee has been known to steal things from that location.
Don’t protect this criminal. Show us the video so we can find him.
What the fk is wrong with you people. Someone was killed. Have some tact.
First day on the internet?
Same cameras that caught Pilfering Paulette!
Guns don’t kill people. Knives don’t stab people. People don’t kill people. But of course, future trail locations and government liberals who create them kill people. Parks? Trails? Roads? ALL JUST POTENTIAL MURDER ZONES.
There is no place in Fullerton where someone could not be attacked in the dead of night.
Abusing a horrible incident like this is no way to make a irrational case against some new trail public trails and landscaping is just silly.
If anything having heavily used trails absolutely would make the areas safer during the day if a lot of people use them… as we heavily use our other recreational trails and bike paths.
Heavily used? This is just Zahra’s wet-dream and a few other liberal dumbasses who think they know what the “community” i.e. ignorant Mexicans who darn it just aren’t as articulate as Jesus Quirk-Silva.
Hoogerbooger lives in the north hills. He has absolutely no idea whatsoever about what happens near the railroad tracks at night.
Real rich of him to speak for everyone south of Chapman.
And that’s the patronizing way of all liberals – pretending to speak for minorities and the disadvantaged, yadda, yadda. And the farther they live from their peons, the more they talk in useless abstractions that make them feel good about themselves.
Yup, like Paulette as champion of the underdog and then “moving in” like a carpetbagger to steal their seat.
As far as I know I’ve used most all of our recreational trails.
And I’ve lived at both ends of Fullerton.
Bet you wouldn’t use this one. It might be useful if you wanted to go from SOCO Walk to play handball with the vatos at Independence Park. And along the way you could pick up some meth or crack and maybe even take a quick wash at a drinking fountain – if the water is still running.
Hoogerbooger claimed to use MOST all our trails. If he had used this one, he would have said it. What’s the hold up, Hooger? Take a walk on the wild side.
Oh it isn’t a trail just yet. That will take $2,000,000 and lots of our valuable park employees time to “give them something nice.” Only it won’t be nice and it won’t be used.
“Only it won’t be nice and it won’t be used.”
So wrong. Our trails are great resources and are heavily used. Never heard of the Fullerton Loop?
One of our great recreational resources in Fullerton.
Ask mountain bikers, runners, BMX’ers if you have any friends.
Other trails are heavily used? Has it ever occurred to you that this is NOT anything like other trails? But your faith is charming, especially since you won’t be responsible for the trails failure.
Hogerhuse, please provide a single bit of evidence to support your contention that this would be heavily used. Tell us who would use it and why?
” claimed to use MOST all our trails. If he had used this one, he would have said it. What’s the hold up”
I worded that exactly the way I meant it. I’ve run or biked through some of the abandoned rail right of ways that are not official trails but I’m not sure if I’ve used these exact segments.
They are necessary to use because the official trails are not all connected.
I do remember a couple segments that I move expeditiously through because I know they are less used and places where people could hide and potentially pose a threat.
But I’ve never felt unsafe on the official trail segments.
You will on this one, Bruiser….
Well here you will find a high % of “places where people could hide and potentially pose a threat.”
Such as 100%. But maybe you could ask Alice Loya to cut back on the trees and bushes. Of course then you’d have to look at the junkyards, tire stores, and asphalt plant. Good luck, Hero. You deserve.
Did it bother you that the staff report for this was full out outright lies?
All right, the time has come for us to admit it. All that psychiatric work I did with Dr. Schwartzman couldn’t put the pieces back together. But you must listen to us anyhow because I am always right ‘specially when I get mad (not crazy mad) and hammer out all caps.
Who are you?
Whoever you are, you’re incredibly callous and obtuse. Please crawl back into your hole and stay there.
You make the world a worse place every single time you touch a keyboard.
I’m someone with a reasonable opinion. Unlike fucking libertarians. Welcome to America “troll.”
“Burp. I am important. My second grade teacher told me so.”
John R Hogerhuis
No man, you just self-identify as reasonable.
You’re really just a sanctimonious jackass.
“You’re really just a sanctimonious jackass.”
Have you read the articles here? That describes every single article.
Your comments seem to be on every one of them.
I wonder why that is?
My actual thought is that John Hogerhuis is right on target. Why bother trying to have a conversation with the majority of writers in this blog? If you’re not in their camp, they’ll gladly respond with childish chatter.
Sometime ago, I was also told to “crawl back into my hole and stay there”. You soon come realize that it’s all school yard nonsense that diminishes any opinion they have.
The purpose of my msg. is to thank John H. for his patience in expressing a different opinion, not for entertainment, but for another viewpoint to consider.
And yet… Here you are.
Hey look everyone! Hoogerbooger has a friend!
There you are! Proving her point, juvenile.
Who had Hoogerbooger with an insult inside thirty minutes?
Oh, right. Everyone.
Wonderful mysteries of the universe, how did we know that’s exactly what would happen?
Hoogerbooger insisting on the last poorly chosen word in 3…2…1…
His opinion is so ill-informed as to be worthless. If I want City hall bureaucrat propaganda I can read their newsletter.
Well, I actually use the trails so my opinion outranks just about everyone who has commented so far.
You won’t use this one. You don’t have the balls.
You sound like a smart cowboy John R.
Why do you keep pulling this toxic thread?
First rule about FFFF, you don’t talk about FFFF.
Walk away and live to fight another day pal.
I’ll be fine.
The facts suggest that we are not fine, but I do hold out hope for us – against all odds. Dr. Schwartzman is a bit of a genius!
“Once you bother to peel back all that nonsense, the reality stares back at you: this is no place for anybody to be wandering around, especially kiddies, females and the unarmed.”
Libertarians making the “save the children” (and ladies, ya’ll) argument.
So precious.
Abusing a person’s murder for politics is deplorable. No way around it.
But making an argument this stupid is… par for the libertarian and conservative course.
Sample size of one? Is this a high crime future trail? Why would you say that? Because this crime happened, I guess.
” I seriously doubt if any of them have even bothered to walk along this strip, especially at night, to see that the idiot gesture of putting a trail there wouldn’t result in anything “nice” at all.”
Kinda the point? Not nice now… nice after.
Dumber than usual. As usual.
The murder isn’t being abused by anybody. The man’s death is a perfect metaphor for the dismal Poison Park disaster and the 20-years long do-nothing approach to the right of way – purchases that never should have been made by your precious incompetents in City Hall.
One of these days you may come to realize that government activity can do just as much harm as good. The history of this sort of thing in Fullerton goes back 40 years.
One thing is abundantly clear to anybody with a shred of commonsense: building a trail through this waste land that nobody will use is an absurd waste of money. Sorry if that bald fact perturbs you.
” 20-years long do-nothing approach”
So they’re doing it… and you still won’t shut up.
That just proves you will complain no matter what is done.
” this waste land that nobody will use is an absurd waste of money.”
Please get outside, visit our existing “linear parks” and see how heavily they are used instead of just spreading bullshit you invented while peeking through your blinds.
Yes, and they’re fucking it up, just like always. I dare you to get your ass off the cushion and take a walk along the right of way. Then come back with your blather about how a linear park is just the ticket. Alice Loya, the trog in charge of this mess couldn’t even tell the council how much it would cost to maintain this nonsense.
“take a walk along the right of way. Then come back with your blather about how a linear park is just the ticket.”
I’ve heavily used our trails esp. the Fullerton Loop for years. Including using rights of way to get between trail segments on my distance runs.
I think they’re a fantastic resource and I’m thankful to my fellow taxpayers for making it available to all of us.
And for those that haven’t experienced, go check it out (during normal daylight hours).
Distance runs? Hahahahahahaha! Use this one and you’ll become a sprinter very quickly!
“Dumber than usual. As usual.”
A perfect summation of your comments. Self-righteous, self-important, utterly lacking commonsense and of course, witless.
Ad hominem! At least send an argument along with your pablum. Any actual thoughts?
The word is “pabulum,” idiot. Only illiterates use “pablum.” Thanks for sharing. And watch out for yourself on the Trail of Tears. If it ever happens.
Seen it spelled both ways. Don’t be a spelling nazi.
The new normal. When enough illiterates use a word wrongly long enough it enters the lexicon.
I have 1. Your panty lines are showing cause your outrage is about as fake as Bishop Sycamore.
How about the Observer article about jp23
The murder actually kind of looks like John R Hogerhuis.
Mr. Hogerhuis…..
Go ahead and post your opinion/point/logic/facts/speculation one time and don’t feel so obligated to rebut every single post which disagrees with you. There are *always* going to be people here, and any blog for that matter, who disagree with you, post childish and irrelevant flames, etc. You need a thicker skin and shouldn’t take things so personally. Frankly I’m tired of reading the back and forth. Make your point, let it go. This arguing serves to weaken your position and your original point gets lost in the bickering.
The arguing is a pattern with you. I like reading and considering differing viewpoints but don’t feel the need to rebut every post which disagrees with me (and there are many, and I’m sure this post itself will generate flames, insults, etc.). You’ll be happier and life will be less stressful if you learn to let things go. In the scheme of things your disagreements with this blog are a whole lot of nothing yet you let it consume you. Just stop it.
Your point is well made, but will fall on deaf ears. Hogerhuis does not endlessly comment on blogs in an attempt to inform or persuade. The purpose of his babbling is to stroke his own unconstrained ego. That is why he can’t resist the urge to respond, and why he doesn’t use an alias to mitigate his own personal embarrassment.
These dopes always end up talking/bragging about themselves. They take themselves so seriously in their humorless fashion that they just end up looking more foolish. Just look at Hooger. He just had to tell us about his “long runs” as if 1) someone might care and 2) that this wouls make him some sort of authority on knifings and mayhem in Fullerton’s crime-filled homeless/crack zone.
Well I see you found us out. But really it’s not my fault that I am the way we are. I really try to squelch our worst instincts to boast about how wonderful I am, but it’s like Dr. Schwartzman always says: 2 heads are better than one. Except that that’s not what he really said and now we’re not even sure he exists. But anyway my long runs make us very tired and so not everything we say makes sense.
I was asked whether I actually use the trails, and I was making it clear that I do.
“Hogerhuis does not endlessly comment on blogs in an attempt to inform or persuade.”
Wrong. I have a position and I comment to inform and persuade.
Some of my comments are just to push back on clear unhinged hostility. Always look at the order of the posts and you can see where the hostility originates.
“doesn’t use an alias”
There’s no anonymity here. Any time FFFF wants they will out anyone posting under any name.
They did it to me before… so no point in keeping my name to myself, which I would prefer.
The smartest thing you have ever said.
And how would you be expected to tell?
Yes you’re right. Sifting through your nonsense requires a fine insight into the absurd.
BTW….the spending of that much money to remove tracks, smooth the trail, decontaminate, etc., is just stupid when people can already walk the tracks if they so desire. Not only will you enjoy the nature, but you’ll also enjoy interacting with the mentally ill and drug addicted homeless who have set up camps in the area, one of whom is likely the serial stabber. The money being proposed for this trail would be much better spent on roads.
On both comments
He’s 100% wrong.
First for trying to shut down any dissent on this blog from the right wing point of view with his Internet Dad concern troll bullshit.
Second for not supporting nice things for the public or understanding how crime works in any way.
Third for not understanding that this grant money isn’t available for roads.
Fourth for ignoring the fact that FFFF is actually using a person’s murder, which we know little about yet, to justify expansion of our available trails. When everyone knows they are opposed to virtually every project, except apparently “roads”
So I’d say 100% wrong. As usual.
“Second for not supporting nice things for the public or understanding how crime works in any way.” BTW….I’m a recently retired police officer/FTO/detective. I have a pretty clear understanding on how crime works. Don’t assume everyone here is a troll, as I am not.
Thank you for your service.
“I have a pretty clear understanding on how crime works.”
So? Do you think abandoned tracks or dedicated, landscaped, trail with a paved bike lane would have more crime.
“Don’t assume everyone here is a troll, as I am not.”
I try not to assume anything.
But you were singling me out and hassling me, and giving me unsolicited advice.
Maybe just stick to the topic.
As usual a false choice. Right now the criminals are preying on each other.
I will address a number of your comments, albeit briefly.
Yes, the public deserves nice things, but only if a municipality can afford it. Although a grant may build it, only rarely do grants cover 100%, and they do not allow for ongoing maintenance costs, which are expensive. The city has better things to spend money on, not to mention they really don’t have the staff to plan and implement a trail construction project at the current time. Things are unlikely to improve anytime soon.
It doesn’t matter if the tracks are abandoned or there is a nice paved trail. Look at what happened next to Anaheim Stadium a couple of years ago, right next to nice paved bike trails. Current law, thanks to the 9th Circuit, does not allow adequate policing of the homeless and the prevention of homeless camps. Additionally, Fullerton, like many other PDs, can’t attract anyone to work for them right now, and it’s only going to get worse. They don’t have the staff as it is to address many ongoing homeless problems as well as other major crime centers like the Lucky Motel and the recycling center off Commonwealth, much less all the downtown nighttime problems.
“Housing first” is a nice concept but in reality does not work for most homeless. I’m in favor of providing housing for the clearly and undisputedly disabled homeless, both due to physical and mental problems, but also in favor of forced medication of the seriously mentally ill. The vast majority of homeless would not benefit from housing as they don’t like and won’t comply with rules and like alcohol and drugs too much. Not all, but most.
I was not hassling you or trying to silence you….I was giving you genuine, heartfelt advice in perhaps a misguided attempt to prompt some self-reflection and less bickering. Were it not for your posts, I doubt that there would have been more than 20 replies in this thread. And, yeah, I snicker at some of the posts because I like a good sarcastic retort and I don’t take everything seriously.
I am not a right winger. I did not vote for Trump and think that he was/is a danger to our democracy. These days I’d be considered a liberal, but I consider myself to be centrist and am registered no party preference because I’m disgusted with both Republicans and Democrats.
As for allegations that FFFF is using the murder to further a political agenda/point of view….well of course they are. That’s what they do. That’s their First Amendment right. You’re welcome to start your own Fullerton blog with your own viewpoint if you like.
You missed one key point. The definition of “nice.” For liberals “nice means a gesture, often patronizing, and the more expensive, the better. This is Sharon Kennedy talk, Hogerhuis talk, City Hall philanthropy-on-our-dime talk. A trail carved out of a barren industrial zone, completely empty on week-ends and at night is NOT “nice.” It’s a goddamned waste of money and bound to fail – just like their last “nice” gesture – the Poisoned Park whose history City Hall bureaucrats and their camp followers – like Hoog – conveniently ignore. Why would a “trail” in the SAME location fare any better than the failed park? You won’t get an answer from City Hall except maybe from Fed Jung who has been dealing with these parks idiots for years.
We’re a low-tax jurisdiction.
Would I prefer a world-class centrally planned bike trail system like Irvine has? Yes.
Is it possible in my town?
The best bet for trails is to repurpose rights of way and along storm drains/barrancas.
Similar to the trail that goes to the beach.
But since there will never be enough funds to do it one go the next best bet is a piece at a time as grant money becomes available plus earmarked parks money.
When I say “nice” I mean “nice things to have” so we can USE them. And I genuinely recommend you get away from your keyboard and go explore our trails. They are a great recreational resource. I don’t know the statistics but based on my experience you’re extremely unlikely to be murdered.
“As for allegations that FFFF is using the murder to further a political agenda/point of view….well of course they are.”
Well, that’s one way to put it. Another way is to say that this misfortune occurred in the same place where Zahra and Quirk-Silva want to waste two million on a trail to and from no where; no purpose, no connectivity, no reason to exist.
I suppose I could have written a separate post and homage to the poor homeless crack-head who got stabbed (quite possibly by his dealer) and that would have been both useless and hypocritical. As my concern for the victim is probably no less (or greater) than yours or Hogerboom’s I don’t see any need for the MSM paragraph you’ll find in the Register that gives no greater context than you’d find in a fortune cookie.
Admittedly, my phrasing of “using the murder to further a political point of view” was off point and could have been phrased better/more accurately.
“Look at what happened next to Anaheim Stadium a couple of years ago, right next to nice paved bike trails.”
Yes I was not happy about that. I use that trail. The situation was intolerable and allowed to fester too long. I was happy when they cleared the people off.
It’s illegal to camp on the trails. It makes it impossible for the public to use our trails as we intend them to be used.
It’s not about you.
@Just A guy
“It’s not about you.”
I say it is. They’re my trails.
It’s not.
Fuck that, where the hell were you when the bums took over Hunt?
Oh, right. Running.
“here the hell were you when the bums took over Hunt?”
I am sure I was somewhere. “Solve homelessness” must have fallen off my agenda.
Build the housing, and enforce the law there too.
How is that my problem? If I don’t go out for my exercise will that solve it? I pay taxes so that my representatives can solve the problem.
Any other non sequiturs to dismiss?
Yes you pay taxes so the government can solve the problem. And when it doesn’t you conveniently conclude that it’s only because they didn’t have enough taxes.
Nice things. What’s nice about wasting 2 million on a trail nobody will use? Have you seen the “trail” east of Highland that the City DID build? Bet not. It’s full of weeds garbage, bums, junkies, and serial killers. But there’s a DG path and, gosh darn it, an honest to goodness plastic horse trail rail! You know, for all the equestrians in the barrio! Hahahahaha!
“What’s nice about wasting 2 million on a trail nobody will use?”
You all keep saying that but you give no argument that no one will use it.
You just assume it, maybe because YOU won’t use it.
The gentrifiers in SOCO Walk don’t want to go to Independence Park and the handball players and skateboards in the Park don’t want to go to SOCO Walk. If you even had the remotest inkling what you were talking about you would know this. YOU assume people will use this, just like Park staff assumed law abiding citizens would use the UP Park. But they didn’t it was used by gangs, druggies and the homeless. A total waste of 2 million dollars it has been. But like all boohoos you place the importance on the gesture, not the result.
100% correct! Thank you.
100% correct again, Joe. For these feel good libs its the thought that counts, not the success or failure. If this knucklehead had ever even stepped foot on Truslow I don’t think even he would be here arguing for more wasted public money. But I may be wrong about that. There’s no reaer view mirror in the government bureaucracy clown car.
I place the importance on creating the infrastructure. I use our trails… created long ago.
My only criticism is that I want to see more, and more connections between locations, with more paved bike routes.
In particular so cyclists don’t have to take so much risk sharing the road.
As to law enforcement issue of “gangs, druggies and the homeless” I don’t agree with ceding our city and infrastructure priorities to crime.
“UP Park” was a $2,000,000 addition to our “infrastructure” 20 years ago. And it’s been a fenced off weed field 15. Stuff that in your idiot pipe and smoke it.
“And it’s been a fenced off weed field 15”
So they should clean up Union Pacific park and open it.
You know if you guys agitated for actually making things better I’d give you due kudos.
But all you’re doing is complaining and opposing any progress.
It WAS clean you idiot, and look what happened. No one outside City hall wanted a park there. Don’t you get it?
God you’re stupid.
“It WAS clean you idiot, and look what happened. No one outside City hall wanted a park there. Don’t you get it?
God you’re stupid.”
No, I don’t get it. Why is UP Park a fenced off weed field? You say, because “no one… wanted a park there”
What does that mean? The park got depressed because it was unwanted, then weeds and a fence sprouted?
If a public park is fenced off and covered in weeds that’s because the city is not maintaining it.
Why? Maybe you know? Instead of just spending time screaming insults through your keyboard, you could just convey information.
If it’s because homeless took it over, clear them out like we would in any other park. Enforce the law. It’s not a camp ground.
And turn the sprinklers on nightly.
It was closed because when it was open the junkies hung out there. Is that simple enough for you?
You’re a fucking idiot.
Really. The guy gives you some good life advice, and you take a big fat shit on his head.
CCCB, sanctimonious pricks like this one are a dime a dozen. I appreciate your attempt to help, but this guy will continue to run his mouth on every post for the rest of his life because of the righteousness of his cause.
“guy gives you some good life advice”
It’s not advice. It’s not genuine.
Am I supposed to thank him for his back handed attack?
He has given me the same unbidden “advice” on multiple occasions. And I have been clear in my rejection of it, yet he keeps doing it.
I don’t come here often, because it’s a terrible blog with negative journalistic standards. Not just zero, they are so bad that they OWE journalism in general.
BUT it is local and focuses on issues of importance.
When I do post here, it’s not to get “advice,” but to push back on a fucked up ideology, and to be the lone, rational voice among a bunch of anti government howling monkeys.
Exhibit 234,569 as to why you’re a sanctimonious asshole.
Court is adjourned today.
We’ll see you tomorrow for another episode of “John Hogerhuis passes judgement on people he doesn’t know because and the Libertarian menace”. Our anti-hero will be listing micro episodes from his personal history that justify his moral superiority over everyone in the universe he designates as not really but maybe kinda sorta aligned with Ron Paul.
I gave similar advice *once*, not “multiple occasions”, and it is genuine. Shame on me for making a second useless attempt to help you.
FFFF is not journalism. It’s an opinion blog with a point of view which sometimes attempts to masquerade as news (and, in fact, *sometimes* does shine light on newsworthy incidents ignored by legit press), and therefore they have no responsibility to adhere to widely accepted journalistic standards.
I am hardly an “anti government howling monkey”. I have a strong belief in reasonable government.
‘I gave similar advice *once*, not “multiple occasions”, and it is genuine. Shame on me for making a second useless attempt to help you.’
Now makes at least twice.
‘FFFF is not journalism. It’s an opinion blog with a point of view which sometimes attempts to masquerade as news (and, in fact, *sometimes* does shine light on newsworthy incidents ignored by legit press), and therefore they have no responsibility to adhere to widely accepted journalistic standards.’
I believe they purport to be journalists.
‘I am hardly an “anti government howling monkey”. I have a strong belief in reasonable government.”
Didn’t say you were. I know very little about your opinions.
It would be nice to have a wider variety of opinions in the comments here, but the way people are treated, fat chance of that.
Welcome back, viewers.
In today’s episode, John puts his hypocritical rules of how to treat strangers on full display for the world.
Join us after this brief commercial break for continued embarrassing behavior. We’re on day 3 of this binge, will John make it to 4? Stay tuned…
” his hypocritical rules of how to treat strangers on full display for the world.”
If you give me shit, you get it right back.
You know that.
You’re a counter puncher?
Dude, you walk right into these. Have some pride.
“You’re a counter puncher? Dude, you walk right into these. Have some pride.”
Dude, fuck you!
Now do you get it?
The degrees of distinction between your sense of self importance and his are pretty goddamn few.
I’ll decline your offer. Lord knows you’re by yourself tonight anyway, but you probably shouldn’t be soliciting under your real name on the internet.
Comes across as pathetic.
Our Lord and Savior, the Great Hogerhoose who will save us from responsible and accountable government, because, well because he’s so righteous! All hail Hoogerhuis
I like our trails, we need more of them. Particularly bike trails. They give our citizens something to go outside and do, in town. They are heavily used. And I don’t agree with ceding ANY space to unhoused people, I believe in housing them.
And it’s clear to me that abandoned areas are going to attract more crime than cleaned up, deliberate shared public spaces.
Look up the “Broken Windows Theory”.
And this grant money isn’t available for roads. Completely separate pot of money.
You won’t like this one. It goes from nowhere to nowhere. And because the City can’t protect you from the homeless junkies, drug dealers, and bangers. But you go ahead and peddle your nonsense since at least it seems to provide you with a feeling of self-worth!
“It goes from nowhere to nowhere.”
Oh the “____ to nowhere” lie. So typical of FUD campaigns.
The trail includes a paved bike trail from Fullerton Transportation Center to independence park. That’s somewhere to somewhere. Of course this trail will get used.
The Observer? Really. If you knew what you were talking about you would know any “trail” ends at exactly the point the poor bastard got stabbed. Then a narrow sidewalk takes over and doe a 90 degree turn. You really are a completely ignorant tool of City Hall. How sad.
No, not just the Observer. That gives more background.
But the map above shows that this is Phase 2 of a trail goes from the Transportation Center to Independence Park.
You’re the one refusing to simply follow along with the proposition here. The idea of someone riding a bicycle between the train station and independence park is not a crazy concept.
It’s not crazy to you because you don’t know what you’re talking about. There is no “trail” to the Transportation Center. It doesn’t get that far. And by the way, “Phase 1” as you call it doesn’t connect with Phase 2. It goers down to the bottom of the Highland underpass and stops. But it does have a nice horsey trail rail for all the horse riders in the barrio. But you wouldn’t any of these facts, would you?
“But you wouldn’t any of these facts, would you?”
Going by what I read, and trying to figure it out.
Hard to understand with all the negativity here.
I see UP Park on the satellite map at 121 Truslow, and I see it connects to an overpass on Harbor and then a path over to the Walnut / the train station by “Vineyard Fullerton Church”
The new Phase 2 trail would clean up, landscape, create a paved bikeway running parallel to, half way between Truslow and Walnut.
Yes I agree it doesn’t connect directly to UP Park. But that’s typical with urban trails, you end up back out on the street at points.
Still better than riding on the street the whole way.
And from what I see that does allow you to get from the Transportation Center to Independence Park.
I was over walking by the Independence Park several weeks ago, and with the skate park it has turned into a graffiti’d shithole with some gangbangers hanging around.
That place needs to be cleaned up too.
I certainly remember it being a lot nicer when that was my neighborhood.
I don’t see making a bike trail there as a security mistake. Adding lighting and landscaping and a paved trail is only going to make a disaster zone better.
The “trail” becomes a sidewalk after it crosses Harbor. Behind the Ice House the sidewalk takes a 90 degree bend north to Walnut.
Instead of looking at a satellite map get off your ass, Do a “distance run” down there and tell me that a recreation trail goes to the transportation center. That was a STAFF LIE to get the boobs to go along with the nonsense. If you go, you might want to open carry. And bring a friend.
FFFF is using the death of another homeless man to point out how terrible our government is.
Homelessness is one problem. Being surrounded by anti-government zealots offended to their core by a bike trail is another problem.
You’re surrounded by zealots who want their money’s worth from their very expensive and very incompetent city government.
“You’re surrounded by zealots who want their money’s worth from their very expensive and very incompetent city government.”
Could have fooled me. It seems like your preference would be for no park projects at all.
Not “better” park projects.
No one said anything about no parks at all. You made that up. Only a dickhead would have said that. At least try to pull back your intellectual prepuce every now and then. You might learn something from the exposure.
Hmm. No parks versus fucked up, useless “parks.” The Hugerhuis choice.
Or you could say FFFF is using the death of a homeless man to keep other people in the future from being murdered on a useless 2 million dollar trail.