Note To McKinley: Blaming the Victim Won’t Save Your Sorry Ass

Just in case you ever to decide to scrape the moss off that Kevlar dome and decide to do some real thinking.

When the cop YOU hired handcuffs and gropes women in the backseat of his patrol car YOU are responsible. When numerous complaints are brushed aside by the FPD, YOU are responsible. When hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars are paid out in damages to the victims, YOU are responsible.

So why not haul your sorry ass off the Fulleron City Council dais ASAP and make way for someone willing to be accountable for their actions, rather than blame everybody else. Hell, just make way for somebody with a miligram of integrity and humanity.

And be sure to take those other two wizened sphincters with you.

77 Replies to “Note To McKinley: Blaming the Victim Won’t Save Your Sorry Ass”

  1. I thought getting a house and getting the hell away from FPCOA was going to solve my problems.

    It has only brought my attention to the bigger picture unfortunately.

    Only problem is who will replace these bastards?


    1. “I am saddened by the harsh rhetoric from those willing to destroy our city in the pursuit of money and power”. -Pat Mckinley

      1. Correction-the above quote is from Don Bankehad from the anti recall site-they look so much alike-I wonder if he thinks lawsuits and a police murder are healthy for the city? Can someone ask him?

    1. what do you think they are? there is a banana tree loaded with bananas on it across the street for a reason (snacks)

  2. Go after his pension in civil court. Have the victims find a lawyer and sue the bastard personally for allowing a serial rapist to prey on handcuffed women. Unbelievable that more people in Fullerton don’t get involved in these issues. Unintelligent citizens who just pay taxes for exploitive pension packages and tax increases for the enormous settlements. These crooks and predators will laugh at Foolerton enjoying their big tax free pensions. BTW THESE CREEPS ARE GOING NOWHERE.

  3. OCTOBER 4

    LA TIMES: The city, however, has retained a physician to review the medical records and make a recommendation to the city, Felz added.

    OC REGISTER: “He’s seen a doctor (hired) by the city, about two weeks ago,” Felz said. “That is policy with anybody.”
    The city-hired doctor will provide a report within a few weeks, the city manager said.

    ABC7: A doctor for the city is reviewing his records and will give a separate opinion to city leaders in two weeks.

  4. Fullerton Police Chief Michael Sellers :
    LA TIMES: The city, however, has retained a physician to review the medical records and make a recommendation to the city, Felz added.
    OC REGISTER: “He’s seen a doctor (hired) by the city, about two weeks ago,” Felz said. “That is policy with anybody.”
    The city-hired doctor will provide a report within a few weeks, the city manager said.
    ABC7: A doctor for the city is reviewing his records and will give a separate opinion to city leaders in two weeks.


  5. It really is something that goes on all over america.If a female looks sexy is sexy and has a mind of her own she must be a hooker,tramp ,slut…If shes not married or in a income bracket of status,or if she doesnt have 8 (fuck tropheys) kids with daddys she can blame. ….THEN MAYBE SHES A HARD WORKING WOMAN and sexy or not she has a voice.. Why dont we defend the voices why are we ALL SO SILENT.

    1. It’s called, “The Madonna-whore complex”.

      In Freudian psychoanalysis, a Madonna–whore complex is a psychological complex that is said to develop in the human male when he sees all women not as individuals along a continuum, but as either saintly Madonnas or debased prostitute-like personalities.

      Almost all misogynists (think Pat McKinley) display this characteristic.

  6. I hope that video of the she bear seminar starring baldy mckinley is given to every household in fullerton for anyone on the fence about recalling these scrotums

  7. Does anyone remember the movie “The Accused” ?
    The girl played by Jodie Foster had a tough time getting justice because of who she was.

  8. from Fullerton Stories 21st September 2011 article titled “Council approves Homeless and mental Health Task Force” B
    “We have a capable person in Rusty Kennedy as CEO and he could direct and determine anybody else they would need on the task force,” McKinley argued. “I think going through a long process of selection would dilute it.”
    Rusty Kennedy and Pat McKinley’s association is documented as far back as 1997 when Mckinley was one of those who served on Rusty’s Orange County Human Relations Commisson.
    Fullerton shadow writes “And be sure to take those other two wizened sphincters with you.”
    Fullerton shadow, I would expand that to McKinley taking his three wizened sphincters with him when he is booted out of our city’s government.

  9. I wish his family would urge him to step down or retire.
    It’s obvious that he’s having difficulty with memory and thought process due to age or stress.
    I don’t support any of his policies or his views on recent events at all…I just don’t enjoy seeing a broken man annihilated in his last days of public service because he’s too stubborn to admit defeat.

    1. This is the unfortunate result of hubris. And yes it’s difficult to watch, but he is dangerous and needs to go, not just for Fullerton residents, for the world. He is a by-product of archaic, sexist thinking. Since he doesn’t know “when to fold ’em”, his family should step in and save him, if that’s even possible at this point.

      1. I do not pity a man (if you can call him that) that won’t stand up for a woman,any woman who has been assaulted by a police officer or otherwise. It’s sicking to see this POS defend what is clearly wrong,minimizing,blame shifting and outright disregarding a womans right to not be violated by a police officer under his watch.

    2. agreed, this was a foolish asshole when he was able to form a thought, now he just sounds like the rambling Alzeimer grandpa that everyone ignores at the thankgiving gathering

  10. Notice how all McKinley’s interviews are conducted with him solo, in a remote place.
    He would never do an interview with a Chris Thompson sitting next to him because he knows he’ll get shot down with reality and out-witted by a higher primate with a much higher IQ.
    Keep knockin’ em out of the park Chris!!! Nice work.

    1. Quite a telling collumn. Basically, it states that the three old military men did not see any problems coming, don’t even see the root problems now, enjoy the status quo and want to keep things basically the same.

      Stay quiet and let the lawyers handle it. No wonder Bruce Praet thought that he could pay $900,000 of taxpayer money for the life of Kelly and the whole thing would go away.

      Now the status quo is not placing the situation on the agents of first cause, nor on those who were in place to oversee them, but on Tony Bushala.

      Meanwhile, the OC Register is not blaming their own lethargy, but blaming the “grandstanding” of John and Ken. At least the article is honest enught o imply that Whiting’s own wife thinks that he is a bootlicker.

    2. If I remember correctly, Chief Daryl Gates and Mayor Tom Bradley came out and spoke about the Rodney King beating in Los Angeles after it happened. The mayor and police chief in Fullerton said NOTHING!!

      1. Not true. I found this today:

        LA Times 1993

        “McKinley said he particularly supported the conviction of Koon, the supervisor at the scene, and the acquittal of Wind because he was a younger officer with very little experience. While not excusing what happened, he said he hoped the case will help the public comprehend how frightening and dangerous it can get on the street for police officers.

        “No. 1, what I think people understand now is just because you put a 22-year-old kid in a uniform (doesn’t mean) he won’t be afraid,” McKinley said. “I think what this case brought out is that when officers were frightened of the size and demeanor of the opponent, and several of them are hitting him with batons all at once, that’s where proper supervision comes in and that’s what I hoped the sergeant (Koon) would have done.”

  11. This kind of blame and minimizing from the bald fossil proves that not only was the Copper assault uhh, DANGEROUS- SO IS HE.

  12. The most sickening statement McCueball made was touting Ramos’ attorney.
    That is so reminiscent of all those idiots hanging over the freeway overpasses cheering on O.J. Simpson in that infamous white Bronco chase with police. Rooting for murderers is just sickening, particularly coming from a city official.

  13. Jane H…kudos, you hit the nail on the head. (“The Madonna-whore complex)
    I would like to see all men who feel women “ask for it” go through a violent rape themselves.
    No one asks for it. No one!

  14. Wrong Guy :Notice how all McKinley’s interviews are conducted with him solo, in a remote place.He would never do an interview with a Chris Thompson sitting next to him because he knows he’ll get shot down with reality and out-witted by a higher primate with a much higher IQ.Keep knockin’ em out of the park Chris!!! Nice work.

    Cause Chris is an arrogant asshole who would be butting in all the time.

    1. I’d pay money to watch Chris Thompson debate McKinley, and then I’d make a ton of money by betting people like you who would win that debate.

  15. The more I think about the comments made at the She-Bear talk the more disturbed I am.

    McKinley’s statements should be heavily publicized, put on fliers and distributed to every household in Fullerton.

    I doubt McKinley can save his seat without support from at least some of the women of Fullerton. And if the average woman hears these remarks and is told about his lack of action re. Rincon I cannot imagine he will get many female votes.

    I hope this display of sexism and blatant disrespect for the women of our community will encourage some strong female candidates to run for some of these soon-to-be empty seats.

  16. McPinhead owes all women an apology. How dare him category women. He needs to resign ASAP. I hope all women in Fullerton and all over, set him straight. Right now, I would like to duct tape his balls to his forehead. This middle aged woman is tired, of these 3 dickheads.

  17. I would like to remind everyone that Pat McKinley won his last election by 90 votes with only 18.1% of the votes supporting him.

    In order to beat a recall, you need over 50% of voters to affirm you.

    Once those signatures are gathered, it’s over.

  18. everyone on this page is right we need to remove these scumbags and all rogue cops before anyone else is hurt killed or molested……………..hope to see everyone sat.

  19. Good info Johnny donut, hopefully it will give the signature gatherers a shot in the arm, hang in there, God bless your hearts!

    1. Not sure what your question is. Are you referring to the hubris, Madonna-whore complex or the LA Times article?

      I never mentioned Ron Thomas.


  20. marijoe: wondering why you don’t wash your mouth out with soap. Such language for a “lady.” So vile and disgusting.

  21. Anonymous :

    Wrong Guy :Notice how all McKinley’s interviews are conducted with him solo, in a remote place.He would never do an interview with a Chris Thompson sitting next to him because he knows he’ll get shot down with reality and out-witted by a higher primate with a much higher IQ.Keep knockin’ em out of the park Chris!!! Nice work.

    Cause Chris is an arrogant asshole who would be butting in all the time.

    I have met Mr Thompson personally, and found him to be an articulate gentleman.

  22. Slightly off topic but I wanted to aknowledge the conduct of Mr. Ron Thomas at the KFI broadcast weds. I was not able to attend, but my daughter and personnal assistant did, They recognised and approached Mr. Thomas and even with everything going on that day Mr. Thomas engaged my daughter in conversation about the special olympics in witch she competes in, and took the time to take a picture with her, I wish I could let him know what a thrill it was for her, as he is so well spoken of in our home. To no less extent was the conduct of Mr. Tony Bushala, whom my daughter and I have previously met at The Kelly Thomas memorial when we went to leave flowers and a rosery in Kelly’s memory, Tony was seated conversing with John and or Ken and he recognised my daughter, stood up, said hello, and offered her his chair. Though these actions of 2 consumate gentleman may be ordinary conduct for them, it meant the world to my daughter and as a Father I just wanted to say thank you for your kindness.

  23. I just watched the video of McKinley’s address to the women of the Brea and can’t believe
    how this man thinks .He should not be allowed to
    go out on his own and say anything.
    Then I watched the interview on the inside Oc show
    and I must say I think he is a liar .He said something
    about not having a clue of what happen to Kelly Thomas. Now give me a break. An Ex PD Chief who is on the Council ?

  24. Cg, My Father was a gentleman, to the manor born, I respect that trait in others. Mr. Thomas and Mr. Bushala in my opinion are both gentlemen. Sorry about the tears…

    1. At least these are good tears.I have grown dauhters myself. I have been silent so far in all of the activites at the City, but I can not be silent anymore. I will be at the next City Council meeting, for sure. McKinley has sparked the fire in me.

  25. If Mckinley was senile, or in the throes of dementia it would just be sad, but because he has enough of his witts about him to be a liar, he is dangerous.

  26. nomad :
    Slightly off topic but I wanted to aknowledge the conduct of Mr. Ron Thomas at the KFI broadcast weds. I was not able to attend, but my daughter and personnal assistant did, They recognised and approached Mr. Thomas and even with everything going on that day Mr. Thomas engaged my daughter in conversation about the special olympics in witch she competes in, and took the time to take a picture with her, I wish I could let him know what a thrill it was for her, as he is so well spoken of in our home. To no less extent was the conduct of Mr. Tony Bushala, whom my daughter and I have previously met at The Kelly Thomas memorial when we went to leave flowers and a rosery in Kelly’s memory, Tony was seated conversing with John and or Ken and he recognised my daughter, stood up, said hello, and offered her his chair. Though these actions of 2 consumate gentleman may be ordinary conduct for them, it meant the world to my daughter and as a Father I just wanted to say thank you for your kindness.

    Awesome in the true sense of the word. Like I have said many times before, this is OUR town, and we need to stand together to make the necessary changes.

    Posts like yours are why I still love this place.

    1. Truly cool, but not surprising.
      I was impressed as I watched one of the city council meeting when Mr. Thomas defended some-one’s right to speak even though they were not one of his supporters.
      I also think Tony, Chris and Travis are heroes and immensely brave.

  27. Stand up women of Fullerton, Mothers, daughters, Grandmothers McKinley has targeted the women, of this City and other Cities. We are judged how we dress and what we do for a living. Hard working women, just trying to make ends meet. Mckinley needs to resign NOW!!!! Sorry I am mad.

  28. I found this 1989 article about Pat McKinley.

    At that time LAPD was using controversial pain tactics called “pain compliance holds” against abortion clinic demonstrators. He was called by the defense as a witness to prove that demonstrators were defending themselves against excessive force. Even then he some pretty elitist attitudes.

    Operation Rescue members were in court for Trespassing and Conspiracy, members of the group also face charges of violating court orders and resisting arrest. All are misdemeanors.

    “Court Warns Abortion Foes on Use of Inflammatory Words
    |CHARISSE JONES | Times Staff Writer

    “After the heated exchange and a final warning by the judge, the defense resumed questioning of its first witness, Los Angeles Police Capt. Patrick E. McKinley. The defense was attempting to show that Operation Rescue protesters were defending themselves against police brutality rather than resisting arrest during the March demonstration.

    Defense attorneys contend that police used excessive force during the sit-in. They cite as evidence a videotape showing McMonagle’s arrest during the protest and statements made by McKinley that “the demonstrators have an unusual capacity to withstand pain.”

    McKinley acknowledged that he had made such statements. The statements were made in a court declaration filed to oppose an attempt by Operation Rescue members to have police restrained from using what are called pain compliance holds on arrestees.

    “This officer knew there was a lot of force used on March 25,” defense attorney Cyrus Zal said outside court.

    He said McKinley’s statements indicated that “he was looking for some kind of excuse for that force. . . .”

    “There is unwillingness on the part of the police to take responsibility for the use of excessive force,” he said.”

    You can read the rest of the story here:

  29. COLUMN ONE : Politics, Pain and the Police : Anti-abortion protesters decry holds applied by officers during arrests. Their stand has turned liberal and conservative alliances topsy-turvy.


    “In the 25 years that he has been a policeman, Capt. Patrick E. McKinley of LAPD’s Metro Division has worked at demonstrations by the Revolutionary Communist Party and the Jewish Defense League, and at protests for or against everything from apartheid to animal rights. Operation Rescue protesters stand out, he said.

    “Pain for many of the demonstrators is a catharsis for past failure to take action against abortion,” he said in a sworn statement last August, given as part of a court challenge against pain-compliance devices.

    Nichols and others have alleged that some demonstrators simply take muscle relaxants to increase their tolerance–a charge an Operation Rescue spokeswoman called “100% incorrect.”

    In either case, the results are dangerous, said McKinley. “I’m no doctor. But pain has a purpose. It’s telling you to stop doing what you’re doing. If you don’t respond to pain, and it is applied with more force, injuries are possible.”

  30. Here’s more detail.

    t a Tuesday news conference, Operation Rescue supporters released a portion of a 1989 declaration that Police Capt. Patrick McKinley wrote in a motion urging Judge Tashima not to temporarily ban use of the martial arts device. Operation Rescue called his statements “horrifying.”

    “Pain for many of the demonstrators is a catharsis for past failures to take action against abortion,” McKinley said. “Therefore, they have an unusual capacity to withstand pain. Some appear as a young child welcoming punishment for past transgressions. With this unique ability to withstand pain comes possibility of injury since a great degree of pain is required to induce compliance by arrest.”

    “Some appear as a young child welcoming punishment…”

    Read that again, and let it soak in.

    My personal politics aside, I think he was a little off his rocker then.

  31. Good Gawd Jane,

    this man is a nutball from the beginning-Ive seen rambling like “pain for many demonstrators is a catharsis for past failures to take action against abortion” and”..they have an unusual capacity to withstand pain” etc. from serial killers who tried to explain their rampage of horror and destruction

    this guy is a crazy loon who has been in the public all this time-with car keys-no wonder he doesnt want recall-this power feeds his craziness -its not safe for him to be running a car let alone a city

  32. Thanks for all this info. I am sending a copy of this to Bill Carroll and to John & Ken at KFI.
    Maybe some more crap will come out and we can convince more residents (via radio) about how bad this clown and his friends AKA: terrible trio really are.

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