Making’ Ya Work Hard to Get Yer Two Bucks Back!

My grandfather Casimir once told me you can always gauge the overall performance of an organization by its attention to seemingly small details. Here’s a video that shows that something’s not quite right at the Fullerton Public Library.

The idea that these folks are disabling their own DVDs is just sort of funny. But really? It takes the City four weeks to cut a $2 check? Of course processing and mailing that check is going to cost a lot more than two bucks.

136 Replies to “Making’ Ya Work Hard to Get Yer Two Bucks Back!”

  1. Your wife was way sweeter about that than I would have been. But then that is standard, she is sweeter than pretty much anyone I know. Sorry to see Fullerton incompetence has trickled down to all of its departments, how incredibly sad!

    1. This kind of thing happens all the time, and it is truly more of a training issue. Unless the librarian in charge is complete idiot, it shouldn’t happen. All the processing of Audio Visual materials is usually done by part-time help, who need to be supervised, I must emphasize. I know this personally because I was AV librarian for 4 years.

      If they don’t have enough librarians, then that’s another issue. However, among all city and county departments, librarians and their budgets are the first to go in a crunch year, and that means lots of layoffs and hiring freezes.

      It all goes back to the people running the municipality.

      1. And another thing. The way they have the refunds set up is totally out this world. A voucher and then 4 weeks. Give me a break. That’s what it used to be like asking for a refund from the pay phone that just ate $3.50 of your money. They’ll send you a check about a month later, even if it’s only 40 cents.

        Nickle and diming patrons is not going to help the library when they need support.

      2. Dear Jane: Layoffs, part time staff, slashed budgets, etc are not relavent here. When TS decided how they wanted to process these new items; why couldn’t they have whomever is in charge of the audiovisual dept. do a simple test on a few different bluray players to see if the discs with the labels were compatible. The guy in charge of all of adult services even worked in AV (as they say, ‘back in the day’), maybe he should have been consulted on this before they started checking these items out to the public. What was needed was simple common sense. You don’t need an MLS to have it.

        1. No you don’t need an MLS to process AV materials. But, you need at least one person who know what the heck is going on in the library. AV material is very expensive, and damage and loss is everyone’s loss. Things are changing in that world though.

          What exactly is your point?

          1. My point is simple and stated in my final sentence. There seems to be a lack of common sense in the way that (I’m assuming this new media) was to be processed and circulated. Way back, DVDs had Avery labels on them, as problems were reported with them, they switched to using a fine point Sharpie pen to identify each item. Seems there is a lack interdepartmental communication here.

        2. “Layoffs, part time staff, slashed budgets, etc are not relavent here. ”

          Why not? It’s the theme of this post.

          It all goes back to the city council.

          1. I don’t think you can blame the Council for not using common sense when processing library media for circulation. That’s why the professional and senior clerical staff get paid, they are the ones who are supposed to have the experience and judgement needed to do the job properly. Get real, please.

  2. Joe, are we really going to talk about $9 million library expansions in an age when it’s far easier, more efficient and less expensive to search and procure information from home than at a central location on Christmas Day?

    1. Gee, I was all set to make a tie-in to the recent library construction and decided to be charitable – because it’s Christmas Day!

  3. Former city manager Chris Meyer ($170,984.52 per year pension) may have something to do with this blunder. He helped throw Vince Buck off the library board so he could be on it. Now this. What incompetence!

    “These people” should just leave us residents alone after they retire! They should take their huge pensions and move to the desert. Don’t they realize they are helping people become aware of these scams (Ackerman) that are being pulled over the Fullerton residents. LOL, I guess they’re more greedy than smart.

    1. The same Vince Buck that is the primary penner of Sharon Kennedy’s “Fullerton Observer”? I don’t think Vince Buck could have figured out it is better to use a sharpie pen than a sticker on DVD’s. AGain, the Fullerton taxpayers pay big bucks to cover the stupidity of our municipal government.
      This incident does highlight the fact that libraries are more a burden than a service to the taxpayer due to the relative ease to access information, literature via online/internet medium.

      1. Yes, the same Vince Buck whom I believe is much smarter than former Fullerton city manager and current unfunded pension record holder Chris Meyer.

        Meyer should also be held accountable for the 10% water tax scam/heist.

        1. So now we have two persons whose guidance was invaluable to the library evidenced by the stickers on the DVDs

      2. No, this does not highlight that libraries are more a burden than a service. It points to the fact that this particular library seems to be going through a crisis in their leadership. The senior management – that means the City Librarian and her department heads — adult, childrens and technical services need to take a close look the fact they have this $9 million facilities addition, that they most probably could have done without; they are going to face major citizen backlash because of this and the fact they are miles BEHIND the curve when it comes to using technology in the library. It also sounds like senior staff are not staffing public service desks, they are out of touch with their patronage. I have some familiarity with two of the senior staff. One’s claim to fame is that she is a great story teller and puppeteer; the other is a rather mediocre librarian with matching management skills who was at the right place at the right time many years ago. Last year, the library lost one of its most gifted senior level librarians to retirement–I think her presence is sorely missed. Another point: the last thing the library needs is a retired city manager on the Library Board. One of the longest standing conflicts between the library and city hall as been that the library has its Board to help forward its interests in the Council and city hall. Putting a retired city hall bureaucrat on the Board is probably as bad as putting ‘van get it da artiste’ on the Board — both will nothing to get the library back on the right track.

        1. Shimon, libraries are archaic and thus a burden. My reading is done from kindle and Internet, I have not needed a librar y for the last five years. and there is no reason for me to use a library in the next five years. When I was going to college for my bachelors and masters, the library was my prime source for research. Now, most people access research and cutting edge info from the same reputable sources once only found in a university library. today, same reputable sources are easily found on the internet. Don’t hate me for telling the truth to you .

          1. Just because you don’t need a library does not mean that the rest of the residents of don’t deserve a library. One that meets community needs (even though you see no need for anything more than a good broadband connection and a computer) and that is run competent, responsive professionals.

            1. Getting rid of libraries is a bad idea. Of course I’m biased, but libraries CAN become more useful public institutions. Free? Maybe not, but in my opinion not having access would to them be a disaster for our society.

            1. I already said it was my opinion.

              Again, what is your problem? And why must you point out to me that I am not able to tell the difference between fact and opinion.

              My opinion is based on education and experience. And last I heard, I am entitled to my opinion

  4. I love it how the woman behind the counter starts arguing about how some of the other DVDs aren’t f-ed up. The idea here is that you (the customer) should be satisfied with what she (The City) lets you watch).

  5. I’ll bet two dollars they had $2 in their little tin cash box.

    Libraries are done for…they’re only daytime dormitories for homeless street people.

  6. The rapid progression of technology in the last 5 years alone has rendered the A-V section at libraries nearly useless. Virtually all of the educational material can be found free of charge on YouTube or other internet video sites.

    Instead of purchasing DVD’s for entertainment value, why doesn’t the library take that money and improve the selection of legal and financial materials? It is generous on my part to call the City’s collection pathetic. They don’t even subscribe to the most basic legal databases such as LexisNexis.

    1. That is so true. Libraries were trying to catch up with the technology by renting videos. Now they have to rethink things one more time.

      1. Yes, legal sections are good, except the cost of the books is astronomical. Mostly everything is on CD now anyway.

        What will we do with all the books form the Government Printing Office? Some libraries have traditionally been designated as Repositories.

        How shall we archive the old stuff?

        1. Legal books intended for the general public are not that expensive. Anything published by NOLO is very good and to Fullerton’s credit, they do have a number of NOLO titles. There are numerous gaps in the subject matter and a number of lost/missing books, however. Some material is just too old to be relied upon. It’s pretty sad when the City’s public library – in a college town like Fullerton – is a mere afterthought when compared to the school libraries.

          1. “There are numerous gaps in the subject matter and a number of lost/missing books,”

            It will always be that way unless there is money to buy and replace them.

          2. “It’s pretty sad when the City’s public library – in a college town like Fullerton – is a mere afterthought when compared to the school libraries.”

            Ask the people in city hall why.

            1. Since CSUF’s is a public entity like the Fullerton library, why not spare the taxpayer replication of services and have these two libraries share via online access their collections online? Our ever deepening financial crunch euphemistically called the “Great Recession” no longer allows our tax dollars to subsidize duplication of services.
              It is sad that ten million tax dollars were forever lost ot us, the tax payers, when our short-sighted civic leaders and their cronies wasted this money on prettifying the physical stucture of our library instead of investing it in cutting edge technology that gives us access to the library without leaving our home.

              1. “It is sad that ten million tax dollars were forever lost ot us, the tax payers, when our short-sighted civic leaders and their cronies wasted this money on prettifying the physical stucture of our library instead of investing it in cutting edge technology that gives us access to the library without leaving our home.”

                I agree 100%

          3. Yeah, the Nolo books are SOOO good you need to keep them chained to a desk to keep them. Very high theft and non-return item.

        2. Dear Jane: There is a government doc. depository 5 miles down the road. Govt docs are a huge rat-hole that pisses away valuable professional staff hours on a resource that is seldom used and expensive to manage. Weed the whole damn collection down to what will fit in one shelving bay!

      2. Why do Fullerton’s librarians seem particularly aloof?

        They seem to think fiction and really obscure historical material is what Fullerton residents want most. I once told a couple librarians that I wished they had more practical stuff and they looked at me like I was from outer space. I had to laugh when they asked what I meant by practical.

        1. They can’t buy everything, so they analyze their collection based what the community wants and how much money they can spend. Nolo books are great, but only if you buy them every single year. Even when some of them are only a year old, they are already too old.

          1. Jane, I have lived in the Fullerton community since I was two years old, and never has the Fullerton library asked me,my family or friends what they would like to see in their library. ten million dollars was spent on prettifying the physical structure of the Fullerton library while it’s purpose rots inside

            1. That is terrible! I mean that. The library director must be sitting in his or her office most of the time. Some managers do not work at the reference desk, which they need to do on a weekly basis in order to get a handle on the needs of the community. After all, they are supposed be running the library, all of it.

              A library of that size may not have a collection development department, but the librarians are the ones who make the book selections. Unfortunately, I have worked with a lot librarians who end up buying books based on their own needs and wants rather the the community. That is why Fullerton Library should do a collection and community analysis, if they haven’t already, BEFORE they start buying. And they need to listen to their patrons, like you. I used to keep a list of recurring questions about certain subject, books, etc… It helped a lot when budget time came around.

          1. I remember when they were not aloof — it wasn’t that long ago. There is simply no valid reason for any professional public desk staff to be aloof.

        2. First let me say it isn’t the librarians fault for the city bureaucracy you have to go through to get a refund of $2. My goodness, nobody has heard of the term petty cash? Freaking ridiculous. Seems to be the status quo here in Fullerton.

          I go to the Fullerton library at least twice a month and every time I come home I mention that there is something seriously dysfunctional bout the librarians at the main Fullerton Library. They are in their own personal twilight zone of power and control, I am convinced they are required to have a personality bypass before they are hired. They act as if they are doing you a freaking favor by letting you check out an item and if you dare question them they will smack your hands with a ruler. This is the way I see it; there is so little in their life they are happy about, so having control over the “Fullerton minions” is the only satisfaction they have.(sounds a lot like the rest of the city, eh?) The only main branch librarian worth their wage is Janine Jacobs, she always smiling and happy to help., too bad she is only in the Children’s library. They need some of her personality in the main library.

          Anon- a cop kisser and a library picker go hand in hand? who knew? please explain the correlation.

          and speaking of the library construction, what a total humongous waste of my money. Don’t get me started.

        3. Dear Vernon: The big chunk of the library’s circulation numbers come from fiction. The history section is extensively used by secondary school students. You want ‘practical’? Call up the library and ask to have an appointment with the head of adult services to discuss book selection policy. Ask to see the collection development guidelines for the area you are concerned about. If that doesn’t work, go to a library board meeting. Beforehand, call the library administration and ask the procedure for addressing the Library Board.

    2. Well Vernon – I guess all literature is just ‘entertainment’ I’d agree buying all latest romantic comedies, the collected Police Academy movies, most action-adventure movies, most of the newer Disney releases, etc is a waste. What about classic sielnt movies?, hard-to-find documentary series, Shakespeare? (actually his stuff first was produced live, when the books came out), AFIs 100 Best Movies of all time? expensive childrens shorts? movie adaptations of great literature? selected classic foreign movies (don’t go crazy on this catagory). And yes, the library does suck when it comes to making available expensive databases to it patrons. Try OCPL.

  7. Thought I would catch up to see what good tidings this blog would have on Christmas day. Yep, I was right, still bitching about everything. Merry Christmas and suck it FFFF’rs!

    1. The good tidings are that a Recall is coming, like a tsunami that will flush all the crap out of Fullerton’s sclerotic gerontocracy and the “public safety” fungi that leech of of it.

      1. It’s too much to expect a total clean sweep. There are second, third, and fourth tier scumbags and hangers-on just waiting to climb another rung when the three chumps go adios. There are also a bunch of brain dead voters who are suckers enough to have put these kooks in office, over and over again. Nothing but eternal vigilance is going to fix this problem.

        1. nip, “Nothing but eternal vigilance is going to fix this problem”. Nothing but money is going to fix this problem.

        2. What you say has truth. The lower tier climbers like Roland Chi will keep floating to the top of the bowl. Which is why a period flush is necessary. Still, I predict this recall will cleanse Fullerton for several years.

          The current sclerotic regime has been in place for just over 30 years (not that the 70s version was any better). When the dam breaks a fresh current will wash away a lot of dead wood and dead-wood thinking. And intellectual and moral corruption.

          Ackerman? History.

          Bankhead? History.

          Jones? History.

          McKinley? History.

          Otiose Bennett? History.

          Chamber of Horrors? History.

          Old Rotarians? Invisible.

  8. Sharpies work very well for identifying DVDs and CDs! They are also waterproof which would usually mean any attempt to remove them (by scratching or some other sort of abrasive means) would destroy the discs.

    And, they collect fines in coins/currency and make change in coins/currency; all they have to do is keep track every day of refunds like that mentioned and submit it to the finance people (they probably have to keep track of their fine income/outgo).

    I wonder how other libraries (OC Branches, YL, Placentia, Anaheim) handle DVD issues like this…

    1. “I wonder how other libraries (OC Branches, YL, Placentia, Anaheim) handle DVD issues like this”

      A lot. Just go into any LA CO library and you will see. OC is no different.

  9. Our Tech department says that CNETdownloads is a safe site to download books and stuff, its their favorite place to download free computer utilities and games. Also a lot of MAC and mobile. Some are for trial. Its fun free and fun. Dont forget to donate if you can. Its better than the library (in that part of Fullerton).

    Get Screenhunter Free, I select and save pictures with their text fast and easy. I have thousands of my favorite Kelly and FFFF pics and comments. is really good, free, and is an Editors Choice;brandnav

    Happy New Years!!!, DOT be so “MEAN”

    1. Forgot to say there are many thousands of things that are free, and their electronics reviews are my favorite.

  10. If you download the Google Chrome browser, there are many good games and apps, and there is a voice search mic/button on the search box.

  11. Ten million on something that needed no improvement and the armory doesn’t even have a projector. Folks we need some human beings on that council. We have Judas iscariots controlling the purse. That library was fine the way it was. The needs of the community are not being met. We are over there all the time. That money could have lined Commonwealth with pc’s all the way to Placentia for public use. The project is nothing more than an attempt at “pagan immortality” for its architects with their names on the plaques . The economy is in total freefall and the largesse is off the charts. I urge all residents to be objective and empathetic with the members of our community in need. 3 out of 5 is all it will take. Please sign the petition and lets go forward with vision not blind arrogance .

  12. I haven’t visited a public library in years. Not entirely sure whether that is my fault or theirs, but the last time I went in they were RENTING recently published books and DVDs rather than lending them and the rest of what they had on hand was from the Eisenhower administration. Screw that; I consider my tax dollars wasted on these info-dinosaurs.

    1. The educational system needs libraries as an auxilliary to education. Unless it can straighten out how they teach children to learn. Are they going to use just one textbook to teach them history? Or, will they use everything at their disposal? And that includes as many different viewpoints as possible?

      We need critical thinkers in this world, and the our current educational system isn’t fostering that. In fact, many teachers rely on libraries to teach kids life-long learning skills.

      I admit libraries are way behind, which is one reason I don’t do that kind of work anymore. It was like beating my head against the wall every day.

      Still, if libraries disappear, we cut off the artery that supplies information to people who have no other alternative: The poor.

  13. with increase demand for iPads and similar , school districts will eliminate need for the physical stucture of libraries by transforming them into an online entity.
    Most universities now require their students to have iPads as this is a more efficient way of researching articles, journals and printed sources copied to online source(trust me as an aging history major, I remember the days of intensely perusing moldering books, squinting at microfilm, and the endless driving from library,archive to find that germane primary source). It is greener to hold the world in our palm than to build multi-million dollar edifices to
    house bits and pieces of the world.

    1. Again, I agree with you, but if a book is not electronic, the cost of digitizing is enormous. Google and other institutions are digitizing books at an enormous pace, but it will take years and years to catch up. There is a cost to having everything in an electronic format. First, how do we know we have all the available information? Could some of it be in paper form? That may be more of problem for college students, but again if we just take what is fed to us, with no questions, then how do we know what else is out there?

      I personally do not use the library much anymore, mainly because I don’t work in a physical library anymore, and I am not in school. Most of what I need I can access from home. However, if I were taking classes, I would want access to everything available.

  14. Everything “from the Eisenhower administration” LOL

    They know college students pretty much have a blank check, and Governments are just plain stupid. Its a SCAM, costs for printing paper is really cheap. A lot of cronyism happens, even at the top of Government.

    Highest priced college books. CBS 5-2010
    Acta Philosophorum The First Journal of Philosophy: $1,450
    Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications: $1,215
    Management Science An Anthology: $850
    History of Early Film: $740
    Biostatistical Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology: $665

    1. “They know college students pretty much have a blank check”

      Where did you get that? A blank check? I paid for my college education, including books and other materials with part-time work and a lot of student loans. My textbooks were so expensive that I had to use a credit card, just to make it through my senior year.

      I paid back every penny of my loans, BTW.

      1. The loans come to you as a check, There is a lot of loan and grant money out there if you are willing to find it. There is a lot of students that dont get into college. At 40,000+ dollars a year just for tuition its pretty much a blank check for some.

        Liberal Democrats a party of Corruption.

                1. It’s not that way anymore. Resources are scarce. I was an honor student and couldn’t get a grant in graduate school because I didn’t fit into a minority category. What grants were left were pitiful and there was a lot of competition for them. True story.

                  Librarianship (teaching and nursing too) is a feminized profession, and grades were less important than equalizing the profession. So, men and certain ethnicities were given grants, but women had to step back.

                  I used to help students with the daunting task of finding loans and grants. There is no such thing as a low-cost college education anymore.

  15. the $10,0000.00 tax payer dollars used to prettify the Fullerton library would have defrayed the cost of digitizing printed materials.

    It would be poetic justice for this looming obsolescence, the Fullerton library,hang-out of the homeless, to be used as a homeless shelter, as it squats next to Fullerton’s city hall where our civic leaders hid the facts that proved their police officers murdered a resident of fullerton, Kelly Thomas, the homeless, disabled man. I would like to see the Fullerton library renamed the Kelly Thomas shelter

      1. That’s true, and it just confirms the fact the way education and libraries are now set up, is doomed, unless government leaders can make better financial decisions.

    1. Is that going to be before, during, or after, the ‘friends of Fullerton’ crucify the homeless starting with Carolyn Phillips. I was at Cal State Fullerton for a year, I left because the pollution is so bad in Fullerton that I was feeling monoxized. Maybe there is nothing to be done about it, but those toxins land in the reservoirs and leech into the water table: toxins bring down the quality of life, and make everyone cranky; it’s such vile air that it’s agony to breathe. I know there is a technical name for it, which escapes me, basin something, for when an area collects bad air. Just in the few hours that I am there for court, sticking my nose into as many homeless goings on as I can, I feel really filthy from the inside out and headachy for hours after. I’m old enough to remember when the library was quiet, the air was clean and when it was not all about commerce. When I encounter homeless people from Fullerton they are discernibly unlike all other homeless people, from the outlying areas; they are more extreme in the behaviours that are identifiably homeless, I suspect; because they have a lack of oxygen in common with each; the outlying homeless do not suffer similarly: Blanketed by monoxized in fullerton as we are.

    2. “the $10,0000.00 tax payer dollars used to prettify the Fullerton library would have defrayed the cost of digitizing printed materials.”

      100% TRUE!

        1. I do. That is why I don’t vote for bonds. Bond money bought a lot of libraries in So Cal, but there hasn’t been enough money to stock or staff them.

          The vision of a “Virtual Library” began many years ago, along with a paperless world. Now it’s possible with the new technology, but it all comes down to money.

    3. Dear Van: Sorry you or your family were not asked what the library’s book budget should be spent on, but this posting is pretty lame.

  16. I recently visited the Fullerton library. It had been several years since I’d been there as I’d been using the Y.L and Brea branches while waiting for the construction to be completed and these others are just closer for me.

    I was looking forward to seeing this grand new palace after learning of the ridiculous 10 MILLION dollar face lift .. Uh, where did they put it?! I don’t see it.

    Firstly the landscaping (i hesitate to call it that) is awful. It’s just dirt. Not even pretty dirt. Dry, compact ugly dirt! Wtf? It really looks terrible. The parking lot (i hesitate to call it that) looks rundown and shabby as well.

    I walked inside thinking they must have put the money in there .. it looks the same to me.

    I don’t see how 10 million dollars could be spent on a library. The toilets should be gold plated for that amount. I just can’t help but think there are a few who made some nice bank off this scam.

  17. well, Im assuming that because Fullerton is considered a “college” town of sorts, that books computer use (some dont have their own) and DVD’s are needed to help students with reports, etc -any monies received should be to address those issues and not the edifice. definitley- In my opinion

    1. “any monies received should be to address those issues and not the edifice. definitley- In my opinion”

      I agree. The money should be used for materials, not the building.

        1. fluff easily scatters away with a slight push. Unfortunately for us, we have to push hard with this recall of Bankhead, McKinley and Jones before these three and their colleagues use our tax dollars on more useless projects , for obfuscating justice in the Kelly Thomas murder and for protecting a fullerton police officers who preyed on the public.

  18. I agree, every page on this site should tie into the most important issue at hand, that of policemisconduct.

  19. just a guy :Clearly it’s your fault for using that off-brand DVD player. What the hell is a “SAMSUNG?”

    is that a joke? or are you a 90 year old living in a retirment home?

    1. was it “Offramp.” or was it “Dumpster.” Do I have an office address? What is it, since I have no office I need to know.

      1. I say “Dumpster”. Shame on you!!!!! Making your living off of homeless people. What a low life you are, and trying to promote your book on a blog. Your an idiot, and a people user. LOW LIFE…..

    2. Did sent your friends, in their usual state of idiotic rage, into my postal suite. Well, I guess they will disappointed that I am not there, for them to set on fire. I’m still wondering why you would prefer to do that than to ask around and try to find ‘Crazy Mary.’ Garden Grove PD keeps tabs on her, maybe she is there. Since you are all advocates for Ron, if not for Kelly, shouldn’t you be interested in clearing his name, even if you don’t give a sh– about the abuse she suffers. But you don’t think you are behaving oddly, do you? Do you ever wonder why you don’t see your kind of comments on other bloggs, but you see a lot of comments similar to mine? Most blogs do not allow the pitching of crap that this one seems to thive on. Or the veiled threats, “I posted your office address.” Are you planning to have me lynched?

          1. cg, I’m sorry, but you lost me, what is “whiting” and what is “OCR.” I’m stumpted. “Policemisconduct equald whiting of Orange County Register?” I still don’t get it.

  20. Netflix is $7.99 a month. You could try Blockbuster video also. I would maybe look at the thrift store for a DVD of a 30 year old movie.
    Life is 10% what happens and 90% how we deal with it. We can live as victims and whine or we can choose to take control of our lives. Thank you for sharing. This is a story that needed to be told.

  21. If you are referring to that “starwar” DVD-
    that was merely an example , evidently ALL, not just the older DVD’s have labels as an obvious, genius attempt to identify that its their property and the label “idea” is worthless and can break a persons DVD machine-I guess they never heard if SHARPIES.

    I think more of the point is to bring to attention how these untrained, “librarians” respond to a simple request for a small refund from a citizen who pays taxes to a government run dept in their city, nothing wrong with that.
    blockbuster, netfix and thriftstores are private businesses and not run by monies from taxpayers-besides its the principle of the thing, you shouldnt have to be obligated to buy something you dont like or want or could harm your property especially by a goverment agency.

    The story IS important and these are things everyone should be made aware of if they pay taxes

    1. “I think more of the point is to bring to attention how these untrained, “librarians” respond to a simple request for a small refund from a citizen”

      Not librarians. They are usually part-timers or library assistants. And they should have a kitty for refunds. That is quite embarrassing considering they just spent millions on the building.

      The top people are responsible for that.

      1. thats why librarians is in quotes. I should have said stable cleaners but I was trying to be nice,

        I find their whole tacky answer that they had just thought up at that moment to give the woman when she returned the DVD and asked for a refund-to be seriously unprofessional-
        No thinking skills necessary to work in this government agency.
        Apparently, there is no accountability there either
        but you do get a pension.

  22. Seer, How old are you? You can’t call it outing if it does not exist, the ‘office’ to which you are refering, as a target for ‘outing,’ is a Post Office Box, a mailing address. It’s not an office. Seriously how old are you? When something is public, in a 450 page book for all of the world to see, you probably should use a word more applicable than ‘outing,’ since ‘outing’ public information, is a contradiction in terms. It’s already out there, in print, which I might add, is available to you, in a book, and you should read the free preview, before you make an even bigger fool of yourself, by ‘outing’ other commonly known facts. It’s a kids book, after all. It lampoons people who write blurb kids book, in fact.

    1. What kind of freak are you? Now you are talking about kids? Or is that Kid parts for sell? You wrote about kid parts for sell. You need to go to jail for a long time.

  23. My other pet peeve is the Council’s choice of trees to plant. One type of trees blocked businesses downtown and overgrew the median, so the City had to rip them up.

    Many trees on parkways near homes are totally overgrown and destroying the sidewalk. My friend could not get them to dig it up until someone fell and threatened to sue the city. Now they are all over trying to fix sidewalks destroyed by roots.

    Can’t they ask somebody at CSUF which type of tree is appropriate??? Or are they giving the contract to a supporter?

    1. Those questions have been bedeviling councils for decades. Their answer? Ignore the problem and keep patching the sidewalks.

    2. Our urban forest’s lack of rain forces trees to be reliant on above ground sprinklers and watering causing trees’ roots to be shallow . Older areas of Los Angeles where there are hundred year old trees, these trees roots have pushed up parts of the sidewalks at least one foot high in places.

  24. A while back someone told me the buissneses, big and small were leaving Fullerton because of the City Council. Does anyone have any details.

    1. Might be the best action for them. The city has gone to crap. Bars, Bars, Bars, Bars,Bars, Bars, Bars, Bars,Bars, Bars, Bars, Bars,Bars, Bars, Bars, Bars,Bars, Bars, Bars, Bars,Bars, Bars, Bars, Bars,Bars, Bars, Bars, Bars,Bars, Bars, Bars, Bars,Bars, Bars, Bars, Bars,Bars, Bars, Bars, Bars,Bars, Bars, Bars, Bars.. That;s this kind of business that as ruined Fullerton, along with terrible development candidates..

  25. Does anyone else notice how ugly and trashy it looks when you pull into the lot at the library? It looks like it hasn’t been tended to in decades. However, the front of City Hall looks fabulous.

  26. “You cannot do terrorism on other people and expect it never to come back on you.” -Reverend Dr. Jeremiah Wright

  27. City Hall got a make-over for the national attention that the media covering the murder of Kelly Thomas brought – that’s why there is a marked difference in appearance.

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